Busy, Busy, Busy, Busy, Busy.
Hi guys, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Welcome Winter! We just wanted to share a quick message with you, KHV, wishing all the best over this holiday period. We hope you got all the presents you could've dreamed of and all the food you could stuff yourself with! I know this is a bit later than usual, but most of the entries were late and Mike unfortunately got too busy to edit. So I've spent some of this Christmas editing together this little video for you all! So you'd better bloody appreciate it! : P But really, from all of us here at on the KHV Staff, thanks for this year. We hope to see you all next year, where we inform you about the latest Kingdom Hearts news and give you access to all the media content as soon as we can. All the best, we;ll see you on the flip side of next year! With lots of love and kisses and hugs, - The KH-Vids.net Staff Team
I'm saying you have no reason to feel threatened by smoke, so you have no reason to to demand they stop doing it in public. Dancing in public or talking to yourself is frowned upon but it isn't illegal nor should it be. If it was a cigarette i'd agree it is harmful, but e-cigs are different and come under different laws and effects. I find people playing music on their phones annoying when i'm on the bus, but I don't demand them to stop doing it. Their right. And if someone says '**** you it's just vapour' then that's rude but at that point it's about their ****** behaviour, not the e-cig. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. E-cigs don't annoy people, people annoy people. People are annoying not inanimate objects. You're exposed to 'bad' stuff you inhale or consume into your body all the time. You're body is pretty smart and can process all the minor bad stuff away. The bad stuff is in small enough quantities that we don't all just die as soon as we breath it in. The reason cities are bad for pollution because of the tight, high buildings with high quantities of traffic passing through. They don't allow the car emissions to disperse away in the air easily as in small, open country roads. You'd be lucky to breath in cigarette smoke whilst riding on a bike, since the smog of the car emissions would be pelting your face. My mate use to cycle semi-professionally, he always told me about the these pollutions facts about car emissions for bikers. You're more likely to die for carbon monoxide poisoning riding a recumbent bike than a regular one. Because you're closer to the exhaust. And cyclists are more likely to be affected by lung illnesses than pedestrians or drivers. Honestly, if you're worried about what you're breathing in when it comes to riding, petition for lower carbon emissions on your roads.
You're inhaling so much stuff you can't even see that I'm sure you don't know or simply ignrore because it doesn't affect your health. It's invisible smoke essentially, smaller more separated chemicals floating in the air. As soon as step outside you're breathing oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, nicotine, pollen, dirt, water vapour, other people's pheromones, other people's saliva, methane from other people's farts, hair, dust, cobwebs, faeces, etc. Vapour in your face is noting new, and it doesn't affect you anymore outside than regular smoke would. It's worse if yore indoors because the fragments linger in the end area, outside the affects are neglible to normal air. it's cigarette smoke, it's not a chemical bioweapon. As long as it is irregular exposure and outdoors, there is no statistical reason it would affect you, apart from the thoughts smoke evokes like being offended.
Merry Christmas Oda! Thank you!
Vapour. Not proper cigarettes. Different substances. Like the difference between a splif and a cigar. Also addictions are serious problems. Not all people who smoke addicts.
I'd rather my mum smoked e-cigs than the real thing. Cheaper, healthier, cleaner. That's my stance.
Can anyone on the site translate written Japanese fluently to English? And please, no google translate, I mean a real member that can.
Doesn't this go against your OP?
Did you laugh? If I'm the victim of a joke it'd better at least make people laugh. Otherwise, I wish for it to stop, lest it festers like a bad smell. If it's humorous, carry on.
Could you guys quote next time? I'm ill and completely forgetting I’ve posted stuff like this or that it even got replies. Thanks, darlings. The below is good for anyone to read, btw. It addresses some of other peeps ideas and comments I believe. Also, favourite comedians? Lee Mack Al Murray Lenny Henry Bill Bailey More, but I can't think, honestly. ? I didn't do it because of you or any of the aforementioned people. I don’t even know when you’re being humorous or not, until you tell me, and when you have to explain a joke after telling it, the laughter is lost and is not that funny. Not to say it’s not a joke to everyone else, but if I don’t get it, it’s not a joke to me. Same goes with you or anyone else. Internet walls of clear emotion and execution of jokes, and makes it harder to tell them, believe me. And, no offence to the others you’ve named, I don’t see them enough to know their humour or if they’re being humorous. I did this thread because I see people who make insulting and offensive but unfunny ‘jokes’. I’ve been seeing youtube news clips of soldiers laughing at people they execute and make jokes about, and the comments defending their ‘humour’. It sparked a need for me to vent my thoughts. But that’s obviously the extreme I’ve looked at. Still, talking about unfunny jokes, I see those pranks like that whole carry milk in a supermarket, throw it in the air and act like you’ve tripped when no one’s looking. That’s immature humour twelve year olds do. Like getting kicked in the groin. There’s an audience for that though, people from Jackass and such make millions off of doing the most childish of things. But it’s not slapstick, which is planned and calculated, and cane make perfectly good comedy and humour. But burning your arse hairs is just there tickling the immature child inside, who also finds farts to be funny in and of themselves. It’s infantile and I will say I’m not a fan. But talking of offensive or insulting jokes. Murder, paedophilia, bestiality and their worse ilk. Some are funny, but they really push the boundaries on what’s socially acceptable. Not all of them are forgivable, and some even invoke anything but humour. Hate, anger, sadness, some have even committed suicide from said jokes. But sometimes they are needed. Take the Aristocrat joke, centuries old, which comedians get away with using, even today. It’s considered the most offensive, derogatory and immoral joke ever, and is basically a rant of the worst things you can imagine. A comedian who performed in New York shortly after 9/11 was failing to get any laughs in his club. Understandable. But after so long of no laughs, he pushed it and performed the Aristocrat joke. The audience laughed and laughed at it. In my opinion a terrible joke for a comedian to tell. It was unoriginal and, as I said, just plain wrong. But people laughed. Faced with the horror around them, those people laughed at something equivalent to their horror or worse. Not saying people can’t enjoy ‘bad’ jokes or not, I’m saying they really ought to try harder to get a laugh than rely on the shocking and taboo. I get off on this because I’m taking a module in The History, Theory and Performance of Stand Up Comedy for my Uni course. And if I’m a decent student, which I try to be, I’ve been picking up the odd bit of knowledge on the subject of comedy and humour. I was sharing my own observations, as per usual. Comedy is an art form. The arts. Comedy itself has been around for over a millennia, across multiple cultures, with people like Cicero and Socrates considering it to be an art, and I agree with these dead Roman philosophers. If magicians and performing magic are considered art forms, than comedy bloody well is. People need to work harder at everything. If you accept second best, you’re not going to improve. I admit, I don’t try 100% in everything but when it matters I do try. And I am not a master of comedy, but I don’t need to be to tell if someone is good. I can tell who is a good teacher and who is not, I don’t have to have mastered the art of teaching to know. I don’t think I’m good. No comedian or artist or musician or writer should ever think they’re good. That’s what makes them try to be good. Because feeling like they haven’t done good enough means they will try to do even better next time, and the next, and the next. If I accepted the first draft of my writing, the first joke I tell, without looking back on it and thinking ‘Where can I do better?’ I’d be failing my work and disrespecting those that have to read or hear it. I’ve said it plenty of times, I respect people who try to change and improve themselves and frown upon those who don’t. Doesn’t mean I dislike them, hell, one of my best friends is still the same self-destructive arsehole I’ve known for over 7 years, and I still love him. But if anyone does an art form, they better be trying to improve, otherwise they’ll get nowhere with it. And yes, I do believe they should be judged if they do or show it publicly. I laugh at my mates humour even if it’s not necessarily funny to me and I suspect they do the same, because they’re my friends. But when they make really racist jokes or comments, I’m going to judge them and openly in fact. I tell them how **** their joke was because it wasn’t funny and was racist. This also means I should be judged. I have been judged and will be. Part of this stand-up comedy module means doing a stand-up performance. On Jan 10th, I’ll be performing a five minute set of my own stand up. I’ve already performed in front of my class. I’ve had massive laughs and no laughs at all. I’ve improved my act around that. Something I thought was hilarious wasn’t getting the desired effect at all. I dumped the joke and have to come up with a better one to replace it. Only by being judged have I found where I need to improve. I welcome critical feedback. You probs don’t like my humour because you don’t like me. I think it’s obvious, even to you I hope that your bias makes you hate or love something more on principle then actual worth or credit. Or you just don’t like my humour. I don’t like all comedians. I cringe at most one line acts because their jokes are terrible. I don’t expect anyone to like me just because someone else does or might like me. I’ve not got that much of an ego. But I don’t find your humour funny, especially the over use of the word ‘*****’ or its variants. Not only do I find it offensive but it’s not making me laugh. It’s like using swear words excessively to try and make something funny. It’s a cheap laugh. Also, this Goddamit business. Don’t get it. If you’re trying to make me laugh, try a broader joke that I’ll get.
So if I type in Amaury nothing comes up? But if I type @Amaury it will? This is a test. EDIT: Ohhhhhhhhhh, so it has to be your current @Volk to work?
I accept everything but P3P, since it's a re release of a PS2 game. Might play like a different game, but it's till the PS2 game it originally was. Apart from that I have to obviously allow any KH game on the list (look at the site banner for crying out loud). If you nominated another game that wasn't P3P, this frown on my face might disappear.
Not holiday centric but I get to my Uni by train and bus, and they offer plenty opportunities for helpfulness. - Returned a purse to an old lady dropped - Helped direct a group of people to Heathrow airport on the train line, and carry some luggage for them. - Caught someone from falling over when the bus suddenly stopped. - Stopped some teens shouting at an old couple who they had complained to them about not giving up the seats, playing music or moving their legs from the aisles to let people walk down the bus. - Stopped a shouting fight on a train carriage between two women by swapping places with them (fun story, believe me) - With a couple of other people, helped a girl who had an epileptic fit and had hit her head. Moving her on her side, keeping her warm on the outdoor platform, etc, till the ambulance crew arrived. - Bus died, all electronics died so the doors wouldn't open and we got evacuated through the back of the bus' emergency exit. The bus driver was really not in the mood to deal with it, I could tell. So I helped getting people off the bus, considering the emergency exit was high of the ground, I helped with supporting the couple of disabled guys and so on. It was fairly dangerous, since we were unloading on a main road that goes bout 40mph, bus driver even got clipped by a wing mirror. None of it is hard to do, so just do it. Does good or you and others.
Oh god a tag! I wondered what the hell happened when hat came up. Phew. Okay, I'm calm now. Thanks Amaury.
I didn't bother making this type of list for a few reasons. The main ones being I don't try to play bad games, I don't remember bad games and most people will have e same opinions on hated games. Also, I like celebrating gaming, I feel like it gets demonised enough by gamers and non gamers like. That being said I'll try and list some bad games i've played. Star Wars: Force Unleashed II Shadowrun Crackdown 2 Uncharted games (I just really don't like em, they're not all bad, but geez)
I was expecting "I hate to agree with PaW, since I loath the very ground he walks upon... but..." Pleasantly surprised, and thanks for reading.
hey I mean selective as what I like. I now probably know a good deal of American history now on top of British and Asian.
Real selective history but I try my best c :
If watched anime, i'd be in stitches right now. Fixed.