I'll be honest, I've never even heard of Hisense before reading this. Still, I don't see why it shouldn't work (assuming you have enough space and could download it). Have you made sure Ux was the only app running when you tried opening it? Also, might be a good idea to check if other apps could be downloaded and opened without issues. If the same problem happens with other apps, there might be an issue with the tablet itself.
The latest NPD Group report on U.S. video game sales in April has shown that 'Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5 ReMix' (which was released March 28th stateside), was at #14 in terms of sales. The full chart can be viewed below: View attachment 47361
~Crystal Order HQ~ Spoiler: BGM "Of course, Lord Astral," Hive replied as Astral teleported away. Getting up, Hive told Lash, "Guess I must relay this information to Al Mualim." "I wonder how Xehanort's attempt to kill Harriet Jones goes," Lash commented. "Considering he was able to defeat Shadow Mario, I'm sure this'll be a rather easy task for him," Hive replied as he left to go see Al Mualim. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Imperial Palace - Front Entrance~ "And we're here!" Hiccup announced as he, Manon, Harry, and Toothless arrived to the Imperial Palace. "Wow... it's even better than the pictures I've seen of it!" Manon exclaimed, amazed by the Imperial Palace. "Leemo!" Harry concurred. "Okay, bud... think you'll be alright waiting for us outside?" Hiccup asked his dragon as he pet him, with Toothless replying with a nod. "Good boy," Hiccup told Toothless as he, Manon, and Harry entered the Imperial Palace. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Gringey City, Japan - Outside Abandoned Pym Tech Factory~ "So I've been thinking... could I add some upgrades to the suit?" Hiro asked Dr. Hank Pym as they and the others were exiting the factory, "I had this idea of adding a touchscreen to one of the bracers to-" "Whatever you wanna do, Hiro," Pym interrupted Hiro, "It's your suit now. You decide what to do with it." "Thanks, Dr. Pym," Hiro thanked Pym, smiling at him. "Anyway, it's getting late right now. Have to get back home to grade some quizzes," Pym said, "Wish I could help you guys out more, but for now, this is the best I could do." "And we appreciate it," Nick Fury replied. "Yeah, we're really thankful, Hank," Fitz added. Smiling, Pym said, "Good to hear. I'll come back tomorrow evening to check on you guys. Take care." Pym then walked over to his vehicle, and drove away while Hiro and the others watched. "Well... I know it's not the most attractive place," Jemma told the others as they turned to look at the abandoned factory, "But... given the circumstances... this now is our home... sort of..." "Fine by me," May replied as she went in. As the others followed May, Skye noticed Hiro was still standing, asking, "Hey, you comin'?" "Yeah, I'll be there in a sec," Hiro replied. Nodding, Skye returned to the factory. As for Hiro, he looked up at the sky, still trying to wrap his mind around the fact that he now was in possession of a suit that gave him powers. Sighing, Hiro noticed an ant flying towards him... "Oh hey there, Antony," Hiro said upon recognizing the ant, holding out his index finger for Antony to land in. Once Antony landed on his finger, Hiro walked towards the factory as he continued, "Looks like I'm gonna be practicing to fly with you a lot." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Minato District: Wolverine and Yukio's Home~ As Logan and Jack were continuing with their game of backgammon, Logan asked, "Hey, Jack... mind if I ask you something?" "Sure... go right ahead, mate," Sparrow replied. "Well... ever since the day Yukio helped out those two guys from the bar... Peppy and Phil Coulson... the same day as the incident in Toshima happened... I've been having... visions of sort. But the thing is... they felt a lot like memories, things that I'm pretty sure happened. They mostly involved me battling creatures similar to the ones from Toshima... the ones they call S-types. And... you're in those visions too, Jack. Tell me... have we met before the day I woke up in the hospital and you introduced yourself to me?" Logan questioned. "Do you really want to know?" Jack asked Logan after nearly a minute of silence. "I think I have a right to know, Jack," Wolverine replied. "Very well, mate," Sparrow said, sighing as he started to explain to Logan his past, from the moment Jack and his comrades met Wolverine in an island in the Pacific ocean thirty years prior, battling S-types shortly after (and what S-types are in general), how Logan lost his memory as a result of the battle, and how Jack volunteered to take care of Logan. "... And that's how you came to be where you are today. It was either giving you a new life here in Japan under my supervision, or leave you stranded as a homeless man in America with no one to look out for you," Jack said after finishing explaining to Logan, "I'm truly sorry I never told you all this before, but... I was always advised not to do that. Something about messing up your mind permanently." After hearing what Jack said, Logan remained silent for a while before saying, "I forgive you." "I beg your pardon?" a surprised Jack questioned Logan. "I forgive you," Logan repeated, "For not telling me all these years. Because despite keeping this secret from me... I'm truly happy for the life I'm living here, with you, Pipsqueak, and Yukio. I wouldn't trade it for the world. So, thank you, Jack, for everything you've done for me." Smiling, Jack replied, "What are friends for?" Smiling back, Wolverine continued, "And these S-types... based on what you just told me about them, I'm guessing the reason Coulson and Peppy lied about them that day to Yukio and myself was because they were meant to be a secret?" "I would assume so," Jack replied, "I mean, they still sort of should remain a secret, but ever since Toshima, there's been a gray area around this issue. As far as the public is concerned, S-types are nothing but a new Pokemon species, savvy?" "Understood," Logan answered as he and Jack continued with their game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Pacific Ocean~ As she was sailing back towards her home, Moana noticed something in the distance. "What is that?" Moana wondered out loud, squinting her eyes as she tried to see what it was she saw. As she got closer to it, Moana noticed that what she saw was three interconnected ships that looked like three islands, and the ones using these ships were dozens of Kakamora, a diminutive race of pirates donning armor made of coconuts. "Kakamora!" Moana cried as she tried to sail away from them... Spoiler: BGM Moana tried hard to sail in the opposite direction of the Kakamora, but the wind direction wasn't in her favor, with her raft sailing slowly while the Kakamora were catching up to her as the sound of their battle drums grew louder and louder. "Not good!" Moana said to herself as the Kakamora threw spears attached to rope towards her raft to drag it towards their ships. Summoning her Keyblade, Moana detached the rope connecting the spears to the Kakamora's ships, yelling, "You guys wanna fight?! I'll give you a fight!" In response, the Kakamora all took out blow guns, each ready to use it to shoot blow darts at Moana. "Me and my big mouth..." Moana said to herself, groaning at the fact she now needed to focus on not getting hit by the Kakamora's blow darts. As the Kakamora began to shoot blow darts towards Moana, she surrounded herself with a Barrier using her Keyblade. But as the Kakamora continued shooting blow darts at her, the Barrier protecting her was getting weaker, with Moana commenting, "I can't... hold it... much longer..." Once the Kakamora stopped, the Barrier around Moana disappeared as she collapsed, panting as she was exhausted from using too much of her energy to summon the Barrier that protected her. However, the Kakamora were not finished yet, refilling their blow guns with even more blow darts to shoot at Moana. "You have got to be kidding me..." Moana complained as she slowly got up, ready to defend herself once more despite being exhausted. But as she took a deep breath, she heard a familiar cry of an eagle. Looking around, she noticed Maui flying towards the area where she and the Kakamora were... "Maui?" Moana wondered out loud as Maui transformed back to his human form and landed in the biggest Kakamora ship with his Keyblade in hand... As he let out a battle cry, Maui proceeded in attacking the Kakamora with his Keyblade as they were trying to attack him with their knives, clubs, and spears. Despite outnumbering him, the Kakamora were no match for Maui, who kept swinging his Keyblade left and right, knocking any Kakamora that tried attacking him. As for Moana, she simply stood and watched as Maui was dealing with the Kakamora. Once the Kakamora surrounding him started to retreat, Maui did a back-flip, and landed right next to Moana in her raft, with Moana questioning, "What're you doing?" "Saving your life. You're welcome, by the way," Maui replied. "I didn't need your help!" Moana retorted, "I could've taken care of them all on my own!" "Oh really? That is something I would absolutely LOVE to see!" Maui sarcastically insulted Moana. But as the two bickered, one of the Kakamora grabbed a blow gun, and shot a blow dart that hit Maui's butt, causing him to collapse to the ground and making him physically inert, unable to move his legs or arms. "Really? Blow dart in my buttcheek," Maui complained. Giggling, Moana said, "Well, now that you can't do a thing, let me show you how I was going to take care of this problem." Summoning a large bowl of fire, Moana attempted to do a Firaga Burst attack, knocking the ball of fire into the air above the Kakamora. The ball of fire then rained down smaller fireballs towards the Kakamora's ship, completely destroying them as some Kakamora were panicking and abandoning ship in defeat. "Wow..." Maui commented in awe after he saw what Moana did, "Alright, I'll admit... that was pretty awesome." "Hehe, let's get you back home, Master," Moana said as she began to sail away from the area, heading back to Maui's island. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. - Cid's Warehouse~ "Eh, I guess," Cid replied to his granddaughter, yawning as he stretched, "Anyway, I'm exhausted. Was a long day today. Night!" As Cid walked away to go to sleep, BB-8 rolled over to the TV remote on the ground, rolling on top of the power button to switch the television off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Imperial Palace - Front Entrance (Again)~ After taking the bus to the Imperial Palace, Grandpa Hino arrived to the place with his granddaughter and Chad, announcing, "We're here!" "Piplup!" Chad cheered. "So, Rei... do you see your friends around here?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Tsukino Household~ Slowly and steadily stitching the wound on the back side of Darien's shoulder, Claire said, "And... done. Well, at least for the back side. Sammy, give me the gauze from my bag." "Got it," Sammy replied as he grabbed the gauze from Claire's bag, giving it to her, "Here." "Thanks," Claire thanked Sammy, taking the gauze from Sammy as well as as grabbing the masking tape that Sammy brought her earlier. Covering the stitched wound with some gauze, Claire taped the fabric thoroughly before signalling to Ikuko and Kenji to lower Darien back so that she could work on the wound on Darien's front side. Nodding, Ikuko and Kenji did as they were instructed, slowly lowering Darien so that he was lying on his back once again in the couch, while Rini turned around to see how Claire was doing with Darien. "Okay... time to get started on the other wound," Claire commented. However, before Claire could even prepare to stitch, Darien went into shock, with his body starting to shake violently and his breathing increasing rapidly. "No, no, no, no!" Claire cried as she quickly checked Darien's pulse while Rini was shocked by what she just saw, covering her mouth. "Claire, what's happening?!" Ikuko questioned. "He's gone into shock!" Claire replied, "He's got a weak but rapid pulse. If I don't anything to stop it, he will die!" Gasping, Rini thought to herself, 'No...' "This is not good..." Kenji commented as Claire quickly grabbed a syringe and a vial with medicine to help with blood pressure, hoping it'll treat Darien's shock immediately. Drawing the medicine out of the vial with the syringe, Claire quickly injected Darien with it despite his body still shaking. "Come on, come on..." Claire said as she threw the syringe away, hoping Darien's shock would end. However, no change happened, disappointing Claire and the others. "No... don't you die on me! You hear me, don't you die!" Claire yelled to Darien, quickly trying to think of another way to save him before it's too late. "Darien, you can't die! You can't!" Rini cried as tears rolled down her face. "Rini," Sammy told Rini, trying to comfort her as she hugged him while sobbing at the thought that Darien was going to die. As Darien's body continued to shake violently, his right hand passed by Serena's hand, grabbing it quickly. The moment he grabbed Serena's hand, he felt a sense of familiarity, and had a soothing image in his mind of the princess he dreamed about all the time, smiling at him. Miraculously, Darien began to calm down as he continued holding Serena's hand, with his breathing returning to normal, surprising Claire and the others. Checking his pulse, Claire commented, "I don't believe it... his pulse is normal. It's as though he never went to shock in the first place." "He's... smiling..." Ikuko commented as she noticed the unconscious Darien's face. Staring at Darien and Serena's hands before shifting her attention to Serena, Claire said, "I don't know what you're doing Serena, but... might be a good idea to keep holding his hand. Maybe even talking to him could help calm him even more." Smiling, Sammy told Rini, "See, he's gonna live. You gonna be okay?" Wiping her tears off her face, Rini smiled back and replied, "Yeah." "So... now what?" Kenji asked. "Well, it's back to stitching his front wound," Claire responded, removing the towel covering Darien's wound on the front side of his shoulder, handing it to Ikuko, "Ikuko, would you mind?" Nodding, Ikuko took the towel away as Claire began to stitch the wound. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Imperial Palace~ Sitting among the row of seats placed for guests of the concert, Sunset Shimmer looked up the the sky through the building's wide circular open roof, thinking about her discussion with Xehanort earlier. "Hey there! Here already?" Vanitas greeted Sunset Shimmer as he sat next to her, wearing a suit for the occasion... "Y-yeah," Sunset replied. "Cool," Vanitas commented as he watched individuals in the area socializing with one another, "I personally can't wait to see what Xehanort cooks up." "Right..." Sunset Shimmer replied, trying hard to smile.
Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra
I tend to use Divine Rose simply becuase it has the highest stats out of all my Keyblades. As for Medal... This. That medal is such a blessing.
Finally, I'm in the top 3! Too bad it'll only be for this week lol
*Raises hand* I usually have them on the veggie pizzas I eat
Awesome! Congratulations. Also... The story of my post graduate life.
The only time I actually have pineapple on a pizza is when I get a Hawaiian BBQ chicken pizza, and I like it. Can't see myself having pineapple for other kinds of pizza though.
Assuming that E3 is when we (hopefully) start getting constant KH3 news, late 2018 is a pretty realistic release window
Yeah, getting a release year might be asking too much. But considering it's been so damn long since the last trailer that featured new stuff... they better have one
A Shadow Heartless plush and two Keyblade keychains (Fenrir and Ultima Weapon) can now be pre-ordered from Square-Enix's North American online store, with all three items coming this month. You can check out how the items will look below: View attachment 47333 View attachment 47336 View attachment 47334 View attachment 47337 View attachment 47335 View attachment 47338 View attachment 47339 View attachment 47340 View attachment 47341 View attachment 47342 The plush will cost $34.99 while the two keychains will be $19.99 each.
You're back! Please stay!
I really hope Square-Enix redeems itself this E3 for not showing us any major KH3 news in almost two years by giving us the massive KH3 info dump we were promised to get back in winter (yes, I know we got a few screenshots every now and then, but that's not good enough!)
The cover artwork of the upcoming light novel, 'Kingdom Hearts II: The Novel Volume 1' (set for release on June 20th), has been revealed, and can be viewed below: View attachment 47332 'Kingdom Hearts II: The Novel Volume 1' can be pre-ordered from the following links: Amazon RightStuf Book Depository Barnes & Noble In other related news, the second volume of the aforementioned light novel has been confirmed to be released on December 12 (and can be pre-ordered on Amazon and Barnes & Noble).
Japanese retailer CaféReo has revealed an upcoming smartphone case based on 'Kingdom Hearts Union X[cross]', which you can check out below: View attachment 47315 View attachment 47316 View attachment 47317 View attachment 47318 The smartphone case will be released in June, and will cost ¥4,800 (around $43).
Although I hated the design of the original 2DS, this new version of it looks so much better, making it feel like an actual member of the 3DS family of handheld consoles as opposed to a door stopper (seriously, who designed that thing?!). If I didn't already have a 3DS, I would've seriously considered buying this.
Although I don't go to either one, I'd rather go to Domino's than Pizza Hut. Marco's Pizza > everything else
~Island in the Pacific Ocean~ As she walked back to her raft after Maui told her to leave, Moana started to reminisce what happened hours earlier in the islands she called home... Spoiler: Flashback in Moana's Mind ~Destiny Islands - Somwehre in the Pacific Ocean~ "Moana, I don't want to hear anymore of this nonsense about you going to find Maui alone to train! You'll be a Keyblade Master when you're ready, and you certainly aren't ready yet. And most importantly, don't you even think about leaving Destiny Islands! I've told you before again and again, never leave the island unless you must! Understood?" The stern words of her father put a damper on Moana, who was sitting on the shore of the main island in Destiny Islands, looking at the nearby island that she would usually hang out with her friends before shifting her attention to the ocean as she started to sing... Spoiler: BGM [Moana] I've been staring at the edge of the water Long as I can remember Never really knowing why I wish I could be the perfect daughter But I come back to the water No matter how hard I try *Getting up, Moana slowly walks along the shore* [Moana] Every turn I take, every trail I track Every path I make, every road leads back To the place I know where I cannot go Where I long to be *Moana gets on the raft she usually takes to the nearby island while looking at the ocean in front of her* [Moana] See the line where the sky meets the sea It calls me And no one knows How far it goes If the wind in my sail on the sea Stays behind me One day, I'll know If I go, there's just no telling how far I'll go *Getting off her raft, Moana slowly walks back to the main island's town, passing by residents who would greet her* [Moana] I know everybody on this island Seems so happy on this island Everything is by design I know everybody on this island Has a role on this island So maybe I can roll with mine I can lead with pride I can make us strong I'll be satisfied if I play along But the voice inside Sings a different song What is wrong with me? *Turning around, Moana looks at the ocean once again, deciding to go with her guts and sail out to find Maui* [Moana] See the light as it shines on the sea It's blinding But no one knows How deep it goes And it seems like it's calling out to me So come find me And let me know What's beyond that line? Will I cross that line? *Upon arriving to her raft, Moana begins to sail away* [Moana] The line where the sky meets the sea It calls me And no one knows How far it goes If the wind in my sail on the sea Stays behind me One day, I'll know How far I'll go! "Maybe Dad was right..." Moana said to herself as she arrived to her raft and began to sail away. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Crystal Order HQ~ Spoiler: BGM Approaching Astral, Hive and Lash both knelt in front of their leader, with Hive speaking, "Lord Astral... the attempt to finish off Mario and Luigi has unfortunately failed, largely in part due to allies of the two appearing and giving them an advantage against us. And right now, Mario and Luigi are heading back to Tokyo." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Minato District: Wolverine and Yukio's Home~ "Jack," Logan greeted his neighbor, letting him inside his home, "How's Pipsqueak?" "The lad's fine," Jack replied as he took a seat, "Doing his homework right now. Where's Yukio?" "Taking a nap. She's had a long day," Logan answered as he placed a backgammon board on the table in front of Jack, sitting opposite of him so the two could play the game, "Sorry, but we're out of rum right now." "Why is the rum always gone?" Jack wondered to himself as Logan opened the board to set up the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Gringey City, Japan - Abandoned Pym Tech Factory~ *Cue Montage Sequence!* Spoiler: BGM "In the right hands, the relationship between man and suit is symbiotic," Pym told Hiro as they were standing in a hallway, "The suit has power, the man harnesses that power. You need to be skillful, agile, and above all, you need to be fast. You should be able to shrink and grow on a dime, so your size always suits your needs." "Got it," Hiro replied to Pym as he was about to try the suit out, "Here goes nothing..." Pressing a button on the right glove of the suit, Hiro began to shrink until he was the size of an ant. "Woah!" Hiro cried, surprised to see how everything around him suddenly felt so big. "Your scale and mass have been greatly reduced," Baymax told the tiny Hiro as he bent down to him, "Other than that, you appear to be completely healthy." "This is... awesome! Hehe..." Hiro said to himself as he pressed the button on his left glove, growing back to normal size. "Growing and shrinking is one thing. Now let's see you put it into good use," Hank Pym said as he and Nick Fury entered a room and closed the door, "Now dive through the door's keyhole, Hiro. You charge big, you dive small, then you emerge big." "Alright," Hiro replied as he got ready and charged towards the keyhole, jumping as he shrunk. However, he missed the keyhole, and smashed into the door instead and falling to the floor. "On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your pain?" Baymax asked Hiro as he grew back to normal size. "Not now Baymax, I gotta try this again," Hiro replied, as he attempted to jump through the keyhole again and again, with every attempt ending in failure, Hiro crying "Ow", and Baymax asking "On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your pain?". And as Hiro continued to try and fail, Fury and Pym both looked at each each other, shaking their heads in disappointment. *************************** Meanwhile, as May was about to train Hiro on fighting, Pym said, "When you’re small energy is compressed so you have the force of a two hundred pound man behind a fist a hundredth of an inch wide, you’re like a bullet. You punch too hard, you kill someone, too soft, it’s a love-tap." "In other words, you have to know how to punch," May added. "That's easy! Everyone knows how to punch," Hiro replied. "Oh, really?" May questioned Hiro, "Show me." As May held up her hand for Hiro to punch, Hiro did as May asked him to, punching May's hand, who wasn't exactly impressed. "Terrible," May commented. "You want to show me how to punch?" Hiro questioned as he held up his hand for May to punch, "Show m-" Hiro was suddenly interrupted as May punched him in the face, knocking him back. "That's how you punch," May told Hiro. "No kiddin'," Hiro replied as he got back up. "Alright princess, let’s get back to work," May told Hiro, ready to train him even harder. "Were you going for the hand?" Hiro questioned May. **************************** Outside the factory, Pym was standing with Jemma as she was carrying a tablet, with the two watching as Hiro used the Ant-Man suit to shrink. "You’ve learned about the suit, but you’ve yet to learn about your greatest allies... the ants. Loyal, brave, and your partners," Pym told the tiny-sized Hiro, who ran to a crack in the ground and jumped inside it. Under the earth, Hiro found himself inside a tunnel-way that was built by different insects, particularly ants. As he explored the tunnel, Hiro found a group of small yellow ants. Using her tablet to scan the ants that Hiro encountered, Jemma contacted Hiro via her earpiece, saying, "Those are paratrechina longicornis, commonly known as crazy ants. They’re lightning fast and can conduct electricity, which makes them useful to fry out electronics." As one of the crazy ants approached Hiro, he bent down to pet it, saying, "Oh, you’re not so crazy. You’re kinda cute." Continuing his trek across the tunnel, Hiro came across a group of large black ants. Scanning them from the outside with her tablet, Jemma said, "Paraponera clavata, also known as bullet ants." "Bullet ants, huh?" Hiro commented as he passed by the bullet ants, who looked at him suspiciously, "Hey guys, don't mind me. Just passing through." As he continued, Hiro found a group of ants joining together to create a bridge for other ants to cross to another side of the tunnel-way. "Wow, that's so cool!" Hiro said in awe. Scanning with her tablet once again, Jemma told Hiro, "Those are solenopsis mandibularis." "Known for their bite, the fire ants are remarkable architects," Dr. Pym added, "They are handy to get you in and out of difficult places." "I see," Hiro replied as he continued on his way, "Okay, Who's next?" Arriving to a group of winged ants, Jemma scanned them with her tablet, telling Hiro, "Camponotus pennsylvanicus. Alternatively known as carpenter ants. Ideal for ground and air transport." One of the carpenter ants approached Hiro, sensing him with its feelers, which made Hiro feel nervous. "This feels... weird..." Hiro nervously said. Eventually, the ant cuddled Hiro, indicating that it liked him. "Heh, you're not so bad," Hiro commented as he pet the ant, "I think I'm going to call him Antony." "That’s good. That’s very good, because eventually you’re going to have to learn how to control him and other ants," Dr. Pym replied to Hiro. ******************************* Continuing to train in fighting with May, the two tried to land a punch and kick to the other, with the attack always getting deflected. Eventually, Hiro manages to land a painful blow to May's left shoulder. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Hiro apologized, "Are you oka-" May interrupted Hiro by suddenly punching him in his face and knocking him down with her legs. "Never let your guard down," May told Hiro. "I'll... be sure to remember that," Hiro replied. ********************************* As Hiro joined Fitz and Pym outside for target practice, Pym told Hiro, "The suit has no weapons, so I instead, I'd use one of these in the old days." Showing Hiro two different colored shurikens, Pym continued, "Red shrinks. Blue enlarges. Go ahead, give 'em a try." Setting up a table with a hammer on top of it, Fitz said, "You can try 'em on these, Hiro." "Got it!" Hiro responded as he threw the red shuriken to the table, and the blue shuriken to the hammer. And just as Pym said, the shurikens caused the table to shrink into the size of an ant, while the hammer grew into a supersized hammer. "Bloody hell..." Fitz said to himself as he observed the now large hammer and the mini table. "Woah..." Hiro said in awe after realizing the capabilities of Pym's shurikens. ************************************** Back inside the factory, Pym handed Hiro a special earpiece, saying, "You could use this to communicate with ants, allowing you to order them what to do. Give it a try with that coin you see on the floor. Get some ants to spin it." "B-but how do I exactly communicate with the ants?" Hiro questioned as he put on the earpiece. "It's just like the neurotransmitter you used to control the microbots you designed," Hank Pym replied, "If you can think it, the ants will do it." "Just like the microbots... alright..." Hiro said to himself as he looked at the coin on the floor, picturing ants spinning it. Eventually, a couple of ants actually arrived to where the coin was, and Hiro watched as they worked together to spin the coin, just as he intended. "How's that?" Hiro asked Pym. "Not bad, not bad at all," Hank replied. ************************************* Having successfully learned how to control ants, Hiro went back to the ant tunnel-ways, leading an army of ants while he flew on the back of Antony, the ant he befriended earlier. "Woohoo! Yeah!" Hiro cheered as he looked back and saw the ants continue to charge towards the direction Antony was flying. ************************************* Back inside the factory, Hiro was going to try to jump through a keyhole once again. Charging towards the door, Hiro jumped as he began to shrink, and managed to finally dive through the keyhole, growing back to normal size in front of Nick Fury and Hank Pym. "Nailed it!" Hiro cheered. "About damn time," Fury commented. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Gringey City, Japan - Outside Abandoned Pym Tech Factory~ While Hiro was training to become Ant-Man, Skye and Shining Armor were sitting outside, staring silently at the abandoned factories in the area. "Think Hiro could learn how to use Pym's outfit pretty quick?" Shining Armor asked Skye. "I'm sure he could," Skye replied, "Hiro could do anything he puts his mind to." "I agree," Shining Armor concurred, "Skye... is something bothering you?" "Apart from finding out that the J.I.A. is essentially part of the Crystal Order, and that I still have a murderous father somewhere out there... I'm worried about Darien," Skye replied, "For all we know, he could be dead or captured by now. And the fact that we don't even know what's going on with him right now is killing me." "I know it's tough," Shining Armor said, "You think I'm not worried about him. I am. And not just him. What about any of our other friends in the J.I.A... are they safe, or... are they really our friends and not secretly members of the Crystal Order?" "Also... Cadance and the rest of your family," Skye replied, "You're worried about them too, right?" "More than you can imagine," Shining Armor answered, "I wanna talk to them so badly, but knowing if I try to make any sort of contact with them, the J.I- no, the Crystal Order will find out for sure, and they could do something terrible to them. I can't risk their lives." "Guess we both have something worrying us," Skye commented. "Yeah..." Shining Armor replied, "Just yesterday, it felt like any other normal day. Well, apart from finding out I'm gonna be a dad. And then this happens..." Hugging Shining Armor, Skye said, "Everything will get better. I don't know how, or when, but I just know that things will get better. So don't worry." As Skye hugged him, Shining Armor couldn't help but feel that Skye reminded him a lot of his sister, Twilight Sparkle. Smiling, Shining Armor hugged Skye back, replying, "Thanks, Skye." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~The Imperial Palace - Security Checkpoint~ "Thank you. Move along," Officer Jenny and Don Eppes repeated as they checked the IDs of people wanting to go to the Imperial Palace for the Festival of Snowflakes, and then permitted them to drive to the parking lot. Sighing, Eppes complained, "The chief just had to give us security checkpoint duty..." "Hey, beats parking duty," Jenny replied. "Yeah, true..." Eppes agreed as he and Jenny continued checking IDs and allowing cars to pass, "So, how's Carter?" "Still beating himself up over his cousin's murder," Jenny answered. "Seriously? He's really gotta let it go," Eppes commented, "What happened wasn't his fault at all." "I know, I know," Jenny replied, "And I told him that myself. He just needs more time." "Perhaps..." Eppes concurred as he and Jenny continued with their job. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Imperial Palace - Rear Entrance~ As a couple of Music students have gathered in the rear entrance of the Imperial Palace (including Gaston), Will Smith and Carlton Banks arrived after their family dropped them off at the front entrance... "Yo yo yo, Will Smith is in da house!" Will declared as he entered with his cousin, who were both wearing suits. "Keep it down, Will," Carlton berated his cousin, "Can't you see everyone needs some quiet to focus for the performance." "Hey, come on Carlton, don't tell me you're nervous about performing," Will replied. "Pfffft, no!" Carlton exaggeratedly answered. And as Will turned away to talk to other students, Carlton began to shiver out of fear, thinking to himself, 'Oh man, oh man, oh man... it's almost time for the performance.' "Hehe, yeah, I remember the first time I had to perform in front of a large crowd," Gaston told Carlton, "I was so nervous that all my sweat could flood Tokyo." "Really?" Carlton asked Gaston. "Nope! Psych!" Gaston replied as he laughed, while an annoyed Carlton shook his head and walked away. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Imperial Palace - Front Entrance~ As Thor and his family arrived to the Imperial Palace, Frigga asked, "Where are your friends?" "They should be here somewhere..." Thor replied to his mother as he and Loki tried to look for Xion, Luna, and Vanellope in the crowded area. Suddenly, Odin noticed someone waving at them in the distance. "Is that... them?" Odin wondered out loud, pointing his hand to the person waving at them in the distance. Squinting their eyes in the direction of where Odin was pointing, Thor and Loki noticed Vanellope (wearing this dress) waving at them, and she was with Xion (wearing this dress) and Luna (wearing this dress)... "Hey there, guys!" Vanellope greeted Thor and his family as she, Luna, and Xion approached them, "Oh, and hello Mr. Odin and Mrs. Frigga." "Why hello there, girls," Frigga responded, "You all look splendid!" "Thank you," Luna, Xion, and Vanellope all replied. "You all look great too," Xion added. "Why thank you, Xion," Thor replied, blushing. "Anyway, thank you once again for coming," Loki told Luna, Xion, and Vanellope, "But I must go right away. Yen Sid is waiting for me and all the other Music students in the building's rear entrance." "Very well then. Off you go, Loki," Odin told Loki. Nodding, Loki left as Vanellope said, "We'll be rooting for ya!" "So, Luna... won't your sister be joining us?" Thor questioned. "Celestia will be joining other members of parliament instead," Luna replied. "I see," Thor commented, "Well... should we go inside?" "Sure," Frigga replied to her son, "Let's go everyone." Thor, his parents, Luna, Vanellope, and Xion then proceeded towards the building. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Imperial Palace~ As Kuzco and other members of parliament had been gathering in the Imperial Palace for the concert, a voice called out to him, "Kuzco, can we talk?" "Huh?" Kuzco wondered out loud as he looked around until he found Celestia approaching him (while wearing this dress)... "Celestia? What's wrong?" Kuzco asked the pony. "I was wondering if you could do me a favor as soon as possible," Celestia responded. "Umm, sure," Kuzco replied, "But, it'll have to wait after the concert's over." "Alright. Thank you," Celestia replied as she and Kuzco looked for a place to have a seat. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Imperial Palace - Hallway~ "Are you sure about this?" Sunset Shimmer asked Xehanort while the two were in an empty hallway, "About killing Harriet Jones?" "Al Mualim instructed me to do so, and his judgment must be trusted," Xehanort replied, "Are you having doubts?" "It's just... don't get me wrong, joining the Crystal Order has done great things for me. When I first came to Nintendo High, I was so b****y to many students, even to Akiza. But once I became a part of the Crystal Order... I began to see life very differently, appreciating those around me a lot more than before. And because of that, I made many friends. And I am truly thankful to you for all the good that has happened to me since," Sunset Shimmer answered, "But... there are days that I think... maybe we're going about this all wrong... could we be fighting for the wrong side?" "You almost sound like one of the enemies of the brotherhood," Xehanort said, feeling a bit upset by what Sunset just said. "I'm sorry, it's ju-" Sunset Shimmer replied before Xehanort interrupted her. "Never mind," Xehanort interrupted Sunset Shimmer, "Forget I ever said that. But... all I ask is you trust me. I know the thought of killing the prime minister troubles you. But Al Mualim promised that things will start to get better after the deed is done. Maybe when this conflict is over... I'll be able to take you to a candlelight dinner." Smiling and blushing, Sunset Shimmer replied, "I'd like that." "Attagirl," Xehanort said as he placed his right hand on Sunset Shimmer's cheek. The two then shared a kiss, and Xehanort walked away, saying, "Wish me luck." "Good luck... Xehanort," Sunset Shimmer said to herself, sighing as she walked away with a bad feeling about what was about to transpire. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Imperial Palace (Again)~ "So, what time are you leaving for Castelia City?" Harold Saxon asked Harriet Jones as the two were escorted by security in the Imperial Palace. "The plane will take off around midnight, which gives me enough time to enjoy the show," Harriet Jones replied. "I see," Saxon commented, "Well, best of luck with the U.N. summit tomorrow." "Why thank you, Harold," Jones replied as the two were approached by Wilhuff Tarkin, the Minister of Justice... "Good evening... Saxon, Jones," Tarkin greeted the two. "Evening to you as well, Tarkin," Saxon replied as the three were looking for a place to sit, "How has your day been?" "Rather dull, to be honest," Tarkin answered. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Hino Family Shrine~ After praying, Grandpa Hino and Chad exited the shrine, on their way to the nearby bus stop. "Let's go, Rei!" Grandpa Hino told his granddaughter, "So, excited for the concert, Chad?" "Piplup, piplup!" Chad replied, nodding. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Prince Demande's Ship - Dining Area~ "Blood moon, huh? It's amazing," Olaf said in awe he gazed at the moon. "It sure is," Hans replied. As Elsa left, Saphir said, "Good night... Elsa." Once Elsa was gone, Saphir told Olaf, Anna, and Hans, "I should get going as well." "Yeah, me too," Hans concurred as he yawned, "I'll see you guys in the morning." "Night, guys," Olaf told Hans and Saphir as they left. "Well, guess it's just us now," Olaf told Anna, "So, what's up?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Annapolis, Maryland, U.S.A. - Cid's Warehouse~ "So... Cid... could I sleep over tonight?" Nick asked Cid as they kept jumping, wanting to see how far Cid's good mood could go. Cid instantly stopped jumping, glaring at Nick as he replied, "Not even in your dreams, fox." "Hehe, never mind," Nick said as he backed away, "Anyway, it's kinda getting late right now. Great game by the way. I'll tell Judy you guys said hi." Turning around Nick passed by BB-8, who he told, "Later, little guy." BB-8 electronically beeped goodbye to Nick in response. Once Nick was gone, Cid told Cindy, "I tell ya, Cindy... if that fox wasn't with Officer Hopps, I'd have been mighty suspicious of him." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Imperial Palace (Again x2)~ "Hey guys," Phil Coulson greeted Eraqus, Axel, and Mad-Eye Moody as several teachers were socializing with one another before finding a seat for the concert, "John's not coming?" "I believe he said he was busy," Eraqus replied. "Ah, I see," Coulson commented, "Well, that's work for ya. Sometimes you're too busy, sometimes you're not." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Command Center~ "Impressive," Pierce commented as he watched the battle outside through the viewing globe, recognizing many of the faces, some from the Toshima battle, others as members of the Rising Tide. "Aye-yi-yi!" Alpha 5 cried, noticing Peach having similar powers as Mario and Luigi when using a Lockseed, "We have ourselves another Lockseed user!" Once the battle ended, Zordon said, "You were correct, Alexander Pierce. Mario and Luigi, along with the strength of their friends, was enough to counter the S-type attack." "Yes..." Pierce replied as he pondered, wondering what Astral's response would be to what happened. "Guess we should also get in contact with that girlfriend of Mario," Alpha commented, "Maybe Mario could introduce us to her after we give him and his brother communicators." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Tsukino Household~ "Thanks," Claire thanked Serena as she took the flashlight, using it to test Darien's pupils as she opened both his right and left eyelids and pointing the light towards his eyes. "Got it!" Rini said as she entered with an empty trash can, placing it near Claire... "Thank you, Rini," Claire replied. The rest of the family returned to the room as well, with Sammy getting the masking tape, Kenji getting new towels and clean water, and Ikuko getting cotton balls... "We got the stuff you asked for," Sammy said. "Great, just put them near me," Claire responded, with Sammy, Kenji, and Ikuko doing as Claire asked. "Now... if I'm gonna stop the bleeding, the wound must be stitched on both sides... the front and back shoulder," Claire continued as she took one of the towels Kenji brought, dipping it in water, and placing it on the wound on the front side of Darien's shoulder, "Kenji, Ikuko, I need you to hold him up while I stitch the wound on the back side of his shoulder." "Right," Kenji and Ikuko replied as they walked over to Darien, holding him up so that Claire could get a glimpse of the wound from the back side of Darien's shoulder. "Serena, there's a stitching kit in my bag. Give it to me," Claire told Serena as she grabbed some cotton balls, "Sammy, could you get rubbing alcohol from my bag?" "Sure," Sammy replied, grabbing rubbing alcohol from Claire's bag, giving it to her. As Claire used the cotton balls with the rubbing alcohol to disinfect the area around the back wound before attempting to stitch it, Claire told Rini, "Rini, you might wanna look away." Nodding, Rini looked away as Claire instructed.