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  1. Meilin Lee
    Game Informer recently got a chance to speak with 'Kingdom Hearts' series composer, Yoko Shimomura, during the Kingdom Hearts Orchestra -World Tour- concert in Los Angeles, where she discusses her work with the series, including her current work on 'Kingdom Hearts III'. Check it out below:
    Source: Game Informer
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jun 12, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Meilin Lee
    I hope these scenes are the battles that were originally skipped. However, knowing Nomura, they're probably going to be scenes that further connect to the overarching plot (like the two extra scenes added for Re:coded's cinematics), which I'll be happy to have, but still... I really wish we got the Days battles as cutscenes (the final Xion battle would look amazing!)
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jun 11, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Meilin Lee
    I updated the OP with a subtitled version of the trailer. Also,

    Looks like we can finally have three party members at once!
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jun 11, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Meilin Lee
    During the first show of Kingdom Hearts Orchestra -World Tour- in Los Angeles, fans attending were treated to a very special surprise. Tetsuya Nomura himself made an appearance, and said that while 'Kingdom Hearts III' won't be at E3, he showed everyone there a brand new trailer! Check it out below:

    In addition to that, it has been announced that a new world will be announced on July 15 during D23 Expo, and will be accompanied by another new trailer!
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jun 11, 2017, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Meilin Lee
    New trailer:

    In addition to that, it's been announced that all post-launch content will be free, with the first batch of new stuff coming in December, and will include:
    • Finn
    • Captain Phasma
    • Crait (a new planet from Episode VIII)
    • New Space map above D'Qar
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jun 10, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  6. Meilin Lee
    ~Outside Command Center~


    As a J.I.A. helicopter landed outside the Command Center, Alexander Pierce exited the command Center while being followed by Alpha 5, telling him, "Like I said, Alpha... hold off on recruiting any more guys for the time being. With what's been happening, the J.I.A. is gonna need Zordon to be available full-time for the next 24 hours." "I understand, Director," Alpha responded as Pierce got into the helicopter, watching as it took off, and then going back inside right before Hikaru and Go arrived.


    ~Command Center~


    Once he returned inside the Command Center, Alpha 5 decided to check on the Command Center's power supply. But as he traversed through the Command Center, he passed by the room where Harry was, surprising Alpha. "Harry?" Alpha wondered out loud after noticing Harry, "What are you doing here?"


    ~The Imperial Palace - Rooftop~


    Arriving at the round rooftop of the Imperial Palace, Goldar looked down to see individuals gathering for the upcoming concert. "This must be the concert Thrax mentioned," Goldar said to himself as he sat down on the side, "Guess I should start waiting for that signal he told me about."


    ~Clemont's and Bonnie's Home~


    As Clemont was studying hard for Advanced Calculus, Bonnie approached him while carrying her Dedenne, asking, "Hey, bro... mind if I watch the concert on TV?" "Sure," Clemont replied, "Just keep it down." "Got it!" Bonnie said as she walked over to the television, switching it on with the remote, and surfing through the channels until she arrived at one showing live coverage of the Festival of Snowflakes, "There we go!" Sitting in front of the television, Bonnie told her Dedenne, "Wonder if we'll see Clemont's friends there." "Deden," Bonnie's Dedenne replied as the two watched the live coverage, with Bonnie lowering the volume a bit so that Clemont wasn't bothered as he studied.


    ~The Pacific Ocean~


    As Moana was sailing back to Maui's island with the physically inert Maui, Moana said, "We're close. Shouldn't be long now." "Good to know," Maui responded, "By the way... for what it's worth... after seeing what you just pulled off, I would've been really happy to train you. But... I gotta respect your dad's wishes." "I know..." Moana said, sighing, "It's just... all my life, I wanted to sail beyond Destiny Islands, and expand my horizons. And my curiosity kept growing every time Master Luke Skywalker visited Destiny Islands. There's so much more to our world. But... Dad worries I'm too much like someone else who used to live in Destiny Islands. Before the Keyblade War, there was a kid who lived in Destiny Islands, who felt this world was just too small. One day, he left on his own for good. And he would grow into the man that tried to take over Kingdom Hearts..." "Sauron..." Maui commented, recognizing who Moana was talking about. "Yup," Moana replied, "I just wish Dad would have more faith in me than thinking I'll end up being a Seeker of Darkness." After pondering a bit, Maui sighed as he said, "Your Dad's probably gonna kill me for this, but... I'll train you." "Wait, what?!" Moana questioned, surprised to hear what Maui just said. "I'll train you so you could take the Mark of Mastery Exam," Maui responded, "If your Dad freaks about this... I'll take all the blame. You should get a chance to try and be a Keyblade Master, Moana." After staying silent for a few seconds, Moana screamed in joy as she said, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You won't regret this, Master!" "Heh, you're welcome," Maui replied, "Now pay attention to where you're sailing. I don't wanna get lost in the middle of the ocean." "Right, right," Moana said, smiling as she continued sailing her raft.


    ~The Imperial Palace~


    "Hey there, you two!" Trixie greeted Vanitas and Sunset Shimmer as she arrived, taking a seat next to them, "Hope I didn't miss anything." "Oh, not at all," Vanitas replied while Sunset waved hello to Trixie, "We've still got time before the show starts." "Oh, that's good," Trixie commented.




    'First Director Stewart, then Osgood, and now... Shining Armor and the others are fugitives? What a messed up day it's been today,' Sgt. Tamora Jean Calhoun thought to herself as she was having a drink at a bar, trying to make sense of what happened today. "You alright?" the bar's bartender, Luke Cage, asked Calhoun. "Y-yeah... I'm fine, Luke," Calhoun replied, "Just a tough day at work today." "I see," Luke said, "Hey, don't you always come here with that pony fellow, Shining Armor?" "Yeah, but... he's kinda busy right now," Tamora replied, not wanting to discuss Shining Armor's current situation with Cage. "I see. You two aren't... you know...?" Luke questioned, trying to inquire if Tamora and Shining Armor were in a relationship. "What? No!" Calhoun replied, "The guy's married." "Heh, okay, okay, sorry for asking," Luke apologized, "Well, since you're not seeing anyone, wanna go out for coffee some time?" "Heh, I appreciate it, Luke... but I'm not that kind of woman," Calhoun replied. "Fair enough," Luke said, "Thought I'd at least try." Tamora smiled in response as she looked at the TV in the bar, which was currently showing live coverage of the Festival of Snowflakes at the Imperial Palace. "Sweet Christmas! Now that's a lot of folks over there," Cage commented as he noticed the concert's coverage on TV.


    ~Prince Demande's Ship - Outside Elsa's Cabin~


    Arriving outside Elsa's cabin, Saphir figured that Elsa must've went to bed by now, meaning he couldn't talk to her. Instead he wished to leave her a note detailing what was really going to happen at the U.N. summit the next day, something he wrote out of guilt. However, before Saphir was able to slide the note under the door, he heard Demande's voice questioning him, "Saphir? What are you doing?" Gasping, Saphir turned around, noticing his brother looking at him suspiciously...


    "What is this?" Demande asked, snatching the note from Saphir. After quickly reading what was written, Demande glared at his brother as he ripped the note into tiny pieces, saying, "I thought we already had this discussion earlier today. But it appears you don't listen to your older brother's advice. I guaranteed you their safety... what more could you possibly want?" "How about being honest with them about what'll really happen tomorrow," Saphir responded with a low voice so that Elsa doesn't wake up, "They deserve the truth about who we are and what the brotherhood plans to do." "Brother... the truth is relative," Demande said, "We're not lying to them. Simply telling them alternative facts." "Is there a problem?" Nephrite questioned as he arrived...


    "No, not at all," Demande replied, "In fact, Saphir was just about to return to his cabin and go to sleep. Right, Saphir?" After a couple of seconds of silence, Saphir replied, "This will not end well." As Saphir stormed off, Demande told Nephrite, "Don't worry about him. In time, he'll understand. And so will the others. Good night, Nephrite." Nephrite silently bowed as Demande headed back to his cabin to rest for the night.


    ~Imperial Palace~


    "Hey there, Mina, everyone!" Grandpa Hino replied, "Well, looks like we've got a full house here. Well, minus Serena." "Piplup, piplup," Chad concurred as they took a seat, and were handed brochures detailing the event.


    ~Imperial Palace (again)~


    "Ugh, Mom, did we have to come here?" Ashley complained as she and the rest of the Banks family (along with their butler, Geoffrey) took a seat, waiting for the performance to begin, "I'd seriously rather be home studying." "And I should be shopping right now," Hilary added. "Now girls, this performance is really important for Will and Carlton. The least you could do is show your support," Vivian replied to her daughters. As for Geoffrey and Philip, the two were examining the brochures they were handed, checking out which musical pieces will be played. "Hmm, I'm rather curious how their rendition of the Pastoral Symphony will play out," Geoffrey commented before turning to face Philip, "What about you Mr. Banks?" "Well, I've always been a fan of the Nutcracker Suite. Always gives me that Christmas feeling," Philip responded, "I just hope Will doesn't ruin the performance and claim it was an artistic choice."


    ~Tsukino Household~


    Claire smiled as she listened to Serena talking to Darien while stitching his front wound, wondering if the two were close. Just then, the doorbell rang, surprising everyone. "Were you guys expecting someone?" Claire questioned. "No..." Ikuko replied, wondering who could be at the door. "I'll check it out," Kenji said as he walked to the front door. "I'm coming too," Sammy added as he followed his father.


    ~Tsukino Household - Front Door~


    As Kenji opened the front door, he and Sammy were surprised to see two individuals standing outside, with an armored vehicle in the driveway...


    "Good evening, sir," Garret greeted Kenji with a creepy smile, "We're from the J.I.A." As Garret and Alan both held out their J.I.A. badges, John continued, "We're looking for dangerous fugitives who may or may not have passed through this neighborhood. So we're gonna show you a couple of images and tell us if you've seen any of these individuals recently." "Umm, alright..." Kenji nervously replied as Alan opened his tablet, and showed it to Kenji and Sammy. "Do any of these individuals look familiar to you?" Alan questioned as Kenji looked through the images of Nick Fury, Skye, Shining Armor, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz, Baymax, and Hiro Hamada. "No," Kenji replied, "Can't say I know either one of t- wait a sec!" Upon scrolling to the final image, Kenji and Sammy both noticed it was of Darien, the very individual who was unconscious in his home. "Oh, so you're familiar with Darien, huh?" Garret questioned as Alan took his tablet back to open up file information on Darien, and show it to Kenji and Sammy, "Darien Chiba. 19 year old male. A bit good looking. And he also sometimes goes by the alias, Tuxedo Mask." "What?!" Sammy and Kenji both exclaimed, surprised to hear what John just revealed about Darien. Showing them a side-by-side view of Darien both in his normal appearance and in his Tuxedo Mask appearance, Alan said, "Tuxedo Mask. It's another identity Darein usually goes by. Tuxedo Mask and Darien Chiba are one and the same. Now then, have you seen him recently?" Kenji started to become nervous, trying to think of what to say while also trying to make sense of the fact that the government was hunting down Darien. But as Kenji couldn't come up with an answer, John and Alan started to get suspicious. Noticing this, Sammy quickly said, "Yeah, we definitely saw him." 'Huh? Sammy, what are you doing?' Kenji thought to himself, surprised by his son's actions. "Really? Well, care to tell me where, son?" Garret asked Sammy. "Yeah. At the Muppet Telethon two months ago," Sammy replied. Realizing Sammy was throwing them off by telling them about Darien during the Muppet Telethon instead of right now, Kenji breathed a sigh of relief, and added, "Yup, that's right. He was sitting right behind us during the show. As a matter of fact, now that you mention it, I do remember Darien disappearing right before Tuxedo Mask appeared. Guess it all makes sense now." "So... nothing recently?" Alan questioned. "Nope. Though, there was a guy from my sister's school who got hurt by a bike accident. We took him in, gave him some first aid, and then he took off," Sammy lied to John and Alan, "But other than that, it's been a pretty normal day." "I see..." Garret commented, disappointed that a possible lead ended up being nothing, "Well, sorry for interrupting you two gentlemen on this fine evening." "No worries!" Kenji replied. "Anyway, if you guys see anyone from the individuals I showed you, call us. They are terrorists, and they are highly dangerous," Alan said as he and John started to walk back to their vehicle. "Umm, wait... what number should I call?" Kenji asked, noticing Alan never mentioned a phone number when he suggested they call in case they notice any of the wanted individuals.

    Stopping, Garret turned around, grinning as he replied, "It doesn't matter. We'll know." Nervously gulping, Kenji said "Okay then..." "Dad... let's get back inside," Sammy suggested to his father. "I agree," Kenji replied as they closed the front door and went back into the room where Darien was. Meanwhile, as Garret and Alan got back into their vehicle, Alan was looking at the text messages Serena exchanged with her friends on his tablet:

    "So, false alarm?" Alan asked Garret. "Yeah, looks like it," Garret replied as Alan deleted the conversation from his tablet, "Let's try Hell's Kitchen." Garret then drove off to continue his manhunt with Alan.


    ~Tsukino Household (again)~


    After returning to the room where Darien was, Kenji and Sammy explained what happened to everyone, including the shocking detail that Darien was in fact Tuxedo Mask. "So you're telling me that this guy is THE Tuxedo Mask?" Claire questioned as she was finishing stitching Darien's front wound. "You know about Tuxedo Mask?" Ikuko asked Claire. "Who doesn't?" Claire replied as Sammy gave her gauze, using it along with masking tape to cover Darien's stitched wound, "That video of him saving the Muppet Telethon got millions and millions of views on YouTube." As she heard all this, Rini was still surprised to learn that Darien was Tuxedo Mask. "Tuxedo... Mask..." Rini quietly said to herself as she looked at Darien. "Well, that explains why he didn't want to go to the hospital," Sammy commented. "Yes. But... why is he a wanted man?" Ikuko wondered out loud, "From what we saw him do during the Muppet Telethon... he should be a hero." "I don't know dear... but I have a couple of questions I'd like to ask him when he wakes up," Kenji replied. "Might have to wait till tomorrow morning for that," Claire said as she took a bottle with a bunch of tablets inside, handing it to Kenji, "I did what I could. And he should be fine. But to prevent any infections, he's going to have to take two of these antibiotics morning and evening starting from when he wakes up." "Alright," Kenji replied, looking at the bottle Claire gave him. "Again, thank you so much Claire. Please, stay and relax for a while," Ikuko told Claire, "I'll even make some tea." Shrugging, Claire replied, "I can't say no to that." "We could even check out the concert on TV. It should be starting any minute," Kenji added as he, Sammy, Ikuko, and Claire walked to the living room. As for Rini, she wanted to stay with Darien and keep watching him.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jun 10, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Meilin Lee
    Profile Post Comment

    Hermione? Lunafreya? Kimberly?

    Hermione? Lunafreya? Kimberly?
    Profile Post Comment by Meilin Lee, Jun 10, 2017
  8. Meilin Lee
    So, I think it's no secret the past couple of months for HSD have been really inactive. Yes, we have faced periods of inactivity every now and then, but generally, things in HSD were still able to move on. But what has been happening recently is just ridiculous, and it has been frustrating to me personally as I nervously watch and wonder whether HSD will hit the month deadline of inactivity and get locked.

    Now I don't want to blame anyone or point fingers. We all have been inactive at some point. Things happen that'll keep us from posting.

    It could be schoolwork keeping you busy the whole time. I get it. I've spent 5 years of my life pursuing a degree in college, and gone through many highs and lows to finally achieve it, and much of it requires time away focusing on studying.

    It could be a job that requires your focus the majority of the time. I get it. I have a government job that sometimes requires me to provide 24/7 support.

    It could be that you need to spend more time with your family for whatever reason. I get it. Whether it be going to your cousin's wedding, attending the funeral of a family member you loved dearly, or even just spending time with your family on a fun vacation, these things happen all the time, and typically require your full attention.

    It could be that you're facing writer's block. I get it. I've suffered from it countless times, so I know exactly how hard it is to think of just what to write.

    So yes, while inactivity is bound to happen every now and then, prolonged inactivity like what HSD has been facing these past couple of months means that something is certainly wrong. So after talking with @NutheadBros about it, we've agreed to implement an inactivity rule.

    From now on, once someone posts after you, you will have exactly one week to post something in the RP. If you feel like you couldn't meet the week deadline, then by all means talk to me or Nuthead, and tell us what is going on, and we'll see how we can help. But if we don't hear anything, and see that you haven't posted in a week, you will be approached by us, and asked why you haven't posted within a week.

    Generally speaking, excuses involving things with life, such as work or family, will be taken into consideration, and we'll do our best to accommodate your needs.

    If the reason you aren't posting is because of writer's block, and you don't know what to do, then please, talk with me. As the expert on the HSD canon, I'll be more than happy to find something any single one of your characters could be doing in the RP's vast world. And if you're still having trouble, it's alright. I'll gladly accept very simple posts from you. So for example, if I see a post that simply contains the sentence "(Insert character here) ate an apple", I won't be bothered. I'd rather have you participating then taking too long to think of what to write.

    However, if the reason you haven't posted is because you have no intention whatsoever of continuing with HSD, then we would have to ask you to do the sensible thing and leave the RP, as there are others who want to continue RPing, and your intentional inactivity would be holding things back for the rest of us.

    Again, we only want to help, so if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me or Nuthead.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jun 10, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Meilin Lee
  10. Meilin Lee
    I'm a bit confused on the storyline. I read that it'll have an "alternate" storyline to the one in S/M. But what does that mean? Is this meant to be a direct sequel to S/M (like B2/W2)? Or will it be another version of the games with a number of differences (like Emerald and Platinum)?
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jun 6, 2017 in forum: Gaming
  11. Meilin Lee
    In addition to the Sora SHFiguarts figure revealed recently, Bandai Namco featured more KH figures at the International Tokyo Toy Show, which include:
    • King Mickey SHFiguarts
    • Donald Duck SHFiguarts
    • Goofy SHFiguarts
    • Kingdom Key PROPLICA
    Check out images of the newly revealed merchandise below:

    There is currently no release date yet for the above merchandise.

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jun 1, 2017, 5 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. Meilin Lee
  13. Meilin Lee
    Post by: Meilin Lee, May 30, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Meilin Lee
    And for that, I thank you.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, May 29, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ
  15. Meilin Lee
    There already is one (World Tour to be more specific, but this is basically the tour coming to the US)
    Post by: Meilin Lee, May 26, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Meilin Lee
    1. How do you feel about Square-Enix ignoring us while giving attention to the other KH sites?
    2. I'm guessing Zack is your favorite FF character?
    3. Ready to finally get some news during E3?
    Post by: Meilin Lee, May 26, 2017 in forum: The Playground
  17. Meilin Lee
    Square-Enix has announced through its Japanese e-store that an album based on Kingdom Hearts Concert - First Breath -, which was performed in Japan last August, will be released on July 26th, and will be sold for 3,564¥ ($32.01) for a limited time. In addition to the album announcement, Yoko Shimomura posted a message regarding the album, saying:
    Credit to's Katie Armstrong for the translated message
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, May 26, 2017, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Meilin Lee
    Just quickly logged in on my phone to make a quick clarification. What Matsuda means is that the games would be released within the next 3 years. So it's possible for KH3 to be released in 2018.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, May 26, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Meilin Lee
    Japanese retailer Ichiban Kuji is selling KH-themed collection cards, with each card containing artwork from the series. You could check out how the cards will look like below:

    The cards will be on sale until August 31st, and will cost 150 ¥ ($1.34) each.

    Source for images: @print1KUJI, @ArikaMiz, and @naxkia
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, May 25, 2017, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Meilin Lee
    I'm in the top 3 two weeks in a row AND Vulpeus is back to being No. 1?

    View attachment 47378
    Post by: Meilin Lee, May 22, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ