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  1. Meilin Lee
    This is me after seeing Sora, Donald, and Goofy with Woody and Buzz Lightyear:

    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jul 15, 2017 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Meilin Lee
    I agree! It looked as though the animation came out of a Toy Story movie!
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jul 15, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Meilin Lee

    With the surprise reveal of a Toy Story world came a trailer as well (which you can check out above). Apart from the Toy Story reveal, Kingdom Hearts III has been confirmed for a 2018 release!

    Edit: The post has been edited to include the English subbed version of the trailer!
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jul 15, 2017, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Meilin Lee

    Ever since Disney purchased Pixar around a decade ago, KH fans have been eagerly waiting for a Pixar world in the series, especially Toy Story, arguably Pixar's most popular franchise. Well, today at D23, the new world to be added in KH3 was finally revealed to be Toy Story!

    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jul 15, 2017, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Meilin Lee
  6. Meilin Lee
    Guys, Plums said that the staff is aiming to condense the category list, not make it worse... hehe, let me join in the fun!

    Most Shocking Roleplay Moment
    (yeah, I know there's a "Most Memorable", but memorable doesn't necessarily mean shocking)
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jul 12, 2017 in forum: 2017
  7. Meilin Lee

    With Kingdom Hearts Orchestra -World Tour- concluding with its final show in Osaka, Japan recently, Famitsu got to interview both the series director, Tetsuya Nomura, and the series composer, Yoko Shimomura, together. Check out a partially translated interview below courtesy of Saken from KHInsider:
    The full translation will be added when available.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jul 12, 2017, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Meilin Lee
    ~Clemont's and Bonnie's Home~


    Bonnie and her Dedenne silently watched as Clemont was impatiently waiting for Hiccup to answer his call. "Grr.... he's not picking up!" Clemont exclaimed after Hiccup didn't answer his call, trying to call Manon instead, "Maybe Manon might answer." And almost immediately, Manon answered Clemont's call, much to his relief...


    "Clemont?" Manon answered her phone. "Manon, I'm watching what's happening on TV," Clemont replied, "What's going on?! And where's Hiccup?!" "I really don't know... everyone's panicking right now... and Hiccup just ran off," Manon answered, with Clemont able to hear her despite all the commotion happening around her. "He might've gotten to a safe spot outside the palace. I suggest you do the same," Clemont told Manon. "Got it! I'll text you once Harry and I get out," Manon replied as she hung up. "Well, Manon's okay. And Hiccup... might be," Clemont told Bonnie, wondering why Hiccup wouldn't answer if he got to a safe spot.


    ~Vermilion City Gym~


    As Adéwalé and Aveline joined Lt. Surge in watching the live coverage of what was happening with Chernabog, Finnick breathed a sigh of relief after IF replied to his text, telling the others, "IF's fine, thankfully." "Oh, thank goodness," Aveline replied while Lt. Surge was relieved as well to hear his daughter was fine. Finnick then proceeded to text his sister once more:


    ~The Imperial Palace~


    "Yes! Hahaha!" Goldar exclaimed as he grew to the size of a giant, telling Chernabog, "Guess I'm gonna be helping you out!" Once the Power Rangers appeared with their Zords, Goldar commented, "Well, well, well... the puny Power Rangers wanna battle? Then let's show them!" Taking out his sword, Goldar slashed the Megazord, Dragonzord, and Tigerzord, while Chernabog roared and threw Flame Bullets towards the Dragonzord and Tigerzord, and then summoning a Wall of Flame to attack the Megazord.


    ~The Imperial Palace (again)~


    As Will and Carlton were running to catch up with their family on the run, the two accidentally tripped on chairs, struggling to get up. "Oh no!" Vivian cried as she turned and noticed what happened. Seeing what happened to Will and Carlton, Geoffrey told the others, "All of you keep going! I'll go help them out!" "Thanks, Geoffrey," Ashley thanked her butler as she, Hilary, Philip, and Vivian continued their escape while Geoffrey ran towards Will and Carlton.


    ~The Imperial Palace - Exit~


    "Keep going, keep going!" Officer Jenny and Don Eppes instructed individuals as they were running outside...


    "Is everyone in your group with you?" Jenny questioned Phil and the others as they were heading to the exit. "Most of us, I believe," Coulson answered. "But Yen Sid's still on stage trying to get as many students as he could to safety," Victor Sullivan added, "And I think I saw Setsuna run off, so I hope she's okay." "Alright, we'll try to see what we can do," Eppes told the group of teachers. "In the meantime, get to safety, now!" Jenny added as the teachers did as they were told, while the ground was shaking from the battle.


    ~The Imperial Palace - Stairs~


    While those in the Imperial Palace escaped through the exits, Harold Saxon and Harriet Jones took a different route, trying to head to the rooftop of the building. "You sure this is a good idea?" Jones questioned Saxon as they quickly went up the stairs while the building shook. "Don't worry!" Saxon tried to assure Jones, "A military helicopter is on its way. We'll be escorted out of here safely and soundly!"


    ~The Imperial Palace (again x2)~


    "Rei? Rei!" Grandpa Hino called out to Rei as she ran off with the other Scouts, "Where did she run off to?" "Piplup..." Chad replied, feeling just as confused as Grandpa was as they tried to find an exit in the midst of the panic. "Excuse me, sir. Looking for a way out?" Sunset Shimmer asked as she quickly approached Grandpa Hino and Chad...


    "Umm, yeah. But more importantly, my granddaughter is missing," Grandpa replied. "She's probably outside," Sunset said, "Follow me!" Nodding, Grandpa and Chad followed Sunset Shimmer as she led them to an exit.


    ~The Imperial Palace (again x3)~


    "There you guys are!" Trixie exclaimed after Xehanort and Gaston rejoined her, "Now let's get out of here!" "Right!" Gaston concurred. "You two go on ahead. I'll catch up later," Xehanort told the two, much to their surprise, "There's something I need to do." "Xehanort... there are two 50-foot monsters destroying the place as we speak... what could you possibly want to do right now that doesn't involve running for your life?!" Gaston questioned. "That doesn't concern you!" Xehanort replied sternly, "Now go and save yourselves!" Upset by the way Xehanort replied, Trixie and Gaston remained silent for a while before Trixie said, "Fine. Let's get out of here, Gaston." "Right behind you," Gaston replied as they turned around and ran, trying to find an exit. Sighing, Xehanort shifted his focus back to the battle, wanting to find a safe spot to watch it.


    ~Tsukino Household~


    "Huh, Luna, where are you going?" Rini asked as Luna left the room, leaving Rini alone with Darien. Peeking out the room, Rini noticed Claire and the others watching what was supposed to be the concert on TV, only to gasp at the sight of the battle happening there. "... yeah, I'm watching it on TV right now!" Claire told someone she was speaking with on her phone. "And to think... we were about to go there..." Ikuko commented.


    ~Moon Palace~


    "Hehehe... yes... this is perfect!" Thrax commented watching the battle at the Imperial Palace through his mother's telescope, "Now let's see how the Power Rangers deal with this predicament!"


    ~The Imperial Palace (again x4)~


    "There you are Loki!" Odin called out to Loki as he rejoined his family and friends. "Now let's get out of here!" Vanellope added as she and the others ran to an exit, successfully getting out. Looking up, the group watched as Goldar and Chernabog battle the Megazord, Tigerzord, and Dragonzord. "Unbelievable..." Xion commented. "Luna!" Celestia cried as she rushed towards her sister, glad to see that she made it out safe...


    "Sister!" Luna replied as she and Celestia shared a hug. Looking at his family and friends before turning to look at the battle once more, Thor thought, 'I must do something... perhaps now may be a good time to use my power.' Holding out his hand, Thor waited for his hammer, Mjølnir, to fly towards him all the way from his home. "Thor... what are you doing?" Frigga questioned her son, hoping he wasn't doing what she thinks he was going to do.


    ~The Imperial Palace (again x5)~


    Flying high above the Imperial Palace on Toothless's back, Hiccup (in his Rider form) watched as the battle raged on. "We gotta help them!" Hiccup commented, "Let's go, bud!" Nodding, Toothless flew towards Chernabog, ready to blast the monster with plasma blasts. However, before the dragon could even attack, Hiccup and Toothless were attacked by a powerful fireball on the right, sending them crashing onto the rooftop of the Imperial Palace. "Ugh, what was that?" Hiccup wondered out loud as he and Toothless slowly got up. "Hey there... miss me?" Vanitas (in his Rider form) asked Hiccup as he landed across from him and Toothless...



    ~The Boy in the Mask~


    "You!" Hiccup exclaimed, remembering the mysterious Rider from their last battle. "Look at it... beautiful, isn't it?" Vanitas commented as he pointed to the battle happening. "Has the Crystal Order been planning this?!" Hiccup questioned the Rider whose identity he still didn't know. "I won't confirm or deny it," Vanitas replied, "But know this... everything has been leading up to this moment. And from this point on... NOTHING will be the same again." "Sorry, not a big fan of riddles," Hiccup said as he summoned his Banaspear. "Hmph, then how's this for a non-riddle..." Vanitas replied as he summoned his rapier, "The era of Zordon's warriors is coming to an end." Hiccup and Vanitas then charged at each other, both swinging their weapons against the other, and both masterfully blocking the other's attack. As for Toothless, the dragon continuously attempted to either lunge at Vanitas or shoot him with plasma blasts, with the evil Rider either teleporting out of the way or blocking the attack with his rapier. "I'm impressed, you're a lot better than when we last battled," Vanitas commented as he and Hiccup battled. "What do you mean by the era of Zordon's warriors is coming to an end?!" Hiccup questioned. "Wouldn't wanna spoil it for ya," Vanitas replied as he hit Hiccup and Toothless with a Dark Thundaga attack, "But don't worry, you'll know soon enough."


    ~Command Center~


    "Another one, huh?" Alpha replied to Go after noticing his Mach Driver, "Really wish these were better circumstances so that we'd properly introduce ourselves." "Good luck, Rangers, and may the power protect you," Zordon told the Power Rangers as they left to battle Goldar and Chernabog. Watching the events of the battle on the Viewing Globe, Alpha cried, "Aye-yi-yi! Be careful Rangers!"
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jul 10, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Meilin Lee
    As KH fans know by now, there will definitely be some KH3 news next week during D23. Last month's trailer confirmed two things we'll be getting. A new world and a new trailer longer than the last one. However, it appears that some KH fans may be expecting a bit too much from D23 next week, and the series director, Tetsuya Nomura, took note of that, giving a message to fans during a Kingdom Hearts Orchestra -World Tour- concert in Osaka:
    By "normal new KH3 info", what we should expect from D23 is exactly what was promised in the last trailer, a new world and a new trailer. Anything else would simply be raising expectations too high. So don't expect a release date, an additional new world or two, or a confirmation by Utada to perform a new song.

    Source: @RedMakuzawa
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jul 8, 2017, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Meilin Lee
  11. Meilin Lee
    ~Tsukino Household~


    As Serena left Luna and Rini alone with Darien, Rini walked over to Darien, telling Luna, "I really hope he wakes up soon. Good thing Auntie Ikuko got Miss Claire to help out. I don't wanna imagine what would've happened if we didn't save him."


    ~Minato District: Wolverine and Yukio's Home~


    As Yukio arrived to the living room, she found Logan alone, telling her, "Hey, you're up. You just missed Jack. Is something wrong?" Without replying, Yukio grabbed the remote control from the table, and switched the TV on. "Yukio... what's wrong?" Logan questioned as he approached her. As Yukio flipped through the channels until she reached one showing live coverage of the Festival of Snowflakes, Logan commented, "The Festival of Snowflakes, huh? You really wanted to see it?" "Several individuals over there are going to die," Yukio responded, causing Logan's heart to sink upon hearing, "Including Prime Minister Harriet Jones."


    ~The Imperial Palace~



    "The last number in our program is 'A Night on Bald Mountain', composed by one of Russia's greatest composers, Modest Mussorgsky," Yen Sid said as he was introducing the final musical piece to be played, "'Bald Mountain', according to tradition, is the gathering place of Satan and his followers, where the creatures of evil gather to worship their master." Facing his students once again, Yen Sid conducted them as they played the following musical piece:

    As he played his instrument with the rest of Yen Sid's students, Xehanort began to focus hard on summoning a creature to appear and fulfill his mission of killing Harriet Jones. Just then, the ground began to shake. "Earthquake!" Professor Oak cried. But it was no earthquake, as what appeared to be a volcano rise out of the ground behind the stage. And as everyone watched, the volcano appeared to erupt, but instead of lava, a humongous creature appeared...




    Xehanort grinned at the appearance of Chernabog, while many in the audience panicked as Chernabog let out a mighty roar and sent flame bullets flying across the area, damaging parts of the building. "Everyone, run!" Yen Sid yelled. "I agree with Yen Sid. Let's get the hell out of here!" Coulson told his fellow teachers as they started running away. "Will, Carlton, get out of there!" Philip cried to his son and nephew in the stage. "Rei, we better get outta here!" Grandpa Hino pleaded to his granddaughter. "PIPLUP!!" the frightened Chad concurred. 'I gotta do something!' Hiccup thought to himself, quickly getting up from his seat and running towards the exit. "Hiccup?!" Manon wondered out loud as Hiccup ran away. "That's gotta be Xehanort's signal," Vanitas whispered to Sunset Shimmer as he grabbed her hand and ran away with her. "Uhh, I'll catch up to you guys after rejoining Gaston and Xehanort," Trixie cried out to Sunset Shimmer and Vanitas, trying to find Gaston and Xehanort in the midst of the panic happening. Pretending to be worried about what was happening, Saxon told Tarkin and Harriet Jones, "Tarkin, run to the nearest exit. Madame Prime Minister, follow me and I'll get you out of here." Nodding, Tarkin went to retrieve any government officials he could to get them out of the area, while Harriet Jones followed Saxon as he led her somewhere. "LOKI!!!" Thor, Vanellope, Xion, Luna, Odin, and Frigga called out to Loki, hoping he heard them, and would run towards them so they could get out altogether.


    ~Outside the Imperial Palace~


    Noticing Chernabog emerge, Officer Jenny and Don Eppes both gasped, with Jenny saying, "We gotta get everyone out of there!" "Right!" Eppes concurred as he rushed to the building with Jenny, "Just hope the Air Force or whoever deals with that... thing."


    ~Tsukino Household - Living Room~


    As Serena joined the others in watching the concert, Kenji commented, "Nice show, huh?" But once Chernabog appeared, Ikuko gasped while Sammy said, "That... doesn't look good..." "My God..." Claire added, not believing what she was seeing on TV.


    ~Command Center~

    The Command Center erupted with the sound of the alarm, indicating there was an emergency. "Aye-yi-yi! What's going on?!" Alpha cried as he returned to the Command Center's main room while Zordon appeared...


    "Zordon, what happened?!" Apha questioned Zordon. "Observe the Viewing Globe," Zordon replied. Taking a look at the round orb in the main room, Alpha saw Chernabog in the Imperial Palace causing chaos. "Aye-yi-yi! That is a gigantic monster!" Alpha cried. "Alpha, this threat will have to be dealt with the power of Zords. Contact those who have access to one," Zordon instructed Alpha. "Right, Zordon," Alpha replied, proceeding to do as Zordon said. "Oh, hey Hikaru, Hikaru's friend... wait, what?!" Alpha greeted Hikaru and Go while he was busy before noticing Go was a stranger, "Umm, I don't know who you are, but this is not a good time for introductions. I've got an emergency to deal with."


    ~Clemont's and Bonnie's Home~


    "DEDEN!!" Bonnie's Dedenne cried while Bonnie gasped as the two were watching the chaos that was happening in the Imperial Palace live on television. "Clemont... I think you should see this..." Bonnie nervously told her brother. "What is it, sis?" Clemont asked as he stopped studying to see what his sister wanted. But upon noticing the television, Clemont was stunned by what he was seeing. "Hiccup and Manon are there..." Clemont said to himself as he quickly grabbed his cellphone, trying to call Hiccup, "Come on, Hiccup... pick up!"




    "Sweet sister..." Luke Cage said out of shock, watching the chaos from the Festival of Snowflakes on television. As for Sergeant Calhoun, who was just as aghast, she didn't say a word, only watching silently while holding her drink.


    ~~The Imperial Palace - Rooftop~~


    "Hehe... now that's more like it!" Goldar exclaimed as he saw Chernabog appear and cause chaos around the area, "But... is this supposed to be the signal Thrax told me about? Can't really do much to help unless I grow."


    ~Moon Palace~


    "Impressive..." Thrax said, grinning as he watched what was happening in the Imperial Palace through his mother's telescope, "Mother! Father! The time has come! Time to make Goldar grow and assist this monster that just appeared!"


    ~Vermilion City Gym~


    As Lt. Surge was flipping through the channels on TV, he quickly passed by a channel showing the chaos in the Imperial Palace. "What the?!" Surge exclaimed, flipping back to the channel showing the devastating scene, "What in da world's goin' on there?!"


    As Finnick and Surge's Raichu passed by, they gasped at the scene on TV. Quickly taking out his cell phone, Finnick quickly texted his sister, IF:
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jul 2, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Meilin Lee
    A 2018 16-month Kingdom Hearts themed calendar will be releasing on July 15th (coincidentally, the same day we'll be expecting a new KH3 trailer). The calendar (which also includes a bonus downloadable wallpaper) is currently available for pre-order over at Amazon in the U.S. for $14.99. However, no word on a European release as of right now.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jun 30, 2017, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Meilin Lee
    ~Minato District: Wolverine and Yukio's Home - Yukio's Room~


    As she was sleeping, Yukio was having a nightmare, the kind where she correctly predicts someone's death. But this time was different, as it was multiple individuals's deaths she was predicting. Waking up from her nightmare while panting, Yukio got out of her bed, hurrying to the living room to tell Logan.


    ~Command Center~


    "Oh, I see," Alpha replied, "Well, I was going to go check the Command Center's power to make sure we don't have an outage. You can come with me if you want. Or you could check up on Zordon and Navi."


    ~Tsukino Household - Living Room~


    As Kenji, Sammy, and Claire were watching live coverage of the concert on TV, Ikuko arrived from the kitchen with a tray full of teacups for everyone. "Here you go, Claire," Ikuko told Claire, giving her a hot cup of tea. "Thanks, Ikuko," Claire thanked Ikuko as she took a sip of her tea. As the television screen showed Yen Sid and his students appearing on stage, Kenji called out to Serena, saying, "Hey Serena, don't you wanna watch the concert on TV?" "Mina and Michiru are on stage already. The show's about to start," Sammy added.


    ~Inside J.I.A. Helicopter~


    As Alexander Pierce looked out the window while the helicopter he was in was heading for the Triskelion, headquarters of the J.I.A., he turned around to face the helicopter's pilot, the Winter Soldier...


    "Good news. Zordon doesn't suspect a thing," Pierce told the Winter Soldier, "Better tell the boss about this..."


    ~The Imperial Palace~



    The audience applauded as Yen Sid arrived to the stage with his students, bowing as each of them took their place in the stage. "Good evening everyone," Yen Sid greeted those in attendance, "It is my pleasure to welcome to you all to the Festival of Snowflakes, an annual tradition to celebrate the incoming season of winter and the beauty that comes with it. And to officially start the festival, the Music students of Tokyo's own Nintendo High School shall perform four musical pieces I have taught them since the beginning of the school year. Please give them a round of applause." The audience then applauded as Yen Sid's students bowed. "Woo! Loki! Loki! Loki!" Thor, Luna, Vanellope, and Xion cheered after noticing Loki bowing on stage. "Vivian, are you recording this?" Philip Banks asked his wife. "Way ahead of you," Vivian replied as she was recording with her phone. Smiling, Yen Sid continued, "Every single one of them has been practicing hard for this day. And now, the time has come to finally start the show. For the first musical piece we're going to hear... it is one that tells a very definite story. As a matter of fact, in this case the story came first, and the composer wrote the music to go with it. It's a very old story, one that goes back almost 2000 years. A legend about a sorcerer who had an apprentice. He was a bright young lad, very anxious to learn about magic. As a matter of fact, he was a little bit too bright, because he started practicing some of the sorcerer's best spells before learning how to control them. One day, for instance, when he'd been told by his master to carry water to fill a cauldron, he had the brilliant idea of bringing a broomstick to life to carry the water for him. Admittedly, this inspired me personally to use my magic to bring broomsticks to life to help with my classwork. Anyway, back to the story... the apprentice's idea worked very well at first. Unfortunately, however, one problem led to another, and the apprentice found that he started something he couldn't finish." Turning to face his students, Yen Sid took out his baton, and started to conduct as his students played the following musical piece:

    Once the students finished with the first musical piece, the audience applauded as Yen Sid and his students bowed, introducing the audience to the next musical piece as he said, "It's funny how wrong an artist can be about his own work. Now, the one composition of Tchaikovsky's that he really detested was his 'Nutcracker Suite', which is probably the most popular piece he ever wrote. It's a series of dances taken out of a full-length ballet called 'The Nutcracker' that he once composed for the St. Petersburg Opera House. It wasn't much of a success and nobody performs it nowadays, but I'm pretty sure you'll recognize the music of the suite when you hear it." Facing his students once again, Yen Sid conducted them as they played the following musical piece:

    After the audience applauded once again, with Yen Sid and his students bowing, Yen Sid introduced the third musical piece to the audience, saying, "The symphony that Beethoven called 'The Pastoral', his sixth, is one of the few pieces of music he ever wrote that tells something like a definite story. He was a great lover of nature, and in this symphony he paints a musical picture of a day in the country. Of course, the country that Beethoven described was the countryside with which he was familiar. But his music covers a much wider field than that, and so the image in one's head associated with this particular music can be any peaceful setting one can imagine." Yen Sid then conducted his students as they played the following musical piece:

    As the audience applauded, Yen Sid was ready to introduce the fourth and final musical piece...


    ~Crystal Order HQ: Al Mualim's Office~


    Receiving a holographic call, Al Mualim answered it as a hologram of J.I.A. director, Alexander Pierce, appeared on his table...


    "Pierce, what do you have to report?" Al Mualim questioned. "Well, I was just at the Command Center, where I encountered Mario and Luigi themselves! Can you believe it?" Pierce replied, "They could apparently use Azarathian tech. But, things moved by pretty quick, and Zordon wasn't able to officially make them part of his team." "Yes... Hive here has told me about the S-types' attempt on their lives and that Astral is on its way to deal with the two," Al Mualim said, "But besides that, how has Zordon responded to your new position in the J.I.A.?" "Doesn't suspect a thing," Pierce answered, grinning, "Offered to help in any way he can." "Excellent..." Al Mualim commented as he too grinned, "Regardless of what happens with Mario and Luigi, nothing can prepare our enemies for Protocol 66." "I take it you're pretty confident that Harriet Jones will be taken out tonight?" Pierce asked. "Oh I'm certain Xehanort will fulfill his duty," Al Mualim replied as the call ended. "Xehanort... you really have faith that he'll help put Saxon in power tonight?" Hive asked Al Mualim. "Why shouldn't I? After all, he was able to defeat Shadow Mario when no one else was," Al Mualim responded. "He is an interesting individual," Hive commented. "There is more to him than meets the eye," Al Mualim replied, "And I have a feeling his goals are far more grand than what the Crystal Order and S-types are trying to achieve. I cannot say for certain what they are, but I have a feeling his Keyblade and the creatures he summons are the key."
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jun 25, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Meilin Lee
  15. Meilin Lee
    Monogram International has revealed exclusive Kingdom Hearts merchandise that will be sold at this year's San Diego Comic Con. First off is a 6-piece pin set sold for $30:

    Next is a Keyblade set sold for $40:
    Supply is limited, so if you go to SDCC, make sure to stop by Monogram's booth (#3645) and grab them before they're sold out.
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jun 23, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Meilin Lee
    7net, a Japanese retailer that recently revealed limited edition Kingdom Hearts merchandise for sale this year, has revealed a whole lot more merchandise coming in the next few months.

    First off, releasing in August 23, 2017 will be smartphone stands, a set of small plates, a stainless steel bottle, and a tumbler glass pair, which you can check out below:

    Next up, releasing on August 27, 2017 are two A7 size memo pads:

    Then on September 16, 2017, a Sora stained glass leather key ring will be available (with the choice of white or black):

    And finally, on September 28, 2017, 10 different necklaces will be released, and you can check them out below:

    Source: & @aibo_ac7
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jun 20, 2017, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. Meilin Lee
  18. Meilin Lee
    Updated the OP with the fully translated interview
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jun 15, 2017 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Meilin Lee
    As shown in the recent trailer, 'Kingdom Hearts III' was confirmed to be at next month's D23 Expo, with a new world reveal and a new trailer confirmed for the event. However, besides the July 15th date, there haven't been much details about the game's appearance in the event. Today though, the official D23 website has listed the schedule for the 15th of July, with 'Kingdom Hearts III' confirmed to appear during the Level Up! The Walt Disney Company’s Video Game Showcase segment taking place at 1 p.m. PDT. The description for the segment states:
    Thread by: Meilin Lee, Jun 15, 2017, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  20. Meilin Lee
    OOC: Just posting this short segment because I had just realized I forgot to include it in my last post. Oops...

    ~The Imperial Palace - Rear Entrance~


    "Good evening, everyone," Yen Sid greeted the students of his Music class, "Well, this is it. The night we've been preparing for since the start of the semester. Just make sure to give it your best, and of course, impress everyone attending. Now then, it's time to head out to the stage. Let's go!" Yen Sid then led the students to the stage to start their performance.
    Post by: Meilin Lee, Jun 13, 2017 in forum: Retirement Home