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I'm only gonna list secret bosses I would like to see, cuz if I list regular bosses as well, it would sorta be a world wish list of sorts (which I don't think is the point of the discussion here). Anyway: Darth Maul Thanos The Underminer Gilgamesh (FFV specifically) The Phantom Blot A new and enigmatic KH character
View attachment 47650 View attachment 47651 View attachment 47652 View attachment 47653 View attachment 47654 View attachment 47655 The latest issue of Game Informer featured a story on 'Kingdom Hearts III', recapping much of the information revealed at D23 Expo along with some words from Nomura. While there isn't any new information, it's still a nice read. Check out the scans above (courtesy of @Arch is Dumb).
New trailer: Also some new info: Source
Oh you know, job, gaming/binging shows, worrying about WW3 and a second Civil War happening, and a bunch of other stuff. Same old same old. How you been?
And pretty soon, we'll have 13 Karutas. Looks like Xehanort has taught him well.
Less activity = less people nominating
~Crystal Order HQ: Al Mualim's Office~ As Al Mualim and Vanitas were watching the news on a large screen on the wall, they noticed a Corridor of Darkness appear in the office, with Xehanort and Sunset Shimmer appearing out of it... Spoiler: BGM "Huh... didn't expect you two to show up," Vanitas commented as the Corridor of Darkness disappeared. Noticing tears coming out of Sunset shimmer's eyes, and Xehanort looking visibly angry, Vanitas asked, "Is... something wrong?" "Gaston and Trixie are dead!" Xehanort replied as he glared at Al Mualim. "Wait... seriously? They're... actually dead?" a surprised Vanitas questioned. Sunset Shimmer quietly nodded as she kept weeping and wiping her tears away. "Yes... and it's all HIS fault!" Xehanort added as he pointed at Al Mualim. "And how is it my fault exactly?" Al Mualim questioned as he frowned at Xehanort. "You just had to plan it this way, DIDN'T YOU?!" Xehanort angrily questioned, "In the middle of a large crowd!" "Xehanort, I understand you're angry..." Al Mualim replied. "More than just angry," Xehanort interrupted Al Mualim, "I don't think there's even a word in the dictionary for what I'm feeling right now." "I am sorry to hear about what happened to Trixie and Gaston, Xehanort," Al Mualim replied, "But in order to accomplish tonight's victory, things like this were bound to happen. I expected you to have known this from the day you joined the brotherhood." Disgusted by what Al Mualim just said, Xehanort said, "So that's all that matters to you... victories... while lives of individuals like Gaston and Trixie mean nothing to you!" "I never said tha-" Al Mualim replied as he got up from his seat, only to be interrupted by the sight of Xehanort summoning his Keyblade, ready to attack him. "Xehanort..." Sunset Shimmer said as she approached her boyfriend, hoping to stop him from what she thought he would do. "Look, I get it... you're upset about Gaston and Trixie... but don't do anything stupid now..." Vanitas added, trying to calm Xehanort down as he slowly approached him. "You two, stay out of this!" Xehanort retorted as he snapped his fingers, with two Berserkers appearing and grabbing Vanitas and Sunset Shimmer from behind to prevent them from stopping Xehanort... As Xehanort shifted his attention back to Al Mualim, the Crystal Order leader said, "Don't do this, Xehanort. Ever since Eraqus brought you from the streets I've felt something unique about you, and I couldn't quite understand it. But after joining the brotherhood, I could finally see what it was... your enormous power. And I knew you were seeking answers for many things... especially on the mystery of the Keyblade." Without responding, Xehanort silently pointed his Keyblade closer to Al Mualim. "Are you going to kill me?" Al Mualim asked Xehanort. "I would certainly like to," Xehanort responded. "I know you would," Al Mualim said, "I can feel the darkness inside of you. It gives you focus. Makes you stronger. Go ahead then... strike me down. Do it!" As Xehanort and Al Mualim stared at each other silently for a while, Xehanort finally lowered his Keyblade, with the weapon disappearing from his hand as he told Al Mualim, "I'm going to turn you over to the authorities." Grinning, Al Mualim replied, "Of course you should. But you're not aware of what they'll do." "I guess we'll see then," Xehanort commented. "Then I won't stop you," Al Mualim replied, "I wish you the best of luck, Xehanort." Glaring at Al Mualim one last time, Xehanort turned around and walked away, snapping his fingers to make the Berserkers let Vanitas and Sunset Shimmer go free before disappearing. "Xehanort, wait!" Sunset Shimmer cried, rushing to Xehanort. But it was too late, as he left the area through a Corridor of Darkness, which quickly disappeared once he went through it. Still trying to make sense of what just happened, Vanitas questioned Al Mualim, "Seriously? You're just gonna let him go like that?" "Why shouldn't I?" Al Mualim asked Vanitas calmly as he sat down in his seat. "Do you realize that this could mean the end of the Crystal Order?!" Vanitas questioned once more. "I do," Al Mualim replied, "So I suggest you and Sunset Shimmer plan accordingly in case our enemies come for you." Vanitas couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was almost Al Mualim was giving up... too easily. As for Sunset Shimmer, she just stood silently, staring at the spot where the Corridor of Darkness that Xehanort went through was before disappearing, still distraught at what has happened to Gaston and Trixie, as well as to how Xehanort is reacting to the whole situation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Outside the Imperial Palace~ Hearing Rei's familiar voice, Grandpa Hino and Chad noticed Rei was safe and sound. "Rei... oh thank goodness!" Grandpa cried. "Piplup!" Chad added as he and Grandpa rushed towards Rei, with the two hugging her tightly while they were crying. "I was worried something terrible might've happened to you!" Grandpa told his granddaughter as tears were rolling down his face. "Piplup, Piplup!" Chad added while his face was full of tears as well. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Tsukino Household~ "... and school's cancelled tomorrow, so I guess I'll get to be with you the whole day," Rini told Darien as he remained asleep, explaining to him what just happened, "Still, everything about this worries me. I couldn't keep listening to the news anymore. Nothing but bad news. I just... really hope you'll wake up tomorrow so we can talk." Leaning towards Darien's head, Rini gave him a kiss on the forehead, telling him, "Goodnight, Darien." Walking back to a couch facing the spot where Darien lay, Rini sat down, wanting to watch over Darien for the night. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Tsukino Household - Living Room~ Switching the television off, Kenji commented, "I think that's enough drama for one day. Goodnight everyone." "Night, Dad," Sammy replied as he and his father both went to their rooms. Noticing Rini was watching over Darien in the room he was in, Ikuko told Serena, "Serena... since school is cancelled tomorrow, would you mind watching over our guest with Rini for the night? Oh, and one more thing..." Grabbing the bottle of antibiotics that Claire gave them from the kitchen counter, Ikuko handed it to Serena, adding, "And be sure to give him this once he wakes up, okay?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Darien's Dream~ 'Why does this... feel so familiar?' Darien thought to himself. "Find you? What do you mean?" Darien asked the mysterious princess, "Please, tell me so I could help you." Just then, he noticed a very bright portal appear near him and the princess. "What is that?" Darien wondered out loud as he approached the portal. "It looks like it leads somewhere," Darien commented. Holding out his hand to the princess, Darien asked, "Do you want to come with me?" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Outside the Imperial Palace (again)~ As Manon and Harry continued looking for Hiccup in the midst of the chaos, they heard Hiccup's voice calling out to them, saying, "Manon?" Looking to the direction of the voice, Manon and Harry found Hiccup along with Toothless... "Glad to see you guys are okay," Hiccup added as he approached Manon and her Pokemon, "I... heard what happened. Guess no school tomorrow." Manon simply stood silent, staring at Hiccup without even replying. "Is something wrong?" Hiccup asked Manon. Bursting into tears, Manon hugged Hiccup as she was wailing. "Hey, hey, it's okay. We're safe now. Don't you worry," Hiccup said as he and Harry tried to comfort Manon, while Toothless watched silently, feeling sorry for what Manon had to go through. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Clemont's and Bonnie's Home~ As Clemont and Bonnie (plus her Dedenne) continued watching the events as they were unfolding on television, Clemont felt his phone vibrate. Checking it, he noticed that he received a text from Manon, saying that Hiccup was alright. "Well, that's a relief," Clemont commented with a sigh of relief, "Hiccup's fine." Grabbing the TV's remote, Clemont shut the TV off, telling his sister, "It's getting late. School or no school tomorrow, it's still time for bed." "Alright," Bonnie replied as she started walking to her room while her Dedenne followed her. But before entering her room, Bonnie stopped, and asked Clemont, "Clemont... is everything going to be okay?" Realizing how worried Bonnie was about the situation, Clemont approached her, telling his sister, "Hey, don't worry about it. And no matter what happens, I'll always look out for you. Okay?" Smiling, Bonnie nodded in reply as she and Clemont shared a hug. "Good night," Bonnie told Clemont as she walked to her room. "Night, sis..." Clemont replied, sighing as he was trying to process what happened at the Imperial Palace. Walking over to his desk, he closed his Advanced Calculus textbook, commenting, "Guess I won't be have to worry about calculus tomorrow..."
View attachment 47595 Following the announcement of a second series of KH key rings back in March, Monogram International Inc. has revealed a third set of their KH key rings (referred to as Series 3), and they will be releasing in December. This set includes: Halloween Town Sora Organization XIII Roxas Axel Terra Aqua Naminé Xion Halloween Town Donald Halloween Town Goofy Earthshaker Keyblade Rainfell Keyblade Check out more images of the newly announced merchandise below: View attachment 47596 View attachment 47597
View attachment 47593 View attachment 47594 We're a little late with this, but anyway, Spirit Halloween is now selling officially licensed Kingdom Hearts costumes for Halloween. Currently, the only costumes available are Sora and Kairi in their KH2 attire with their keyblades (which are shown above). The wigs and the keyblades are available to purchase individually as well. Check them out (as well as other KH merchandise sold by Spirit Halloween) right here.
You might wanna ask one of the Administrators for help.
There's the area outside Mysterious Tower in Symphony of Sorcery. Also, Districts 1, 2, and 3 in Traverse Town.
~Darien's Dream~ Spoiler: BGM "Where... am I?" Darien wondered out loud as he found himself in a garden. Looking around, he noticed the mysterious young woman, recognizing her from previous dreams. "You... you're the princess from my dreams..." Darien told the young woman, "Please tell me, why have you been appearing in my dreams all these years? Are you trying to tell me something?" As he approached her, he felt his foot step on something. Looking down, he noticed that he stepped on a familiar locket. "I know this locket..." Darien commented as he picked it up, recognizing it from his battle with Mewtwo. But even when he fought Mewtwo, it still felt familiar to him then, confusing Darien, as he was sure he never saw it before that moment. "Is this your locket?" Darien asked the young woman, holding it out to her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~Imperial Palace (Battle)~ Spoiler: BGM As Goldar continued battling the Dragonzord and Tigerzord, he noticed the Megazord summon the Power Sword. "Uh-oh..." Goldar commented, knowing what would happen next. As the Megazord swung the Power Sword at Chernabog, the monster shrieked as it was defeated, disintegrating into darkness. "Grrr, this isn't the last you've seen of me, Power Brats!" Goldar angrily said as he teleported away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Imperial Palace (Rooftop)~ As Hiccup's and Vanitas's weapons were locked against the other, they (along with Toothless) noticed Chernabog getting destroyed by the Megazord. "Hmph," Vanitas scoffed as he pushed Hiccup away and backed off a bit. "Well, looks like you and your Crystal Order buddies just lost," Hiccup told Vanitas while panting. "Did we, though?" Vanitas cryptically questioned as he teleported away. "Huh? What did he... mean by that?" Hiccup asked Toothless, who was just as confused as he was. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Outside the Imperial Palace~ "Thanks, Sailor Mars," Grandpa Hino thanked the Sailor Scout who, unknowingly to him, was really his granddaughter, "If anything were to happen to my Rei... I don't think I'd be able to forgive myself." "Piplup!" Chad cried, pointing to Chernabog. Watching, Grandpa and Chad watched as Chernabog was defeated by the Megazord. "Is it... over?" Grandpa wondered out loud. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Outside the Imperial Palace~ "Thor!" Thor's family and friends cried as they rushed to the area where Thor crashed, noticing him slowly getting up. "Huh, that somehow hurt a lot less than I expected," Thor commented as his mother slapped him, "Ow! That hurt even more!" "You scared us to death!" Frigga cried as tears rolled down her face, tightly hugging her son while sobbing. "Don't worry... I'm alright, Mother," Thor replied, trying to comfort her as he hugged her as well. As for Loki and Odin, the two simply breathed a sigh of relief, relieved that Thor was alright. "We're... really glad that you're okay, Thor," Xion told Thor, with Luna and Vanellope nodding in concurrence. "Thank you, everyone..." Thor thanked the others as they all silently watched Chernabog getting defeated by the Megazord. "Hmm, it looks like Thor's heroics might've helped the Power Rangers put an end to that monster," Celestia commented. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The Imperial Palace~ Spoiler: BGM [0:00-1:09] As the dust settled, many attendees returned to the main building, trying to look through the rubble to see if anyone they knew was still alive. "Yen Sid! Yen Sid!" Coulson and other Nintendo High teachers called out, trying to find the Music instructor. Gasping, Moody pointed to a spot, telling the others, "I found him..." Looking to where he pointed, the hearts of Coulson and the others sank, noticing Yen Sid's body lying on the ground, killed by rubble that fell on him. Kneeling down next to Yen Sid's body, Phil Coulson sighed as he sadly closed the deceased Yen Sid's eyes... Elsewhere, Philip Banks and his family were looking around for the family butler, Geoffrey. "You sure he was here?" Ashley asked Will and Carlton. "He wasn't outside, so surely he must be here somewhere," Carlton responded. "Oh my God..." Vivian commented as she and her family stumbled upon Geoffrey's body, who, like Yen Sid, was killed by rubble falling on him. Hilary and Ashley immediately started sobbing as they knelt down next to their butler's body, while Vivian and Philip covered their mouths as their heads were filled with a flurry of emotions. As for Will and Carlton, the two were stunned to see the very man who saved their life a little while ago now dead... [1:10-2:50] As Officer Jenny and Donn Eppes were allowing EMTs and reporters to come to the area, the two officers were looking for any survivors in the area. "Hello! Anyone hurt!" Jenny called out. "Jenny! You have to see this!" Eppes cried. Turning around, Officer Jenny's heart sank as she noticed Eppes approaching her while carrying the dead body of the Japanese Prime Minister, Harriet Jones. "Oh my goodness!" Jenny cried while covering her mouth, "The prime minister's dead!" Some of the attendees who saw Harriet Jones's dead body started to sob at the sight, regardless of their feelings on her, because this didn't just feel like an attack against Harriet Jones, but also against them and against Japan as a whole. Slowly approaching the area, Harold Saxon pretended to look distraught at the sight around him... "Mr. Saxon!" Officer Jenny cried as she noticed Harold Saxon approach her and Eppes. "What... happened?" Saxon questioned, pretending to look stunned. "I'm afraid to say... the prime minister was killed during the attack," Eppes replied. "This is... horrible!" Saxon cried, "What do we do without a leader?" "Actually, Saxon... since you won the election yesterday, and with the prime minister dead... the Constitution of Japan states that you are now the prime minister of our country," Jenny informed Saxon. "I see..." Saxon replied, "I never imagined this would happen. But... I'll do my best to lead this country and punish those behind the attack." "Thank you... Mr. Prime Minister. We stand with you," Jenny said, saluting the new prime minister of Japan. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ~The Imperial Palace (again)~ 'Mission accomplished,' Xehanort thought to himself after hearing that Harriet Jones was dead. Walking around the rubble, Xehanort tried to find an exit to leave the building. But as he walked, he heard crying nearby. 'I know that voice,' Xehanort said to himself, feeling like he knew who was crying, 'Sunset Shimmer?' Rushing to the source of the crying, Xehanort's heart sank upon noticing Sunset Shimmer sobbing next to the dead bodies of Trixie and Gaston... "Xehanort..." Sunset Shimmer cried as she noticed Xehanort arrive, "Trixie and Gaston... they're gone! They're gone, Xehanort!" "H-how d-did this happen?!" Xehanort questioned, shocked by what he was seeing. "They said they saw you too close to the action. They thought you were going to get hurt. So they ran back to try and save you. I tried to stop them, but... it was too late!" Sunset Shimmer replied as she kept sobbing. "No..." a stunned Xehanort said, shaking his head in disbelief, "This can't be happening... NOOOOOO!!!!!" Noticing Xehanort quickly turning around and running away, Sunset Shimmer got up and tried to catch up, crying, "Xehanort!" As he ran, Xehanort got out of the building through the back entrance, and summoned a Corridor of Darkness, going through it. "Xehanort, wait!" Sunset Shimmer cried following Xehanort into the Corridor of Darkness as it disappeared. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Moon Palace~ Spoiler: BGM "Those pesky Power Rangers! I'll get them next time," Goldar angrily commented after returning from the battle in the Imperial Palace. "Don't be so disappointed, Goldar," Thrax replied as he was watching the events happening through his mother's telescope, grinning, "I think this battle achieved a lot more than you think." "Really?" a surprised Goldar questioned. "Oh yes..." Thrax replied. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Command Center~ "We won. But... this is terrible..." Alpha 5 commented as he watched Chernabog getting defeated in the Viewing Globe, only to shift to a view of Harriet Jones's body being taken away, "First Kate, and now this... what a terrible day it's been." "Harry, Hikaru, Go... if you know someone who might've been down there, make sure to check if they are alright," Zordon told Harry, Hikaru and Go. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~CNN Live Broadcast~ "Ladies and gentlemen, if you're just joining us, we have some major breaking news," Wolf Blitzer said as he faced the camera, with the bottom of the broadcast stating: BREAKING NEWS: 5 CONFIRMED DEAD IN TOKYO IMPERIAL PALACE ATTACK (INCLUDING P.M. JONES) "Not too long ago, two monsters appeared during the opening ceremony for the Festival of Snowflakes in Tokyo's Imperial Palace, battling the Power Rangers' Zords in the process," Blitzer continued, "One of the monsters was ultimately defeated, with the other escaping. Unfortunately, there are some fatalities from the attack. Five confirmed so far, including Prime Minster Harriet Jones. Now the Constitution of Japan states that should the prime minister die after Election Day and before Inauguration day, the candidate who won in the election automatically becomes prime minister. In this case, Harold Saxon, who won yesterday's election, is now the new prime minister of Japan. In addition to that, due to the nature of Harriet Jones's death and the entire situation, Harold Saxon has been granted emergency powers, granting him unlimited executive power for the time being. How will he respond to this attack. What will be the repercussions, we don't know. But let's go live outside the Imperial Palace, where the now current Prime Minister of Japan, Harold Saxon, is about to speak." The broadcast then switched to live footage of Harold Saxon facing journalists as they all asked different questions at the same time... "Please everyone, please," Saxon told the reporters, "This is a very tough time for Japanese citizens everywhere. I, myself, have trouble to find the right words to describe what just happened. This was an attack on Japan's citizens, an attack on Japan's democracy, and an attack on Japan's freedom. Mark my words, those responsible for what happened today will be punished. I assure you that I will use the emergency powers granted to me to get to the bottom of this issue, and to bring back normalcy. For now, I ask you all wait till tomorrow for me to make announcements. But for my first executive order, I decree that tomorrow will be a national day of mourning. Schools will be closed. I ask businesses to close out of respect for the deceased. But know this... I will be working hard around the clock for the country that elected me. I guarantee you, tomorrow... huge changes will be coming. Mark my words. Thank you, and God bless Japan." Saxon then walked away, going to his vehicle as reporters tried to ask him more questions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Tsukino Household - Living Room~ "That's great!" Ikuko replied to her daughter, "But they better watch out for themselves. It's dangerous." As time passed, the Tsukino family watched as Chernabog was defeated. But the real shocker came later, when it was announced on the news that Prime Minister Harriet Jones was dead (along with four others), and that Harold Saxon was the new Prime Minister, who announced that there'd be no school the next day due to national mourning. "This is... awful," Kenji commented as he watched the news, with the names of the deceased appearing on screen. "Yen Sid... wait, isn't he the Music instructor at Nintendo High?!" Ikuko questioned, stunned by the fact that someone from Nintendo High was killed by the incident. "Gaston... hang on, Serena... you went to a party at his place, didn't you?" Sammy asked Serena after he saw Gaston's name on the list of the deceased. As for Rini, she felt sick by the news, deciding to go back to watching Darien in the room he was sleeping in, hoping that'll get her mind off things.
Welcome to KHV! It's great that you've taken interest in the Kingdom Hearts series. In my opinion, now is the best time to get into Kingdom Hearts, considering the entire series can now be experienced on a single console (PS4), as opposed to how things were a few years ago when you had to get a handheld or two just to experience important chapters in the overarching arc. JavaScript is cool by the way. Used it a lot in my old job (well, jQuery to be more specific, which is a Javascript library itself). Not so much in my current job (it's mostly focused on SQL and a bit of XML). Also, KHV has a Discord server if you're interested (I don't go there a lot myself personally, but many others do). Anyway, hope you enjoy your time here!
Happy 10th anniversary TWEWY! Now where's the sequel????
After conducting an initial interview with Famitsu, the publication conducted a follow-up interview with 'Kingdom Hearts' series director, Tetsuya Nomura, where he clarifies comments he made in earlier interviews that may have been misinterpreted in Japan, as well as more info on KH3 worlds in general, including the Toy Story world. Check out the fully translated interview below (credit to Saken of KHInsider): In addition to the interview, Famitsu posted a reaction video from the D23 panel when the new trailer was revealed. Check it out below:
I assumed that as well, but either it really is a new world never seen before, or there was probably some confusion between the interviewer and Nomura.
Updated OP with the second half of the interview.