I am fine. Medics cleared me. My car is totaled. Going to check it out in a bit, get all the stuff out of it.
First: Good username. Current: Got some fire in her belly. That kind of drive will take her far (or further than most). 2. Chaotic Good > Chaotic Neutral > True Neutral. Chaotic Good all the time now. 3. Emotionally: I grew up insecure. I cared a lot what other people thought, and when I found someone I liked, I latched onto them and ignored everyone else. Kind of a codependency, mimicking whoever I wanted to be. During my teenage years, I suffered some emotional losses; one of those people abandoned me without a trace. I gained a core trait to seek independence in both mind and body. (See "intellectually" below.) To recover my losses I trained the ability to think about and accept the loss of anything before it happened, so that nothing could hurt me. I became like a sociopath without remorse because I had no investment in anything; everything was a game to me, and I scoffed at anyone who cared. Eventually I developed attachments to things that were valuable to me in spite of myself; people and relationships that fulfilled me; and I changed from sociopathic to self-controlling, using the same methods to cut off unwanted emotions. Years of this process made it second nature, and now I can shut off almost any stream of emotions on a dime despite surprises that happen. Intellectually: One of my core drives as a person is to be independent, detached, and accurate in thought and action. Where others are happy to read others, I am not happy until I can read myself; to rise out of myself, analyze what I am doing, why I am doing what I am doing, what outcomes I can expect based on how I read others, and decide whether it is something I should be doing, or something that hurts my overall goals. It is impossible to be angry while doing this analysis because anger and presence of mind are so disconnected that the minute you are able to see yourself from the outside, your anger is gone and replaced by calm decision making. Whenever someone predicts me, plays me by my emotions, or otherwise outsmarts me, I internalize their observations, knowing myself better. The better I know myself, the more present I can be. The next time those emotions are exploited, I can analyze them and cancel them. Each experience adds to the last, and as my intellectual model of myself becomes more complete, so does my control over individual functions. Awareness is power: over yourself, and if you have it but others do not, then over them too. 4. Tom Ripley (The Talented Mr. Ripley, film version). After reading what I just said, you will understand. Watch the movie. 4. Get a new car + see Saxima. 5. NCIS. It bores me to death.
Slid on ice.
First: An old fogey. Current: CLOD CLOD CLOOOO- She always plays Mafia. A+ 2. A Christmas Story 3. Any high paying job that involves problem solving. Unrealistically, information brokering.
1. Totaled my car yesterday. 2. Playing games. e.g. Card games, mafia, pool, bowling. 3. Depends on the person. I can imagine arguments over what kind of person I was. Because I am different things to different people.
1. Spellfencer / Dark Knight/Vampire 2. Dragoon/Red Mage 3. Of those I know, Greek. 4. No. Spoiler 5. Denna, Losine, Felurian 6. Auri, Vashet, Devi 7. Kilvin, Awryl, Elodin
Actually there's a much better post on this if you're interested but lol idk if you've seen the series
Further investigation proved that anime characters people liken to me are also this type....
http://www.personalitypage.com/ENTP.html Fits me to a T (if you read it you already know that). I think I'm rare in that I fit my archetype...
But it's also reliable to go by letters. That's how I do it. Heh.
Correct. If you can isolate someone's functions, you can usually find their type. Whether they can answer the test accurately or not.
MBTI diagnoses traits you actually have (or tries to), while Zodiac predicts traits you could have based on a (very) loose deterministic model....
If you idle, it just means you will die. How much effort you put in is up to you.
First: What kind of person uses the name Rat? Current: Oh. That kind of person. 2. Nice try. 3. Nope. Moved, they didn't follow. 4. Sore wa... himitsu desu! 1. Gemini 2. ENTP Both fit me better than they fit most people, especially MBTI.
1. Homemade pizza and/or homemade chicken noodles. 2. France, Italy, Japan & Sweden. 3. Some minor embarrassing memories. First: What an idiot. Time to show him who's boss. Current: What an idiot. Time to leave him hanging. 5. I don't like hats except for function, like winter hats and wide brim hats for the desert. Hats don't look good on me in general. 6. I didn't follow it.
Calling anyone and everyone! Please read https://kh-vids.net/threads/khv-royale-mafia-interest-check.155626/page-2#post-4293158
Calling anyone and everyone! Even if you don't know what Mafia is, but want to give a big community game of trust, betrayal, and mayhem a try, please sign up! Ask me if you have any questions, like what Mafia is, how this differs from it, or how much you will have to do to play.
First: An obnoxious, socially inept suck up who is either congenitally incapable of understanding how other people feel about things or is so self-absorbed that he thinks every thought he has is worth sharing in spite of literally everybody else. Current: A kind person who likes to figure things out and help others, especially with technical or esoteric problems. 2. Toast and butter. 3. No. First: I always thought the name "tummer" was annoying. He has some of the lowest quality names, avatars, and signatures on the site. Current: It's been a long time. Couldn't name even one trait other than you're a Christian. 2. Westworld. I was blown away. 3. My executioner. First: Smart guy. Part of my most memorable introduction to the site. Would like to talk to talk some more. Current: Same. Still haven't really talked since first contact. 2. Plan out how to deal with various dangerous situations, getaway routes, and ways to hide evidence. 3. Pokémon. Never could get into it.
Someone was making fun of me for not having a girlfriend, so I told her, "Your parents must have done a bad job raising you to be so codependent." Turned out her dad had died earlier that week. 1. Got a life, and most of KHV followed suit. First: I can't trust anyone who demands to know my first name. Current: Blood brothers brought together by common cause. 3. Christmas. I love the atmosphere and food. 4. Enough money to visit Saxima. 1. Night sky blue > dark gray > teal. 2. Never seen it. 3. The Legend of Dragoon First: Some roleplayer. Current: Someone who plays Mafia on occasion (thanks!) but doesn't like conflict. Sorry, but we haven't talked one on one so I don't know a lot about you. 1. No outside contact: Town Watcher or Town Alignment Cop. Outside contact: Doctor, bus driver, or any self-preserving role. 2. See above. Best chance is Cop. Town roles always give me better chances. 3. Yes, but I can't just drop engagements if I'm with other people. 4. Nope. Reading is for students, I'd rather think and discuss it. 5. Hero's Dose by Infantree (thanks Ben), Again And Again by Thieves Like Us, Back to Nowhere by Sue Generis Spoiler He said exactly what he needed to to make this story a tragedy.
What start date would be best for everyone? @Alolan Nova @Calxiyn @Cat~ @Flapjak @Ghost @Karuta @Marushi @Midnight Star @Zelda