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  1. Makaze
    PSA: You can change your targets at any time before Phase End.[DOUBLEPOST=1482859389][/DOUBLEPOST]PSA: All shots process at the same time, so even people who die will still shoot. You cannot save yourself by killing your killer (unless otherwise specified). You will both die.
    Post by: Makaze, Dec 27, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  2. Makaze
  3. Makaze
    PSA: Bulletproof Vests are passive. The first time you are shot and unprotected, the shot will use your Bulletproof Vest automatically and then you will be free game. Think of it like a Hit Point. After you lose it you only need to be hit once to die. x1 BPV = 2 HP. x0 BPV = 1 HP (your own life) If you reach 0 HP, you die. Two shots on the same night will spend your BPV and shoot you, using both HP, and you die.

    TL;DR It gives you more time to survive.
    Post by: Makaze, Dec 27, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  4. Makaze
    1. You may talk outside of the thread. You should do so. Use PMs, Discord, Skype, or any other method, and add me to any conversations you start, if possible. (You do not have to add me if it is too much trouble.) Makaze#9709 for Discord and makaze64 for Skype.
    2. DO NOT copy/paste your role PM or send screenshots of in-game logs. You may send text logs of chats with other players and you may paraphrase your role, but copying and pasting interactions with me may result in punitive action.
    3. Everyone has a single shot each Night and a single Bulletproof Vest (protects from one shot and disappears after use) at the start of the game unless otherwise mentioned in your role PM. Any special abilities are on top of that.
    4. Target Aliases, NOT Usernames. Actions targetting Usernames will be ignored and counted as idle. Submit your actions by replying to your Role PM Conversation with me using the appropriate format. Please bold your actions so that I can see them easily and do not forget to use ##.
    5. Late actions will not be accepted. Pay attention to the deadline and get your actions in early if you cannot be around for end of Night.
    6. Stay alive.

    1. 61
    2. Alolan Nova
    3. Cat~
    4. C
    5. Flapjack
    6. Ghost
    7. Heart ❤
    8. Karuta
    9. Kelly
    10. Marushi
    11. Midnight Star
    12. Mish
    13. Zelda
    KHV Royale Mafia is not your typical Mafia. It is a free-for-all Battle Royale where the object is to be one of the last three players alive. It is fast paced, requires less effort, and allows every person a choice in how they play.

    KHV Royale Mafia uses several new game types.

    Everyone Is Mafia

    Everyone Is Mafia means Everyone Is Mafia. There is no Day phase in this game mode. Every night is immediately followed by another Night. Each player gets a factional kill each Night and a single BPV at the start of the game. You can shoot anyone or be shot by anyone. You win if you are one of the last two players alive.

    Because there is no Day phase and no lynch vote, there is no need for tedious case building and convincing arguments. Do as much or as little as you fancy, so long as you don't die.

    Outside Contact

    Users may talk to each other outside of the game thread. You can use PMs, Skype, or any medium you like. Outside Contact is encouraged in Everyone Is Mafia due to the free-for-all nature of the game.


    Players are anonymous at the start of the game via Aliases.

    All players send in an Alias when they sign up. Your Alias is your name in the game. All actions targeted at a player must target an Alias.

    The list of Aliases is posted below the Playerlist at the start of the game with no indicator of who is who. You may tell others your Alias. Aliases are revealed upon death.

    Choose Your Own Role

    You must send in a character of your choice when signing up to the game. The mod will give you a role that corresponds to the character in your role PM. Characters are not Aliases.

    An Alias is a an in-game name that takes the place of your Username when people target you. Your Role is your set of abilities. They may be completely unrelated. Your full player info might look something like this:
    It is possible for multiple people to have the same Role &/ Character, but Aliases must be unique to the player.​

    Living Aliases
    Doctor Strange
    Newt Scamander

    Living Players
    Midnight Star

    Dead Players
    Alolan Nova // Regards
    C // Fred Raud
    Cat~ // Lena Oxton
    Flapjak // Soren
    Heart ♥ // Cass Reyes
    Karuta // Proletarian
    Korosu // Casey Williams
    Mish // Scooter Pie

    @Alolan Nova
    @Heart ❤
    @Midnight Star

    Role PMs are out. Night 1 has begun.

    You may begin playing. Read the rules.

    Night 1 will end in approximately 48 hours, or at 12:00 AM in -0500 GMT (EST/EDT).

    Please post here with some kind of contact method to confirm you are still around.
    Thread by: Makaze, Dec 26, 2016, 93 replies, in forum: The Playground
  5. Makaze
    The phase will last a good 48 hours, if not more, since we have so few people. Up to you guys.
    Post by: Makaze, Dec 25, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Makaze
    @Calxiyn you are the last one. Send me a PM by the end of today, please.[DOUBLEPOST=1482681428][/DOUBLEPOST]... And Calxiyn is out.

    With 13 players, only two players can win together.

    The game will start either in the morning or evening tomorrow. Which is better?[DOUBLEPOST=1482681501][/DOUBLEPOST]@61
    @Alolan Nova
    @Heart ❤
    @Midnight Star
    Post by: Makaze, Dec 25, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Makaze
    1. Venus flytrap.

    2. Contractor/electrical work.

    3. Passion, skill, cleverness.

    4. I have exceptionally little memory of my past self. Washes right off me. Ask a more specific question?
    Post by: Makaze, Dec 24, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  8. Makaze
    First: That guy from LPTP who likes Ace Attorney.
    Current: That guy from LPTP who likes Ace Attorney.

    2. I'm no longer the only one who sees the world going to hell in a handbasket.

    3. No. I barely fear things I can see, let alone things I can't.

    4. The teachings of Zen in Buddhism, the idea that suffering comes from desires -- and that death is the ultimate goal of anyone truly alive. The teachings of Zen Without Zen Masters in Discordianism, the idea that taking life too seriously is a sin, that everything is absurd, and that disorder must be embraced to achieve peace.

    5. Mullets.

    Better questions.
    Post by: Makaze, Dec 24, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  9. Makaze
    The following people need to send me:

    Alias: The name people will shoot/protect/etc
    Character: The name of an existing fictional character that will influence your role

    @Heart ❤
    @Heart ❤
    Post by: Makaze, Dec 24, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Makaze
    I've never seen one.
    Post by: Makaze, Dec 23, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  11. Makaze
    Nah, if you're just saying "i'm here" there's no point.

    With Kelly, that makes 15. 3 players can win together.[DOUBLEPOST=1482511918][/DOUBLEPOST]G-Dog's signup has been rejected. Back down to 14.
    Post by: Makaze, Dec 23, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Makaze
    First: Form without substance; someone who goes through the motions, not knowing who she is or what she is going to do. Nondescript due to lack of passion.
    Current: Someone who is learning how to take risks and think on her feet. Confidence will spur on this progress.

    2. If I had to go alone, I would not. Fictional characters are caricatures of their author's mind. Nothing to fall in love with there. If I had to go, I would choose The Name of the Wind. Practical magick is a dream I would have realized. My passion, and I suspect talent for it would be immeasurable.

    3. Yes. I would transport my mind back to my five year old self, or something like that. Think Butterfly Effect, but with me instead of Ashton Kutcher.

    4. Bananas.

    5. Unnoticeability: the power to make others unaware of your presence (a subset of mind control). Secondly, teleportation.

    6. Are you kidding? Unable to lie. So easy.

    7. Autumn

    8. No. There is no point to life if you can't be surprised.

    9. Thalassophobia


    Post by: Makaze, Dec 22, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  13. Makaze
    "If a place people who commit suicide went to existed, and you committed suicide, would you go there?"[DOUBLEPOST=1482444195][/DOUBLEPOST]Long version: It depends on the conception of hell. According to most religions, suicide is a mortal sin, meaning no amount of good washes it away. One way ticket.
    Post by: Makaze, Dec 22, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  14. Makaze
    It is suicide, but not legally. It would be ruled missing persons.
    I have no reason to think that hell exists, so I think I would just cease to exist.
    Post by: Makaze, Dec 22, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  15. Makaze
    I don't actually know.
    Post by: Makaze, Dec 22, 2016 in forum: The Playground
  16. Makaze
    14 players.

    1 more will allow 3 people to win.
    Post by: Makaze, Dec 22, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Makaze
    If we don't get any more players, only two people will be able to win together. Need 15 to make it 3.[DOUBLEPOST=1482432806][/DOUBLEPOST]People seem to keep getting this wrong, so making it clear once and for all:

    If you haven't yet, send me a PM containing:
    Post by: Makaze, Dec 22, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Makaze
    Five days until game start. We still need 10+ players. Please join! Bring your friends! I mean it!
    Post by: Makaze, Dec 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Makaze
  20. Makaze
    I thought we meant Fancy Play Syndrome.
    Post by: Makaze, Dec 21, 2016 in forum: The Spam Zone