Hikaru continued to run around the area where he and Aux were situated in to find more darkballs to pitch towards him. As he looked for more darkballs to throw, he looked at the battlefield around him to see how everyone else was doing. For the most part, the members of the soldiers of sanctuary seemed to be holding up just fine. With the two giant darksides gone, there were mostly neoshadows, darkballs and good old swarms of shadows left behind to deal with. From the look of things, even the invisibles were taken care of. As he began to run through everything, he noticed a mostly damaged shadow staggering around, just waiting to be put out of his misery. Dragging his keyblade along his left side, he made a mad dash towards the damaged heartless and swept up his keyblade in a swift uppercut to damage the heartless. Almost as if it was made of paper, his blade swept right through the shadow and had it eliminated on sight. He continued to run through the heartless hordes, passing the heartless that was barely an after thought once he took care of it until he found a small group of darkballs. He quiockly waved his arms about to try and get it's attention. "Hey, over here!" He put his fingers to his mouth to let out a loud whistle sound. Unfortunately to his dismay, Hikaru didn't know how to properly whistle, and the sound that came out sounded more like a raspberry being blown on a belly than an actual whistle. "Oh, right..." He looked back up and yelled "Whistle sound!" before waving his arms and running back towards Aux. Before he would pitch them towards Aux to hit, he had to at least gather them all in a place that was easier for him to hit towards. He continued to shout 'Whistle sound, whistle sound!' for a few hundred more metres until he was close enough to Aux. He would've pitched them from further away, but Hikaru was no where near Aux's strength level to appropriately hit the darkballs with enough force that they would be able to fly a long enough distance. No, Hikaru could probably only pitch the darkballs a dozen feet. And that was with a long jump and equal momentum to match. As he ran towards him, Aux raised an eyebrow as Hikaru continued to yell 'whistle sound, whistle sound,' until he was close enough to Aux. He didn't have time to question however, as Hikaru made a long vertical jump before performing a slapshot to shoot the darkball at Aux. He would jump up and continue to keep the darkballs' attention on him so that they wouldn't wander off and target any of the other keyblade wielders. Seeing the darkball that was pitched towards him, Aux hit the darkball with a powerful smack with his blade, watching it fly to the other darkballs with one swift motion from his arm. The darkball hit two of the darkballs gathered around Hikaru, causing all three of them to disappear in a puff of smoke. Before he could pitch the others to him, Aux's disturbance caused the darkballs to slowly esge towards him. Unwavered, he walked forward and jumped to slash away at the remaining darballs with a few quick aerial combos. As he remained in the air, he hacked and slashed at the darkballs with an increased ferocity to try and make sure there was nothing left of the heartless but smoke. As he landed back on the ground, nothing but smoke is exactly what had fallen around him as looked around to see what was enemy he had to defeat next. Word Count: 616 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 1860 Heartless defeated: 1 Shadow 19 Darkballs Heartless Remaining: 244 Shadows 94 Darkballs 113 Neoshadows (1 Reserved) 1 Invisible (1 Reserved)
The flames intensified around Tango so that he couldn't be touched by Luther with his quick strikes. The flames surrounding him were growing larger as he summoned his dragon once more, controlling it with the wave of his keyblade. "Yes Luther! We shall both create a battle of beauty!" He target his dragon at the illusions to make them disappear. "No more tricks! No more catching me off guard! This battle will end in a blaze of glory!" Rango was still surrounded by flames, making sure that Luther wouldn't get close enough to him without getting burned. His eyes burned in passion as he has the widest smile on his face. The battle with Luther was making him very happy as he had never been able to let loose on this kind of level. "This is the end for you senor! Ignicio De la Vega will triumph today as the champion of both fire and illusion!"
Hikaru kept his guard up, with Aux watching his back from behind. Still using his frosty diamond dust aura, Hikaru twirled his keyblade around before firing a blizzaga spell at an oncoming darkball. The darkball froze in place on impact as it began falling to the ground. Watching as the heartless began falling to the ground, Hikaru dealt a quick uppercut with his keyblade and knocked it up into the air. Making sure not to eliminated it on impact, his keyblade uppercut had to be carefully glided as not to destroy the darkside. Using his keyblade like a baseball bat, he hit the darkball in a slapshot like motion causing the darkball to explode in barrage of tiny ice-like crystals, the other darkballs scattering their tilted heads from the impact. Hikaru began to run at one of the dazed darkballs and balanced itself on it's head, almost as if he was having fun. "Hey, Aux, wanna see how good your batting arm is?" Aux had at this point, just eliminated his own darkball by dragging it's chain down to his eye level and slashing it with his keyblade. He turned to Hikaru to see what he wanted and raised an eyebrow at the question. "What the heck does that mean?" Hikaru was holding out his arms to find a right amount of balance while the darkball continued to tilt it's head left and right, unaware that Hikaru was on it's head. "You know, like baseball!" Baseball was something that Aislinn had spoken to Aux about before prior to the whole little singing moment that he'd much rather forget. She had mentioned something regarding to never play baseball among woodland creatues. He was still debating in his head as to whether or not that was an actual experience that girl had come across, or if it was all a fever dream she had come up with in her head. Regardless, he had no idea what exactly baseball was, but it seemed like most people in this group did. "What's baseball?" Hikaru had never fully talked with Aux about sports. Which is odd seeing as how some one with Aux's physique could easily dominate in a sport like Football, Rugby or Hockey. Aux rarely talked about his home world, but now that he had his memories back, he should've been able to recognize more about himself. There was plenty he wanted to ask his friend, but for now he wanted to just get in some pitches. "Never mind... Look, I'm going to knock the darkballs your way, and you hit them as hard as you can!" Aux wasn't exactly sure where his friend was going with this, but as long as he could hit something, he didn't see the harm in trying. He was confused as to why he didn't just say 'hit them' in the first place. "Got it," he nodded, holding his keyblade over his shoulder. "You don't wanna use two hands?" In baseball, the batter would always hold the bat with both hands to get a better swing for a homerun. "Why would I need two?" Aux yelled from fifty meters away. Hikaru shrugged and shook his head knowing that Aux wasn't getting the concept. He also knew he could probably have enough power in just one arm than he would ever need with two. "Never mind!" he yelled back. With that out of the way, Hikaru held both hands on his keyblade and made a slapshot at the darkball towards heartless, landing back on the ground. He jumped up and did the same with a couple of others as he watched them head towards Aux. Glaring at the oncoming heartless, Aux used one hand and slashed away at the darkballs, causing them to be eliminate on contact. Aux didn't have the baseball stance of maneuver, but at least they were defeated. Word Count: 643 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 1800 Heartless Defeated: 19 Darkballs SHIRO eliminated 55 Darkballs Heartless Injured: Invisible (Scarmiglione): 25/50 Invisible (Cagnazzo): 25/50 Invisible (Barbariccia): 25/50 Enemies Remaining: 445 Shadows 209 Darkballs 155 Neoshadows (1 Reserved) 4 Invisibles (4 Reserved)
I like the idea of exploration in a time/place outside modern day. Something of an adventure/exploration roleplay is an idea I've always toyed around with. From what I've measured with the current suggestions, I've gathered that some possible scenarios; Pirate-like roleplay (Sailing the seas or sky in search of boundless treasures and adventure) Space Crew Exploration Roleplay (Getting a real Stark trek vibe from this idea, with it's own original charm. The crew would spend it's exploits finding new worlds, confront allies and enemies and explore the unknown) Medieval Quest (An overarching adventure featuring characters of unique abilities sent on a quest to save the kingdom)
Aux in a race towards Hikaru, watched as a swarm of shadow heartless were headed straight for him. Looking back to Hikaru who was fighting with a newly reinvigorated ice aura called Diamond Dust, Aux simply sighed and stopped in his tracks, skidding along the ground as he summoned out his keyblade. Whipping his hand back, he prepared to gain enough momentum before turning around and slashing upwards at the approaching enemies. The heartless flew back in slow motion as Aux watched the heartless that were knocked back, compared to the ones that continued to charge right for him. He leapt over the shadows and turned around to see the puffs of smoke symbolizing the heartless he had just defeated. He charged head first as he began to hack and slash his way through the heartless shadows. They were quite miniscule compared to his massive self, and while they weren't much of a threat to him, they were still obstacles that needed to be cleared. He charged in with his keyblade dealing heavy blow after hevy blow, watching as each swing of his blade caused more and more shadows to disappear. With most of the oncoming threats neutralized, he looked back to Hikaru, who was having his handful with a small group of neoshadows. The neoshadows surrounded Hikaru, who was holding his defensive stance preparing for when they decided to make their move. He watched from the corner of each eye as the heartless began to pace around him in their predatory way of thinking. The neoshadows grew in number as they were preparing to overwhelm him. Keeping calm, Hikaru maintained his stance and was preparing himself. Unbeknown to him, a neoshadow had appeared beneath him and tripped him, causing him to fall on his back. The neoshadows prepared to seize their opportunity as they all sprang on him simultaneously. The heartless aiming for him, caught Hikaru off guard, firing as many blizzaga spells at he could to find them off from jumping on him. He managed to successfully destroy most of them but one was still going to jump on him. Before it did, it suddenly fell short of it's jumping mark and fell face first in front of Hikaru. The blue haired boy looked up as Aux had caught the neoshadow by it's foot, making it so the neoshadow wasn't able to make it very far. Throwing the neoshadow over his head and into the air, Aux pointed his keyblade and the heartless and prepared to lock on for a long distance magic spell. He fired a quick Firaga spell as he watched the heartless explode from the spell's impact mid-air. Turning back Aux offered his hand to help Hikaru up. Hesitating for a moment, Hikaru reached out his hand anyways and had Aux pull him up quickly. "Look Aux... about-" "Not now," Aux interrupted. "Let's just show them what happens when they mess with the wrong people." Aux pushed his fist into his hand and let out a small grin, hoping to get Hikaru on board. Hikaru watched his friend get into the fighting spirit and was no longer looking at the man in the black iron mask. Aux was being more like his old self. Something Hikaru would hope to see before this was all over. Hikaru smiled and nodded as the both of them went back to back to watch each other's blind spot. Aux summoned his keyblade again as he held it aloft with one hand, while Hikaru held his blade with both hands vertically in front of his face. The two prepared for any threat that came their way. Word Count: 606 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 1740 Heartless Defeated: 9 Neoshadows 14 Shadows Heartless Injured: Shadow 1/3 Invisible (Scarmiglione): 25/50 Invisible (Cagnazzo): 25/50 Invisible (Barbariccia): 25/50 Enemies Remaining: 515 Shadows 289 Darkballs 256 Neoshadows (1 Reserved) 4 Invisibles (4 Reserved)
With his new ice infused Diamond Dust aura, Hikaru could feel the chills go down his spine as he held his keyblade. He lifted it up as he saw a swarm of shadow heartless make their way towards him. He rushed foward, small dabs of cold ice being left behind as he walked, as if he lightly froze over the ground in which he walked. He felt the ice powered magic surge through his veins as he held his keyblade to charge into the fray. As usual, half of the heartless retreated into their shadow sneak form, as the other half was left vulnerable. They began to trample each other, clawing and scratching their way towards Hikaru, lingering about and desiring to devour his heart. His eyes shimmered, charging forward and attacking with his keyblade on the dozens of shadows who decided to cease their fate while messing him him during both his ice powered aura and the accompanying buff that Shiro gave to the group. Slashing away with his keyblade, the momentum and force he struck it with created an icy rift as icicles began to form around the shadow heartless, causing them to freeze in place. He then swung his keyblade about and hacked and slashed at the frozen heartless in a frenzy. More began to trample each other only to meet the end of his blade as he continued to hack away at the heartless causing them to freeze before he would eventually put an end to them by the sheer force of his blade. The shadow heartless that were still lurking about below didn't give him any time to rest up or breathe as they were plotting to come up for air themselves. The heartless that were in shadow sneak mode came up into the playing field and scurryed about jumping over each other to leap against Hikaru. Staying cool and collected, Hikaru breathed another cold breath of air as he cast blizzard spells on the ground, causing giants pillars of crystalize ice to rise from the ground and stab any oncoming heartless. the shards of crystal ice punished the shadow heartless as they hopped to their doom. The shadows were left with no other option to be impaled by the ice as they dispersed in a puff of smoke. With that small barrage of heartless gone, more were installed to quickly take their place. Hikaru had gone from fighting a couple dozen heartless, to what felt like half a hundred. Shiro's power buff was really showing it's metal at this stage in the fight. While the heartless continued to come again and again in seemingly endless wave, the buff from Shiro allowed for the keyblade wielders to counteract their numbers and perform greatly under the circumstances.Seeing the new heartless crawl over and around the ice crystals, Hikaru jumped into the air and slashed at the shadow heartless repeatedly. He performed a few hits as he executed his combo with poise, dispersing the shadows as well as several ice chunks. Watching the smoke and ice chunks fall to the ground. Hikaru had done his work and was prepared to take on any other threats that would dare step up to him or even think about hurting his friends. He took his defensive stance and fired a quick blizzard spell into a distance crowd of shadows. The Ice boost allowed the long range to hit and disperse the heartless that were oh so very far from him. Taking another cold breath he ran across the field to find some other sort of task that he could accomplish while discovering what else his aura could do. Word Count: 608 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 1680 Heartless Defeated: 60 shadows Enemies Remaining: 630 Shadows 296 Darkballs 290 Neoshadows (1 Reserved) 12 Invisibles (4 Reserved)
Bad noodle.
"I'm fine," she replied, slowly getting up. "Nequa's in there?" She looked at the building as it continued to burn, Mizu wiping the smudge from her face. "Good riddance," she scoffed, holding her bruised arm as she looked around the flaming piled of wreckage. She didn't recognize anyone here, but from what she last recalled, Nequa knocked her out with a powerful sleep spell. From their she was drawing a blank. From the back of her mind, she could only wonder just what everyone else in the order was doing. In the back of her mind, she just knew Yue would be scolding her right about now. But she was a member of the Order, and there were people in front of her that needed some medical attention. "First lets take care of these flames." She summoned her keyblade in one hand and held it vertically in front of her face. With her other hand she held a fist in front of her heart and extended two fingers upward. She was slowly begining to eminate a blue aura around herself as she closed her eyes. Opening them quickly, she pointed her keyblade to the sky. "Dance water, Dance!" she said in a cute voice. As she said those words, more than a dozen water clones of herself were formed. "Put out the fires!" she commanded. Nodding at their orders, the Mizu water clones found large patches of fire and threw themselves into them. The clones were throwing their bodies onto the fire, both destroying themselves as well as extinguishing the flames. Looking around, she saw the raven haired girl was badly injured. Rushing to her side, she examined her injuries. "Your badly hurt..." she pointed her keyblade over Kiara's head and cast a cure spell. "That should help." She looked around to everyone and prepared to make a statement. As a member of the order, she had to keep things professional. "Attention everyone! My name is Mizu! I work with a group of highly trained keyblade wielders. Can anyone tell me what happened here?" As she looked around for answers, Finlay appeared out of nowhere, dragging what appeared to be a dead animal behind him by the ears. "Ahh good. Yer awake. Figure I should be the one tah tell ye what happened." He pointed to the smoldering building. "That there lab was where the witch was hidin'. We came here to get ridda her, but it looks like the dark haired lass did it for us." "What dark haired girl?" "Oh uhh, the bossy one with the scars on her face. Real scary lass." Mizu's eyes widened. "Yue?! Was it Yue?!" Mizu now wished the building wasn't on fire. "Couldn't tell yah girly. She went in and possibly sacrificed herself to save us." He put his hand to his chest to honor her. "A true vikin's funeral if I ever saw one." She looked back and wanted to cry. As much as Yue babied her, she still loved her like a sister. She tried to fight back her tears as she clenched her fists. "But not to worry, I found this here rabbit to feast on to help keep our energy up. Still have tah kill it first, but should be enough to feed the lot of us." He held up the rabbit he had been dragging by his ears and presented it to the group. The rabbit had a generally white face and black fur. He had blue shorts, and held his head in pain. "Ooooh, who hit my noggin?" he moaned. "Talks for some reason, but I guess I should be expectin' more in the realm o' darkness. Don't worry I'll put the li'le fella outta his misery." The rabbit's eyes widened as he was not comfortable with that idea. "WHAT?!" He jumped and summoned his keyblade as he slashed away Finlay's hand, causing him to drop. "Ain't no way your eating this bunny!" he claimed. "A keyblade?... You have a keyblade?!" Mizu asked in shock. "What's it to yah?" He looked around to make sure no one else was planning to turn him into rabbit soup. His eyes locked onto Karina. "Hey wait a second... I know you. You're the cranky loud mouth I met back in wasteland." "Heh. Well the bunny ain't wrong." "How did you get her Mr. bunny man?" Mizu asked in concern. Oswald puffed out his chest in annoyance. "My name is Oswald! Not mr. bunny man! And you all have to come with me. There's a big brawl going down, and your friends are there! The kids with the different colored hair. All of 'em!" He looked around to see if there would be any reaction. As for how I got here.. that's a story for another time. All I can say is that when I fell in here, I saw a huge swarm of these bright eyed monsters that reminded me of the inklings in wasteland." "Heartless!" Mizu cried out. "Well whatever they are, there were thousands of them. The kids seem to be holding their own, but I thought I would try to get help anyways. Then the bearded fella over there went an konked me on the head!" "I regret nuthin," Finlay proudly stated. "Did you see anyone else with them?" Mizu asked hopefully. With any luck, maybe a member of the order was there. "Well there was an old fella with a metal arm, he had scars all over his body." "Uniform? That old grandpa's still kickin?!" "Well, there was him and he was fighting a super strong loooking shirtless guy with brown hair and a very loud voice-" "That's Shiro!" Mizu cried out. The shirtless physique and booming voice were a dead giveaway. She turned to the rest of the group. "That settles it, we're going to help them." "Hey now girly... Great to see you up an' at em, but you aren't in charge." He pointed to Kiara. "She is." "What?" He turned to Kiara. "Lea told me that if anything took a turn during the mission, you would be the deciding factor. In his absense, he put you in charge of the black coats. The decision is yours lass." Oswald looked back and forth in confusion. Mizu looked at them. "Well I don't have time to wait for decisions, I lost one friend today, I'm not going to lose another!" she pouted and began storming off. "Wrong way," Oswlad spoke, causing Mizu to make an immediate U-turn.
Hikaru jumped up at the sight of a darkball, striking way with his keyblade as he punished the heartless with an aerial combo. After defeating the heartless, he turned to find a whole gaggle of darkballs swaying their heads back and forth as they approached him. He held his keyblade in his defensive stance, feeling the wind through his long blue hair as the darkballs sped past them. They begin circling around him tilting their heads left and right with their mouths wide open. The darballs surrounding him felt very predatory as they continued to chomp their jaws one after the other as if trying to scare him off. Hikaru was not amused and din't waver as he kept a tight circle formation on his own, watching as more of the heartless began to gather. Trying to be very tactful, he felt his keyblade begin to emanate with a powerful glow. He felt stronger as he gripped his keyblade looking to the darkball with a newfound determination. Seeing as how they were airbourne he knew he couldn't do much in terms of ground damage. Anything he did to them at this point would have to be ranged or aerial. Maybe both. He took his keyblade and shot a blizzard spell straight into the sky. The darkballs looked up at the blizzard spell as the ice spell shot outwards, covering a wide range. The blizzaga spell shot into the faces of several daarkballs, blinding and freezing them. Hikaru taking his chance, jumped into the air and dashed towards a frozen darkball that was falling to the ground. He leatp at the chance and dealt of flurry of blows with his keyblade. He continued to jump off the darkball, causing it to completely disperse before moving onto the next. He went from darkball to darkball, performing combo after combo with a new invigorated aura around him. As he continued to slaughter them, he thought about his own aura in the back of his mind. He thought about which he would choose, but he never took the time to stop and really think about what kind of auras he would use. He knew magic was always a vital part of his arsenal, so he knew that was a very high option for him to use in the future. What other elements were there... He recalled something about sound and blade being elements, but he didn't think he'd be able to use them well. He saw Aislinn singing about earlier and didn't think he'd be able to do any of that. Especially doing hat on key. Blade involved a lot of techniques using the keyblade, but Hikaru had never been much of a fighter. He thought about the more spell based elements, as he cast out another blizzard spell. What about Ice? He used Blizzaga numerous times this entire battle and he was fond of the range he gained during it's most powerful form of basic ice magic. Hikaru fell to the ground after defeating the last darkball and fell to the ground, feeling a light blue almost cyan-like aura began to envelope his body. He breathed deeply and saw as he could begin to see his own breath. The hot air from his mouth began to create a very chilling sensation as he could feel himself getting colder. Yet surprisingly, he didn't feel the need to shiver or actually be cold. His eyes had a shimer to them as he breathed once more, watching as his breath could be seen. He had unlocked level 1 of his ICE aura; also known as Diamond Dust. Word Count: 601 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 1620 Heartless Defeated: 19 Darkballs Heartless Remaining: 1313 Shadows 301 Darkballs 341 Neoshadows (1 Reserved) 13 Invisibles (4 Reserved) 1 Darkside Heartless Injured: Darkside 2: 786/1500
The darkside that he and Aislinn fought had fallen, watching as the dark beast fell into pieces, faded before it could even hit the ground. Aux sighed as he was glad the singing lady went elsewhere. Nice girl, but far too in her own head. He looked around the field too see what he could next in this fight. He raced off to see where he could do the most damage in the shortest amount of time. As he raced onwards, he saw a small group of neoshadows pop out of the ground like daisies in a jumping attack. The heartless had just rose from their shadow sneak form and Aux was the first one they saw to attack with. As one swung at Aux with his arm, the man grabbed it's arm and threw it over his head, as he held his keyblade with the other hand to parry the rest of the neoshadows. Rushing the blocked heartless, he performed a quick and heavy combo to eliminate them, watching as black smoke passed his face with each kill. He held his keyblade up and looked back at the neoshadow he had tossed. As it landed, it managed to crush another small shadow heartless under the impact of it's weight. Holding his keyblade aloft, Aux rushed and and held his keyblade with both hands preparing to joust the heartless. With a powerful thrust, he stabbed the heartless right in he torso and watched as it vanished in a puff of smoke before his eyes. He loooked around the battlefield before spotting Hikaru. Slashing another neoshadow quickly, he rushed over to his friend to see if he needed a hand. Meanwhile the battle between master and student raged on. As Shiro battled his former commanding officer, Hughes found himself to be continuously overwhelmed by Shiro's raw power. Shiro continued to hack and slash away at him, Hughes struglling to keep up with the younger man. "Age does not suit you old friend. Neither does the darkness you've let cower in your heart!" Shiro spoke. Hughes grunted as he summoned at least a dozen neoshadow heartless to attack him from the rear. Shiro turned and slashed away the Neoshadows with ease. "Cheap tricks Colonel? I accepted more honor for a man who served so many years." Shiro spoke intimately without pushing as much booming presence in his voice as he used to. He and Hughes had a shared history that he wished to rectify. " But then again, I can't say I'm surprised. I've always disapproved of your methods!" "I got results. What do you care how I got it?" Shiro's muscles bulged in intensity as he grew angrier. A bright silver aura emanated from him. "THEY WERE WOMEN AND CHILDREN! INNOCENTS YOU USED FOR YOUR OWN SICK PLEASURE!" "The enemy is the enemy Fujioka. And I'm surprised you would speak so spitefully to a commanding officer." he mocked. "That was then. This is now... AND NOW I SERVE THE WORLD ORDER!" The aura grew brighter as blades of wind began to circle his body. SHIRO HAS ACTIVATED LEVEL 2 WIND AURA: CYCLONE. "AND IF YOU WON'T PLAY FAIR THEN NEITHER WILL I! THIS AURA ALLOWS ME TO INCREASE THE FIGHTING POWER OF EVERYONE HERE!" As he said this, a small, silver glow began to emanate from the keyblades of every fighter on the battlefield. Hughes scoffed. "Who do you think even taught you auras in the first place?" The same silver aura began emanating around Hughes. HUGHES HAS ACTIVATED LEVEL 1 WIND AURA: TWISTER. "You keep surprising me time and time again. But you think you can beat me? I made you what you are, boy. I trained you. Disciplined you. Broke you down and rebuilt you as the man you are today." Shiro clenched his fists. "I have nothing left to learn from you." He held his keyblade proudly. Word Count: 648 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 1560 Enemies Remaining: 1449 Shadows 337 Darkballs 359 Neoshadows (1 Reserved) 18 Invisibles (4 Reserved) 1 Darkside Enemies With Injuries: Darkside 2: 1109/1500 Your BP is increased depending on your performance from the previous heartless wave (Effects stack with each wave. THIS DOES NOT INCREASE EXP) Stratos gained an extra 100 BP every post Aislinn gained an extra 100 BP every post AJ gained an extra 100 BP every post Hikaru/Aux gained an extra 100 BP every post Kel gained an extra 100 BP every post Ignis gained an extra 100 BP every post Kaida gained an extra 100 BP every post Beuce gained an extra 80 BP every post Luna an extra 20 BP every post Steel gained an extra 20 BP every post Ananta gained an extra 20 BP every post
Bursting into her level 1 sound aura, Aux could see a bright colour swarming around as it enveloped both her keyblade as well as herself. when she asked if he was doing alright, a small vein popped up in the side of his had as she ended it with kiddo. He couldn't recall when, but for the longest time he had never liked being acknowledged as a child. And not like he was exactly that young as he was eighteen now. True he was still a teenager, but definitely old enough not to be treated like a kid. And why exactly was she talking down to him like she was older, wiser and more experienced? The girl looked like she was no older than him. Maybe even younger in fact. "I uhh... was pretty good before all the singing." He didn't want to hurt her feelings but the sudden burst of spontaneous singing had really thrown him off. He wasn't really sure how to approach Aislinn or make much sense of her at this point. First she started singing, then the probable love confession, it was all just seeming like a bit much. And now on top of things, she was trying to give more life advice, trying to make him feel better for some reason. Why was this woman so involved in what went on in Aux's life?! Folding his arms and she continued to talk on and on, he was slowly beginning to drown out her worlds, just like he did back in the Pridelands. "Look kid, between what I heard you say, and what Kaida told me, it sounded like you have been having a rough time with things. I was trying to keep my own moral high, but I thought you could use a little boost too, just to know that whatever happened before, whatever you have gotten yourself into, whoever kidnapped you and forced you into that stupid exam, it doesn't define you and it doesn't bind you. You are a-" And after listening to about as much as he could possibly care for, he began drowning her out with thoughts about why he was still in the realm of darkness. As somewhat thankful as he was for the free therapy session, it wasn't exactly what he needed right now. What he primarily needed to do was knock some good old damage into the darkside that stood before them. Or in this case, more like beside them depending on which direction they were standing. Either way, he could see the darkside slowly lower it's hand to open another dark portal out of the corner of his eye. Still holding his keyblade, he held up his keyblade effortlessly and swatted away the darkside as if it were a small child trying to dig into a home cooked meal. The damage from his keyblade was great, but the darkside simply remained upset as it shook it's hand in both annoyance and confusion. Despite her shortcomings, at least she was helping. And the songs were now going to be part of her aura which at the very least was increasing the party's firepower. He considered unleashing his own aura, but knowing it was darkness caused him to be hesitant. He had used so much darkness prior to the mark of mastery exam, that he didn't want to risk watching himself turn into another slave to the darkness. He wasdoing well with his friends and at least trying to get along with the rest of the party. He just couldn't risk it at this point in the fight. Not now. Word Count: 601 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 1500 Heartless Defeated: Heartless Injured: Darkside 364/1500 Darkside 2: 1400/1500 Invisible: 22/50 Enemies Remaining: 1534 Shadows 349 Darkballs 383 Neoshadows (3 Reserved) 20 Invisibles 2 Darksides
Keeping his routine defensive stance as more shadow heartless appeared, Hikaru listened as Ignis continued to share her story. "Wow, I didn't know you were a mercenary." She spoke a lot about what it was to hold a grudge versus just having something happen as part of the job. It was true that since Hikaru began this little crusade, each world has felt like part of a job he was meant to complete so he could keep the world order. At the very least, she wasn't hating him, which is what Hikaru was hoping for since the beginning. Since his trial of heart, Hikaru had had a looming thought over his head in terms of what became of Aux. He had seen with his own eyes just what the remnant had did. It corrupted him and caused him to act with dark intentions. But the reason he felt most responsible for the whole situation is that because Aux gave up his light just to save him from his fractured heart. While Hikaru had come to terms that his own life was his to live, he still felt he owed Aux a group to call his own and a life to live. He did accept Kaida's advice and chose not to beat himself up too much about it, but part of him wanted to keep Aux safe from further blame. Before he could think further on the subject, he a few Neoshadows begin to creep their way towards him. Their size was much larger than their shadow counterparts. As he saw them begin to circle him as if they were velociraptors. Hikaru's eyes shifted back and forth watching for any of them to strike. They had long lanky arms, which meant they could cover a large rage with just a sweep of their arms. Taking his keyblade and keeping it vertically in front of them, he carefully paced his feet in a circular motion to get a good idea what was going on in their heads. They had a very predatory mentality, as just like any aggressive creature, their end game was to be able to knock him down and finish him. He pointed his keyblade to the ground and cast a seeker mine spell, causing various seeker mines to appear in a cirular formation around him. Seeing the powerful mines places, the Neoshadows began to scatter. Some jumped up high in the air, while others began to run in the oposite direction. Regardless of what they did, the seeker mines managed to chase them down and detonated themselves in a small controlled explosion. The Neoshadows were for the most part eliminated, with Hikaru lowering his keyblade to see if the damage he done had scared them off for noiw. Looking to the ground, he checked to make sure if there were any straggling shadows or neoshadows performing shadow sneak. The last thing he needed was for any of the heartless to perform a sneak attack while he was busy getting rid of the neoshadows. The area seemed clear for now as he saw a small straggling shadow without anywhere to run. It was close enough for Hikaru to reach without moving himself at all. Taking his keyblade he turned around and quickly slashed at the shadow heartless. A few smacks with his keyblade and the shadow vanished in a puff of smoke after it's defeat. Returning to defensive stance, he could see some darkballs floating around him. Instead of pursuing them, he kept his ground and prepared for if they had planned to decide whether or not they wanted to bring the fight to him. Word Count: 605 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 1440 Heartless Defeated: 1 shadow 5 Neoshadows Heartless Injured: Darkside 1: 521/1500 Darkside 2: 1400/1500 Invisible: 22/50 Enemies Remaining: 1561 Shadows 365 Darkballs 392 Neoshadows (3 Reserved) 20 Invisibles 2 Darksides
View attachment 48807 The more that Aislinn continued to sing, the stranger Aux's face became. He wanted to respect what she was doing. He really really did. But there was just something about the odd visual sight of watching someone sing while in battle. The more she sang, the more he tried to analyze just what it was she was saying. He began with looking back to the earlier verses of the song. She mentioned 'I ain't gonna be just a face in the crowd. You're gonna hear my voice.' Obviously she wants to tell him something. 'It's my life, It's now or never. I ain't gonna live forever. I just want to live while I'm alive! It's my life!' And the more he listened to the lyrics the more he was trying to understand just what giant thing she needed to say. What information did she need to convey that required such a grand gesture? He recalled some of the other lyrics in his head about just what it was she was singing about. 'My heart is like an open highway.' As he thought about it without much moving, several small shadow heartless began to pop from the small pool of darkness that the darkside heartless had created. Twitching and jerking about, the shadows began to flail their way towards Aux; who at this point was still in a deep analytical thinking process regarding Aislinn's sudden burst into song. As the shadow heartless jumped upward, Aux quickly slashed them away with one fell swoop of his keyblade. He didn't even look at what he was defeating. He just looked at Aislinn continuously with a semi-horrific look on his face, swatting away and any heartless that approached him like there were an afterthought. The shadows he swiped away from the darksides pool had been eliminated as the darkside raised it's hand and returned to it's upright position. The attack wasn't all that powerful as it simply brought more shadow heartless onto the field. The darkside seemed content with it's time consuming attack as it simply stood there, lurching slowly as it looked across the field, it's bouncing edgy shadow hair just bouncing in place. As Aislinn sung on, Aux peered his eyes, trying to understand just what it was she was trying so hard to sing to him about. 'You better stand tall when they're calling you out. Don't bend, don't break, Aux, don't back down.... Ready to take hold of your own life and show everyone what you are made of?' Looking away for a quick moment, Aux quickly slashed away at the darkside heartless' shins again, hoping to break eye contact with Aislinn if even just for a moment. The eye intensity she was holding was a very awkward thing to try and hold with her. As he pushed away the darkside, he looked back at Aislinn. As she sang to him and had her hair blowing in the wind, he had a very unsettling thought as she continued. She kept singing about living for the moment and that her life was her own. She claimed her heart was open ended and that he had better stand tall because she was calling him you. He told him not to back down from this very public display she was portraying. There was no other logical way to look at it. The signs were too obvious and the lyrics were far to specific to be anything else but what Aux had suspected would happen since he met her. Their initial disagreement upon meeting and their sudden kinship as allies. Aislinn was confessing her love to him. Word Count: 603 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 1380 Heartless Defeated: 5 Shadows Heartless Injured: Darkside 1: 582/1500 Darkside 2: 1487/1500 Invisible: 22/50 Enemies Remaining: 1602 Shadows 381 Darkballs 400 Neoshadows (3 Reserved) 20 Invisibles 2 Darksides
Noticing the grand efforts of Stratos as he leapt away to help someone else, Hikaru watched in admiration, not even minding that he left. Not really like they should be using a lot of this time to be talking too much anyhow. There were too many heartless too eliminate and there were only a dozen of them present to get the job done. As he thought of what his next plan of action, he was approached by Ignis. The red haired girl walked over to him and began some casual conversation. "So, how are we handling ourselves? Have any enjoyable moments with these little guys that you'd rather forget about? Oh yeah, you know if Aux is handling himself any better?" Hikaru had only really alligned with Ignis during their time in Sanfransokyo, and even then, it was during a time in the exam where they were seperated in both realground and underground planes of existence. She seemed kind enough and was willing to approach Hikaru in concerns to Aux; something he thought no one but himself and maybe Kaida would bother to check in with. "Could be worse, I guess," he replied to Ignis. "I mean, yeah there are a lot of these little buggers everywhere, but at least becoming masters gave a kind of edge, y'know?" Hikaru shrugged, looking across the field at Aux and Aislinn. "As for Aux, I guess he's just adjusting. He said he began recalling a lot of his forgotten memories. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad to be honest..." Realizing something crossing his mind, he turned to Ignis to question her on something he constantly thought about. "Aren't you still mad at him? Y'know... for throwing you and almost everyone else here into darkness from Disneytown?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the side of the darkside, Aux was prepared to attack once more when he saw that Aislinn was prepared to boost him up. Before he could even jump, he hesitated. After all, he knew that she was definately a strong woman, but being hoisted up by a woman more than two weight classes below him felt... dangerous. Not to mention he was always concerned with his size in comparison to others his age. His rigorous training with his grandfather Kurt caused him to gain unbelievable muscle mass from a very rigorous training schedule. Hikaru had always said that his arms were the size of cantaloupes, which somehow made him a little uncomfortable about his size. But this was Aux attempting to try and fit in with the crowd and work together with them. Kaida was able to do it, so why not him? I mean sure, he's still the reason a large percentage of them ended up here, but in the long run, he still had to at least make the attempt to be a team player. Just as he was about to go in for the boost, he stopped at the sign of Aislinn preparing to sing. The two were fighting a giant heartless, but she still managed to find the time to prepare a ballad of sorts to sing as she sung her heart out. She turned back to him after her attack and redid her boosting position. "Your turn," she said. View attachment 48802 Choosing not to question it, Aux simply took her boost and gave the darkside a wicked whack to the face. As he descended back down, he watched overhead as the Darkside shook it's head. Reaching back his giant head, he punched it into the ground before the two and caused a swirling purple pool of darkness to form around his hand. "Well that's probably not good." Word Count: 609 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 1320 Heartless Defeated: Heartless Injured: Darkside: 801/1500 Invisible: 22/50 Enemies Remaining: 1635 Shadows 373 Darkballs 401 Neoshadows (3 Reserved) 22 Invisibles 2 Darksides
As Aislinn asked how he came to be in the Mark of Mastery Exam, Aux had to take a moment to reflect. He had all his memories restored so he was trying to recall just what it was that brought him to Shibuya in the first place. As far as everyone else was concerned, Sho Minamimoto; the devilish game master that he was, simply put him there for giggles. But it was more complicated than that. Before the events in the realm of darkness, Aux had knocked most all of the SOS members into the realm of darkness after the fall of Disneytown. After the world's demise, he had gone back to No Heart to report and then... Hard as he tried to remember, not all of Aux's memories had returned to him. He remembered that No Heart had sent him on a mission to complete in the realm of darkness, but what was it? And why was he so eager to follow the master that tried to get him to destroy his friends? A lot of Aux's past actions didn't make much sense to him as far as going through with them was concerned. As far as Aislinn and the JJ kid was concerned, he was just another person from the group's past with troubling tendencies. Even if he didn't initially get along with them during his time in the Pridelands, Aux didn't want to stir up more conflict than the giant heartless horde battle that they were currently facing. He turned his head to Aislinn after she had finished her assault and scratched the back of his heads as he tried to muster a good enough explanation that would satisfy her curiosity on the subject. "Well uhh... I used to train with Hikaru and Kaida for a while. I was friends with them for a while before I uhh... lost contact with them for a while. For some reason I was drawn to Shibuya while I was in the realm of darkness, and then Sho got a hold of me and well... I can't remember much else about why he abducted me. And one thing led to another and I found myself subbing in for some guy that didn't make it past the first part." The more he spoke aloud, the more he began to wonder if that explanation at all would be suffice enough for her. Before he continued on he could feel the darkside walking closer and closer towards them. He could see from the corner of his eye, that the darkside was preparing to raise it's hand as if it were preparing to crash it down in front of the two. Not wishing to be interrupted, he quickly turn to his left, and gave the darkside a hard punch to the shin with his left fist. The darkside heartless stumbled back a few feet almost as if it was going to lose it's balance. With the darkside temporarily off balance, Aux turned back to Aislinn to finish his explanation. "Anyways, I guess I joined here more by circumstance than desire." He looked back to Kaida and Hikaru here were fighting away on opposite sides of the battlefield. Part of him was just thankful that he didn't end up finishing them off. That darkness he held inside him made him fear the future and what part he would play in it. As he thought about this, Ananta quickly slid onto the scene yelling "Take this!" as she cast a quick cure spell. The girl then dashed away as quickly as she came, leaving Aux to look up and down obliviously at Aislinn. "When did you get injured?" Word Count: 611 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 1260 Heartless Injured: Darkside 1,035/1,500 Invisible 22/50 Enemies Remaining: 1651 Shadows (3BP each) 381 Darkballs (9BP each) 403 Neoshadows (15BP each) 23 Invisibles (50BP each) 2 Darksides (1500BP
Seeing Kel and Luna still in his rear view, he looked on to the horde in front of him. Several shadow heartless had already made their way into his general vicinity, sneaking into the ground as he took a few steps back. He shot several blizzard spells along the ground, managing to immediately get rid of the ones charging at him from a higher vantage point. He had managed to fire three powerful blizzard spells, that managed to help get rid of any of the oncoming threats before having to wait for the other half of the shadow heartless swarm to rise up from their shadow sneak forms. He took his keyblade, and watched carefully as they scurried under the ground beneath his feet. Hikaru's Aerora spell was still in effect so at least he had a powerful wind barrier on his side for when they would try and pop out of the ground to attack him. He crossed his eyes back and forth as held his keyblade firmly in preparation for their onslaught. They rose from the ground in time for Hikaru to let loose his ground combos to scatter and destroy any of them from coming near himself or towards Kel and Luna. He kept his legs low and his strikes accurate as he slashed away at the targets, causing them to disappear. Taking on solely shadows, he managed to help the group while preventing himself from challenging som of the more fierce heartless. Coming back from his attacks on the shadow heartless, he looked around the battlefield. His eyes flew over to the giant darksides he planned to avoid, as a couple of keyblade wielders from his group were already taking on the giant one on the left side of the island. Aux and Aislinn were taking on the darkside all by themselves, and from the look of things, wearing them down quite a bit. Two of the strongest keyblade wielders were duking it out with the big guns and he was still on the ground floor attacking shadows. The more he looked around the battlefield, the more he tried to wonder how everyone else was fighting in comparison to himself. One member of their party he took great interest in was Stratos. He had only partied with him in Space Paranoids, but from what he saw and heard, he was always there on the front line of the battle, ready to fight without a moments notice. Stratos fought many at once and always managed to find ways to eliminate multiple enemies in a small time span. From what he could see in his arsenal, Stratos' abilities and skills were more or less on par with everyone else's. His strength seemed relatively average in many areas also. Not that it was necessarily a downside, but it still made him curious to see what drove him to fight so hard so quickly. Before he walked over to ask, Bambi pranced alongside him once more, dropping another group of MP bubbles before Hikaru would stop to pet him. "Okay, that's good for now pal. Thanks..." Bambi nodded before disappearing from the field, but not before replenishing Hikaru's MP by a small margin. As Hikaru rushed over passed numerous heartless, he could feel that his wind barrier was also fading. At the rate the wind was slowing and deteriorating, the defensive wind spell would probably run out of time by the time he's approach Stratos. Watching him perform a potent thunder styled attack on a nearby heartless, Hikaru began slowing down as he approached Stratos. "Whoa... where'd you learn that?" he asked. He wished to get to know Stratos a bit better in order to see what kept his drive going. Maybe even learning a bit more about him. Word Count: 629 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 1200 Heartless Defeated: 26 Shadows Heartless Injured: Darkside 1,191/1,500 Enemies Remaining: 1701 Shadows 413 Neoshadows 382 Darkballs 24 Invisibles 2 Darksides
After Bambi pranced away happily, Hikaru was newly rejuvinated by the MP bubble orbs that the deer had left behind. He felt his mystical energy replenish as he was no ready to have some mre fun with his high damaging spell casting. Hikaru looked into the sky as roughly half a dozen darkballs were floating overhead. Hoping to get some good distance, Hikaru began to pace himself around the giant darkballs in order to get a good idea of just how much range he had before casting his spells. With the aerora spell still in effect, his wind barrier was still able to parry and deter most of the darkballs' charging attacks. Stopping and finding his footing, Hikaru looked up at the demonic darkballs, as their chains dangled heavily at their sides. Two of them took the leading charge as they made a mad dash for Hikaru. While he would normally be on his guard, Hikaru didn't have to worry about it too much this time around. His wind spell was still active and caused the darkballs to bounce right off him as if they were dodgeballs hitting a wall. The darkballs were bounced off and both heads were floundering about in a daze, allowing Hikaru his opportunity to do damage. Taking his keyblade, he pointed it directly in front of him and aimed specifically for the dazed darkball on the right. He let loose a powerful blizzard spell, causing the Darkball to immediately freeze on impact and the darkballs nearby to receive a fair bit of damage. He watched as the frozen one began it's decent onto the ground, while the other darkballs were still shaking off the edges of their frozen antennae in an attempt to get rid of the excess ice dangling from the sides of their bodies. Their chains were now cold as ice, now having turned a light blue cyan colour. Dashing towards the falling darkside, Hikaru held his keyblade with both hands, preparing to do a massive strike against it. This hit had to be just strong enough to launch it, but not strong enough to destroy it. Hikaru wanted to try his hand at a geometric tactics. He lossened his grip lightly as he took his swing at the frozen darkball. He did not smack his keyblade forcefully against it, but managed to just cradle it enough with his keyblade, before firing it like a hockey puck at the other darkballs. The darkball managed to hit 3 others before falling apart in a cascade of ice and darkness. "Woo! Three pointer!" he cheered, charging ahead to finish the other darkballs. He raced to the remaining darkballs and jumped into the air to perform a fury of slashes to help finish off the darkballs that weren't damaged or destroyed by his little geometric ice tactc. In all honesty, there wasn't much math involved as just pure luck. Watching behind him, he spotted two smaller shadows sneaking towards Kel. Insignificant as they appeared to be, he want to make sure his friends were covered from all angles. HE charged ahead and lunged forward with his keyblade, causing one of them to be eliminated on impact. The other one snuck down into his shadow sneak mode, causing Hikaru to pause and wait. It honestly felt like he was just waiting for a fish to jump out of a river. When it did, Hikaru jumped at the chance and immediately slammed his keyblade down to the ground. The impact caused the shadow heartless to be eliminated, as Hikaru returned to his defensive stance. Reseting after each encounter was slowly becoming second nature to him. Word Count: 607 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 1140 Heartless Defeated: 8 Darkballs 2 Shadows : Heartless Injured: Darkside 1,194/1,500 Enemies Remaining: 1820 Shadows 426 Neoshadows 408 Darkballs 25 Invisibles 2 Darksides
Hello to both veteran and novice roleplayers alike! The Roleplay Arena Workshop (or RAW for short) is a small passion project that I've decided to lead in an effort to create and complete a roleplay in the arena section. This roleplay will be relatively short and feature the ideas and concepts that the members of KH-vids.net come up with. How does this work? Great question! For one week, a discussion will be had to talk about just what kind of roleplay you'd like to see in the RPA. You suggest anything from the topic of the rolepay, to the entire feel of it. You can suggest anything as no idea is too out there! You can bring up the idea of expanding existing universes like Harry Potter or Star Wars, or you can suggest an original idea in the form of a slice of life story. The first week is to create and expand on ideas you think would make a good story to follow. After a week of discussion, a poll will be added to this thread. This poll will feature a large number of the suggestion roleplay ideas and members will be given a week to vote on their favorite idea. Multiple voting will be allowed, so you don't have to pick just one! Once a winner has been crowned, I will be discussing with the primary member(s) that nominated the idea to see just what kind of story they'd like to see. In the end, if you're idea wasn't selected as the final product; don't worry! There's always next season! This Roleplay Workshop will showcase the drive in not only keeping a roleplay alive, but keep it engaging for it's participating userbase. This little experiment is a fun way of seeing just how well a story can be crafted to the point of completion. It's a shame when so many interesting roleplay concepts die, which inspired this workshop to begin with. That being said, discuss away on an idea or concept you'd like to be brought to light!
Hikaru watched as more shadow heartless began to rise in front of him. Their bright eyes illuminated the atmosphere of darkness that was laid before them.Holding his keyblade aloft, he looked onwards to the swarm of shadow heartless. Whenever they appeared, it was always in a pack of roughly two dozen or so. They twitched back and forth as they began to scurry forward, half of them shadow sneaking from the ground as they prepared their oncoming attack. Hoping to try and deter their efforts while saving some of his own stamina, Hikaru helt his keyblade over his head. Pointing straight to the sky, he cast a large circular wind barrier over himself with an Aerora spell. "Wind!" he yelled, watching as the cutting wind spell moved smoothly with a sleek intensity around himself. As some of the shadow heartless approached, they immediately did one of their simple signature maneuvers and jumped at Hikaru from above. The wind barrier Aerora spell did it's magic and caused the heartless to be parried away from Hikaru once they hit the barrier. The barrier was strong but wouldn't last forever, prompting Hikaru to jump into action. Taking his keyblade, he lunged at a small group of shadows, before knocking one of them into the air. Managing to knock a couple with the shadow he knocked upward, he performed an aerial combo that managed to cover a large amount of range with his keyblade. A few small grunts and precision slashes later, the shadows he had knocked into the air had all vanished from his attack. Landing back to the ground, he whipped his keyblade to the side as he dashed forward for another assault. Taking his keyblade, he slashed horizontal at the grounded heartless, remaining low as to damage as many of them as he could. He whipped his blade back and forth, using both hands when he wanted to perform more of his intense combo finishers. The shadow heartless that were in shadow sneak mode eventually came to the ground and returned to their original form. Trying to rush him from behind, the heartless jumped forward, trying to scratch at Hikaru's shins from behind. These attacks were of no use to them as Hikaru's defensive barrier was keeping them at bay from doing any damage and keeping him in control. "Not this time!" he called out, swinging his keyblade behind to try and get rid of the little pests. Turning around, he swung his keyblade along the ground and performed a flurry of quick stabs and slashes to disperse them from his personal space. Once he had helped get rid of the meddlesome shadows that were attacking him from behind, he returned to his defensive stance, looking around to see if there were any more shadows in their most recent assault. Breathing in deeply through his nose and outward from his mouth his eyes shifted back and forth, staying on his toes for when the next group attacked him. While there was a silent moment of Hikaru focused, Bambi pranced around him, dropping several MP bubble orbs which Hikaru absorbed to replenish his Magic power. While it was kind of the deer to do for him, it definitely ruined the intense battle scenario that he and the rest of his group were currently facing. He simply sighed and said; "Thanks," as the deer pranced away without a care in the world. Returning to his battle stance, Hikaru held up his keyblade and rolled back his shoulders as he kept Luna and Kel guarded from the rear. The least he could do is make sure they were well covered both offensively and through supportive action. Word Count: 612 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 1080 Heartless Defeated: 26 Shadows Heartless Injured: Darkside 1,197/1,500 Heartless Remaining: Defeat 1850 Shadows Defeat 431 Neoshadows Defeat 432 Darkballs Defeat 25 Invisibles Defeat 2 Darksides
"Yeah, I'm... just a dittle lizzy," He replied to Luna, slurring his words slightly as he staggered back and forth. Hikaru had to blink a few time to readjust his vision, while the now defeated darkball heartless took a large portion of the blow, Hikaru was still a bit dazed from the impact. Getting up he was immediately pushed aside by the valiant Luna. As he fell back a few feet he saw as more and more heartless were slowly attracting themselves towards her. Granted they all had keyblades, but Kel and Hikaru seemed like small snack in the eyes of the heartless, while Luna's heart looked like a light-filled all you can eat buffet. In the chaos, Luna managed to release a powerful faith spell, only to be caught up by an invisible. Before Hikaru could even step in, Kel had defused the situation and managed to keep Luna in the clear. It was times like these that Hikaru was thankful the allies and friends he had made were strong enough to support each other. When he began this journey, he thought he would have to shoulder everything alone. Dealing with Aux, defeating the heartless; it all felt like so much to him. Now, after friends had came and went he still had a small band with him. Kel and Luna were the two he had known the longest and he had watched them evolve from lower levels into powerful masters. Rushing to Luna's aid, he held up his keyblade over her head and cast a quick cure spell to heal her injuries. "There you go!" a small beam of light flowered over her head as her minor injuries were rapidly healed by his curaga spell. Before he could even ask if she was okay, a large swarm of small shadow heartless made their way into his general vicinity. Taking a few steps back, Hikaru wasn't going to let the heartless overtake him or his friends. Everyone else was showing such an instinct to attack and defend. Hikaru had that mentality before it was broken by the overwhelming numbers that Colonel Hughes kept supplying in heartless. Taking his keyblade, he slashed away at the heartless in front of him, sweeping along the ground as the shadow heartless had either been dispersed on sight or knocked back. He saw more heartless jumping overhead, causing his to swat his keyblade over his face, watching as the twitching jumping creatures were smacked right out of his way. The amount of combo damage he dealt varied as he continued to hack and slash away. To his surprise, many of them weren't shadow sneaking into the ground this time around. They most hurdled around him and paced until they found an ample opportunity to strike. To make sure they wouldn't catch him off guard, Hikaru would instinctively turn ninety degrees every couple of seconds or so to make sure they wouldn't catch him unprepared for their assault. Performing a powerful spinning attack, he leapt into the air and slashed at every direction before jumping down, watching as the heartless he had defeated, fell to the ground in dark purple puffs of smoke. He kept his stance firm as he raised his keyblade in front of his face. His face stayed more determined and rapidly looked to the left and right to see if they would jump out of the ground again. "Just how many of these things does he plan to bring out?" He turned his head to ask Kel and Luna what they thought as he watched their six. The thought of how many heartless he could summon began to haunt him. Word Count: 609 EXP Earned: 60 EXP Total: 1020 Heartless Defeated: 26 Shadows Heartless Injured: Darkside 1,197/1,500 Heartless Remaining: Defeat 1876 Shadows Defeat 436 Neoshadows Defeat 432 Darkballs Defeat 25 Invisibles Defeat 2 Darksides