"Finlay embraces his oddities!" He proclaimed from afar. As Karina and Arctus were in the midst of their lovers quarrel, Finlay continued to climb up the back of the darkside as if he were climbing a cliff with his axes. He was dealing massive damage to the darkside as he could feel the heartless writhing back in pain. "oh don't worry yah beasty... I'll put yah outta yer misery soon enough..." Darkside red: defeated Darkside blue: 600/5000 Darkside yellow: 3800/5000
"Ahh, I see yah want a crack at this one lass!" He pulled the axe from the dark sides head as he looked to the blue darkside. "All well an good. I just have this one a haircut..." the dark sides haircut was indeed much shorter and uneven than before. " now if you'll excuse me, Finlay must claim another beast!" He jumped off the head of the yellow one and embedded his axes into the back of the blue one. Darkside blue: 800/5000 Darkside yellow: 4000/5000
Finlay threw one of his axes at the red darkside and laughed hysterically. The axe dispersed the darkside with Finlay continuing to laugh in taking the deserved kill from any of the other fighters. "FINLAY WINS!" He beckoned from atop the yellow darkside. Darkside blue: 1000/5000 Darkside red: defeated Darkside yellow: 4200/5000
Finlay began chopping off the dark sides hair with his axes. "Just a wee bit off the top, eh?! HAHAHA!" He laughed whole heartedly Darkside Blue: 1200/5000 Darkside Red: 400/5000 Darkside Yellow: 4200/5000
"Thanks!" Hikaru said, nodding to Stratos. He looked up at the giant heartless and unleashed a powerful light spell, pointing his keyblade to the sky. A giant thunderbolt rained down on the darkside's head. Hikaru used Thundaga! ----------------------------------- Aux used another combo! ----------------------------------- Watching Koa attack darkside yellow, Finlay laughed joyously. The grizzled man leapt up and began to bite the darkside's arm with his own teeth. ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Darkside Blue: 3400/5000 ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Darkside Red: 2200/5000 ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Darkside Yellow: 4400/5000
Boss Battle • Stormbringer HEAD: R O U N D 2 HEAD: Kaida > Stratos > Hikaru > Beuce > Stormbringer LEFT: R O U N D 2 LEFT: Steel > Kel > Ignis > Luna > Stormbringer's Hand RIGHT: R O U N D 2 RIGHT: Aux > Ananta > AJ > Aislinn > Stormbringer's Hand Head: 3,356/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Left Arm: 4,110/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Right Arm: 3,524/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Doused) Beuce Hikaru Kaida Stratos Group Bonuses 33/76 HP 4/6 MP 20% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: MAGIC Drain Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Potion Ultra Phoenix Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Zantetsuken 6/6 Faith 0/5 Dark Aura 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Finishing Leap Blitz Second Chance Dark Control (Oblivion) 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 0% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Ground Combo changes to 365%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 315%, 7 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 390%, 10 hits, Air Combo changes to 340%, 5 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement 12/76 HP 9/10 MP 30% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzaga Curaga Thundaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Faith 5/5 Excalibur 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Magic Lock-On Cheer Cover Dodge Roll (20%) Guard Lucky Lucky MP Haste Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 150% Ground Combo, 4 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Flight Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Heaven Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 285%, 7 hits Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo changes to 310%, 5 hits Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo changes to 260%, 8 hits 9/80 HP 7/9 MP 60% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzara Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Poition Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Splattercombo 3/3 Thunderbell 0/3 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Maximus Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Magic Lock-On MP Haste Reload Boost Blitz MP Rage Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 130%, 1 hit Total Dodge: 40% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Shooting Star Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 230%, 5 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 225%, 11 hits, Air Combo becomes 195%, 8 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo becomes 280%, 2 hits 51/76 HP 8/8 MP 13% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Seeker Mine Cura Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Launch 0/5 Faith 4/4 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (30%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cheer Gift Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Tribute Damage Syphon Reload Boost Finishing Leap MP Rage Ground Combo - 290%, 10 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 30% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Dichromatic Resonance Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 320%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 11 hits Gravity Drift Gravity Boost Spacial Bomb: Ground Combo changes to 340%, 14 hits, Air combo becomes 260%, 10 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach Cheer +2 Valor: Strength +20% Wisdom: Magic +20% Lucky Lucky +10% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ignis Kel Luna Steel Group Bonuses 86/96 HP 5/5 MP 60% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Marahute Mushu Bambi Baymax Basil Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Sliding Dash 3/3 Fire Strike 2/2 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Strike Raid 2/2 Barrier Surge 3/3 Cross Slash 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Second Wind Blitz Finishing Leap 350% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hits Total Dodge: 40% Soldier Abilities Valor Combo Plus+ Reload Boost Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Army of One Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 400%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits 50/76 HP 9/9 MP 38% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Zantetsuken 4/4 Aerial Slam 3/3 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Splattercombo 3/3 Cross Slash 0/3 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Mushu Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Guard Cheer Damage Syphon Second Chance Dark Control (Oblivion) 330% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hit Total Dodge: 30% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior’s Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Dragon Blaze Trip Around the Sun Spoiler: Aura Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 380%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement Power Power Boost Home Run 96/121 HP 7/9 MP 33% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Cura Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Mega-Potion Ultra-Potion Ether Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Break Time 7/7 Faith 0/5 Excalibur 8/8 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Basil Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Cheer Cover Damage Syphon Second Chance Protect and Serve (Lionheart) 140% Ground Combo, 5 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air Combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 2 hits 74/84 HP 10/10 MP 45% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Sliding Dash 3/3 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Break Time 6/6 Reluctancy 6/6 April Showers 6/6 Ninja Vanish 6/6 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Blitz Second Chance Item Boost 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 6 hits Total Dodge: 60% Ninja Synch Blade Reload Boost Magical Lock Smokescreen First Strike Spoiler: LIMITS Tempered Fate Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground combo becomes 340%, 12 hits, Air Combo becomes 290%, 9 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 315%, 16 hits, Air Combo changes to 265%, 13 hits Cheer +2 Valor: Strength +20% Protect and Serve: HP +10% Lucky Lucky +5% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aislinn AJ Ananta Aux Group Bonuses 54/80 HP 9/9 MP 53% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Cross Slash 3/3 Barrier Surge 3/3 Zantetsuken 0/5 Fist Bump 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Cover Damage Syphon Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 210% Ground Combo, 6 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Guardian’s Rush Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 290%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 10 hits Power Power Boost Home Run: Ground Combo changes to 370%, 7 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 285%, 7 hits 52/80 HP 7/10 MP 44% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Thundaga Blizzara Curaga Seeker Mine Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Second Chance Damage Syphon Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 100%, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Rebirth Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Wind High Winds Wind Boost Final Gale: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 9 hits, Air Combo changes to 200%, 6 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 7 hits, Air Combo Changes to 200%, 4 hits 46/70 HP 8/10 MP 72% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzara Curaga Gravira Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Faith 5/5 Thunderbell 0/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance MP Haste (Spell Binder) 130% Ground Combo, 3 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hit Total Dodge: 20% Red Mage Synch Blade Dual Cast Valor Wisdom Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Crystalline Shield Spoiler: Aura Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 250%, 2 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 230%, 6 hits, Aerial Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 225%, 4 hits 75/90 HP 8/8 MP 50% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Drain Thundara Aeroga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Fist Bump 4/4 Dark Aura 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cover Damage Syphon Hakuna Matata (Circle of Life) Ground Combo - 220%, 8 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 20% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 330%, 5 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach: Ground Combo changes to 305%, 7 hits Valor: Strength +20% Wisdom: Magic +10% Hakuna Matata +1 MP
Hikaru watched as Stratos launched his two friends at the stormbringer's head. He let out a quick whistling sound. "Good distance," he said giving a thumbs up. He looked up at the stormbringer's head, shaking the excess water from the rain off his hair. "Thunder!" he yelled, letting loose a powerful spell onto the heartless' head. Hikaru used Thundaga! Finlay breathed in as he charged forward with his axes flailing, he attacked the darkside's feet. "FINLAY'S GONNA WRECK YER SHINS!" Darkside Red: 4800/5000 Darkside Blue: 4,400/5,000 Darkside Yellow: 4800/5000
With both darksides defeated, the groups reconviened in hopes that the threats were finally over. Hikaru looked around and felt that those last two darksides barely put up much of a fight. "Is it just me... or are these getting easier?" Meanwhile, Hughes was still in a stalemate in his fight with Shiro. Karina was in the process of running to cut him in half, but was abruptly stopped by a darkside in her path. Two more appeared before the group, stopping the black coats from interrupting your fight. Keeping Mizu and Oswald occupied, Hughes summoned a demon tower to keep the two wielders occupied as well. Sprinkles wrestled the darkside to the ground as Oswald rode the demon tide, and Mizu provided coverfire with some offensive spells. "WHAT'S YOUR GAME HUGHES?!" Shiro barked. "Keep sending wave after wave until you've used up all your energy?!" Hguhes chuckled as he clashed blades with his former apprentice. "What you saw before was just a sample. You see, the heartless were just amassing a big enough dark pool for my grand masterpiece to come out!" Shiro's eyes widened as a large pool of darkness opened up, a darkside clawed it's way out of the ground, looking different than the rest. It was almsot as tall as sprinkles and had red and yellow circuits coursing through it's veins. "Say hello to the daddy of all darksides!" Hughes announced, as the darkside presented itself in front of the SOS. "The Stormbringer!" Hughes proudly declared. Aux watched the tall darkside and sighed. "Just you I guess," he replied to Hikaru's earlier question. Everyone's aura's deactivated as the Stormbringer lifted it's arms to the sky, causing a thunderstorm to form around the arena. The Stormbringer looked down as it began to rain, dousing everyone on the field. WAVE 5 HAS BEGUN! Black Coats: Defeat 3 Darksides (All Characters now have 200 BP) TEAM 1 (Head) Beuce, Hikaru, Kaida, Stratos TEAM 2 (Left Arm) Ignis, Kel, Luna, Steel TEAM 3 (Right Arm) Aislinn, AJ, Ananta, Aux Watching the rain fall over the darkside, he lifted his keyblade and struck down the Stormbringer's right arm with a powerful combo! Aux used Combo! Boss Battle • Stormbringer HEAD: R O U N D 1 HEAD: Kaida > Stratos > Hikaru > Beuce > Stormbringer LEFT: R O U N D 1 LEFT: Steel > Kel > Luna > Ignis > Stormbringer's Hand RIGHT: R O U N D 1 RIGHT: Aux > Ananta > AJ > Aislinn > Stormbringer's Hand Head: 5,000/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Left Arm: 5,000/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Right Arm: 5,000/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Doused) Beuce Hikaru Kaida Stratos Group Bonuses 76/76 HP 6/6 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: MAGIC Drain Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Potion Ultra Phoenix Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Zantetsuken 6/6 Faith 5/5 Dark Aura 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Finishing Leap Blitz Second Chance Dark Control (Oblivion) 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 0% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Ground Combo changes to 365%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 315%, 7 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 390%, 10 hits, Air Combo changes to 340%, 5 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement 76/76 HP 10/10 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzaga Curaga Thundaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Faith 5/5 Excalibur 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Magic Lock-On Cheer Cover Dodge Roll (20%) Guard Lucky Lucky MP Haste Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 150% Ground Combo, 4 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Flight Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Heaven Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 285%, 7 hits Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo changes to 310%, 5 hits Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo changes to 260%, 8 hits 80/80 HP 9/9 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzara Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Poition Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Splattercombo 3/3 Thunderbell 3/3 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Maximus Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Magic Lock-On MP Haste Reload Boost Blitz MP Rage Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 130%, 1 hit Total Dodge: 40% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Shooting Star Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 230%, 5 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 225%, 11 hits, Air Combo becomes 195%, 8 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo becomes 280%, 2 hits 76/76 HP 8/8 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Seeker Mine Cura Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Launch 5/5 Faith 4/4 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (30%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cheer Gift Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Tribute Damage Syphon Reload Boost Finishing Leap MP Rage Ground Combo - 290%, 10 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 30% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Dichromatic Resonance Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 320%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 11 hits Gravity Drift Gravity Boost Spacial Bomb: Ground Combo changes to 340%, 14 hits, Air combo becomes 260%, 10 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach Cheer +2 Valor: Strength +20% Wisdom: Magic +20% Lucky Lucky +10% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ignis Kel Luna Steel Group Bonuses 96/96 HP 5/5 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Marahute Mushu Bambi Baymax Basil Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Sliding Dash 3/3 Fire Strike 2/2 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Strike Raid 2/2 Barrier Surge 3/3 Cross Slash 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Second Wind Blitz Finishing Leap 350% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hits Total Dodge: 40% Soldier Abilities Valor Combo Plus+ Reload Boost Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Army of One Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 400%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits 76/76 HP 9/9 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Zantetsuken 4/4 Aerial Slam 3/3 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Splattercombo 3/3 Cross Slash 3/3 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Mushu Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Guard Cheer Damage Syphon Second Chance Dark Control (Oblivion) 330% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hit Total Dodge: 30% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior’s Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Dragon Blaze Trip Around the Sun Spoiler: Aura Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 380%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement Power Power Boost Home Run 121/121 HP 9/9 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Cura Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Mega-Potion Ultra-Potion Ether Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Break Time 7/7 Faith 5/5 Excalibur 8/8 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Basil Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Cheer Cover Damage Syphon Second Chance Protect and Serve (Lionheart) 140% Ground Combo, 5 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air Combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 2 hits 84/84 HP 10/10 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Sliding Dash 3/3 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Break Time 6/6 Reluctancy 6/6 April Showers 6/6 Ninja Vanish 6/6 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Blitz Second Chance Item Boost 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 6 hits Total Dodge: 60% Ninja Synch Blade Reload Boost Magical Lock Smokescreen First Strike Spoiler: LIMITS Tempered Fate Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground combo becomes 340%, 12 hits, Air Combo becomes 290%, 9 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 315%, 16 hits, Air Combo changes to 265%, 13 hits Cheer +2 Valor: Strength +20% Protect and Serve: HP +10% Lucky Lucky +5% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aislinn AJ Ananta Aux Group Bonuses 80/80 HP 9/9 MP 0% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Cross Slash 3/3 Barrier Surge 3/3 Zantetsuken 5/5 Fist Bump 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Cover Damage Syphon Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 210% Ground Combo, 6 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Guardian’s Rush Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 290%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 10 hits Power Power Boost Home Run: Ground Combo changes to 370%, 7 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 285%, 7 hits 80/80 HP 10/10 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Thundaga Blizzara Curaga Seeker Mine Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Second Chance Damage Syphon Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 100%, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Rebirth Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Wind High Winds Wind Boost Final Gale: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 9 hits, Air Combo changes to 200%, 6 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 7 hits, Air Combo Changes to 200%, 4 hits 70/70 HP 10/10 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzara Curaga Gravira Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Faith 5/5 Thunderbell 4/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance MP Haste (Spell Binder) 130% Ground Combo, 3 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hit Total Dodge: 20% Red Mage Synch Blade Dual Cast Valor Wisdom Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Crystalline Shield Spoiler: Aura Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 250%, 2 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 230%, 6 hits, Aerial Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 225%, 4 hits 90/90 HP 8/8 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Drain Thundara Aeroga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Fist Bump 4/4 Dark Aura 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cover Damage Syphon Hakuna Matata (Circle of Life) Ground Combo - 220%, 8 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 20% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 330%, 5 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach: Ground Combo changes to 305%, 7 hits Valor: Strength +20% Wisdom: Magic +10% Hakuna Matata +1 MP
Hikaru held up his keyblade and proclaimed the activation of his light aura. "Rising Wing!" He then proceeded to do a rush of light attacks. Hikaru actiavated Rising Wing! Hikaru used Excalibur!
Boss Battle • Blue Darkside R O U N D 4 Steel > Kel > Beuce > Ananta > Hikaru > Aslinn > Darkside 860/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Normal) Aislinn Ananta Beuce Hikaru Kel Steel Group Bonuses 80/80 HP 8/8 MP 105% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Cross Slash 1/3 Barrier Surge 3/3 Zantetsuken 2/5 Fist Bump 0/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Cover Damage Syphon Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 210% Ground Combo, 6 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Guardian’s Rush Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 290%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 10 hits Power Power Boost Home Run: Ground Combo changes to 370%, 7 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 285%, 7 hits 70/70 HP 5/9 MP 15% CG AERORA - 3 CYCLES Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzara Curaga Gravira Spoiler: ITEMS Mega-Potion Hi-Potion x4 Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Break Time 7/7 Reluctancy 7/7 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance MP Haste (Spell Binder) 130% Ground Combo, 3 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hit Total Dodge: 20% Red Mage Synch Blade Dual Cast Valor Wisdom Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Crystalline Shield Spoiler: Aura Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 250%, 2 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 230%, 6 hits, Aerial Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 225%, 4 hits 76/76 HP 0/6 MP 60% CG AERORA: 3 CYCLES Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: MAGIC Drain Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Potion Ultra Phoenix Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Zantetsuken 6/6 Faith 0/5 Dark Aura 2/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Finishing Leap Blitz Second Chance Dark Control (Oblivion) 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 0% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Ground Combo changes to 365%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 315%, 7 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 390%, 10 hits, Air Combo changes to 340%, 5 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement 76/76 HP 5/10 MP 120% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzaga Curaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Faith 1/5 Quake 5/5 Excalibur 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Magic Lock-On Cheer Cover Dodge Roll (20%) Guard Lucky Lucky MP Haste Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 150% Ground Combo, 4 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Flight Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Heaven Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 285%, 7 hits Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo changes to 310%, 5 hits Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo changes to 260%, 8 hits 76/76 HP 9/9 MP 125% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Zantetsuken 2/4 Aerial Slam 3/3 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Splattercombo 3/3 Cross Slash 0/3 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Mushu Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Guard Cheer Damage Syphon Second Chance Dark Control (Oblivion) 330% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hit Total Dodge: 30% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior’s Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Dragon Blaze Trip Around the Sun Spoiler: Aura Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 380%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement Power Power Boost Home Run 76/76 HP 10/10 MP 115% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Fire Strike 2/2 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Break Time 6/6 Reluctancy 6/6 April Showers 6/6 Ninja Vanish 6/6 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Blitz Second Chance Item Boost 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 6 hits Total Dodge: 60% Ninja Synch Blade Reload Boost Magical Lock Smokescreen First Strike Spoiler: LIMITS Tempered Fate Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground combo becomes 340%, 12 hits, Air Combo becomes 290%, 9 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 315%, 16 hits, Air Combo changes to 265%, 13 hits Cheer +1 Valor: Strength +30% Wisdom: Magic +10%
Hikaru used Quake!
Boss Battle • Red Darkside R O U N D 5 Kaida > Stratos > Ignis > Luna > Aux > AJ > Darkside 278/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Normal) AJ Aux Ignis Kaida Luna Stratos Group Bonuses 96/96 HP 1/10 MP 90% CG AERORA - 3 CYCLES Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Thundaga Blizzara Curaga Seeker Mine Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 0/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Second Chance Damage Syphon Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 100%, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Rebirth Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Wind High Winds Wind Boost Final Gale: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 9 hits, Air Combo changes to 200%, 6 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 7 hits, Air Combo Changes to 200%, 4 hits 108/108 HP 8/8 MP 75% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Drain Thundara Aeroga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Fist Bump 1/4 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cover Damage Syphon Ground Combo - 220%, 8 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 20% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 330%, 5 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach: Ground Combo changes to 405%, 11 hits 106/106 HP 5/5 MP 140% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Marahute Mushu Bambi Baymax Basil Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Sliding Dash 3/3 Fire Strike 2/2 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Strike Raid 2/2 Barrier Surge 3/3 Cross Slash 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Second Wind Blitz Finishing Leap 350% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hits Total Dodge: 40% Soldier Abilities Valor Combo Plus+ Reload Boost Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Army of One Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 400%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits 96/96 HP 5/11 MP 200% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzara Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Poition Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Splattercombo 1/3 Thunderbell 3/3 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Maximus Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Magic Lock-On MP Haste Reload Boost Blitz MP Rage Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 130%, 1 hit Total Dodge: 40% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Shooting Star Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 230%, 5 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 225%, 11 hits, Air Combo becomes 195%, 8 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo becomes 280%, 2 hits 130/130 HP 6/11 MP 140% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Cura Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Mega-Potion Ultra-Potion Ether Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Break Time 7/7 Faith 5/5 Excalibur 0/8 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Basil Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Cheer Cover Damage Syphon Second Chance Protect and Serve (Lionheart) 140% Ground Combo, 5 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air Combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 2 hits 91/91 HP 3/9 MP 100% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Cura Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Thunderbell 1/3 Faith 4/4 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (30%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cheer Gift Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Tribute Damage Syphon Reload Boost Finishing Leap MP Rage Protect and Serve (Lionheart) Ground Combo - 290%, 10 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 30% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 320%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 11 hits Gravity Drift Gravity Boost Spacial Bomb: Ground Combo changes to 340%, 14 hits, Air combo becomes 260%, 10 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach Cheer +1 Valor: Strength +30% Wisdom: Magic +20% Command Boost + 20% Protect and Serve: HP +20% Hakuna Matata: MP +1 Lucky Lucky +5% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boss Battle • Blue Darkside R O U N D 3 Steel > Kel > Beuce > Ananta > Hikaru > Aslinn > Darkside 2,459/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Normal) Aislinn Ananta Beuce Hikaru Kel Steel Group Bonuses 80/80 HP 8/8 MP 65% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Cross Slash 0/3 Barrier Surge 3/3 Zantetsuken 1/5 Fist Bump 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Cover Damage Syphon Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 210% Ground Combo, 6 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Guardian’s Rush Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 290%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 10 hits Power Power Boost Home Run: Ground Combo changes to 370%, 7 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 285%, 7 hits 70/70 HP 5/9 MP 0% CG AERORA - 4 CYCLES Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzara Curaga Gravira Spoiler: ITEMS Mega-Potion Hi-Potion x4 Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Break Time 7/7 Reluctancy 7/7 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance MP Haste (Spell Binder) 130% Ground Combo, 3 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hit Total Dodge: 20% Red Mage Synch Blade Dual Cast Valor Wisdom Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Crystalline Shield Spoiler: Aura Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 250%, 2 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 230%, 6 hits, Aerial Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 225%, 4 hits 76/76 HP 2/6 MP 140% CG AERORA: 3 CYCLES Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: MAGIC Drain Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Potion Ultra Phoenix Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Zantetsuken 6/6 Faith 5/5 Dark Aura 1/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Finishing Leap Blitz Second Chance Dark Control (Oblivion) 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 0% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Ground Combo changes to 365%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 315%, 7 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 390%, 10 hits, Air Combo changes to 340%, 5 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement 76/76 HP 7/10 MP 90% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzaga Curaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Faith 1/5 Quake 5/5 Excalibur 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Magic Lock-On Cheer Cover Dodge Roll (20%) Guard Lucky Lucky MP Haste Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 150% Ground Combo, 4 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Flight Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Heaven Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 285%, 7 hits Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo changes to 310%, 5 hits Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo changes to 260%, 8 hits 76/76 HP 9/9 MP 100% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Zantetsuken 1/4 Aerial Slam 3/3 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Splattercombo 3/3 Cross Slash 3/3 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Mushu Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Guard Cheer Damage Syphon Second Chance Dark Control (Oblivion) 330% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hit Total Dodge: 30% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior’s Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Dragon Blaze Trip Around the Sun Spoiler: Aura Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 380%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement Power Power Boost Home Run 76/76 HP 10/10 MP 135% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Fire Strike 2/2 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Break Time 6/6 Reluctancy 6/6 April Showers 6/6 Ninja Vanish 6/6 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Blitz Second Chance Item Boost 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 6 hits Total Dodge: 60% Ninja Synch Blade Reload Boost Magical Lock Smokescreen First Strike Spoiler: LIMITS Tempered Fate Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground combo becomes 340%, 12 hits, Air Combo becomes 290%, 9 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 315%, 16 hits, Air Combo changes to 265%, 13 hits Cheer +1 Valor: Strength +30% Wisdom: Magic +10%
Aux activated "Darkest Fears" and used combo! Hikaru cast Blizzard!
Boss Battle • Red Darkside R O U N D 4 Kaida > Stratos > Ignis > Luna > Aux > AJ > Darkside 1,938/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Normal) AJ Aux Ignis Kaida Luna Stratos Group Bonuses 96/96 HP 4/10 MP 60% CG AERORA - 4 CYCLES Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Thundaga Blizzara Curaga Seeker Mine Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 0/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Second Chance Damage Syphon Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 100%, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Rebirth Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Wind High Winds Wind Boost Final Gale: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 9 hits, Air Combo changes to 200%, 6 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 7 hits, Air Combo Changes to 200%, 4 hits 108/108 HP 8/8 MP 120% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Drain Thundara Aeroga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Fist Bump 1/4 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cover Damage Syphon Ground Combo - 220%, 8 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 20% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 330%, 5 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach: Ground Combo changes to 305%, 7 hits 106/106 HP 5/5 MP 75% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Marahute Mushu Bambi Baymax Basil Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Sliding Dash 3/3 Fire Strike 2/2 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Strike Raid 2/2 Barrier Surge 3/3 Cross Slash 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Second Wind Blitz Finishing Leap 350% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hits Total Dodge: 40% Soldier Abilities Valor Combo Plus+ Reload Boost Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Army of One Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 400%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits 96/96 HP 5/11 MP 100% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzara Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Poition Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Splattercombo 3/3 Thunderbell 2/3 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Maximus Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Magic Lock-On MP Haste Reload Boost Blitz MP Rage Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 130%, 1 hit Total Dodge: 40% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Shooting Star Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 230%, 5 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 225%, 11 hits, Air Combo becomes 195%, 8 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo becomes 280%, 2 hits 130/130 HP 8/11 MP 105% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Cura Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Mega-Potion Ultra-Potion Ether Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Break Time 7/7 Faith 5/5 Excalibur 8/8 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Basil Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Cheer Cover Damage Syphon Second Chance Protect and Serve (Lionheart) 140% Ground Combo, 5 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air Combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 2 hits 91/91 HP 3/9 MP 100% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Cura Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Thunderbell 1/3 Faith 4/4 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (30%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cheer Gift Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Tribute Damage Syphon Reload Boost Finishing Leap MP Rage Protect and Serve (Lionheart) Ground Combo - 290%, 10 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 30% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 320%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 11 hits Gravity Drift Gravity Boost Spacial Bomb: Ground Combo changes to 340%, 14 hits, Air combo becomes 260%, 10 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach Cheer +1 Valor: Strength +30% Wisdom: Magic +20% Command Boost + 20% Protect and Serve: HP +20% Hakuna Matata: MP +1 Lucky Lucky +5%
Leaving the discussion open for a few weeks, I've decided to open the poll for 3 ideas; Finding Relics/Mystery Roleplay Trying to differentiate this one from the others, so I thought I'd add in a bit of story to the mix. Obviously searching for these "mcguffins" are important, but their value and where they came from can also spark questions. Medieval Questing Roleplay Dungeons and Dragons in it's purest form. Being sent on an epic quest to slay a dragon or defeat a darkness. Classes can range from wizards, to knights, to archers to thieves. Your party will go as the plot thickens... Space Pirates Roleplay Fantasy and Technology meet in a swashbuckling space story. Sailing the stars to find adventure, treasure, and plenty of unfriendly faces. Poll will be open for 2 weeks!
(OI too apologize for the short post) Aux used a ground combo!
Boss Battle • Red Darkside R O U N D 3 Kaida > Stratos > Ignis > Luna > Aux > AJ > Darkside 2,845/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Normal) AJ Aux Ignis Kaida Luna Stratos Group Bonuses 96/96 HP 6/10 MP 60% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Thundaga Blizzara Curaga Seeker Mine Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 0/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Second Chance Damage Syphon Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 100%, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Rebirth Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Wind High Winds Wind Boost Final Gale: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 9 hits, Air Combo changes to 200%, 6 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 7 hits, Air Combo Changes to 200%, 4 hits 108/108 HP 8/8 MP 80% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Drain Thundara Aeroga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Fist Bump 0/4 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cover Damage Syphon Ground Combo - 220%, 8 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 20% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 330%, 5 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach: Ground Combo changes to 305%, 7 hits 106/106 HP 5/5 MP 100% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Marahute Mushu Bambi Baymax Basil Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Sliding Dash 3/3 Fire Strike 2/2 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Strike Raid 2/2 Barrier Surge 3/3 Cross Slash 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Second Wind Blitz Finishing Leap 350% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hits Total Dodge: 40% Soldier Abilities Valor Combo Plus+ Reload Boost Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Army of One Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 400%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits 96/96 HP 7/11 MP 130% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzara Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Poition Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Splattercombo 3/3 Thunderbell 1/3 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Maximus Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Magic Lock-On MP Haste Reload Boost Blitz MP Rage Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 130%, 1 hit Total Dodge: 40% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Shooting Star Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 230%, 5 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 225%, 11 hits, Air Combo becomes 195%, 8 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo becomes 280%, 2 hits 130/130 HP 9/11 MP 70% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Cura Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Mega-Potion Ultra-Potion Ether Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Break Time 7/7 Faith 5/5 Excalibur 8/8 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Basil Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Cheer Cover Damage Syphon Second Chance Protect and Serve (Lionheart) 140% Ground Combo, 5 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air Combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 2 hits 91/91 HP 5/9 MP 130% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Cura Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Thunderbell 0/3 Faith 4/4 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (30%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cheer Gift Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Tribute Damage Syphon Reload Boost Finishing Leap MP Rage Protect and Serve (Lionheart) Ground Combo - 290%, 10 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 30% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 320%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 11 hits Gravity Drift Gravity Boost Spacial Bomb: Ground Combo changes to 340%, 14 hits, Air combo becomes 260%, 10 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach Cheer +1 Valor: Strength +30% Wisdom: Magic +20% Protect and Serve: HP +20% Hakuna Matata: MP +1 Lucky Lucky +5%
Finally broke out a pair of glasses and put them over his red nose. He looked to Karina and Arctus as they ran away. He put his axes away knowing the demon tides were destroyed. He put his hands together and breathed deeply as he got his much needed dose of battle before returning to a serene demeanour. "Well I feel like we've made some some real progress today." He looked to the rest of the group. "We done here then?" Over with The dark side, Aux went straight for the darkaides legs and performed a combo. Aux used a ground combo.
Boss Battle • Red Darkside R O U N D 2 Kaida > Stratos > Ignis > Luna > Aux > AJ > Darkside 3,847/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Normal) AJ Aux Ignis Kaida Luna Stratos Group Bonuses 96/96 HP 7/10 MP 30% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Thundaga Blizzara Curaga Seeker Mine Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Second Chance Damage Syphon Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 100%, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Rebirth Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Wind High Winds Wind Boost Final Gale: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 9 hits, Air Combo changes to 200%, 6 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 7 hits, Air Combo Changes to 200%, 4 hits 108/108 HP 8/8 MP 40% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Drain Thundara Aeroga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Fist Bump 0/4 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cover Damage Syphon Ground Combo - 220%, 8 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 20% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 330%, 5 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach: Ground Combo changes to 305%, 7 hits 106/106 HP 6/6 MP 40% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Marahute Mushu Bambi Baymax Basil Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Sliding Dash 3/3 Fire Strike 2/2 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Strike Raid 2/2 Fist Bump 0/4 Cross-Slash: 4/4 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Cheer Second Wind Reboot (Dual Disc) 250% Ground Combo, 10 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 40% Soldier Abilities Valor MP Lock Combo++ Quick Offense Warrior's Spirit Spoiler: LIMITS Army of One Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 240%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 260%, 9 hits 96/96 HP 9/11 MP 60% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzara Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Poition Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Splattercombo 3/3 Thunderbell 0/3 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Maximus Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Magic Lock-On MP Haste Reload Boost Blitz MP Rage Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 130%, 1 hit Total Dodge: 40% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Shooting Star Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 230%, 5 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 225%, 11 hits, Air Combo becomes 195%, 8 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo becomes 280%, 2 hits 130/130 HP 10/11 MP 35% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Cura Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Mega-Potion Ultra-Potion Ether Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Break Time 7/7 Faith 5/5 Excalibur 8/8 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Basil Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Cheer Cover Damage Syphon Second Chance Protect and Serve (Lionheart) 140% Ground Combo, 5 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air Combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 2 hits 91/91 HP 7/9 MP 70% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Cura Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Thunderbell 3/3 Faith 4/4 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (30%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cheer Gift Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Tribute Damage Syphon Reload Boost Finishing Leap MP Rage Protect and Serve (Lionheart) Ground Combo - 290%, 10 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 30% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 320%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 11 hits Gravity Drift Gravity Boost Spacial Bomb: Ground Combo changes to 340%, 14 hits, Air combo becomes 260%, 10 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach Cheer +1 Valor: Strength +30% Wisdom: Magic +20% Protect and Serve: HP +20% Hakuna Matata: MP +1 Lucky Lucky +5% Boss Battle • Blue Darkside R O U N D 2 Steel > Kel > Ananta > Hikaru > Beuce > Aslinn > Darkside 3,485/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: Normal) Aislinn Ananta Beuce Hikaru Kel Steel Group Bonuses 80/80 HP 8/8 MP 40% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Cross Slash 3/3 Barrier Surge 3/3 Zantetsuken 0/5 Fist Bump 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Cover Damage Syphon Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 210% Ground Combo, 6 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Guardian’s Rush Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 290%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 10 hits Power Power Boost Home Run: Ground Combo changes to 370%, 7 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 285%, 7 hits 70/70 HP 5/7 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzara Curaga Gravira Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Break Time 7/7 Reluctancy 7/7 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance MP Haste (Spell Binder) 130% Ground Combo, 3 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hit Total Dodge: 20% Red Mage Synch Blade Dual Cast Valor Wisdom Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Crystalline Shield Spoiler: Aura Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 250%, 2 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 230%, 6 hits, Aerial Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 225%, 4 hits 76/76 HP 4/6 MP 70% CG AERORA: 4 CYCLES Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: MAGIC Drain Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Potion Ultra Phoenix Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Zantetsuken 6/6 Faith 5/5 Dark Aura 0/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Finishing Leap Blitz Second Chance Dark Control (Oblivion) 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 0% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Ground Combo changes to 365%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 315%, 7 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 390%, 10 hits, Air Combo changes to 340%, 5 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement 76/76 HP 8/10 MP 20% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzaga Curaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Faith 0/5 Quake 5/5 Excalibur 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Magic Lock-On Cheer Cover Dodge Roll (20%) Guard Lucky Lucky MP Haste Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 150% Ground Combo, 4 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Flight Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Heaven Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 285%, 7 hits Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo changes to 310%, 5 hits Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo changes to 260%, 8 hits 76/76 HP 9/9 MP 40% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Zantetsuken 0/4 Aerial Slam 3/3 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Splattercombo 3/3 Cross Slash 3/3 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Mushu Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Guard Cheer Damage Syphon Second Chance Dark Control (Oblivion) 330% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hit Total Dodge: 30% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior’s Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Dragon Blaze Trip Around the Sun Spoiler: Aura Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 380%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement Power Power Boost Home Run 76/76 HP 10/10 MP 90% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Fire Strike 2/2 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Break Time 6/6 Reluctancy 6/6 April Showers 6/6 Ninja Vanish 6/6 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Blitz Second Chance Item Boost 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 6 hits Total Dodge: 60% Ninja Synch Blade Reload Boost Magical Lock Smokescreen First Strike Spoiler: LIMITS Tempered Fate Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground combo becomes 340%, 12 hits, Air Combo becomes 290%, 9 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 315%, 16 hits, Air Combo changes to 265%, 13 hits Cheer +1 Valor: Strength +30% Wisdom: Magic +10%
Aux looked upward at the darkside, cracking his knuckles in the process. "They just never learn." He summoned his keyblade in one hand before listening in about Luna mentioning to save their puns for later. "I hate puns." Leaping into the air, he pulled back his shoulder she approached back his shoulder. With the fist he wasn't holding the keyblade in, he punched the darkside with a flaming punch that knocked the darkside back in a contained explosion, as he landed back onto the ground. "Never a big enough punch line." He looked up realizing he just used the word punch after punching an enemy. He looked back before saying; "That doesn't count." Aux used Fist Bump,