GUILD HALL UPDATE 2.09 ABILITIES - Finishing Leap is now a ground combo extender that adds 50% CG with 1 hit. It also switches your combo finisher to an aerial finisher. JOBS - Job Tickets can only be purchased ONCE per job. Black Mage: "Spell Upgrade" now increases Basical spells by 100% instead of 50%. Magic Skill Commands are also included Black Mage: "Status Plus" now affects chance instead of duration White Mage: "Brightest light" adds 100% damage instead of 50% to light commands White Mage: "Life Giver" now gives 10% HP to all allies instead of offering group Cures Monk: "Mantra" offers 10% DEF and RES instead of 10% HP to the party Monk: "Invigorate" now offers 20 passive CG instead of 10 CG Ranger: "Mage Gunner" increases 200% damage from projectile commands Ranger: "Barrage" ability is changed to "Hawkeye." Offering perfect aim Ranger: "Rapid Fire" now uses a combo of 5 shots at 30% STR each from 3 shots at 40% STR. (Combined with "Extended Clip," adding more shots at every 5th level) Ranger: New Ability! "Sniper" now offers an extra 200% damage to aerial enemies Dark Knight: "Soul Eater" causes the player to lose 10% HP each turn instead of 20%. Dark Knight: "Dark Aura" can use Magic or Strength Paladin: "Excalibur" can use Magic or Strength Paladin: "Reflex" offers 40% chance instead of 25% KEYBLADES - "One for all" keyblade increases critical damage by 25% per member instead of 10% - "Skull Noise" now heals 100% HP when brought back - "Divewing" now heals 50% HP when brought back - "Oblivion" now gains an extra 25% CG per darkness command used instead of doubling CG -"Oathkeeper" now grants 10% STR and MAG after being brought back from knockout. - "Twitterpated" now extended Summons by 2 cycles instead of 1 -"Sweet Memories" now offers 1 crown for every 50 munny gained, instead of 1 crown for 100 Munny SKILL COMMANDS "Aqua Splash" now deals 300% Damage. "Fist Bump" is both ground and aerial now. "Sliding Dash" now changes element depending on the elemental aura in use. "Strike Raid" now changes element depending on the elemental aura in use.
"Appreciate it Bruce," Aux said in response to the white haired man's words. Not like he could really make much of a defense for himself. He was also sure that probably wasn't his name, but outside the group he was with in the pridelands, he still didn't know who many of the people he was fighting alongside. He could remember faces and little traits, but he still didn't have their names down. After some more bickering the red haired girl eventually set him free from the icy grip of Sprinkles, as he rolled his shoulders back. "So you finally decided to stop hiding behind that damned mask and mocking laugh." Aux turned slowly to find a young woman with black marching towards him angrily. "Unfortunately for you the strongest haven't lost hope. Whatever you think you might have broken in me that day, I have been through thousand times worse. I will not let you have whatever satisfaction you think you will get out of this." Her fist connected with his face, as Aux's jaw twinged ever so slightly. "Ow," he replied with no emotional backing.Before he could even question it, a silver haired guy came running at him with a sword. Before he needed to defend himself, Kaida stopped the both of them with a powerful stop spell. "You uh...Might want to take a few steps back. Like when you think you're far enough away back up a little further." Bruce told him as he prepared to hold back the black haired girl. "Why? Who is she?" Aux asked in question. "I thought you just said your memories are back." "They are, she just isn't memorable to me." Hikaru wished he kept his voice down for that one. "Well, she's one of the people you brought into the realm of darkness. Also you kind of beat her, me and a bunch of others in Beast's Castle. Also Dwarf Woodlands..." Looking back, the dog man had already begun taking hold of the grey haired guy. He wanted to stop it all. "ENOUGH!" Aux yelled, hoping to catch everyone's attention. "Bruce, let her go. Steve... just keep doing what you're doing. I don't know what I did to that guy." "Who's Bruce and Steve?" "Those two," Aux said, pointed to Beuce ad Steel. "That's Beuce," Hikaru said. "And that's Steel." "Oh...." Aux replied. "Well my point is, that if Kilala-" "Karina." "KARINA... has some frustration she needs to vent I'm not gonna stop her. I hurt people. A lot of people. And even though I can't take full credit, they were still my actions. She has every right to be mad."
I only gave you 1 Speed because to get to 50 base speed, you need 30 crowns instead of 10
A large of pool of blood spilled out of Hughes mouth. He chuckled softly as he hacked more blood from his mouth, his back leaning against the pillar. His body unmoving and his chest in agony. The great burst of wind had broken his body and Karina had destroyed his organs. He was running on empty now. "That feel good little girl? Beating a beaten man?" He coughed up more blood as he looked up and smiled. "I just want you to remember that I kept smiling. Even in a soldier's death, the biggest pride I take is knowing you still can't do it alone..." His eyes motioned to the rest of the group. "Actually... my biggest joy in death... Is knowing that you're all oblivious... to the.... traitor..... among.... you....." Hughes head hung down as he had passed on. His body slowly fading into darkness, leaving nothing behind. Meanwhile, Mizu was using a cure spell as well as she tried to add to Ananta's healing to revive Shiro. Shiro still wasn't moving as both mystics gave it their all to revive him from his knockout. Mizu stopped healing as she looked to see if Shiro moved at all. "Shiro?..." she asked, starting to well up. His head hung down on his chest as he was still on his knees. "Please don't die.... please...." tears began rolling down her cheek as a sullen silence filled the air. After giving his all, Shiro was spent. His body was completely drain and he wasn't moving. Shiro was dea- "SWEET TOASTED POPTARTS THAT HURT!" He cried out as his head swung up. He fell onto his back as he began to slowly breathe. "Shiro, you're alive!" she cried hugging him. "OF COURSE I LIVE MS. MIZU! I WOULD NEVER LET SUCH A RUFFIAN TARNISH THE REPUTATION OF THE ORDER!" His arm flinched a bit. "I WAS ATTEMPTING TO RAISE MY FIST IN JOY, BUT IT APPEARS I CAN'T MOVE MY BODY." He looked over to Kaida. "LADY KAIDA, PLEASE JOIN US A MOMENT! THERE ARE NOTES WE MUST COMPARE!" Mizu looked back. "Yeah, I could really use a refresher course too. I woke up, and all I know is that things are bad now. Yue and my sister are still missing. Lea too!" "THAT'S ALARMING INDEED. YOU HAVE RIGHT TO WORRY. IT SEEMS THAT SOMEONE IS TARGETING US." "Well what do we do? Should we call Krowley?" Shiro sighed. "YOU TRULY HAVE BEEN GONE A WHILE. KROWLEY HAS BETRAYED US. HE WAS THE REASON CENTRAL HAVEN WAS TAKEN IN THE FIRST PLACE." Mizu stepped back. "What?! Why would he do that?!" "Because he's a monster," Aux said. "That's not even Krowley in control. Just the embodiment of my grandfather using him as a vessel." "AHH, THAT'S VERY INFORMATIVE YOUNG MAN. I DON'T BELIEVE WE'VE BEEN INTRODUCED." Hikaru prepared to stop his friend from speaking, but it was too late. "Name's Aux. What of it?" Hikaru facepalmed as he knew what would come next. "Aux the traitor?!" Mizu asked. While he was from their homeworld, Kaida and Krowley were the only members of the order that Aux was acquainted with. "VILLAIN!" Shiro tried to move to apprehend him with no avail. "MIZU QUICKLY; SUBDUE HIM FOR ME!" Mizu quickly summoned a smaller version of Sprinkles that grasped Aux in it's hands. "NOW... WHAT ARE WE TO DO WITH YOU?..."
MISSION COMPLETE +10,000 EXP Gained! +10 AP Gained! +Exp Writer/Blessed Thief/Sweet Memories Aislinn leveled up! (40)(41)(42) Ananta leveled up! (39)(40)(41) AJ leveled up! (39)(40(41) Beuce leveled up! (40)(41)(42) Hikaru leveled up! (40)(41)(42) Ignis leveled up! (39)(40(41) Kaida leveled up! (39)(40(41) Kel leveled up! (40)(41)(42) Luna leveled up! (40)(41) Steel leveled up! (40)(41) Stratos leveled up! (40)(41)(42)
With the combined effort of everyone in the SOS, the stormbringer was growing more and more overwhelmed. With explosive results against both arms, the head was being occupied with powerful spells and Beuce leapt into the air. "This is it! The last blow!" Beuce said, channeling both the dark power from his job and the aura of light into his strikes as he flew toward the storm bringer's face and delivered one final strike with Synchronous Gale, splitting the head in half. A giant stream of light echoed into the air as a flash of every strike was made with his final combo. Finishing the combo, he smacked the heartless in the face with a final slash as light began pouring out of it. As if the raw amount of spell power was causing a chain reacting inside it's body, the heartless exploded in a flash of light, leaving the battle field empty. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As the Black coats continued their efforts in breaking the shield, the dome began to shrink more in size. Their efforts were only decreasing the time. Hughes scoffed as he awaited their demise. "Face it Fujioka, I've won. At the cost of my own life, but still... You spent so much time worrying about others that you've forgotten about yourself. You've wasted too much energy. Now we're both going to be crushed by blades of wind. A fitting end for a fool like you." (NEW APPROPRIATE MUSIC!) "You're right. I don't have a lot of energy left. And most of that energy could've gone towards defeating you myself. But if you thought I was going to let those children fight alone. Then you don't know me at all!" Shiro released Hughes and back away from him as he began to gather more energy from his aura. (Music at 20 seconds in) "Level Two! Cyclone!" Shiro's aura increased as he begin to spin about with increased speed, bashing away at the wind dome's walls. The intensity in his eyes grew stronger with every hit "Weren't you listening maggot?! You can't force your way outta this! You'll be losing oxygen in minutes. You're just delaying the inevitable. Just do the right thing for once in your life and die with dignity." "I'm not trying to break it! I'm gaining momentum!" He called back as he continued to hack away at the wall with his keyblade. Hughes' eyes widened as Shiro cried out and hit the dome with all his might. The dome was receiving large impacts of energy but still wasn't budging. "This wall is only as strong as you made it. Which means the force I output to break it just has to be stronger than you." Shiro cried "Well I may be old, I know I'm still stronger than you, boy." "You could very well be more powerful, but you aren't stronger!" "What that heck does that mean?" He watched as Shiro continued to attack before realizing what he was doing. "Are you... you're not trying to reach the third level, are you?" Shiro remained silent as he continued to unleash several commands and attacks on the walls of the dome. "Oh god, you are..." Hughes laughed harder. "This is a whole new level of pathetic. If your own mentor didn't have what it takes, what makes you think you do?" Shiro stopped attacking to take a breath before turning around and attacking Hughes. The two engaged in very powerful swordplay as Shiro was increasing his attacks, growing faster and faster. More than Hughes could keep up with. Shiro with a serious tone on his face instead of his usual smile. "You don't get it." Shiro spoke as they clashed. "You asked me what the difference between strength and power was. Well I'll tell you. Power is a force. Something you use as means to an end. But Strength. Strength comes from within. A drive. An ambition that allows you to grow and fight to the bitter end." Shiro's eyes began to glow white, removing his pupils entirely. (Music now at 2:05) "You may have fought in more battles, and fought tougher opponents. You can torture and manipulate to your pleasure. But all that is meaningless without the will to fight for something greater. My strength doesn't come from my muscles or your training. It comes from them. My friends and allies. As a wise man once said..." A giant gust of wind began to form around Shiro. "They are MY power!" "Impossible..." Hughes said stepping back. "Wind Aura:Level 3! JUDGMENT DAY!" Shiro crossing his arms over his chest building wind energy before letting them out in a huge surge of power. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Wind began to encompass Shiro as it was cutting the air all around him. The dome halted from shrinking as it began to crack. Like too much water pressure in a tank, the wind barrier began cracking like a snowglobe and eventually shattered open, as a gust of wind pushed back everyone accept for Shiro and Hughes. With the two of them confined in the vortex, Shiro began to slowly rise from the ground, as if being risen by the wind itself. Shiro took his keyblade and pointed it at hughes. "All the push ups in the world mean nothing compared to the strength of the heart-" He stepped forward as he loomed over his former mentor. Hughes scoffed again. "Oh shove it up your-" A giant blast of air pushed back Hughes as he flew through the air at break neck speed. Hughes smashed against a rock pillar as his limp body hit the ground. The wind around him scattered and destroyed any remaining heartless as Shiro slowly descended back to the ground. His body spent from battle. He fell to his knees, unmoving. Dispersing Sprinkles, Mizu immediately ran to Shiro's aid. The battle is over.
"Yeah! Rain down the light!" Hikaru said, as he followed Stratos' Faith spell with his own. Hikaru used Faith.
Boss Battle • Stormbringer HEAD: R O U N D 6 HEAD: Kaida > Baymax (1) > Stratos > Hikaru > Beuce > Stormbringer LEFT: R O U N D 6 LEFT: Steel > Kel > Ignis > Luna > Stormbringer's Hand RIGHT: R O U N D 6 RIGHT: Aux > Ananta > AJ > Aislinn > Stormbringer's Hand Head: 729/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Left Arm: 1,289/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Right Arm: 1,054/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: HeatWave) RISING WING Beuce Hikaru FEVER PITCH Kaida Stratos Group Bonuses 71/76 HP 1/6 MP 155% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: MAGIC Drain Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Potion Ultra Phoenix Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Zantetsuken 2/6 Faith 4/5 Dark Aura 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Finishing Leap Blitz Second Chance 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 0% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Ground Combo changes to 365%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 315%, 7 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 390%, 10 hits, Air Combo changes to 340%, 5 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement 71/76 HP 5/10 MP 130% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzaga Curaga Thundaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Faith 5/5 Excalibur 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Magic Lock-On Cheer Cover Dodge Roll (20%) Guard Lucky Lucky MP Haste Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 150% Ground Combo, 4 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Flight Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Heaven Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 285%, 7 hits Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo changes to 310%, 5 hits Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo changes to 260%, 8 hits 71/80 HP 4/9 MP 60% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzara Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS None Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Splattercombo 0/3 Thunderbell 3/3 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Maximus Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Magic Lock-On MP Haste Reload Boost Blitz MP Rage Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 130%, 1 hit Total Dodge: 40% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Shooting Star Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 230%, 5 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 225%, 11 hits, Air Combo becomes 195%, 8 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo becomes 280%, 2 hits 53/76 HP 7/8 MP 11% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Seeker Mine Cura Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Ether Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 0/2 Launch 2/5 Faith 4/4 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (30%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cheer Gift Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Tribute Damage Syphon Reload Boost Finishing Leap MP Rage Ground Combo - 290%, 10 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 30% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Dichromatic Resonance Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 320%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 11 hits Gravity Drift Gravity Boost Spacial Bomb: Ground Combo changes to 340%, 14 hits, Air combo becomes 260%, 10 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach Cheer +2 Valor: Strength +20% Wisdom: Magic +20% Lucky Lucky +10% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRESTORM Ignis Kel Luna FEVER PITCH Steel Group Bonuses 60/96 HP 5/5 MP 115% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Marahute Mushu Bambi Baymax Basil Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Sliding Dash 3/3 Fire Strike 2/2 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Strike Raid 2/2 Barrier Surge 1/3 Cross Slash 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Second Wind Blitz Finishing Leap 350% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hits Total Dodge: 40% Soldier Abilities Valor Combo Plus+ Reload Boost Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Army of One Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 400%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits 32/76 HP 9/9 MP 179% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Zantetsuken 2/4 Aerial Slam 3/3 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Splattercombo 1/3 Cross Slash 0/3 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Mushu Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Guard Cheer Damage Syphon Second Chance Dark Control (Oblivion) 330% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hit Total Dodge: 30% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior’s Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Dragon Blaze Trip Around the Sun Spoiler: Aura Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 380%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement Power Power Boost Home Run 88/121 HP 5/9 MP 122% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Cura Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Ultra-Potion Ether Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 0/3 Break Time 7/7 Faith 3/5 Excalibur 3/8 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Basil Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Cheer Cover Damage Syphon Second Chance Protect and Serve (Lionheart) 140% Ground Combo, 5 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air Combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 2 hits 44/84 HP 10/10 MP 300% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Sliding Dash 3/3 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Break Time 6/6 Reluctancy 6/6 April Showers 6/6 Ninja Vanish 6/6 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Blitz Second Chance Item Boost 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 6 hits Total Dodge: 60% Ninja Synch Blade Reload Boost Magical Lock Smokescreen First Strike Spoiler: LIMITS Tempered Fate Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground combo becomes 340%, 12 hits, Air Combo becomes 290%, 9 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 315%, 16 hits, Air Combo changes to 265%, 13 hits Cheer +2 Valor: Strength +20% Protect and Serve: HP +10% Lucky Lucky +5% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aislinn AJ SPELLWEAVER Ananta Aux Group Bonuses 72/80 HP 9/9 MP 192% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Cross Slash 2/3 Barrier Surge 1/3 Zantetsuken 3/5 Fist Bump 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Cover Damage Syphon Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 210% Ground Combo, 6 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Guardian’s Rush Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 290%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 10 hits Power Power Boost Home Run: Ground Combo changes to 370%, 7 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 285%, 7 hits 29/80 HP 4/10 MP 176% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Thundaga Blizzara Curaga Seeker Mine Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Second Chance Damage Syphon Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 100%, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Rebirth Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Wind High Winds Wind Boost Final Gale: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 9 hits, Air Combo changes to 200%, 6 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 7 hits, Air Combo Changes to 200%, 4 hits 18/70 HP 5/10 MP 84% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzara Curaga Gravira Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Faith 5/5 Thunderbell 2/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Ether Hi-Ether Hi-Ether Hi-Ether Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance MP Haste (Spell Binder) 130% Ground Combo, 3 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hit Total Dodge: 20% Red Mage Synch Blade Dual Cast Valor Wisdom Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Crystalline Shield Spoiler: Aura Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 250%, 2 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 230%, 6 hits, Aerial Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 225%, 4 hits 32/90 HP 6/8 MP 213% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Drain Thundara Aeroga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Fist Bump 4/4 Dark Aura 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cover Damage Syphon Hakuna Matata (Circle of Life) Ground Combo - 220%, 8 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 20% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 330%, 5 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach: Ground Combo changes to 305%, 7 hits Valor: Strength +20% Wisdom: Magic +10% Hakuna Matata +1 MP Aux clenched his fist attempting to activate the fire aura. Flickers of flame began to surround his body, as a flash of a whispering darkness entered his mind. It was as if the dark remnant was trying to force him to activate the dark aura instead. "I am in control," he commanded himself quietly, clenching his fists harder as he focused more on the concept of fire. "Firestorm!" he yelled out, activating his fire aura. He jumped off the ground and dispersed his keyblade before delivering a powerful explosive punch to the back of the stormbringer's hand. Aux activated Firestorm and used Fist Bump!
Hikaru used Curaga on Beuce!
Aux used Drain!
Boss Battle • Stormbringer HEAD: R O U N D 5 HEAD: Kaida > Baymax (2) > Stratos > Hikaru > Beuce > Stormbringer LEFT: R O U N D 5 LEFT: Steel > Kel > Ignis > Luna > Stormbringer's Hand RIGHT: R O U N D 5 RIGHT: Aux > Ananta > AJ > Aislinn > Stormbringer's Hand Head: 1,155/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Left Arm: 2,591/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Right Arm: 1,627/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: SnowStorm Mode) Beuce Hikaru FEVER PITCH Kaida Stratos Group Bonuses 28/76 HP 1/6 MP 130% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: MAGIC Drain Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Potion Ultra Phoenix Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Zantetsuken 2/6 Faith 3/5 Dark Aura 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Finishing Leap Blitz Second Chance 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 0% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Ground Combo changes to 365%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 315%, 7 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 390%, 10 hits, Air Combo changes to 340%, 5 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement 50/76 HP 6/10 MP 130% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzaga Curaga Thundaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Faith 5/5 Excalibur 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Magic Lock-On Cheer Cover Dodge Roll (20%) Guard Lucky Lucky MP Haste Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 150% Ground Combo, 4 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Flight Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Heaven Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 285%, 7 hits Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo changes to 310%, 5 hits Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo changes to 260%, 8 hits 47/80 HP 0/9 MP 60% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzara Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 0/2 Splattercombo 3/3 Thunderbell 3/3 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Maximus Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Magic Lock-On MP Haste Reload Boost Blitz MP Rage Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 130%, 1 hit Total Dodge: 40% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Shooting Star Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 230%, 5 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 225%, 11 hits, Air Combo becomes 195%, 8 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo becomes 280%, 2 hits 38/76 HP 7/8 MP 0% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Seeker Mine Cura Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Ether Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 0/2 Launch 2/5 Faith 4/4 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (30%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cheer Gift Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Tribute Damage Syphon Reload Boost Finishing Leap MP Rage Ground Combo - 290%, 10 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 30% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Dichromatic Resonance Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 320%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 11 hits Gravity Drift Gravity Boost Spacial Bomb: Ground Combo changes to 340%, 14 hits, Air combo becomes 260%, 10 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach Cheer +2 Valor: Strength +20% Wisdom: Magic +20% Lucky Lucky +10% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ignis Kel Luna FEVER PITCH Steel Group Bonuses 68/96 HP 5/5 MP 140% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Marahute Mushu Bambi Baymax Basil Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Sliding Dash 3/3 Fire Strike 2/2 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Strike Raid 2/2 Barrier Surge 0/3 Cross Slash 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Second Wind Blitz Finishing Leap 350% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hits Total Dodge: 40% Soldier Abilities Valor Combo Plus+ Reload Boost Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Army of One Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 400%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits 57/76 HP 9/9 MP 142% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Zantetsuken 1/4 Aerial Slam 3/3 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Splattercombo 0/3 Cross Slash 3/3 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Mushu Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Guard Cheer Damage Syphon Second Chance Dark Control (Oblivion) 330% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hit Total Dodge: 30% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior’s Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Dragon Blaze Trip Around the Sun Spoiler: Aura Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 380%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement Power Power Boost Home Run 101/121 HP 5/9 MP 91% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Cura Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Ultra-Potion Ether Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Break Time 7/7 Faith 2/5 Excalibur 1/8 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Basil Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Cheer Cover Damage Syphon Second Chance Protect and Serve (Lionheart) 140% Ground Combo, 5 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air Combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 2 hits 59/84 HP 10/10 MP 200% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Sliding Dash 3/3 Vorpal Blitz 2/3 Break Time 6/6 Reluctancy 6/6 April Showers 6/6 Ninja Vanish 6/6 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Blitz Second Chance Item Boost 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 6 hits Total Dodge: 60% Ninja Synch Blade Reload Boost Magical Lock Smokescreen First Strike Spoiler: LIMITS Tempered Fate Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground combo becomes 340%, 12 hits, Air Combo becomes 290%, 9 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 315%, 16 hits, Air Combo changes to 265%, 13 hits Cheer +2 Valor: Strength +20% Protect and Serve: HP +10% Lucky Lucky +5% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aislinn AJ SPELLWEAVER Ananta Aux Group Bonuses 10/80 HP 9/9 MP 128% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Cross Slash 1/3 Barrier Surge 0/3 Zantetsuken 3/5 Fist Bump 2/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Cover Damage Syphon Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 210% Ground Combo, 6 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Guardian’s Rush Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 290%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 10 hits Power Power Boost Home Run: Ground Combo changes to 370%, 7 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 285%, 7 hits 54/80 HP 7/10 MP 133% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Thundaga Blizzara Curaga Seeker Mine Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Second Chance Damage Syphon Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 100%, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Rebirth Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Wind High Winds Wind Boost Final Gale: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 9 hits, Air Combo changes to 200%, 6 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 7 hits, Air Combo Changes to 200%, 4 hits 25/70 HP 6/10 MP 81% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzara Curaga Gravira Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Faith 5/5 Thunderbell 1/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Ether Hi-Ether Hi-Ether Hi-Ether Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance MP Haste (Spell Binder) 130% Ground Combo, 3 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hit Total Dodge: 20% Red Mage Synch Blade Dual Cast Valor Wisdom Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Crystalline Shield Spoiler: Aura Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 250%, 2 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 230%, 6 hits, Aerial Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 225%, 4 hits 20/90 HP 8/8 MP 188% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Drain Thundara Aeroga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Fist Bump 4/4 Dark Aura 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cover Damage Syphon Hakuna Matata (Circle of Life) Ground Combo - 220%, 8 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 20% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 330%, 5 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach: Ground Combo changes to 305%, 7 hits Valor: Strength +20% Wisdom: Magic +10% Hakuna Matata +1 MP
Aux attacked with a combo! --------------------------------------------------- Hikaru used Blizzaga!
Boss Battle • Stormbringer HEAD: R O U N D 4 HEAD: Kaida > Baymax (3) > Stratos > Hikaru > Beuce > Stormbringer LEFT: R O U N D 4 LEFT: Steel > Kel > Ignis > Luna > Stormbringer's Hand RIGHT: R O U N D 4 RIGHT: Aux > Ananta > AJ > Aislinn > Stormbringer's Hand Head: 1,949/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Left Arm: 3,086/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Right Arm: 2,144/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: SnowStorm Mode) Beuce Hikaru Kaida Stratos Group Bonuses 43/76 HP 2/6 MP 95% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: MAGIC Drain Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Potion Ultra Phoenix Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Zantetsuken 1/6 Faith 2/5 Dark Aura 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Finishing Leap Blitz Second Chance 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 0% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Ground Combo changes to 365%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 315%, 7 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 390%, 10 hits, Air Combo changes to 340%, 5 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement 35/76 HP 7/10 MP 95% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzaga Curaga Thundaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Faith 5/5 Excalibur 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Magic Lock-On Cheer Cover Dodge Roll (20%) Guard Lucky Lucky MP Haste Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 150% Ground Combo, 4 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Flight Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Heaven Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 285%, 7 hits Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo changes to 310%, 5 hits Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo changes to 260%, 8 hits 47/80 HP 0/9 MP 120% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzara Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Potion Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Splattercombo 3/3 Thunderbell 0/3 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Maximus Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Magic Lock-On MP Haste Reload Boost Blitz MP Rage Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 130%, 1 hit Total Dodge: 40% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Shooting Star Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 230%, 5 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 225%, 11 hits, Air Combo becomes 195%, 8 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo becomes 280%, 2 hits 16/76 HP 7/8 MP 31% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Seeker Mine Cura Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Launch 1/5 Faith 4/4 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (30%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cheer Gift Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Tribute Damage Syphon Reload Boost Finishing Leap MP Rage Ground Combo - 290%, 10 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 30% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Dichromatic Resonance Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 320%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 11 hits Gravity Drift Gravity Boost Spacial Bomb: Ground Combo changes to 340%, 14 hits, Air combo becomes 260%, 10 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach Cheer +2 Valor: Strength +20% Wisdom: Magic +20% Lucky Lucky +10% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ignis Kel Luna Steel Group Bonuses 86/96 HP 5/5 MP 120% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Marahute Mushu Bambi Baymax Basil Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Sliding Dash 3/3 Fire Strike 2/2 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Strike Raid 2/2 Barrier Surge 3/3 Cross Slash 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Second Wind Blitz Finishing Leap 350% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hits Total Dodge: 40% Soldier Abilities Valor Combo Plus+ Reload Boost Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Army of One Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 400%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits 35/76 HP 9/9 MP 104% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Zantetsuken 0/4 Aerial Slam 3/3 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Splattercombo 3/3 Cross Slash 2/3 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Mushu Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Guard Cheer Damage Syphon Second Chance Dark Control (Oblivion) 330% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hit Total Dodge: 30% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior’s Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Dragon Blaze Trip Around the Sun Spoiler: Aura Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 380%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement Power Power Boost Home Run 111/121 HP 5/9 MP 86% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Cura Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Ultra-Potion Ether Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Break Time 7/7 Faith 2/5 Excalibur 1/8 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Basil Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Cheer Cover Damage Syphon Second Chance Protect and Serve (Lionheart) 140% Ground Combo, 5 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air Combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 2 hits 74/84 HP 10/10 MP 140% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 2/3 Sliding Dash 3/3 Vorpal Blitz 0/3 Break Time 6/6 Reluctancy 6/6 April Showers 6/6 Ninja Vanish 6/6 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Blitz Second Chance Item Boost 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 6 hits Total Dodge: 60% Ninja Synch Blade Reload Boost Magical Lock Smokescreen First Strike Spoiler: LIMITS Tempered Fate Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground combo becomes 340%, 12 hits, Air Combo becomes 290%, 9 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 315%, 16 hits, Air Combo changes to 265%, 13 hits Cheer +2 Valor: Strength +20% Protect and Serve: HP +10% Lucky Lucky +5% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aislinn AJ Ananta Aux Group Bonuses 33/80 HP 9/9 MP 108% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Cross Slash 3/3 Barrier Surge 3/3 Zantetsuken 1/5 Fist Bump 0/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Cover Damage Syphon Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 210% Ground Combo, 6 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Guardian’s Rush Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 290%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 10 hits Power Power Boost Home Run: Ground Combo changes to 370%, 7 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 285%, 7 hits 54/80 HP 7/10 MP 113% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Thundaga Blizzara Curaga Seeker Mine Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Second Chance Damage Syphon Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 100%, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Rebirth Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Wind High Winds Wind Boost Final Gale: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 9 hits, Air Combo changes to 200%, 6 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 7 hits, Air Combo Changes to 200%, 4 hits 47/70 HP 6/10 MP 149% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzara Curaga Gravira Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Faith 5/5 Thunderbell 1/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Ether Hi-Ether Hi-Ether Hi-Ether Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance MP Haste (Spell Binder) 130% Ground Combo, 3 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hit Total Dodge: 20% Red Mage Synch Blade Dual Cast Valor Wisdom Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Crystalline Shield Spoiler: Aura Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 250%, 2 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 230%, 6 hits, Aerial Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 225%, 4 hits 51/90 HP 8/8 MP 142% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Drain Thundara Aeroga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Fist Bump 4/4 Dark Aura 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cover Damage Syphon Hakuna Matata (Circle of Life) Ground Combo - 220%, 8 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 20% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 330%, 5 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach: Ground Combo changes to 305%, 7 hits Valor: Strength +20% Wisdom: Magic +10% Hakuna Matata +1 MP
I like that even though we're getting all these pixar and new disney worlds, we still get a bit of the classic history. Also really like the twilight town trios' new clothes.
Might be Chirithy because Spoiler Chirithy is a dream eater and those have been confirmed as summons
Aux looked to the arm, and saw it swinging his way before jumping on top of it. He took his keyblade and whacked away at the stormbringer's arm. "I'm getting really sick of this... stupid... arm!" He whacked the arm in between each word. Aux performed a combo! --------------------------------------------------- Hikaru waved at Baymax overhead. "Thanks Baymax!" He ran along the ground before leaping and shooting out a quick Blizzaga spell to match Kaida's. Hikaru used Blizzaga! ---------------------------------------------------- Turning back, Hughes released a giant dome barrier of wind that barricaded Shiro inside with him. "Dream?" Hughes laughed. "What the heck does a dream have to do with anything? I'm doing this for me girly. Something about watching how hopeless you are behind a wall of sold air. It's almost torture for you I'm sure." While Shiro was fighting several of the shadows that were allowing Hughes to talk to Karina, Hughes flicked the solid air wall, as the barricade grew smaller. "Guess you could say I'm a pusher that way. You fight and bark, and bite. You would've made a good soldier dog. But daddy didn't have plans like that for his little girl I'm sure." Without warning, Hughes was charged from behind as Shiro pinned his arm behind his back and pushed his face to the wall. "That's enough out of you!" He looked up to Karina. "Ms. Karina, please allow me to settle this." Shiro urged, as he knocked Hughes down to his knees. Hughes laughed harder as some blood was escaping his mouth. "You ain't gonna finish anything yah idiot!" This wind barricade is my last resort. Whether or not you're actually stronger than me, the barricade will begin to shrink. Even if you strike me down, it will still shrink until it collapses your flesh and bones until your nothing but a pile of paste. I was hoping to trap the rest of your brats in here with us, but beggars can't be choosers. I told you before this battle begins. This battlefield ends on MY terms. And I'm leaving my big bloody mark on the history books."
Boss Battle • Stormbringer HEAD: R O U N D 3 HEAD: Kaida > Baymax (4) > Stratos > Hikaru > Beuce > Stormbringer LEFT: R O U N D 3 LEFT: Steel > Kel > Ignis > Luna > Stormbringer's Hand RIGHT: R O U N D 3 RIGHT: Aux > Ananta > AJ > Aislinn > Stormbringer's Hand Head: 2,815/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Left Arm: 3,720/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ Right Arm: 2,690/5,000 HP ◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘◘ (Status: SnowStorm Mode) Beuce Hikaru Kaida Stratos Group Bonuses 43/76 HP 4/6 MP 60% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Spoiler: MAGIC Drain Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Potion Ultra Phoenix Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Zantetsuken 0/6 Faith 1/5 Dark Aura 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Finishing Leap Blitz Second Chance Dark Control (Oblivion) 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 0% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Ground Combo changes to 365%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 315%, 7 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 390%, 10 hits, Air Combo changes to 340%, 5 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement 40/76 HP 8/10 MP 60% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzaga Curaga Thundaga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Faith 5/5 Excalibur 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Magic Lock-On Cheer Cover Dodge Roll (20%) Guard Lucky Lucky MP Haste Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 150% Ground Combo, 4 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Flight Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Heaven Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 285%, 7 hits Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo changes to 310%, 5 hits Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo changes to 260%, 8 hits 9/80 HP 2/9 MP 60% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Blizzara Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Hi-Poition Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Splattercombo 3/3 Thunderbell 0/3 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Maximus Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Magic Lock-On MP Haste Reload Boost Blitz MP Rage Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 130%, 1 hit Total Dodge: 40% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Shooting Star Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 230%, 5 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 225%, 11 hits, Air Combo becomes 195%, 8 hits Time Tick Tock Time Boost Half a Second: Ground Combo changes to 300%, 5 hits, Air Combo becomes 280%, 2 hits 26/76 HP 7/8 MP 26% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Seeker Mine Cura Graviga Spoiler: ITEMS Ether Hi-Potion Hi-Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Strike Raid 2/2 Launch 1/5 Faith 4/4 Red Slash 5/5 Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Cheshire Cat Fairy Godmother Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (30%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cheer Gift Cover MP Haste Lucky Lucky Tribute Damage Syphon Reload Boost Finishing Leap MP Rage Ground Combo - 290%, 10 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 30% Red Mage Valor Wisdom Dual Cast Synch Blade Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Pink Elephants Dichromatic Resonance Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 320%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 11 hits Gravity Drift Gravity Boost Spacial Bomb: Ground Combo changes to 340%, 14 hits, Air combo becomes 260%, 10 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach Cheer +2 Valor: Strength +20% Wisdom: Magic +20% Lucky Lucky +10% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ignis Kel Luna Steel Group Bonuses 71/96 HP 5/5 MP 60% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Marahute Mushu Bambi Baymax Basil Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Sliding Dash 3/3 Fire Strike 2/2 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Strike Raid 2/2 Barrier Surge 3/3 Cross Slash 3/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Second Wind Blitz Finishing Leap 350% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hits Total Dodge: 40% Soldier Abilities Valor Combo Plus+ Reload Boost Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Army of One Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 400%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits 32/76 HP 9/9 MP 47% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Zantetsuken 4/4 Aerial Slam 3/3 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Fist Bump 3/3 Splattercombo 3/3 Cross Slash 1/3 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Mushu Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (30%) Guard Cheer Damage Syphon Second Chance Dark Control (Oblivion) 330% Ground Combo, 12 hits 240% Air Combo, 5 hit Total Dodge: 30% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior’s Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Dragon Blaze Trip Around the Sun Spoiler: Aura Ice Stay Frosty Ice Boost Glacial Spin: Ground Combo changes to 380%, 15 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Blade Blade Boost Judgement Power Power Boost Home Run 71/121 HP 5/9 MP 81% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aeroga Cura Blizzaga Spoiler: ITEMS Elixir Mega-Potion Ultra-Potion Ether Ether Phoenix Down Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 3/3 Break Time 7/7 Faith 1/5 Excalibur 0/8 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Basil Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Item Boost Cheer Cover Damage Syphon Second Chance Protect and Serve (Lionheart) 140% Ground Combo, 5 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Paladin Damage Control Protector Reflex Wish Command Barrier Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air Combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 2 hits 64/84 HP 10/10 MP 65% CG Spoiler: SUMMONS Dumbo Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Baymax Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Barrier Surge 0/3 Sliding Dash 3/3 Vorpal Blitz 3/3 Break Time 6/6 Reluctancy 6/6 April Showers 6/6 Ninja Vanish 6/6 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (40%) Blitz Second Chance Item Boost 240% Ground Combo, 9 hits 190% Air Combo, 6 hits Total Dodge: 60% Ninja Synch Blade Reload Boost Magical Lock Smokescreen First Strike Spoiler: LIMITS Tempered Fate Spoiler: Aura Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground combo becomes 340%, 12 hits, Air Combo becomes 290%, 9 hits Speed Assault Boost Rapid Spin: Ground Combo changes to 315%, 16 hits, Air Combo changes to 265%, 13 hits Cheer +2 Valor: Strength +20% Protect and Serve: HP +10% Lucky Lucky +5% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aislinn AJ Ananta Aux Group Bonuses 28/80 HP 9/9 MP 66% CG Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Cross Slash 3/3 Barrier Surge 3/3 Zantetsuken 1/5 Fist Bump 0/3 Spoiler: ABILITIES Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Cover Damage Syphon Heart’s Promise (Oathkeeper) 210% Ground Combo, 6 hits 160% Air Combo, 4 hits Total Dodge: 20% Soldier Valor Combo Plus+ Warrior Spirit Quick Offense MP Lock Spoiler: LIMITS Trip Around the Sun Guardian’s Rush Spoiler: Aura Sound Beginner Lessons Reverb: Ground Combo changes to 290%, 12 hits, Air combo becomes 240%, 10 hits Power Power Boost Home Run: Ground Combo changes to 370%, 7 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 285%, 7 hits 24/80 HP 7/10 MP 88% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Thundaga Blizzara Curaga Seeker Mine Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Aqua Splash 4/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Baymax Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Second Chance Damage Syphon Ground Combo - 150%, 4 hits Air Combo - 100%, 1 hits Total Dodge: 20% Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Rebirth Spoiler: Aura Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Air combo becomes 225%, 4 hits Wind High Winds Wind Boost Final Gale: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 9 hits, Air Combo changes to 200%, 6 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 250%, 7 hits, Air Combo Changes to 200%, 4 hits 22/70 HP 6/10 MP 144% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Aerora Blizzara Curaga Gravira Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Faith 5/5 Thunderbell 1/4 Spoiler: SUMMONS Fairy Godmother Cheshire Cat Bambi Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Second Wind Damage Syphon Second Chance MP Haste (Spell Binder) 130% Ground Combo, 3 hits 100% Air Combo, 1 hit Total Dodge: 20% Red Mage Synch Blade Dual Cast Valor Wisdom Master of None Spoiler: LIMITS Mystic Aura Crystalline Shield Spoiler: Aura Magic Magic Boost Chaser: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 4 hits, Air combo becomes 250%, 2 hits Water High Tide Water Boost Choice Wave: Ground Combo changes to 230%, 6 hits, Aerial Combo changes to 200%, 4 hits Light Wings of Light Light Boost Force of Heaven: Aerial Combo changes to 225%, 4 hits 60/90 HP 8/8 MP 97% CG Spoiler: MAGIC Firaga Drain Thundara Aeroga Spoiler: SKILL COMMANDS Splattercombo 4/4 Fist Bump 4/4 Dark Aura 8/8 Spoiler: ABILITIES High Jump Guard Dodge Roll (20%) Magic Lock-On Battle Cry Cover Damage Syphon Hakuna Matata (Circle of Life) Ground Combo - 220%, 8 hits Air Combo - 240%, 6 hits Total Dodge: 20% Dark Knight Soul Eater Dread Spikes Dark Boost Dark Magic Lingering Darkness Spoiler: Aura Fire Flame On Fire Boost Fire Surge: Ground Combo changes to 280%, 8 hits, Air combo becomes 290%, 8 hits Earth Down to Earth Earth Boost Pillar Smash: Ground Combo changes to 330%, 5 hits Darkness Shadow Claws Darkness Boost Dark Reach: Ground Combo changes to 305%, 7 hits Valor: Strength +20% Wisdom: Magic +10% Hakuna Matata +1 MP
Finlay grabbed both axes and struck a giant thunderbolt at the blue darksides head, watching as the stunned heartless toppled back and forth before eventually fallin. Over. Walking on it's hair like steps, Finlay proudly held his axes high and declared his victory over Karina and Arctus. "Finlay wins! FINLAY ALWAYS WINS!" He cheered in delight. Red darkside defeated Blue darkside defeated Yellow darkside: 3200/5000
Climbing up past it's upper back, Finlay finally positioned himself on the top of the blue darkside. The continuous climbing with his axes managed to scar the darkside well enough for him to take a breather as he was preparing his last attack. Throwing his axes on each shoulder, Finlay cracked his knuckles and laughed as he look on down to the rest of the fighters on the battlefield. They looked like mere ants to him. He could feel electricity charging through him as he listened in on Karina mentioning whoever finishes the blue darkside off wins. fresh off his victory over the red darkside, Finlay was happy to comply. Darkside red: defeated Darkside blue: 200/5000 Darkside yellow: 3400/5000
Climbing up the blue darkside's back, Finlay began talking to himself while he continued to embed his axes into the creatures back. "I know it hurts now, but look on the bright side. You have the pleasure to be conquered by Finlay of the house Loganach. I'd tell you about all my accomplishments and what have brings ye, but something tells me yah won't appreciate it. Finlay mostly does it to brag to be honest." Darkside red: defeated Darkside blue: 400/5000 Darkside yellow: 3600/5000