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  1. Krowley
    Ratcliffe rolled his eyes in disapproval. "It's supposed to be 'I speak English perfectly well.' While they aren't savages, they certainly don't appear to be very educated... They don't appear to be from England, Smith."
    John Smith shook his head humorously. "You'll have to forgive him. We come from a far away land in England. We came here to search for a new world. New adventure and land to control."
    "And any riches that come with it of course..." Ratcliffe corrected.
    "Regardless, this land is still unknown. I've faced plenty a savage in my day. They're unkind with no rational thought. Wild animal instincts course through their veins. I'm still not sure we're alone on this land. We found you after all."
    Inspecting them further, he thought to himself. "
    "Well, then perhaps you should venture forth and determine their whereabouts, hmm?"
    Smith looked back to the three of them. "Well what about them?"
    "Take them with you then. The boy seems to be weaker than Thomas, and we hardly need any women in the camp. Lest you find a good kitchen on the ship," he chuckled. He whipped out a handkerchief and began to dab the sweat from his thick head. "Do report back once you've surveyed the area," Ratcliffe instructed as he walked off.

    John Smith pulled out his gun as he loaded it. "Could get dangerous out there..."



    As Beuce got the others to follow him, the Duke grumbled under his white mustache. "It's Weselton!" he grumpily argued as he walked off with his guards.
    With the trio now secluded, they would begin to notice the large volume of people walking through the castle gates. The duke of Weselton slowly rolled his hands over each other as he looked around.
    "Ah, Arendelle, a most mysterious trade partner. Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets and exploit your riches. ...Did I just say that out loud?"
    Bells could be heard to mark the beginning of the ceremony as more and more people were entering the caslte.

    Post by: Krowley, Jun 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Krowley
    The ship carrying Beuce, Ignis, and AJ landed in a fairly sunny kingdom. (Despite the image on the world bubble) Their boat had reached the docks, allowing them to jump off before the boat vanished. Several royal and common folk alike seemed to be rowdy in celebration. "Such a wonderful thing to witness coronation day," one of the villagers cheered. "It's been ages since those kingdom gates have opened. I hear Princesses Anna and Elsa have grown into quite the beautiful pair of women!" It seems one of those two women were going to be crowned king. While it wasn't clear if their were any threats in this world, the names of Anna and Elsa were two that were seen on the Princess of Heart list.

    Before much could be done, they were approached by a small, scrawny old man in a military uniform. "Begging your pardon. Do you by chance know the princesses? It's been quite some time since they've left their home and as the Duke of Weselton I wish to uh... negotiate trade with them. Any information at all would be quite helpful..."


    The boat landed Luna, Aislinn and Kel on a flat terrain of shore. Past the waters, only forest trees and mountain ranges could be seen for miles. Woodland life could be heard in the distance, along with the loud rantings and cheers of men, not far from their location.
    "Captain Smith, it appears I've selected the perfect location, eh? Not a savage in sight." A portly pompous man with a magenta coat and hat bragged, walking along with men behind him.
    "Governer Ratcliffe, just because we don't see them doesn't mean they're not out there, sir." A handsomd young man with blonde hair and a steel chestplate remarked.
    The man known as Ratcliffe, drew his attention to the three wielders. He chuckled at the very sight of them. "Well if these are your so called savages Smith, I'll take my chances. Nothing but women and children."
    Smith rolled his eyes as he approached the three, waving his arm. "Hello, my name is John Smith, from England... Do you.. speak english?"


    Kaida, Ananta, Stratos, Aux and Steel eventually landed on a shore of an Island; much bigger than that of the one they had left. Their boat reaching the beach caused it to vanish as everyone immediately exited. They had landed on an unpopulated part of the beach, as no one could be seen for miles. Empty save for two figures that had their backs turned to the party. Very alien-like in appearance. One was dark purple, tall and obese with four eyes. The other was a thin and slender, one eyed creature that was colored lime-green and wore a military uniform.
    "I had Experiment 626 in my sights, and what does he do?! Uses that girl as a shield. That was low even for him! What do we do now, my one eyed friend?" The large one asked his partner.
    "Well like I told you before Jumba. We can't shoot, and we can't be seen. Look at us! To these primitive island dwelling earthlings we must look like monsters..." The one eyed alien turned around, thinking to himself. "We'll probably need some disguises to blend in. Hehe... I mean can you imagine, the TRAUMA we'd cause if we were-" He stopped mid sentence, as he spotted the party of keyblade wielders. "Oh well this is bad..." he whined.

    Aux looked at the two of them before looking back to his party. He remained silent but didn't know if this was supposed to be unusual or not to them.
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Krowley
    PART III - The Road to Light

    A few days have passed since everyone's fateful meeting with Master No Heart. Three ships had left Destiny Islands, carrying eleven keyblade masters. Though they suffered a heavy loss, there were still many hardships ahead of them. These ships would lead them to an unknown world, and with the lockdown protocol still in effect, they can't rely on their keyblade gliders. Actions must be taken to secure a new vessel and reunite with their lost allies. Along with this, they must continue to seal the keyholes in each world, be wary of villainous threats, and protect any and all princesses of heart.
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 5, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Krowley

    "Guess that one," Alex said, pointing to the cat picture. "That's one down... Speaking of goals, if Luther manages to off little miss ice princess, he's gonna be partnerless. We gotta off someone else to keep him in the game." He thought to himself as he looked around for another Cat marker. "Say, you think Echo can help us take down his look-a-like? Don't know what the deal with that guy is, but I doubt he's much use to us anyways. We can't exactly get Shiro till he returns."


    Over with Koa and Finlay, Finlay had just sat down in front of an old man at the local park, preparing to face him in a game of chess. "Alright," he said to Koa. "So how does this little thinkin' game work lad?"


    With Vanitas and Echo, Vanitas plopped down Echo in front of the sloth. He looked to Echo and ordered him to stay put. "Just don't blink. I've got other plans here..." Vanitas walked off as Echo continued to stare at the Sloth. The two stared at each other without a second thought, never blinking. Vanitas looked around making sure no one was on his clase or would try to see what he was up to. "Now where is that stupid place?..." he asked himself. He stopped next to the shopping district. "Jackpot!" He grinned, walking into the arcade.
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 4, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Krowley
    "I always thought that I was the one who was meant to protect everyone.
    To keep everyone safe. And to bare that burden alone.
    But I know now that I was wrong.
    Because it's not just my story."
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Krowley

    Those who are lost...

    As Oswald wandered the remains of the realm of darkness, he stopped in the middle of the road. His ears drooping down as he sighed.
    From behind him, Dreamer appeared in his white cloak, walking not far off. "There you are. I was curious where you hopped off to."
    "Not you again," Oswald whined. "Just leave me alone will yah? I've got a lot of walking to do."
    "I'm sorry... You must be frustrated by now."
    "FRUSTRATED?! Well that's a nice way to wrap up isn't it? I lost my home, I lost my ship, and I'm still stuck in this stupid place!" Oswald kicked the dust off the ground, trying to calm himself down.
    He began to walk off, but wasn't losing Dreamer anytime soon. Following the rabbit, Dreamer spoke again. "You're walking the wrong way."
    "I said leave me alone!" he barked.
    "You won't even try to listen?"
    "I don't take orders from strangers!"
    "That's fair," Dreamer nodded. "My name is Dreamer."
    "I don't care who you are! You got a mask or a hood, then I don't trust you!" Oswald turned around and yelled up at the man.
    "I hide my face to protect people."
    "Protect?! WHO HAVE YOU PROTECTED?!"
    "All I can do is salvage. Intervening where I can. But you can make a difference Oswald. The keyblade chose you..."
    Oswald summoned the Kingdom Key D in his hand, looking at his reflection in the golden hilt. "Well this time it chose wrong," he said, tossing it at Dreamer's feet. "That thing has caused my nothing but trouble. I gave it to the mouse for a reason. Let him and those other kids save the day for once. Why is it my responsibility?... I never asked for it."
    Dreamer picked up the Kingdom Key D. "But some one wanted you to have it. Yen Sid wouldn't have given it to you if he didn't trust you. A keyblade of darkness and light."
    Oswald calmed down. "You know Yen Sid?"
    "I do. He taught me a lot of things." Dreamer reached into his back pockets and pulled out a couple of pages from the Wasteland's book. "Including putting the needs of others before my own."
    Oswald's ears lit up as he quickly grabbed the pages. "Ortensia! Gus!" He yelled, looking at the pages.
    "It's not all of them, but it's a start."
    Oswald quickly put the pages in the book and under his arm. "I can't go back home until I find all of them... "
    "I know. And if you don't want to, I won't force you."
    "I'm just so lost without them. Ortensia would be there whenever I got home and Gus would help my keep the Wasteland safe. We were all safe together. Maybe that's why I stayed with Mickey and his friends. I liked the idea of helping people get home."
    "Everyone's doing their part," Dreamer reassured putting a hand on his shoulder. "I know you left the SOS because you don't like getting attached. But if you really want to keep helping people." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a star shard. "I received this along time ago. It's helped me in grave emergencies in the past."
    Oswald tiled his head. "What is it?"
    "It's a Star Shard. It can help you go from world to world. Normally the effects would be quite random for those that don't know how to use it... But I trust in the hands of a LUCKY user, you should be just fine."
    Oswald looked up. "Why are you helping me? What's in it for you."
    Dreamer looked up into the dark sky. "Because even if you don't know it yet. We were all connected at one point or another. And I like to think we still are. That if we just try to help each other- just a bit... the worlds would be able to hold their own."

    Oswald looked down at the Star Shard. "I want to help people... But the keyblade will hold me back. It keeps attracting bad folks. I don't want that. No more fighting..."
    Dreamer nodded. "So what will you do with the key to darkness."
    Oswald took the key from Dreamer as he thought to himself. "I've got an idea."

    A small distance later, Dreamer walked Oswald to the edge of Destiny Islands. The place where the battle of 10,000 Heartless took place.
    "Why here?" Dreamer asked.
    "This is the place those kids went to to get back to the light. Mickey still had the light key. But if he ever needs the dark key, I want him to be able to find it in a place that gives people hope."
    Oswald marched onwards, with Dreamer watching from afar. Going under the waterfall, Oswald opened the door to the secret place and left the Kingdom Key there. Floating and glowing int he darkness.
    Walking back to Dreamer at the edge of the beach, he looked up to him.
    "So what do we do now Mr Dreamer?"
    Dreamer thought to himself before speaking. "Since I'll be stuck here, I need you to be my eyes and very tall ears in the realm of light."

    "But what if I can't find Mickey's ship? Where do I bring all the people I need to keep safe?"
    Dreamer leaned down to Oswald's level before answering. "I know a place... Have you ever heard of a place called Traverse Town?"
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 2, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Krowley

    The Dream goes on...

    Panchito and Jose showed up on the barely lit Disney station. Most everything was shown to be low in power, save for a couple of lights that made things visible. The duo looked around, wondering what had happened in their absense.
    "Cousin Donald! Esta aqui?!" Panchito yelled out.
    "Ay mio... what happened?" Jose asked, looking around the room.
    "Looks like the the last afterparty I had back home," Panchito nudged. Still looking around, a large banging was heard at one of the station's doors. The banging got louder and louder, causing Panchito to summon his umbrella and Panchito to draw his pistols. The banging eventually powered through as Pete came crashing onto the floor.
    "Diablo! Get him!" Panchito yelled, firing powerful pellets at the giant guard. "OW! OOH! AHH! Stop it you nimrod, it's me!"
    Jose used his umbrella handle to lower Panchito's fire. "Panchito, basta! It's el gordo."
    Panchito tilted his head. "Ahh so it is. Como esta?" He asked casually.
    Pete shrugged off his assistance as Donald and Daisy showed up behind him.

    "Ahh cousin Donald, what happened?" Jose asked.
    "It was a disaster!" Donald exclaimed. Daisy walked passed him and began to explain further.
    "Some strange little guys completely drained our ship of it's power. We've been hanging around in dead space for days. We were running on reserve power, when we were all locked out. Someone turned on the override to lockdown protocol. Several of the attendants must be worried sick..."

    "WOW!" Goofy's scream was heard as he and Max charged through another door.
    Shaking his head, Goofy waved in a daze as Max rushed to the Station's console. He input a few keys before the station began to start up again. "Nice! Looks like we're back online!" He cheered. As they sighed in relief, Panchito looked around. So where is the mouse boy?"
    "Mick?" Goofy looked around.
    "Princess Minnie's missing too!" Daisy said, looking left and right for her.
    "The mutt and the bunny boy are MIA too," Pete said, brushing himself off.
    "I'll access the cameras to see what happened to see what happened," Daisy confirmed, typing away next to Max.

    "So how did you find us" Donald asked his cousins.
    "It's a muy grande ship cousin. Hard to miss.
    "Yeah, we found a page from Senor Oswald's book. We wanted to tell him the good news."

    "Cameras online! Now let's see what happened...."
    A few monitors displayed the internal and external cameras.
    "This is where Minnie and Pluto were before the attack," She said pointing to the top left hand screen. "She's right next to the console. And this is the only access port that could've shut us down," she added pointing to it on the screen. A small ooze of black liquid crawl next to the console and flipped the switch before forging a cage around Minnie and Pluto. The ooze then reformed into a silhouette before firing a black ooze at the camera, causing it to shut down.
    "Wait a minute, rewind and pause!" Max exclaimed.
    Daisy followed and paused at the appearance of the mystery person.
    Goofy, Oswald and Pete glared. "Is that?..." Goofy asked.
    "Mortimer Mouse!" Donald exclaimed.
    "We haven't seen that feller for ages!" Goofy said, scratching his head.
    "I don't care who he is, he took Pluto and the princess!"
    "Well looks like he's been beefin up on some fancy new powers!" Pete said, crossing his arms. "But that still don't explain boat boy and the bunny are."

    As he said this, Beast came walking through the one of the knocked down doors carrying DJ in his arms. "I found him by the docking bay. It seems he's been gravely injured. ATTACKED!" He roared. "By what... I do not know..."
    "Where'd you find him?" Max asked.
    "The docking bay." Beast confirmed. Max quickly began typing on the console to access the cameras.
    Mulan and Robin Hood showed up in the room to see what was going on.
    "Is everyone alright?"Mulan asked looking towards the unconcious teen in Beast's arms. "Oh no..."
    "Seems we took a hit," Robin said, scratching the back of his neck. "This is NOT an Oo-de-lally day..."

    "There!" Maxsaid pointing to the monitor of the docking bay. DJ was in a room fighting with Mickey and Oswald by his side against a blonde haired boy around his age.
    "They were fighting some punk!" Pete said, hands on his hips.
    Oswald and Mickey were able to turn the battle's tide in DJ's favor.
    "You don't have to do this Alex," DJ said on the screen.
    "I'm done listening to you..." he replied. As the battle raged on, Oswald made a powerful drop kick attack. the blonde haired boy. Opened a dark portal under himself, causing Oswald to sink after him.
    "Oswald!" Mickey cried out.

    Alex reappeared through a dark portal, but Oswald seemed to have been dragged elsewhere in darkness. The group remained silent as they watched the battle unfold. "It was supposed to be me and you DJ! Two artists rebelling against the world! And then you just ditched me! Too busy with your new order pals. YOU ABANDONED ME! You stopped jamming and kept cramming with that big brain of yours! You always liked making me felt stupid didn't you! That's all I was to you! Some one to make you feel smarter!" The battle clashed with keyblades and Alex getting faster and faster with his thunder attacks.

    "But if you don't want a brother!" He pulled a small void disc and threw it from behind him. "THEN NEITHER DO I!"
    As he threw the Void Disc, Mickey quickly pushed DJ out of the way. The void disc began to absolve Mickey as he was absorbed in a dark purple light, being dragged into the void. "Mickey!" DJ yelled, trying to reach out.
    "Protect Minnie!" Mickey yelled back before disappearing completely.

    Alex grunted and not hitting the correct target. "Whatever. Now it's just me and you. No more interfering. No running. Today I prove that I'm better than you."
    "I never wanted to be better than you!" DJ cried out. Mickey and Oswald were gone because of his former friend. "I wasn't trying to cut you out. I was trying to make things better. For everyone! Don't you want to be a rockstar in a better world? You can't tell me you want this! Working for Nequa of all people!"
    "Rock and roll thrives off chaos man. I thought getting a keyblade would help me keep up with you. But I don't need to keep up with you. You're the one whose too slow."
    Alex began charging his keyblade as he stood combat ready. "Final Fantasy. Me and you."
    "SHUT UP! You wanna stop me, then prove it. Or I'll kill every lamer on this ship!" His eyes twitched as he awaited DJ's answer.

    "Don't do this..."
    "It's too late for that... Now SHUT UP AND-"

    The electric pulse from Alex's keyblade caused the camera to go offline. But judging by DJ's current condition, it was clear to see who won.
    "Well that blows... Guess that leaves me in charge now. I say we charge straight in and get da princess back!"
    "Whoa! Who put you in charge!" Max argued.
    "Well as Captain of the Guard I obviously fall next in command."
    "No, Daisy does!" Donald argued. "She's Minnie's lady in waiting!"
    "Donald's right," Goofy confirmed. "So what do we do now yer majesty in waitin'?"
    Daisy looked at everyone in the room.
    She sighed before crossing her arms. "It'll be harder now. We're short staffed and lost half our team..."

    "I'm willing to help," Mulan chimed in. Daisy lit up upon hearing that up.
    "And don't forget your cousins!" Jose said putting a hand on Panchito's shoulder.
    "I'm handy with a bow if your in need of an archer," Robin said tipping his hat.
    "If it helps find Belle... Then I'm in too...." Beast offered.

    "Thank you... so much..." Daisy said overwhelmed.
    Daisy nodded, attempting to mak provisions. She took a deep breath before putting on her headset and grabbing a clipboard. Running Scrooge's business helped train her for multitask work.
    "I'll be operating from the station from now on... Mulan, take Panchito and Robin to help the East end recover. Tell them we'll be back up and running soon. Goofy, take Max and Donald do the same to the West end." She turned to Jose. "Jose, I'll need you along with Pete to help in the engine room. Help Chip and Dale anyway you can! Beast, you can join them once you've dropped DJ off in the recovery bay!" A few salutes and nods later, everyone was off to do their task.

    She wrapped her arms around her clipboard and looked outside the frontal winder. "We'll find you.. Al of you...."

    Post by: Krowley, May 31, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Krowley
    "I'm not going to do it alone," Lima claimed dusting off the book. "Just not with you."
    Shiro lowered himself to ask Karina something in confidence. "LADY KARINA... DID YOU BY CHANCE UPSET THIS WOMAN?" His loud booming voice wasn't exactly subtle.
    "She didn't do anything. She's just wrong for the job."
    "And it's the same reason I can't." She summoned two keyblades, one in each hand. "The whole reason that Lea guy formed your group was that you didn't have keyblades. And now you do. And so do I... We're pretty much moving targets." She began to walk away but sighed before looking back. Her sister wouldn't want her to be so brash. "Look, I know we got off on the wrong foot. My real name is Lin. .. And it's nothing against you, but it's just hard to trust people with keyblades lately. If Nequa or anyone close to her got wind of this, it could ruin our only chance to defeat her." She dispersed her keyblades. "My sister Mei gave her life helping me track this down. I can't risk it."
    "SHH!" Lin interrupted.
    "i'm serious, quiet!" She said, holding a finger to her lips. "Someone's watching us..."

    Back in SHIBUYA...

    Mizu spun her head around, wondering what Luther was talking about. She looked down and saw that the rabbit was now at her feet. It had apparently darted back without her knowledge.
    "Aww, what a cute little bunny!" she said, squatting down with her legs closed to get a better look. She tilted her head wondering why it was such a problem. "Doesn't look that fast." She reached her hand out only for the rabbit to dart after Luther, eventually passing him again.
    "Hey! Wait!" she cried, firing an ice spell to create a rail to slide on. She slid along the ice rail, chasing after it.
    Post by: Krowley, May 31, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Krowley
    "If you're looking for the order lady, she's not here." Lima replied.
    "MISS YUE OR MISS RIN?!" Shiro asked in close attention.
    "Neither. If they tried to get in Nequa's way, they're either dead or in the void," She said, flipping through the pages.
    "VOID?" Shiro asked.
    "The realm beyond? You know? The realm where there is no return from?" She closed the book and walked passed them. "Anyways, I'll definitely need help with this next step. Just not from you."
    Lima sighed before turning around. "Do either of you even know what she's planning? Honestly?"
    She awaited an answer.

    Back in Shibuya...

    Finlay laughed whole heartedly. "Finlay will win whatever challenge he crosses. Just leave it to me lad!" He looked back and forth to see which direction to take. "Which I'm pretty sure is this way!" he said marching along, waiting for Koa to follow."

    Mizu returned back to Luther with a determined look. Seems like everyone is off on their own missions. "Let's get going mister... Luther was it?"

    Alex looked at the Strength and Sight trials wondering which one to take. "Well, personally, I'm no good with power, so I guess a scavenger hunt is fine." He looked to Melus. "Sooner we spot em, sooner we finish right?" He quickly made a dash to the city map. "I'm gonna start at the middle of the city. Catch up if you can!" he said, before dashing away again.

    Charlie looked at the the chart and back to Dastgir and Rydia. "Guess that leaves you two with Strength."

    TIME REMAINING: 1:75:14

    Trial of STRENGTH (Rydia + Dastgir)
    Trial of ENDURANCE (Aeira + Vallus)
    Trial of SPEED (Mizu + Luther)
    Trial of SIGHT (Melus + Alex)
    Trial of WILL (Ventus + Vanitas)
    Trial of WISDOM (Finlay + Koa)
    Post by: Krowley, May 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Krowley


    "Rather surprised you agreed to my invitation. But then again, we both know you have been full of surprises." No Heart was speaking at the table where the Order gathered. Across from him, he was speaking to Maleficent, who was standing and looking around the room.
    "You've been of great assistance in helping to capture the seven maidens of light. I was simply concerned you might still have hard feelings since I've been borrowing young Vanitas. Our partnership has been beneficial to the both of us."
    "Your council of villains have kept the lockdown in effect, making it harder for the wielders of light. This much has been helpful in testing their strength. As far as Vanitas goes, he allies himself with whoever gets him what he wants. Which is why I've called you here today."
    Maleficent was taken aback by this. |Oh? Why not summon the Horned King? He's the current benefactor and ringleader behind our groups actions."
    "We both know that's not true..." No heart replied. "You know too much to just be a follower of darkness. You know of the princesses of heart as well as Xehanort. You seem to be out of your element."
    Maleficent took a seat across from him. "So you've managed to discover just a small fraction of my origins. A meaningless discovery."
    "True. But I don't need to know where you're from. Only where you're going. I feel like our goals could align once more.... Do you know of the thirteen darknesses?"
    Maleficent tried to remain aloof. "Perhaps? What about them?"
    "I'm attempting to reforge it. Originally I tasked Vanitas, Nequa and Aux to search for 3 champions of darkness. The thirteen would face off against the 7 of light and frge the keyblade. With your seven maidens revealing the final keyhole, Kingdom Hearts would b ours for the taking."
    "An interesting enough plan. But that would only put you at twelve darknesses. What of the thirteenth?"
    "I've brought it upon myself to select the thirteenth champion. The darknesses on this new organization need to be the strongest. Which is why I've also summoned you here..."
    "With Aux's... dismissal from my plan, this puts me a recruiter short. Nequa is recruiting her own through the red society and vanitas is on his own journey. I would like you to replace Aux as a recruiter of darkness."
    Maleficent pondered for a moment. "What if I were to simply make my own brigade of darkness with the hellfire club?"
    No Heart chuckled. "Oh yes, I'm sure the pirate captain and skeleton king will make tremendous threats."
    Malficent ran her long fingers over her staff. "And I would only require to select three?"
    "And Vanitas?"
    "He's still yours to use as you wish. So long as he chooses his three champions, I don't care what you use him for."
    "That boy's goals switch at the drop of a hat. I gave him a formula to keep his heart complete. But alas, it's been wearing off. Soon he'll be on the war path for Ventus once more."
    "That's Nequa's concern... Do we have a deal?"
    Maleficent stood and nodded her head. "I'll take heed of your offer. Once I weed out the week from my own council, I will be sure to contact you." As Maleficent turned to leave, she began to speak as she glided to the room's exit. "You've been very fortunate to surmount your efforts. What's your secret?"
    No Heart was uncertain why she chose to discuss that, but answered anyways. "A wealth of knowledge and a bad luck charm."
    Maleficent spun around. "Don't you mean good luck charm?"
    "No.... I don't."

    Inside the Central Haven keyblade academy, the halls echoed with the sounds of silence.
    An unusual looking young teenage boy sat at one of the lunch tables.He was carnivorously chowing down on a whole uncooked fish as his legs kicked back and forth happily under the table. This boy has orange fur all over his body with pointed ears and a lion's tail. His sharp fangs chewed through the fish as he looked at the empty lunch trays beside him. In front of each empty lunch tray was a broken broomstick,colored ball, or other common item sitting on top of the seat where a person would normally sit. At least a dozen or so. Names were etched on each handle as he looked around the lunch table.

    He let out a large burp before covering his mouth. He looked the handle marked 'LUNA' and laughed loudly. "You're right Luna! something does smell fishy, HAHAHA!" He pounded the table a little over excitedly as he laughed. A few of the handles began to fall off the table "Whoops!" looks like Glen had a little too much fruit punch!" He quickly propped up the handle and watched as a red ball labeled 'KARINA' rolled past him. "Aww c'mon Karina, don't be mad, I'm sure Beuce didn't mean it!" He picked up a green ball labeled 'BEUCE' and threw it after the red ball. "You go apologize mister!"

    He passsed by two handles crossing each other labeled 'STEEL' and 'RAISOR.'
    "I call next arm wrestling match! Raisor you've been on a roll! So manly!"
    He passed by a blue ball labeled 'HIKARU' and another yellow one labeled 'KAIDA.'
    "Just tell her how you feel man!" he whispered to the blue ball. He walked passed the blue ball before whispering to the yellow one. "Don't settle, you can do better!"
    He held up his hand and gave air high fives past empty water jugs labeled 'KEL, STRATOS, D'DAEAR,' and 'BASE.'
    "High fives for everyone!" he called out before sitting back in his seat.

    "Man this is so much fun guys! Just eating lunch with all my bestest friends!" His voice echoed across the lunchroom as slence soon followed. A small tear ran down his cheek as his ears pointed downwards. He sunk into his voice as his voice got quieter. "My very... real friends." He sniffled as he folded his arms at the table. A mop labeled 'ANANTA' fell on his shoulder. "Not now Ananta..." he said slowly sliding the mop off him."
    Post by: Krowley, May 29, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Krowley
    Shiro's eyes darted back and forth between the two girls, wondering if he should intervene. They seemed to have met in the past, but if he learned anything by watching Yue, it was best to let them sort it out.

    "This supposed to be an interview now? Anything we know about you and your groups is from Delta. Someone has been gathering information on you since who knows when. If I remember right you had a key, traveled with a bunch of other key wielders, fell to darkness, lost the key, found a new group, got your key back and, well I don't really know beyond that. " she began to grunt as she moved heavier piles of rubble.

    As far as me being alone, It wasn't always that way. Not really. I'm sure you or one of your friends met her. She looks like me but with a more... engaging personality. My twin sister and I were part of her group to survive the realm of darkness. When we found out we had to kill each other to stay, we compromised and I faked my own death. Using our portal abilities were able to switch back and forth without anyone really noticing. I doubt Nequa even remembers us being sisters..."


    Lima found a book and dusted the ash off it. "Not long ago, Nequa called my sister in because I bailed during your little invasion of this burnt down lab. It was supposed to be me at that meeting, but she just smiled and told me that she wouldn't mind getting yelled at. She was killed for insubordination." Lima gripped the book, causing charred edges to crumple off. "Should've been me..." before she got to emotional, she took a deep breath. "So I thought I'd return the favour. This book should tell me everything I need to know on how to get ride of her."

    Back at Shibuya

    Mizu shrugged. "I suppose my ice magic would at least be able to slow the furry guy down." Is just like to check what the others in my group are doing. "They might need our help with something too."

    Alex looked over to his partner as Mizu approached the others. "So how you wanna play this out?" He asked Melus.
    Post by: Krowley, May 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Krowley
    "Wished I could've seen it." she said, rummaging through another pile of wreckage. "And I run because it's what we-" she stopped herself before continuing. "What I did to survive. You and I aren't so different from what I hear... We keep partnering up with groups to ensure we can hold our own against whatever we're running from. I aligned myself with Nequa to stay alive. To survive. But now things are different. I'm just by myself for the first time in along time." She walked past her to another burnt pile. "When's the last time you did anything on your own?"
    Post by: Krowley, May 28, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  13. Krowley

    Seeing Red

    Nequa sat in her throne yawning loudly before Delta walked up to approach her. "Your replacement will arrive shortly my lady." Delta bowed his head with clipboard in hand before standing upright.
    He looked to the side, trying to keep his comments to himself.
    "And let me guess. As always you don't approve."
    "I've learned better that to question your decisions. Your word is law after all. Just my own thoughts. He speaks... strangely. As if he's never alone. I know to keep to myself though."
    Nequa nodded her helmet. "And I love that you get that. But here's the thing Deltoid." She stood up for her throne and looked Delta in the eyes through her helmet.
    "I don't care that you're thinking. I care about what you can do... Everyone in the Red Society is chosen because they showed that they were strong enough to not be limited by the obstacle in front of them. Maybe some of them are good. Maybe some are bad. It doesn't matter to me." She began to pace around her room, looking at the two swords she had gained from Land of Dragons and Camelot. "No Heart acts of knowledge and planning. I'm the opposite. I love the foolish and the brash! I LOVE THE CHAOS! And I feel like the people I recruit get that. I know any one of my pretties could betray me at the drop of a hat." She quickly spun around and eyes Delta. "Even you." There was a small pause as Delta cleared his throat.

    "Do you know why I where this helmet?" Nequa asked. Delta shook his head 'No.'
    "It's because faces create reaction. It makes you connect with the other person. And seeing as how none of the faces I use are mine, I don't see a point. If I can't use the face to manipulate or get what I want, then this pretty face is useless to me."

    A large knock was heard at the door. "I'll leave you to your orientation." He bowed again before walking away.
    "You're a very smart cookie Delta. One of the things that make me respect you..."
    Delta stopped halfway and turned around.
    "Ruining that expectation of you would be very... disappointing..."
    Delta was silent as he continued to walk away.

    Another loud knock was heard.
    "OPEN!" She yelled out.
    The gates burst open as a heavy warrior walked into the room. A nearly 8 foot man in a black cloak with a hood over his silver mask and locks of white hair trailing at the side. of his face.
    "New look Gilgamesh?"
    It was Gilgamesh.
    Different from his first appearance, Gilgamesh looked more human this time around. "What can I say? I like to keep things fresh! Now... about that sword..." Nequa moved to the side to present Excalibur. The sword stay embeded in a stone next to the Land of Dragons sword.
    "All yours Gil. You are free to take it."

    Gilgamesh towered over her as he walked to the sword. "Well what a relief. Kept expecting some sort of betrayal against me. Thought I was just a fun cameo that you would never hear from again. But so long as I get my sword, I'm happy."
    As Gilgamesh was prepared to take the sword, Nequa spoke out. "I know something you'd like more..."
    Stopping himself, he looked back.

    "And that is?"
    Nequa folded her arms triumphantly. She knew how to speak his language. "More screentime."
    "Whatchu talkin' bout Wicken?"

    "I know that life is a stage to you. And such a pity this would be your last appearance. Unless this story needed just a bit more Gilgamesh."
    "You mean... like a returning guest star?"
    "I was thinking more along the line of a recurring character."
    Gilgamesh looked back and forth between her and the sword.
    "So... much... conflict..."

    Nequa laughed playfully. "That's why I don't need to betray you Gil. I released you from the void because I know what you want. And you know what I want. We use each other to get what we want because we're all selfish. You know you get that sword once I'm done with it.... Why not get some extra playtime while you wait?"

    Gilgamesh clenched his fist as he backed away from the sword.
    "So uhh... what perks do recurring characters get?"
    Nequa smiled beneath her mask. "The Red Society offers you a new name and keyblade."
    "But... Only protags and main villains get those!"
    "Not anymore Gil. I know you've seen that power first hand. An excellent addition to your arsenal, I'm sure."
    "It's like being given the key to the city. Except the city is the world. And the world is every world!"
    Nequa nodded. "You'd be replacing Tango. The sixth member of our little society.
    "What about Number one? Can I have that one?!"
    "No. That spot one is for my little side project."
    Gilgamesh nodded as if knowing. "Right, spoilers... Can I be Alpha at least."
    "If that's what you want."

    "Searching for every worthy blade, I would of course be the Alpha!"
    "So you'll join?"
    "On one condition." Gilgamesh folded his arms. "Show me whose body you're using now."
    "That's all? Why do you care?"
    "The audience has been very curious."

    Nequa shrugged, unhinging her helmet. and removing it slowly. Blue hair fell to her neck line as her yellow eyes blinked once. Nequa was using the body of Aqua. One of Eraqus' pupils that was abducted along with Ventus and Terra.
    "Huh." Gilgamesh said in acknowledgement. "Not the fan theory I thought would win."
    "So do we have a bargain?" she asked.
    "Sure thing lady." He clenched his fists in anticipation. "Oh man, I can't wait until the next episode!"
    Post by: Krowley, May 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Krowley
    "You'll get back to your loved ones once you've earned it." Charlie had returned in time to answer Dastgir's question with his knuckles cracking. "The Reaper's Game is an unforgiving trial to determine who is worthy of another chance to bathe in the rays of sunshine again. Normally this is done in a week, but 7 trials have proven just as effective. And the twelve of you will..." He paused and looked around for the twelvth but could only spot eleven. "Aww bugger... looks like we're uneven again."

    "No you're not." A voice echoed, pushing past the gates, Vanitas walked proudly into the entryway.
    "And you are?" Charlie asked.
    "Vanitas. Though I'm sure some of you already knew that..." He began eying Ventus from across the group who was still staring blankly into space.
    "Now it's a party," Alex whispered to Melus.
    Charlie looked back at forth between Ventus and Vanitas. "What're you, twins?"
    "Trust me, our differences are on looks and nothing more..."
    Charlie shrugged. "Whatever. Well that puts us back at twelve with what's his name. Say howdy to your new partners..."

    Finlay + Koa

    Vallus + Aeira

    Mizu + Luther

    Alex + Melus

    Ventus + Vanitas

    Dastgir + Rydia

    "Your partners might be dead weight to you, but those achors are your lifeline. If your partner dies, so do you, unless you can find a replacement partner." His raspy voice grew darker as he instructed. "There are six trials for you to do. The seventh will be revealed once you've done the other six. You can work together with other partners or not. Your choice."

    Trial of STRENGTH
    MISSION: Find a way to break Statue of Hachiko. This is a very hard and metalic structure

    Trial of ENDURANCE
    MISSION: Claim the flag on the highest building in Shibuya. Only climbing is aloud.

    Trial of SPEED
    MISSION: Catch the rabbit that is running around Shibuya. It's fastest speed is 125 mph when startled.

    Trial of SIGHT
    There are three "CAT" graffiti markers around the city. Find them.

    Trial of WILL
    There is a giant Sloth in the scramble cross. It will only move once it's beaten in a staring contest.

    Trial of WISDOM
    Beat the old man in the park in a game of his choice.​

    Vanitas dragged Ventus by the collar. "You're with me. Spacecase an I are doing the Trial of Will!" He ordered dragging Ventus along.
    "You have three hours or face erasure." Charlie snapped his fingers causing a player pin to be marked on every participant as well as a burning timer on the back of their hand reading '1:80:00.'

    [VOLUME 1]

    As Shiro and Karina left Shibuya, the air around them was calm. The darkness was not as strong as it once was with only a faint lingering. "IT APPEARS OUR BATTLE WITH HUGHES HAS TAKEN MOST OF THE DARKNESS IN THIS PART OF THE REALM. I HAVENT SEEN A HEARTLESS FOR MILES. WE HAD BEST COUNT OUR BLESSINGS." They approached the exploded laboratory where nothing but rubble and ash remained. "IF I FOLLOWED MIZU'S DIRECTIONS, THIS SHOULD BE THE AREA SHE SPOKE OF." He looked in the distance to see a young woman around Karina's age searching through the rubble. To Karina, this was Lima, but to Shiro, it was another stranger.

    Lima looked up and sighed. "Perfect." She got up and dusted herself off before walking past them. "I don't have the time to deal with you right now." As she walked past she dug her shoulder into Karina's as she passed her. "Besides... You've already done enough." She continued walking past to another pile of rubble.
    Post by: Krowley, May 27, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Krowley
    Added Aux to the main roster; Reassigned the crowns to fit his playstyle more.

    Also gonna cash this in;


    Also Buying Brave Warrior, Mystic Chain, Energy Bangle and Ray of Light.
    Spending 2,850 Munny on those four.
    Buying Barrier Surge and Sliding Dash at 600 Munny total.
    Now down to 13,273

    Unequipping Paladin to Equip Monk

    Also since I passed the Achievement mark I'm claiming

    the job and item tickets, moogle badge, titan chain,
    1 AP, 5 HP and Auto Aura (lv 1)
    Post by: Krowley, May 25, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  16. Krowley
    I gave you the first 2, but sparky was redacted because it was a battle post :/
    Post by: Krowley, May 23, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  17. Krowley

    A New Club Member

    The Horned King stood slouched in his throne, losing patience for the matters at hand.
    "WHAT? Mizrabel has been defeated?..." He barked at the creeper, who had told him of their failures to abduct the other members of the hellfire club.
    "I-I'm sorry sire, but her castle has been seen in ruins... Quite abandoned in fact," creeper cowered. "But if you wish to punish some one, perhaps the horseman? He failed to retrieve the Alice! Remember sire?!" The creeper tried to force attention away from him and onto his club members.
    "SILENCE! We have followed Maleficent's orders precisely and barely have half the princesses. Jafar! What has become of Jasmine?"
    "She still eludes my efforts your majesty," he slyly replied. Jafar stepped from the shadows to reveal himself in his Agrabah attire, long face, and sinister facial hair. "As I understand it, the horseman has also reported that Cinderella is no longer in her world as well. It is quite possible that the princesses have fled their worlds in search of salvation."
    The Horned King tapped his long fingernails o his arm rest impatiently. "With Maleficent's capture of Aurora, this then puts us at a total of four princesses. Snow White, Belle and Rapunzel."
    "But blondie wasn't exactly on the list as I recall," another Hellfire club member came from the shadows dressed in a fancy purple suit with a long top hat. "And if what we heard about this time voodoo is right, that means there could be more than just the seven maidens to target." He quickly flashed seven empty tarot cards, before closing them and revealing more then a couple dozen when he opened them.

    "Doctor Facilier is correct your highness. Meaning that several princesses from our respective worlds could be a possible candidate for a princess of heart." Jafar thought aloud.
    "Well if that's the case, I know a certain princess who could use a good kidnapping," the baritone woman stepped out revealing herself as a large purple woman, with the lower half of an octopus.
    "And I'm sure any suitable babe could fit the role. After all, Alice was no princess. Where'd mean, tall and lean even get that info?" A blue colored man in greek robes and a head of blue fire emerged.
    "Speaking of that wretched witch, where is she?! I have other matters to attend to on me ship? Captain Hook is a very busy man!" A hook handed man reared his head into view, twirling his long mustache.
    "Yeah yeah, we all know of how many times you lost to a little boy, HAHAHA!" A large, living bag of bugs laughed, mocking the Captain.
    Horseman's headless laugh with Oogie Boogie could be heard as his shoulders moved up and down with his arms folded to the wall.

    "SILENCE!" The Horned King barked. "More than half of these key wielding brats Maleficents spoke of are mere children." He turned to Creeper. "CREEPER! Where is Maleficent now?"
    "Sh-she said she had other business to attend to sire... As did Vanitas..."
    The Horned King slumped back down. "Then all we can do is continue to elude their efforts. The loss of Mizrabel has put us at a disadvantage. Not to mention No Heart's apprentices are too busy in their own affairs to help us...."
    "But seeing as he have the who lockdown plan in motion, they'll be easier to find, am I right? Only a matter of time before they swim or fly near one of OUR domains..." Oogie spoke.
    "If they dare to swim near my waters, I'll be sure to have my little pretties turn them into heartless in no time flat!" Ursula cackled.
    "Finding a vessel to travel is hard enough, but they'll have to land somewhere. And sooner or later we'll be able to flatten those scallywags without a trace!" Hook claimed, holding his hook high into the air.

    The villains all laughed in rejoicing before hearing a loud knock at the door. "Who dares disturbs the Horned King!" He barked.
    "I'll get it sire!" creeper spoke before scurrying to the large iron door. Before he could open it, the doors swung open, causing Creeper to fly to the other room.

    "Well I see the joint hasn't changed much. You should really consider hiring an interior decorator or somethin'. Place needs a good paint job..." A familiar nasally voice spoke out before walking forward, dragging behind him a large cage with Minnie Mouse and Pluto the Dog inside. As he walked forward, the figure was encased in pure black ink, with his face showing glowing green eyes and a liquidized green mouth to match.
    Hades leaned over to Jafar and whispered. "Hey uhh.. ain't that the yahoo that got trapped in the book?"
    "Why yes! Yes he is!" The inked figure spoke in reply. With round ears atop his head, the figure resembled a familiar acquaintance of theirs.
    "Mortimer?" Jafar questioned.
    "Actually... we go by Shadow Mortimer now..."
    The other hellfire members were made silent.
    "The heck happened to you?" Oogie asked bluntly.
    "After I was left to rot in the Wasteland, we made a plan to try and escape." His voice was darker and more sinister than before. He also continued to refer to himself as "we."
    "We?" Captain Hook asked.
    "Mortimer Mouse and the Shadow Blot. We decided our best chance to escape was to fuse together as one... Now I'm sure you all didn't mean to let us rot in that junkwhole of a book, but I'm willing to let bygones be bygones. I even brought princess mouse over here as a little audition to get back into the club. Fact of the matter is, you have resources that could be very valuable to us. And we love being on the winning side o' things."
    The Horned King considered this for a moment. "But what use are you now to us without a keyblade? I'm sure you can't very well fight well on your own."
    Shadow Mortimer used the ink from his body to make a sword on each hand. "With the power of the blot, we can make anything we want. It's how I made the cage. And it's how I captured Princess Minnie from her loser friends." He dissolved the ink back into his body. "So what do you say Mr King? Do we get to party with the big boys?"
    The Horned King stood from his throne. "Shadow Mortimer," He paused. "Welcome back to the Hellfire Club."
    Shadow Mortimer grinned his evil inky smile. "Well Ha-cha-cha..."
    Post by: Krowley, May 23, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Krowley
    I could only give you the one for Spot (Because Cat is no longer active)
    Lucky was claimed by Beuce
    And the other 6 are not on the puppy list.
    Post by: Krowley, May 23, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  19. Krowley
  20. Krowley


    - New achievements added
    - Rewards have been updated
    - New items available!


    - Summon Limits are removed and added to their respective summons
    - Cheshire Cat abilities altered


    - Level 3 added


    - Paopu Knight Added!

    - Path of the Guardian now offers an extra +2 Defense for all players at the start (Stats have been adjusted to take care of this)
    Post by: Krowley, May 21, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge