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  1. Krowley
    His eyebrows fell to their usual monotone ways, as his eyes darted the other way. "I think I liked it better when I didn't have to talk as much..." He looked over at Ananta and then back to Kaida. "You know, when I act like a jerk, it's almost expected. But when YOU act like a jerk, it seems to affect your group's morale."
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  2. Krowley
    "I think I'll keep it as it is.... a reminder to the things we've been through." He took the carvings from Kaida. "And even if we're burned or cracked, it reminds us of the things we've been through. As much as it hurts, I don't want to to forget. I want to be better for it. Because that's what he saw in us."
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Krowley
    "Hikaru died out of circumstance," he tried to reassure. "No matter what, he would've jumped in to do the most selfless thing. Maybe that's why I did what I did," he weakly chuckled. "Wanted to do the right thing instead of him for a change. Guess that really backfired on me." Trying to be a little more light-hearted, he looked over to Kaida who seemed to be tearing up. His eyes grew more sympathetic as he turned quiet.

    Should he hug her? Hikaru was always better at the more emotional moments. Instead he turned to her and grabbed her by both of her shoulders. He looked straight at her with determination.
    "Everyone else will blame me for a while. And I'm fine with that. So don't you go blaming yourself okay?" He took out the whittled carvings Kaida made for him and Hikaru. "I picked these up before we left. I burned mine and stepped on his while under the remnant.... but he kept them anyways..." Aux dropped the charred lion and cracked wolf into her palm. "Because that's just who he was. Even though he's gone, he'll still look out for you no matter what happens. And so will I... Even if we're worlds apart."
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  4. Krowley

    Aux sighed, hoping this kind of stuff wouldn't come up on their trek. "It's kind of hard to explain... After you beat Mizrabel, a lot of my memories returned back to me. But then Sho took them away again. And then when we ended up on that Island in the realm of darkness, they all came back as if they never left..." He looked at the little girl and blue alien set up a small instrument as she was showing him how to strum. "But when Hikaru went and... left," he somberly finished. "I started getting small flashes of moments he experienced. Not memories exactly. But it was like I felt a bunch of small connections being carried over. As if I was meeting everyone he met all at once... It was overwhelming."

    Stopping his plan to barter, purchase, or capture the alien, he took a moment to just look at it. They were meant to capture it because it was deemed evil an dangerous. Same could be said for Aux.

    "I can't even hate the little monster. Not long ago that was me. With only an inner desire to destroy and conquer. With nothing else. Not even memories to look back on in the middle of the night. I hated those nights..."

    As he watched the alien grew more enthusiastic and enjoying itself, he looked down.

    "But not as much as I hate this," he bluntly stated. "I hate pretending it's just business as usual without him. I hate ignoring that I'm the reason he's gone. I hate that everyone else is enjoying the island when he only left us days ago." He looked down over to Kaida. "I'm sorry I ruined everything. I'd give anything to just return to the way it used to be."
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Krowley
    What kid wouldn't want a lot of munny to spend? Unless she knew of Experiment 626's true abilities, it didn't hurt to at least consider bartering for the little blue alien. Watching as Kaida rushed on ahead, Aux quickly chased after her. "Fine, we don't have to try and buy it from her... But what if we just trade her the experiment for an even better dog." He nudged his head in Steel's direction hoping maybe she'd catch on. "I'm just saying, I'm sure Steel wouldn't mind being a pet for a couple hours...."
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  6. Krowley
    "Wow, way to wrap up my life's story," Lynn shrugged. "Sooner we get back to Shibuya, sooner I can try to communicate with the rest of your group. If you and your boyfriend are planning to join the rest of your SOS friends, than only those Black Coats of yours will be able to focus on this particular mission. Once Charlie ends his Reaper's game, Nequa will be targeting the SOS eventually. This'll allow me to help your group in finding their way back to the realm of light."

    She looked up and down at Arctus. "So why aren't you with the rest of your group?"



    With Koa's coaching, Finlay was eventually able to lock the old man with 3 pieces taken each. "It's like we're playing a bunch of flat frogs on a board," he questioned, scratching his beard. "Yah sure there's no other battle element to this game?"



    "There's the second," Alex said, pointing to a higher vantage point on a nearby building. "One more and we can call it a day..."

    Post by: Krowley, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Krowley
    As Aux watched the old lady get her head stuck in a watermelon, he almost felt a twinge of satisfaction at her unlucky event. After all the trouble he had been put through with her, he felt this was a good enough way of watching the old lady get what was coming to her. Not that she did anything wrong, but she was enough of an annoyance for him to not feel sorry for her. Looking back at the dog, he thought to himself. "So what if we just offer to buy it or something?..."
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 11, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  8. Krowley
    "I wasn't gonna hurt her! I was just gonna stun him and drag him away from her..." Aux barked. Dispersing his keyblade, he turned his head as the blue alien was being taught to dance by the little girl. If it wasn't a small blue, furry alien, it would've looked like a couple of kids just enjoying themselves. From what Jumba and the one eyed guy were talking about, he was expecting something far more dangerous. "THAT is the dangerous, illegal genetic experiment?" he questioned.
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 10, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Krowley

    Choosing not to question it any further, Aux summoned his keyblade and glared at the little blue dog. "Wouldn't exactly call that a dog..." the little alien dog certainly looked feral enough to warrant its danger. "So we just go over there and drag it to the water then?"
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  10. Krowley

    Tempting as the ice cream was, he didn't deserve it. It didn't matter how the delicious cream was melting and that the cookie pieces were calling out to him. He took the cone from Stratos and dropped it immediately. A real jerk move on his part, but he didn't want to keep getting tempted by things. He also just proved Kaida right by abandoning anything that made him happy. And it's only because he didn't want to be happy.

    "Let's just get the dog and get out of here...." he grumbled, unfolding his arms and leading them to walk off. He looked to the old lady and asked; "So where is this dog shelter anyways?"

    The old lady looked up and smiled. "Why yes, we do have a dog shelter."
    Aux's eye twinged ever so slightly.
    "Awww, you dropped your ice cream." The old lady reached into her purse and gave him a few coins. She then patted him on the arm. "Such a nice young man," she said before walking back to her stand.


    "Indians, savages, basically the same thing," Smith said, reloading his gun. "They live in the wilderness, so they're like humans with the senses of wolves."
    He continued walking onwards as they were edging their way closer to a waterfall.
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  11. Krowley
    The old lady shrugged. "We got a lotta dogs here. Maybe check the shelter if you're interested.
    Aux, while still upset with the lady, still couldn't believe their tactics.
    "You're telling me you guys have gotten by through sheer luck and convenience?" He left a small pause, unsure if they were actually serious. He looked to the rest of the group. "And that actually works?" Before he could question further the green haired girl handed him an ice cream cone, telling him to eat it. "I'm not hungry," he said passing the cone to Kaida. She complimented on how being shirtless was a good look for him as well, causing his chest to invert a bit as he suddenly grew self conscious. She also asked him if he thought her outfit was okay. How would he know that? Quickly looking up and down at her mostly bare skin, he shrugged. "Well it looks like you're missing half of it, but everyone else is showing a lot of skin too, so I don't see much problem." He sighed, before folding his arms. "So do we go to the shelter, or does someone just show up out of convenience?"
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Krowley


    - Achievement requirements edited.
    - Rewards have been updated

    - Gravity Spell Damage is now affected by the weight of the opponent.
    - Fire Spell Damage increased by 30%
    - Thunder Spell Damage increased by 30%
    - Blizzard Spell Damage increased by 15%
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 9, 2018 in forum: OOC Lounge
  13. Krowley

    The old lady nodded. "Yes dear, dogs are very nice!"
    What?" Aux shrugged at Kaida. "We're supposed to find the blue 'dog,' bring it to the four eyed alien so we can get a boat and get out of here. Isn't that the point? To rendezvous with the rest of your friends? Fastest way to do that is get as much info as possible. Which I was trying to do, accept the woman I'm talking to CLEARLY NEEDS A HEARING AID." He said, yelling at her.

    "Oh what was that dear? Let me adjust my hearing aid."
    As the old lady began to tune her hearing aid, Aux's fingers stiffened in a front of him. As if he was trying very hard to resist hurting her. "Please tell me... it is not always this difficult..."


    "You know... indians. Copper skin. Feathers in their hair. Black hair. Can't speak a lick of English. They use bows and arrows, and live in the wilderness. Barely colonized at all. What kind of people live like that?" Smith quickly looked up and down at the group. "Come to think of it, you don't really match that description. A bit to pale for a savage. I should know... I've had to fight back many in the past years." He held his gun firmly as he ducked under oncoming branches.

    Post by: Krowley, Jun 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  14. Krowley

    Aux began to look around the market. He wasn't exactly hungry, but he didn't feel like enjoying himself. Best he could do was scout and see what he could find. Honestly, there was nothing but a very chill atmosphere. One of the locals waved hello, cheering "Aloha!"

    Aux turned to glare at the man, clenching his fist. "What did you call me?..."

    "I-it means hello on the island. Sorry, didn't know you were a tourist..." The man quickly ran off with his friends.
    Raising an eyebrow, Aux looked at himself seeing that being shirtless made him blend in.

    He turned to one of the market vendors to try and start their mission. He spotted a short woman with large glasses and looked down to her. He wanted to get as much intelligence as possible. "Excuse me. Have you seen an dangerous genetic experiment?"

    She shook her head. "Sorry, I don't have a peppermint. I sell Watermelons."
    "What?" Aux asked, arching his eyebrow. "No, I'm looking for a small, blue alien."

    "Oooh, I'm sorry dear. But I don't know any Australians."
    Aux raised his voice, growing impatient. "IT'S SMALL. AND BLUE!"
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Krowley

    Aux watched Steel sink down wondering if Hikaru did in these kinds of situations. First seeing Steel definitely caught him off guard, but it shouldn't prevent him from at least trying to have fun with the rest of his party. He went over a few scenarios of advice he thought Hikaru would give in this kind of situation. Little pep talks he would give... He imagined him saying each one with a smile on his face, and a big thumbs up.

    That last one he felt, was just his conscience messing with him. Looking back at the hooded steel, he tried to give words of encouragement in the only way he knew how.
    "I mean if a fluffy blue alien is on this island, you wouldn't be the weirdest thing here... So there's that." Looking up, he found a small trio of kids happily sharing ice cream together. Something that brought up happier memories of him, Kaida and Hikaru that he didn't want to think about right now. "Hold this." He handed Steel his surf board as he went to look elsewhere on the market . Preferably somewhere where he could be with his thoughts.
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 9, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Krowley

    Watching Aux's flower necklace fall on the ground, he didn't blame Kaida for the lesser treatment of him. He wasn't exactly at peace with himself either. But he also wasn't willing to but on a flower necklace to appease the denizens of this world.

    As everyone was preparing to plan ways to blend in to the more local scenery, Aux stared around at the beach locals. It seemed like any island paradise, with people enjoying the sand and sun. While the others were relishing in the culture, Aux didn't fully understand what the great appeal was. He had come from a more forested homeworld, so his biggest complaint was that it was far too hot than he was used to. Seeing that most of the guys on the island were shirtless, which prompted him to take off his vest and shirt. He unbuckled his gauntlets and put them all on a neat little pile on the ground. He noticed everyone was also wearing shorts, and were barefoot. Aux was never one for being without shoes, so being shirtless washis compromise. He looked to the corner of the beach where a pile of surfboards laid. He had never seen them before, but most of the people on the island had one. Maybe it was like this world's version of weapons? There were worse choices than giant planks. He grabbed a light blue one so they might look more local.

    He presented himself to the group, thinking he did a good enough job. "Will this do?"
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 8, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Krowley
    Regarding Steel and Ananta's question, Jumba was prepared to answer. "Doesn't matter. We are only here to hunt down-"
    Pleakley immediately covered Jumba's mouth. "NO! CRAZY HEAD! This is a covert mission, and you will not mess this up!"
    "What? Jumba shrugged, moving Pleakley's hands off his mouth. "Goal is capture experiment. We get island locals to help. Capture experiment faster. Simple logic."
    "Didn't you hear them? They're just as foreign as we are!"
    Jumba looked back at the five of them."They look earthling to me... Accept canine boy," he said in regards to Steel. "He looks like he is from Quasar sector."
    "Well how exactly do you expect them to help us?!" Pleakley asked.
    "Simple. Experiment 626 has molecular density that will not survive water. If they can bring him to ocean, we will take care of rest." He turned to the group to try and sweeten the deal. "I know this seems like you are helping complete strangers, but Experiment 626 is very dangerous. He is bulletproof, fireproof, and can think faster than supercomputer. He can see in the dark and move objects 3,000 times his size. His only instinct: To destroy everything he touches! And in return for the secure capture of experiment 626, we will reward you with new vessel. It's a good bargain, no?"

    Seeing as how everyone was still trying to find their footing on the situation, Aux was still figuring out how to do things like this. His only real experience in helping people was in the Pride Lands. In that world, there mission was clear, but over here they had to start off their own decisions. Were they supposed to naively trust these two alien creatures or fight against them.

    "So... what does it look like."
    "He is an amalgamation of many creatures... But I believe little girl called him a dog. So.. a blue dog."
    Jumba pointed to Steel. "Like him, but.. smaller and more fluffy. Glad we are in agreement then! I am Dr. Jumba Jookiba. And this, is is Pleakley. We will be in contact with you soon." Jumba walked off, dragging Pleakley by his waistline.
    "I don't condone this!" Pleakley yelled as he was dragged off.

    Post by: Krowley, Jun 7, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  18. Krowley

    Finlay yelled. He turned to the old man and barked at him. "I'm sorry half yer bones don't work!" He crossed his arms and slouched down. "This is hardly a game o' strategy! Where are the soldiers? Where are the dragons?! All ah see are li'll bald men, a couple a ponies, and some towers in each corner! I want a game o' REAL SKILL! Something that's so simple a child could figure it out..."
    The old man motioned his hand to the games bin next to them His green sweater, sliding down his wrist. Finlay rummaged through the games as he couldn't find anything familliar to him and shoved the box away. "BAHH! I don't do a lot of these thinker games. If I can't kill or maim something, it's not a game to me..." He turned back to the old man. "I'd like to gracefully and incredibally humbly, allow mah partner here to take over." As he attempted to get up, Finlay was almost glued to the seat. The old man's eyes glowed red as a demonic voice escaped his mouth.
    "You have chosen your champion. Select your challenge or face erasure!"
    Finlay looked disguested at the man. "Blehh... liked it better when yah didn't talk..."
    He turned back to Koa and showed him the games awkwardly. "So uhh... which game do you know here exactly. what game are we switchin' too?"
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  19. Krowley

    Finlay immediately sat down without consoling his partner. "Yer goin' down yah ol' fart makin' waste o' meat!" Finlay challenged.
    Turning to his partner without any regard to the old man's feelings, he spoke out "Alright. Since yah no the most about this here game, I'll let you be mah eyes and ears. If the main goal is to checkmate the king, This should be over real quick." He looked at the board, spotting 16 pieces on each side of the checkered board. "Right...Now which one's the king?"
    The old man quivered his finger over Finlay's king piece. "Right then." He grabbed the old man's king and inspected it thoroughly." Well, I consider that to be 'checked' well enough. So... We win then?"
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Krowley
    "Pretty cold blooded going after your former team. Not saying I don't get it, but still, way to break your bonds." Alex looked up for a moment as if reflecting on his own choices. "Trust me, you'll be better for it...."Hovering his hand over his eyes to block them from the sun, he caught sight of Aeira and Vallus walking a distance away. "Speaking of which, there they are now." The two were unknown to the duo's presence as Alex watched from afar. "From what Delta told me, you're pretty good with your shots. Could probably take them out in a shot if you wanted huh?... Heck, maybe both..."
    Post by: Krowley, Jun 6, 2018 in forum: Role-Playing Arena