With the exception of 0.2, Pluto's been in every game. Using time travel no doubt But how can he travel without a body to return back to? How could he blend in as if everything was fine and unsuspecting? The answer is simple... Spoiler The god damn brooms.... With no hearts they are the perfect vessel...
With the impressive explosions and oncoming assaults that were prepared, a large burst of smoke and flames surrounded the area where Nequa stood. The dust settling, Nequa walked away from it quite scathed. But under her torn and scorched armor there wasn't flesh. Instead robotic parts and circuits sparked as he body twitched and glitched as she walked. Before even managing to walk two feet, the robotic replacement broke down and fell to the ground. The booming voice of Zulu echoed in as he chuckled uncontrollably. "Oh such fun with fire and explode-y things! HA HA HA HA!!" He voice turned serious once he had his fun. "Time to send in the rest." A lever was activated as at least a dozen of the Nequa robots came into view. "I wanted to save these for another time... but I can't have you interrupting any further. Say hello to the Nequabots!!" The Nequabots lined up and raised their palms, pointing them at Kiara, Aeira, Arctus and Vallus. They fired from their palms, powerful bursts of Thunder, Fire and Blizzard spells. Like rapid firing machine guns, they continued their assault relentlessly. Yue clenched down on her teeth. Rin was still inside and her safety was still in jeopardy. She looked to anyone not involved in the Nequabot assault. She spotted Koa and Finlay. "You two! Watch Mizu. Make sure nothing happens to her!" "Whot?!" Finlay argued. "Are you insane? I've already got enough kids to babysit, I'm not taking another-" "It wasn't optional!" Yue barked, her voice almost demonic. The command was disturbing enough to silence Finlay as she charged into the fray from the left side. Two Nequabots spotted her and began blasting spells of fire and ice. With some quick evasion, and some dark abilities, she slowly phased through the two bots passing her keyblade through them. As she did, the Nequabots glitched and exploded from one fell swoop. Yue charged through the doors and into the lab, shutting the door behind her. 10 of the Nequabots were still attacking the rest of the group. Though they without keyblades, they still provided powerful magic. Back at Lea's Hideaway Tango and Lea continued to battle each other with skill and Vigor. Lea kept looking back at Melus and Luther out of the corner of her eye to make sure they were alright. "Your attention is slipping! You should be focusing all your attention on the battle in front of you. Or are you worried about the younger ones not being able to hold their own?" Tango questioned. Lea looked back to his opponent. "On the contrary, you keep underestimating them. They're more powerful than you realize." Tango chuckled. "And that is exactly what I hoped for..." Lea's eyes shrank as this could mean his downfall. "You see a very special ability of mine is that I am able to use keyblades from the opponents I have struck down. As such I absorb their fighting spirit. Along with anyone else I face during battle. Your two friends are not making my strength weaker senor. Oh no... They are only making me that much more powerful!" With impressive skill and speed, Tango continued to strike Lea with such powerful fury, that all the flame user could do was block his attacks. Eventually Tango's attack struck through Lea's keyblade, snapping the mystical weapon in half, causing Lea to fall backwards. "Such an unfitting end to an accomplished master. The honorable thing to do was to strike you down... But according to la jefa Nequa, you have come back as a nobody before. We can't have that happening to you again. " From his pocket, Tango pulled out a small purple disc the was the side of his thumbnail. "Doesn't look like much I know. Nequa used much of her magic to supply me and a few of my associates with this VOID DISC." Lea's eyes widened. "So that-" "Correct. It is a pocket gateway to the void. a realm that exists outside light and darkness. Lost forever in the lanes between." Tango tossed the disc to Lea as it stuck to the master's arm. The disc melted into a dark purple as it enveloped Lea's body, slowly causing him to fade. "You were a worthy opponent... But your time is over. Compliments of myself... Ignicio De la Vega..." Lea remained silent, closing his eyes as he faded from sight,. His shattered keyblade also vanished from sight in a trickle of light. Tango let out a whistle as his keyblades returned to him. "Gracias for your unwilling part to play. I sadly must depart. My job here is done." He turned to leave the two, completely lacking any remorse for his honorable action.
"Wait!" Hikaru yelled quickly chasing after Kaida. He grabbed her by the wrist and slowly dragged her back. Aux returned to the conversation and looked to AJ. "I'm sure Lea's fine. Not sure what he's doing but he's a member of the order. How much danger can he be in?" "Kupo!" Jax cheered as he suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "Ahh! WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?" Aux asked, stepping back in discomfort. As Hikaru brought back Kaida, he introduced Aux to Jax. "Oh right, Aux that's Jax. He's a moogle that helps us from time to time." Jax held up a small red pouch to Hikaru. "Your engraving request is complete!" Hikaru bowed his head lightly and accepted the red pouch. "Engraved what exactly?" "Oh... well since we all became masters I asked Jax to make something special for the occasion." He reached into the pouch, his hand pulling out a small handful of silver rings that chimed in his hand. "After we came back from the last set of worlds I ask Jax to make them. I even got a lot of extras in case Karina, D'daear or any of the others come back. Not to mention if we meet anyone new1" Hikaru actually planned to do something else with that time, but felt this was something more commemorative to the group's accomplishment. He walked over to Kel, Luna and Steel, handing them each their own ring. "Since the earliest I can recall you've stuck with this group even when you didn't have to." He rushed over and handed a ring to Ananta, Ignis, and Beuce. "And over that time we've all changed. For better or worse, we adapted." He then walked over to Stratos, AJ, and Aislinn giving them each a ring. "Even if you haven't been with us long, you've all shown your strengths and skills. As fighters-" He walked back to Kaida and handed her a ring. "And as friends," he smiled. He turned to Aux and handed him a ring much to the red haired man's shock. "Regardless of anything in your past you helped. And that goes a long way..." Aux took the ring and looked at it in the palm of his hand. Jax hover over his shoulder to look at the ring, causing Aux to flinch away. Everyone in the party received an SOS Ring! The ring had a small engraving of the outside of the exterior in a small, bold engraving; "S O Ƨ"
Yue's head turned as she absolved all the new information. Her attention remained immediately on the pod, wiping away any excess cold on the outside to reveal Mizu's face. She quickly pried open the pod with her bare hands as she felt Mizu's face. It was still warm, which was a good sign. Yue gently tried to shake Mizu awake to no avail, so she felt her pulse. After a delayed reaction, she sighed in relief. "You're still alive... Thank god." Echo at this time, parried away Kiara's fireball. As Kiara came at him from the right, he barely managed to avoid the attack before standing at the door again. Zulu's face twisted as he watched the monitors of the laboratory exterior on a cascade of screens. "No no no no!!! The mean one is here!" he exclaimed rushing back to Nequa's side as she laid on an operation table. "The boy can't face off against that many opponents. He can only adapt to so much power before things become too much for him!" Uniform in the meantime was outfitting his severed arm with an upgraded metallic arm. "Then put me back in there!" he grunted. "An eye for an eye... And someone owes me an arm." Zulu began to pull at his hair as he turned to the old soldier. "Do you hear your own stupids?! Your arm hasn't finished calibrating. you'd be a sitting duck!" "I don't take orders from you kid!" "I'm nine! You're eleven! Learn your place infantry!" Uniform held up Zulu by his collar as he yelled at his face. "You miserable-" "Enough!" Nequa yelled, slowly sitting up. "Put the kid down Hughes." Uniform grunted as he released the boy back to his feet. Zulu rushed to her side as he tried to examine her vitals. "No no no master... You are to weak. This body will fade within the hour. You've used up all the mana from this girl. We need your replacement." "Screw the sister... Just hook me up to the back up already." "Are you sure?" Zulu asked. "Yeah... but before you do, just let me deal with the problem outside." "Unacceptable!" Uniform yelled. "Lima is a deserter, Zulu is responsible for you transfer, and our only guard dog is a technical slave! I am the only choice!" Nequa sighed before turning to him. "No. You're done." "Beg your pardon?" Uniform asked baffled. "I mean you can consider that new arm of yours as a severance package. I mean you have failed EVERY thing you were assigned. You failed to find Juliet's source of power, you failed to guard the lab... and you failed the red society. Never thought I'd have to kick one of my own babies out but.. here we are." Nequa was almost sympathetic in the way she was letting him go. "I'd put you out of your misery but... I dunno, something about killing an old man seems too much like euthanasia for my tastes." Uniform gripped his fist before swallowing his pride. "Master Nequa, please reconsider-" "Leave." She interrupted. "Now." Uniform exhaled as he looked up in anger. "I will prove my value to this society." Nequa nodded as she lay back down on the table. "That's great buddy. Just do it somewhere else." Uniform beat his chest with his metal arm as a gust of wind vanished him from the room. Zulu returned back to the room. "Your new vessel is ready..." Nequa sighed. "That's great, now tag out the kid already." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A large voice boomed in front of the building via sound system. "That's enough Echo, return to Base." Echo blinked twice before nodding. Like a lightning bolt he ran away from the battle and the area. At breakneck speed he ran without stopping until he was out of sight. The lab doors open as Nequa strolled out silently. She cracked her knuckles as she stood in her purple armor. She was now out in the open without any protection. She raised her hand up and flicked her two fingers towards herself telling people to 'come at her.'