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  1. Marahoothay
    I tried reading those but they were just too.......kidish for me. I'm not insulting them I am jsut saying wut I thought about em.
    Post by: Marahoothay, Feb 4, 2010 in forum: Literature
  2. Marahoothay
    Profile Post

    Thank you very much

    Thank you very much
    Profile Post by Marahoothay for Hitokiri Shinigami Shinta, Feb 4, 2010
  3. Marahoothay
    I know someone who has but I haven't. It's doesn't look like my style of book. I like the Christian fantacy more.
    Post by: Marahoothay, Feb 4, 2010 in forum: Literature
  4. Marahoothay
    I've been looking for a good RP that is just starting. I'm in!

    Name - Bilaira
    Age - 14
    Gender - Female

    Appearance - Long black hair. 5"2. ivory skin. wears black hoodie (with a white shirt under it) with black pants and black high top converse. Her hood it always up. only physical mutation is her eyes are pure black, even where the white and color is suposed to be is black.

    Power - She can controle darkness. (Kinda like some can controle light, she controles darkness like that.) She also turns invisable when she gets REALY scared or nervus.

    Other -She is shy but will beat the crud out of anybody of she wants to. Doesn't talk alot but when she does, you better listen 'cause it will be worth hearing.

    Ok. I think that is it.

    Well, if you don't think anymore people are going to join, shall we start this RP?
    Post by: Marahoothay, Feb 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Marahoothay
    Sounds good. I might have to do that. I am currently waiting for 3 books to come out. One comes out Feb. 16 and the other two.....the reliese date hasn't been announced yet.

    (PS: If I ever spell anything wrong, forgive me. Spelling in NOT my strong point.)
    Post by: Marahoothay, Feb 4, 2010 in forum: Literature
  6. Marahoothay
    both. If u saw this b4 I edited it, pay no mind to it.
    Post by: Marahoothay, Feb 3, 2010 in forum: Literature
  7. Marahoothay
    Ok guys. I'm kinda new here and wanted to get involved in the forms. Well, come on guss. I want to know your fav Christian Book. I might have read it. I am a big time reader!Well, let's see how this goes.
    Thread by: Marahoothay, Feb 3, 2010, 25 replies, in forum: Literature
  8. Marahoothay

    Do you think this means the that the new KH will only be for PsP?
    Post by: Marahoothay, Oct 3, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates