wow. well, u duel on here. That counts as dueling
oooook? I'm not MAJORLY into dueling but I do like it. I would get destroyed though. It's been a year since I dueled last.
I've noticed. I see your duels with Jaden on his page. From the few I have seen they look good.
Kinda. I don't use custom decks though. I use my real cards.
My fav devotional in 'Walking With Frodo'
Wow. Hay. I put up some of my cards. I see no reason for a book with deamons as main poeple to be read by Christians. To each their own though
I have a variety
I saw that. Thanks. I'm working on putting my deck online. I'm looking up my cards and will put them in an Album.
The Golden Compass was written by an athiest AGAINST Christianity
......Not quite sure. Any ways. I know you're rly popular & you're probably rly busy. I don't see why you would take the time to talk to me.
I saw one and parts of another. The one I saw, u won in 2 turns
I skimed through it. Looks good. I would dule you but you are obviously WAY better than me.
I did happen to notice that. Wut kind of Dragon cards do u have?
Oh. Well. I'm very sorry.
I have a pretty good deck of Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds cards. I've only played a little kid though. I'm prob not vry good. =(
Virtual or real life?
Ok. Well, she must b um........-can't think of the right word-
I see you like YU-Gi-Oh. (duh!) I actualy like it too.
Hm....I have never heard of it.