-roles eyes- yah yah! I know you're SO thriled. -_-
oh. ok. (oh. ps: I'm an avid RPer.)
? What's the thread about and is it like an interactive, erm. like an RP or what?
No problem! I'm happy to help. I'm glad I found another person who likes anime! NOw, you said something about a thread?
lol! thx.-gives you another Haruhi smile- Haruhi pretty cool.
Ouran. Suprisingly, no. My hair is even as short as her's. If anybody ever says that I'm gonna tell them that they actualy based Haruhi after me. lol!
-gives you a Haruhi smile- I seriously do look like Haruhi.
yah but I still didn't get what you meant.
-tilts head- what?
ug. I'm bored.
Yah. I'm going to the movies later. I have a question.
Ok so far. I've been on spring break all week and today I get to relax. Been four wheeling at my unckle's farm for the past week.
If you want to be technical it is after noon. lol! ^-^ how r u today?
Good morning!
OK. Well, your anoying friend is going to bed. Good night. =)
Ha! Looks like I left ya speachless! lol!!
Oh. Wow. Just noticed that you Av is RomeoxJuliet. That's a good anime!! <3
Oh wow. It's almost midnight. Well, whatever. I'm tired and........I rly don't know. hm....
'=/ .....ok?
You're fine. I would be awake even if you weren't messaging me. I was working on my profile page.