idk why r u
get down you fool were being watched points to a sniper on the roof aww crap not again
playing uno...but the rules are too long so were posing for a painting see the guy over their
what crack i ate cerial...then i...i...had the dream again...they were the ones who told me to start world war 1 happened they shot him and said if i disobeyed them again they wou;d shoot me
well i guess i have to go get a bath now...well anyone up to go with me to the public pool
lucario wakes up "OMG the rice crispy guys were mad at me cause i wouldnt...wouldnt...kill captin crunch"
actually tomorrow im taking us all out to the soup kitchen"yays and cheers", but i cant decisde whether to get the spagetti on newspaper, or yogurt with a used napkin in the middle???
omg i didnt think of that
lucarios in a darkrai nightmare "no, no, NO NOT THE SHEARS"
.....frealk you to heak
you only have 1 student whos niot even online yet
i apoligize that mr. and miss.spazzets are having a quarrel
it has started already
well share with him/her
ya both in lucario you will go to school with dark"mwahaahahahahaha"
idk oh finalforum look at my siggy
"lucario digs deeper"o...m...f...g...i just foumd big bird...tonight...we FEAST
ok four people