i am riku What Kingdom Hearts 2 character are you? pics included. (i love comments. Send comments!) You scored as a Riku You are Riku! Riku is Kairi and Sora's best friend. Neither Kairi or Sora know where he is but Riku is trying to help fight organization thirteen and undo the damage he has caused to himself. He is not on the side of darkness or light but is inbetween. He and Sora have always been rivals. Riku 65% Kairi 60% Roxas 60% Sora 55% Namine 45% Xemnas 30% Ansem the wise 30% i am shikamaru What awesomely rad Naruto genin are You? You scored as a Nara Shikamaru You are Nara Shikamaru! You are indeed wicked lazy, but under that "too troublesome" bit, you are a genius with IQ over 200!! Nara Shikamaru 83% Hyuga Hinata 67% Tenten 58% Aburame Shino 58% Yamanaka Ino 50% Hyuga Neji 42% Uzumaki Naruto 42% Akimichi Choji 42% Kankuro 33% Uchiha Sasuke 33% Rock Lee 33% Inuzuka Kiba 25% Temari 17% Gaara 17% Haruno Sakura 0%
.....ima snipe riku :guns2:
??? its still a mystery like if this guys really dead or not [MARQUEE]:guns::rockdover:[/MARQUEE]
yea but security is tight "lucario looks at the sniper scarecrow and shotgun tinman...omg is that a little girl with grenades"
hmmm i could modify your memory can i be your servant well...hmmm...i could modify your memory "can i be your servant"
um srry i dont crawl in the sewars...as much
Nooooooooooooooooo!!! How An I Supposed To Compete With That Emo Kid
well the adress says "3827 golden brick road" the best service byond the rainbow
lucario grabs daxter and throws him down a black hole from lucarios pocket...3 secs later he comes from the celing and back into the hole3 hours later)lucario pulls the hole from the floor...daxter crashes <3
yes but online searching, i have sen worse photos of lucario,worse than being in a war
hmmm major sergant im going to stick you in the closet with daxter and then make a gunshot sound so youll turn into a murderur
no ovcourse not...im sleeping on the top of the apartment
lol hi again
...i Call Bathroom
hey daxter long time no see i havent played you in a month, i got bored of killing bugs...so...thats the jailbird...feh, so much for not being able to be separated...lol...plat psp daxter lol
now how bout i show you to my...and our appartment that i just happened to pickpocket from a drugdealer(then kill him)...OGOD WE IN THE PENTHOUSE YAY 5 rooms/3 bathrooms so comfortble
kidnap dark and(no kill)scare her back to hell
well neithers going to take a bath, but we talked about that