WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME"lucario stops and faces tsuna"
hey hows it goin
...a girrrrrl....no i see it now our a transvestite...preop or postop"runs to catch naruto"
oh wait a minuet i have one important question for tsuna...are you a boy or a girl
chill, chill tsuna i was just joking, your room is your own sanctum and i totally get that.besides its probrabally filled with girly stuff.wait up naruto i love ramen"goes to catch up with naruto"
umm...im a giant fox thing so money is...super easy for me to get but one thing...i call tsunas room
OOC-this is so funny cause if you wait your mouse will turn into a dancing bananna because of my signature and its so hillarious BIC- are you sure that he will be ok with it"lucario stares behind naruto"
"walks casually to the front desk and asks for a room"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO PETS ALLOWED I DONT HAVE A PET.........im not an animal.........yes i know what you see but.........but........wait.......thats not....."sight".....i have cash........thank you!"moron"
hey wacko where r u at
im wondering the same thing...whoever you are...now excuse me i have to go get a room.
...yea...im just gonna go get my own room...and you need some pills dude
...wtf r u...to me you look like an emo boy that cuts himsels, but im not really interested in you so go away
"lucario knocks on narutos door"are you still looking for a roommate
im coming with you 3..."this magicarps freaking me out". come back here or ill splash you again
OOC-that thread is dead and i made the dancing bananna wherever i make a post...its in my siggy
lolaura sphere is better
OOC-isnt this awsome, my sig gives everyone a new mouse immage of a dancing bananna BIC- lucario-...where is everyone. magikarp-...hellow their im your new shaddow...now feed me or ill splash you.
"lucario walks out of a dark alleyway in a black cloak...around him suddenly is a bunch of other cloaked guys...what to do...what can lucario do...use riolu... OOC-and how long does t take for you to evolve riolu and imma make a new character now that master aron died at the bottom of that well 100 pages back sooo... magicarp and thats all i have to say cause if you dont know who magicarp is...then...your gonna die and while your doing this look at your mouse which is affected by my sig
grounded i am but the force is strong with me for i...lucario...have a...PSP XD hellow everyone im back from waiting out the great depression between barney and riolu
its not spam its yoshi eating marth and pooping out an egg to make a puerto-licious omlet