It feels weird to wear a belt on pants that look so damn skinny (on my legs). They fit my legs perfectly, it's just the waist is too big.
Wait, you think I look older than my friends? That's a first. To keep this on topic here's a picture I just took right now- I just got a haircut and I actually like it even though it turned out way shorter than I wanted it to. Spoiler Ignore my horrible acne. I'm currently trying some new acne medication and it's supposed to get worse before it gets better. So it's in the "Worse" part right now.
Uh maybe. I am the youngest of everyone who's pictured. I'm 17, everyone else is 18, except the one with the really long hair wearing the same SOAD jacket as me, who's 19. Actually it's kind of a funny story how we met, I was going to church group for the first time. At the time I was homeschooling and was technically in high school, but middle school age. So I wasn't sure if I was supposed to go to the middle school one or the high school one. I went to the high school one first and asked which one I should go to and they said "Holy crap, we want you here". And boom, met my best friends. So that's why they're older than me :P
I went to Six Flags with a bunch of friends over spring break and have neglected to upload the pictures. Here they are. Here's us waiting in line for the first ride. I decided to be intentionally creepy, as I often do in pictures ever since I realized that I simply can't look good in pictures because I was born without that gene. Spoiler Here's on said ride, made a face because I saw the camera. This is also the only picture that I got away with just taking a picture of the monitor with all the pictures on it. Spoiler And this is us later that night. I did the pose because we were in front of the fountain and I thought it was higher than it was, so I was imagining the picture would look like fountain was above me while I was in that pose. Didn't turn out well. Also that girl photobombed us then ran off. It was pretty hilarious. Spoiler
Yes, yes I am a creeper. But only for you .
I'm not a rich white person :/
Seriously, there isn't a store that makes them. The pair of 30X32 jeans I'm wearing that are supposed to be skinny need a belt. Why do I need to be so disfigured?
Because it's cute! I want to cuddle you up in your adorable little blankets and give you a bottle and rock you to sleep. Jesus, that was creepy XD
I really can't stand how adorable your confessions are >.<
Back off, she's mine.
That is so god damn adorable you don't even know.
Then watch it subbed I shall! ...Eventually