Spoiler If it's actually a chakra block it's definitely not permanent, Aang got his chakra blocked for a while but he fixed it.
I just noticed while looking at your profile that you posted on your own profile in reply to me...which is why I didn't see it, I thought you had...
I am SO in. ...Can we get Toph in there somewhere though?
Spoiler Personally, I really don't believe that was energybending. We've seen energybending twice, once when the Lion Turtle performed it on Aang to give him the ability, and another time when Aang performed it on Ozai. Both times, the user put his hands on the head and chest of the recipient, and a bright glow occurred. Neither of those happened in Amon's demonstration. I believe it's an advanced form of chi blocking. I also doubt it's permanent, probably just harder to reverse than normal chi blocking
Kronk could also be a formidable fighter. As for Lilo and Stitch...the only problem I would have with doing Hawaii is that that's Earth, I know it was already sort of done with Big Ben in KH1 but no plot happened there. Kim Possible would be pretty cool, P&F would need to be done right, but Jungle Book is probably a copyright issue. I can tell just from the previews that I really want to see a Brave world. That would be really great.
I'm surprised you decided not to mention me 0_0 This guy is my best friend in real life. So take notice veterans: You screw with one of us, you screw with both of us. Now, Myst (It's going to get really hard to not just call you by your name), take notice: Seriously, read the damn rules, pay attention to them. And for the love of all things holy please spell correctly and use proper grammar. I will punch you for every error I see here.
Toasting .
I just got a chance to watch the video. I freaking love it, Stardust, you did great. Especially the parts where you showed the lyrics, that was awesome. Great job. I would comment about how the song sounds, but I really hate Simple Plan. But you guys did sing very well, and you were fun to mix. So good job everybody <3
That's because you recorded them really quietly. Your lines had really bad distortion in them but it couldn't be heard until you turned them up, which I had to quite a bit. I think something's up with your mic.
Name's Jesse. I despise it with the force of 1000 suns. I'm going to get it changed one of these days.
All of my sorcery is done with Audacity
It really depends on the lines I get. Like Kam Saga's mic was really weird and it was really hard to find a good volume for it, some people had...
Well in some lines, but in others, like the "I'm not alone and I'll never have to be," I can tell that you can really sing. And some of your...
You voice is just, alfjsjfhf, so beautiful. I d'awww so hard every time I hear it
What Misty said. So what do you guys think of potions? They're fun but they get kind dull for me...
Jayn is supposed to forward them to me, but since I'm already mixing I'd rather just do it now so it'll be done as soon as possible so yes send them to please, you too Kam Sage. EDIT- Daxa Jayn just forwarded me your lines, so we're good. EDIT AGAIN- All lines are in!
Wigglz and KH2Man are mixed, I would love the rest of those lines now! >.< /knowswhatitsliketobejayn
1) What do you think of Zexion as a character? 2) Were there different "Versions" of Zexion that you did before you decided on how you voice him now?
Hurry up with those lines, please, guys! >.<