Yaaaaaay I think Bolin is my favorite character. He's functionally the new Sokka. Let's just hope he becomes clever like he is eventually...
Are you sure?
I'm tempted...but Reddit supplies me with a sufficient amount of LOK .gifs...but we'll see. I'm surprised no one's name is Bolin yet. I want...
If you are still alive, you are old and gross and your boobs are all saggy. C:
Ariel would like to have a word with her. All these gifs are making me want to make a tumblr...
So guys. What's it like, being alive?
I hate who I used to be. Nostalgia rep weekend = time to get the razor blades
---------- I will assume that they could both show you the video in their respective worlds. They are exactly the same up until the divergence,...
I may have only leafed once, but I've cactus juiced several times
You could like, help me surf or something. 'Cause you're the moon.
I still cringe when people call me "Xakota". Jesus I hate that name.
Hm, depends on what you mean by "Secure". I am secure in my personality and who I am, but I despise everything about my appearance- I am disgusting.
The painting can be beautiful even if it's not real, it just can't be real, and that matters. I can't hang it on my wall. That makes it less...
I swear Meelo could be Sokka's kid...
I feel sorry for people who don't like Avatar. Not even in a spiteful way...I honestly feel sorry for you.
Hey so, like, I was just, uh thinking...Maybe we could do an activity together?
Sorry I'm late! I was just having intense sex with Toph. It's canon.
Again I do not consider reality arbitrary, you just admitted that whether something is real or not affects how you think about it. Unicorns are...
Because, I have a thirst for knowledge. Despite how "Freeing" it may be I want to have an understanding of the world and my place in it. I...