you could make announcement like high school musical characters are going to be in kh3 or something
great band i love drunken lullabies
i've read all the death note mangas and am currently watching the show and enjoying the show, but it goes at a slow pace it takes like 7-8 weeks to show what happened in one manga so i'd say manga is better
i'd take my car keys and stab 'em with it maybe it'll work
Simple and Clean or Sanctuary
i loved that sidequest although it is pretty freakin' hard though
that game rocked!! best sidequests and NPCs of any zelda game
i would take over Mexico and call it New New Mexico
Auron and Yuna
omg he is so hilarious his songs are great especially his music videos his jurrassic park one is my favorite video check it out
well you do shoot things but its not super gory like gears of war if that's what your asking anyways liked it a must have for star wars fans
good idea: setting your house on fire bad idea: listening to me link to good idea/ bad idea compilation:
i hate -disney channel (especially high school musical) -all land before time movies with the exception of the first one -the line "now this is pod racing" in star wars episode 1 -annoying homophobic, racist, sexist slurs -diet sodas -star fox adventures and assault -fox canceling all their good shows -when people cry, complain, or get violent when they lose at videogames -movie advertisers always saying the third one in a series is the best when they pretty much always are the worst -straight to DVD sequels
i think they should have a big finale where Brock gets laser eye surgery so he finally open his eyes for once but yeah season 1= good seasons 2 through 100=not so good
curaga is pretty dang useful
if you have brawl theres a demo of the original game i personally didnt like it much though
in my creative writing class i wrote 4 fairly good short stories i posted my favorite on this site its in the creativity corner labeled "a totally sweet story i wrote" i hope to get it published someday in a compelation of my short stories if anybody reads it tell me what you think
High school musical!!! my brother and sister pretty much grabbed my arms and legs and forced me to watch that crap i hate disney channel it makes disney look bad
deaf because there's plenty to see in the world plus i wouldnt have to hear annoying people anymore
June 24th sweet!