So that's what that was!! =D Awesome! lol Glad you've got something to keep your sanity in tact.
It's an opening to InuYasha. -__- Don't ask me why I know that.
Do you have a document on your computer or some hand-written thing to keep things straight in your brain? That's what I do. I keep a kind of...
Don't try it! We're perfectly content with what we got now. O.O I don't want you becoming some kind of crazy supreme ruler...
I'm proud to be impatient! xD I do time skips on my threads too. It's hard to be a thread master huh? I once had 9 characters to do! Never...
I can't wait for action! :Awesome: No one has made the psycho dude?! .... Why have I not noticed that until now?
I'd be too scared to do anything to the past (as nice as it would be to go back to 9-11 and cancel all flights). I would be afraid that I'd mess up the future.
Yay! Poor Crona needs someone else he can play with when Maka is gone. (I just wanna hug him!!!!)
Yup! I like to come on here during my digital photo class (like I am now!) and catch up on things that I didn't get to do the day before. I was...
Join the club. ^^' All of my real friends are back in California. We talk on here, but since we're all seniors, we don't have a lot of time to...
Crona should make some new buddies!! =D
I wish I had a magic remote that could fastforward through my work days. That way, I'd still be working, I just wouldn't have to deal with all the junk. lol
At Fae's extraordinarily happy response to Lord Death, Soul wasn't sure if he should laugh or scoff. Did she know that nearly everyone in the room was at least slightly suspicious of her? Kirby watched Fae differently than everyone else. He liked her upbeat attitude and smiling disposition. She was like Patty to him; and that kind of personality was opposite his (and opposites attract, no?). He grinned at Fae, half wishing he could be her weapon (but he was already with Merlie and that was settled). So Lord Death didn't mean to call her down here? Well I guess that stinks for her. But we've got to focus on what's going to happen now. What kind of mission could we be sent on before we even go to classes. Lord Death said we've got "potential" but I don't think I know what he means by that. I've never even held Kirby as a weapon before. Merlie chewed her lip in thought.
I swear I'm addicted to this site. xD I need professional help.
I think I'll be able to manage that. ^.^ I'd probably have withdrawal symptom if I didn't. lol
I'll just get on as much as I can. Work, family, and school projects will have to come first though. =[
I'm just dreading the weekend 'cause I actually have to work both days. ><
Whew. The holiday season is really going to be busy! D: Must... continue... posting!!
Soul stayed by Maka, hands in his pockets. He looked around after Death's remark about the number of students and realized how large a group they really were. "Two missions, huh?" He mumbled, half to Maka and half to himself. That meant their group here would be split up -- who was going with who? Kirby let go of Merlie's hand once they were in the Death Room. His eyes scanned every inch of the room before lying on Death and Stein. He'd only heard about Lord Death from Kid, this was his first time seeing the reaper. He'd never heard of Stein though, but figued he was a teacher here. He's gotta know about me if he's a teacher. That's... unsettling. He gives me the creeps. Tingles went up and down Merlie's back at the sight of Stein. She wondered who he was and what position he held at the school. If he was a teacher, he must know about the new students. Merlie finally let her thoguhts rest on what kind mission they'd be going on and who with. "Excuse me, Lord Death," Merlie began, "but I have a question. Why did you call us new students here?"
I agree with tummer. I didn't really like (kinda killed L's character for me [that's a horrible thing to say!!]). The only part I liked about the movie was L's attitude/relationship with the kids. Death Note as a whole (nooks, movies, anime, etc) is really a great plot with great characters; so I think the third movie was kinda overkill. But that's just me!