This is true. I'm typing up what I've got written for Kirby and Merlie and I'll PM it to you.
Yush... >>
Epic! I posted too!
I don't know about the psycho dude, but I've gotten Kirby's past all sorted out now! =D I shall PM you, Maka.
Kirby stared at the amusement park that loomed before them. They had to go in there? It was unsettling to say the least. But this was the first step of his journey to defog his past. He looked at Merlie and gave her his best confident grin. He was excited to get this started and solve whatever mystery was going on. Merlie smiled back at Kirby. She wasn't disturbed by the gloomy amusement park in the least bit -- it was a challenge to scare her unless you happened to have a snake on hand. What threw her off was the prospect of a possible fight. Something had to be here causing what Lord Death was describing, and they just might have to take it down. She and Kirby hadn't fought together yet so she'd be learning on the job. She'd just have to trust Kirby, and he'd have to trust her. "Man, this is so not cool," Soul sighed, staring forward at the amusement park. He glanced to Kirby and Merlie and saw they looked ready to go; as did Maka. What Zoey said caught him off guard, but then he figured that she must rely on her other senses since she couldn't see -- that must have been why she'd felt something off about the park.
Me either!!!!!
Awesome. We're gonna have some wicked stuff going on soon.
Hufflepuff is my favorite house, but everyone I know (and online tests) say that I should be in Gryffindor.
Woohoo! I can't wait to kick some butt! I've got some prewritten stuff for Kirby and Merlie afterwards too. It's soooo awesome! =D
I can't wait for college when I can do that. xD
Not enough money. And school. >< Totally stinks.
It's not like there's no work to do in this class (digital photography), I just get done with it all early and then I've got about 45 minutes to kill before I go to English (12R). It's such a drag. But kinda fun at the same time. ^^'
Understandable! =) My parents just left for Vegas. I can actually manage my time better when they're not telling me what to do, so I might be able...
I'm bored out of my mind sitting here in a class that I should be doing work in. lulz This is what happens when you give high school students computers.
I know! I just wish I could be in two places at once so I could do more of this and less of school work. xD
Kirby and Soul looked to each other. Why do we gotta be with him? Kirby grumbled in his mind. He hadn't said two words to Soul yet and they already weren't getting along. Whatever. It's not like we're going to have to cooperate to get through some perilous situation alive. And what about that other creep, Stein? He keeps looking at us like he wants to see what we're made of -- literally. "We'll do our best," Merlie assured Lord Death. She was already trying to imagine how Kirby would feel in her hands. Would he be heavy or light? Have a leather or rawhide handle? What shape was his blade exactly? She smiled; being his partner was going to work out just fine. If he ever opens up to me that is. "When do we leave?" Soul asked, ready to get going as soon as they could. The situation was serious and there was no time to waste mulling about the Death Room. Who knew -- maybe he'd get a soul or two out of it. OOC: Apologies for the delayed post. Worked all weekend and wrote two papers today. ><
Oh yeah. lol xD Happened to me in finace today! But I actually had the work done in advance for once, so it saved my butt.
Disney's Lady and the Tramp It's so beautifully done! And Tramp's voice is aweosme. xD
I can't believe I knew that! Dx Someone kill me....
That's what I do with my fanfics. When I'm bored in class or at lunch, I open up my journal and put pen[cil] to paper! But, uh, then I'm not...