Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part 1) Epic.
I'm just gonna avoid the HP stuff (or else I'll get going on a HUGE rant) and answer Maka's question. So, I worked eight hours today after working six yesterday and dealing with some really mean people who called me some very inappropriate names. Today we got swamped with a big crowd for about three hours and I got stuck on the registers. But at least I didn't get called the b-word today. I actually had someone compliment me on my hair cut and then she took pictures with her cell phone so she could go get it cut at the place I did. xD I felt like a celebrity! ^^ And then I got home, at some dinner (an omelt!) and went back to where I work so I could buy a necklace that I wanted. It was $35 but I got it for $6.18 after all these crazy discounts us employees got today. Woohoo! Got home from that and watched "Undercover Boss" (wasn't very good tonight) and then watched some behind the scenes stuff that the Bio chanel was doing on all the HP movies (what? more HP stuff?!). Brushed my teeth and did the rest of my nightly routine. Got into bed and then remembered that I hadn't visited kh-vids yet! So I got my laptop and now I'm sitting in my bed typing this. The end. =D
"Not many miesters can do it, huh?" Merlie repeated, thinking now. If she practiced with Kirby in between classes and missions, she'd surely make better use of her soul wavelength than what she'd just done with it. From what Tsubaki and Black☆Star had said, Merlie figured this was a hard thing to do -- so many hours of practice would be required if she wanted to pursure it. Suddenly, from behind them, the purple clown Merlie had thought she'd finished off raised itself from the rubble. Merlie's jaw nearly dropped. She's put so much into fighting that thing and now it was coming back for more? "Kirby, transform again; let's finish that thing for good this time." "Merlie, you can't," Kirby looked to the clown with disbelieving eyes. He couldn't let Merlie get up and fight again. She wasn't even able to stand without him holding her up. Now looking at Black☆Star, he asked, "Can you...? I mean, it's nearly dead anyways.... and Merlie can't...." He was at a loss for words on how to ask for help. He felt useless to his partner and to Tsubaki and Black☆Star. Soul changed back and stood by Maka, wary of the little green leeches scattered on the ground. "I can carry her," He told Maka of Zoey. It wouldn't have been very cool to make Maka carry himself and Zoey. Not to mention that Maka was pretty scrawny. _____________________ "Medusa," Colt smiled crookedly. "'Course I've heard of her. Who hasn't? Besides Kirby. Yeah, I like her well enough. I might be able to deal with her givin' me orders. So, uh, where do you guys make your headquarters or whatnot?" OOC: In my head, I hear Colt talking with a Brooklyn accent. xD (Newsies!) Did that totally just kill his badboy motif for some of ya? lol
I totally have! =D
"There's someone else here? Are they near Koji and Zoey?" Soul asked Maka. The clowns weren't the ones behind the missing kids, so maybe this new soul was. If they could track it down and get some answers, they could be done with this mission quicky. Merlie laid her gaze on Black☆Star. "After that, I'm not doing it again. I was in a jam and it was all I could think of." She looked back to Kirby and the two sat on the ground. Merlie let go of Kirby's hand. "What about you? You weren't assigned to this mission with us." She was just trying to get her mind focused on something. Kirby kept his eyes on Merlie. She still didn't look well. Her eyes had lost their glimmer and her voice was pretty much monotone. Her hand had felt cold and clammy in his. He knew she'd pushed herself way too far. That blast of her soul wavelength had made him feel queesy too. He realized then how connected they really were. Kirby wanted to check Merlie for a fever, but with Black☆Star and Tsubaki there, he didn't think she's appreciate it. __________________ Colt thought for a moment about what Sekira had said. It sounded like paradise to him, like everything he stood for. A spark of interest and potential flashed in his eyes. "So what, are you the leader? 'Cause I don't think I'd take orders from you." He kept his knife out; if either of these unpredictable ladies or their little guyfriends tried anything, he'd at least put up a fight. OOC: Yeah, Colt just got a color. =P Is that one taken already? Oh! And I LOVE that Black☆Star post, Maka!
Join the few who think so. Most people say I'm crazy for thinking it, including my family, but it really is true. I think people from Dreamworks...
Hiccup is EXACTLY like me -- a boy me anyway. He even climbs the stairs like I do! xD Hiccup has become my nickname this school year too.
"Come on," Kirby slung his arm under Merlie's and headed after Maka and Soul. He moved slowly, keeping Merlie at a bearable pace. His heart was still racing. He'd come close to losing her. It was something he'd never thought of. Maybe this was the wrong thing for them to be doing. Maybe it was too dangerous. He just wanted to stay with Merlie and keep her safe. "Zoey and Koji," Merlie looked around desperately when she and Kirby reached the others. "Where are they? What happened?" She moved a lock of her layered bangs out of her face. She blinked, clearing her dissheveled vision. She was very thankful for Kirby's arm supporting her. ________________ Colt listened to Sekira intently. Her offer sounded intriguing. He was about to ask for more details of what she meant by "gang" but he was pressed backwards by Angel. She wasn't as intimidating as Sekira, but she did have a weapon in hand. Colt drew his knife, ready to fight if he needed to. He didn't mind things getting dirty. His boys were dropping around him likes flies. They didn't matter anymore. Looking past Angel to Sekira, he spoke, "Why don't you get her to back off and tell me some more about this 'gang' and 'power' you mentioned?"
*insert clip of semi-yaoi moment* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiuppNtu1RM&feature=related Haha. Aaaanywaaay! Yush, we must get this psycho thingy going! Death to all!! MUAHAHAHAHA! I mean.... move the plot forward. Yeah... the plot.
hiccup quote!!
Kirby transformed back to his human shape and caught Merlie to steady her. He saw she was sweating and her eyes were closed. "Hey... Hey! Merlie!" He lightly hit his palm against her cheek, not paying a ounce of attention to Maka. "Say something!" "Shut up," Merlie groaned. She opened her charcol eyes and met Kirby's violet ones. "You're too loud." Kirby hugged Merlie to his chest. She was all he had, the only person who'd ever shown him any real acceptence... any real love. If he lost her now..... "I told you not to do it." "Next time, I might listen," Merlie cracked a smile. "Now let go of me; I can't breathe." Kirby stood, helping Merlie to her feet. She swayed and grasped his hand for support. Finally, Kirby noticed Maka with Soul and Black☆Star with Tsubaki. "Are all those freaky clowns gone now?" He asked, not giving any of them a chance to process the side of him they just saw. ________________ "You're making a mistake," Colt said smoothly. He was nervous beyond anything he'd ever felt before. Sekira's presence and voice were like nothing he'd faced. With masked struggle, he kept his cool. "What could you possibly gain from taking the souls of my gang? Kirby Levin on the other hand, his soul is strong. Better than any of ours. I could help you find him. I know how to get into his head, know how all his thoughts work. I can easily manipulate him for you." At this point, Colt was more concerned about saving his own skin. Building a new gang after this wouldn't be that hard with the respect he had on his side of the tracks.
We probably will. lol Even watching him makes my brain hurt.
Don't worry, we'll be sure to bomard you with evil coments if you mess up. ^^ No pressure.
Agreed! But if you ever want a break from the spazzy ninja, I think we should ALL take turns with him. None of us will be perfect, but it would be the best way to see who's the most awesomest at Black☆Star.
I liked it! I like how you put the star in his name too. =D
OOC: Woohoo!! =D I've been missing our little, blue-haired spaz-ball! BIC: "Hey, Black☆Star!" Soul greeted the miester. "Took you long enough to get here." Soul had briefly thought earlier about mad Black☆Star would be when he found out missions were given to everyone but him. It wasn't much a surprise, but it certainly was a relief. Now that that clown was out of the way, Soul could afford to pay attention to the new students. Merlie scooped up Kirby when he clattered to the ground in front of her. "It didn't work...?" Merlie stared wide-eyed at the clown. She was almost out of ideas when she remembered something she'd read while studying to enter the DWMA. "Kirby, I'm going to try something. If it doesn't work, I want to you get to the others. Don't worry about me." "Merlie, what are you going to do? If it's dangerous, don't do it! We can beat this guy without taking dumb risks." Kirby protested. "Ssh! Let me do this." Merlie hushed her partner. She stared at the clown's eyes, holding her ground now. She held out her free hand in front of her and concentrated. The books she'd read had done a fairly good job at explaining how to use one' soul wavelength at a weapon, but Merlie had never tried it before. Heart pounding in her chest, Merlie exerted a large, curved, light blue wavelength towards the clown. It was extensively more than she should have been able to do. Feeling lightheaded, Merlie collapsed to her knees, dropping Kirby to the ground. ____________________ Colt smirked. "I like your style. My gang and I have been around for about 5 years. We lost one guy about five minutes ago thanks to you, and another about a year ago -- Kirby Levin. He was our best -- besides me, of course. We practically raised him. Dumb kid had no memory from before he met us. Turned out he was a weapon though. We haven't seen him since we split, but I hear he's going to the DWMA now. Lucky b.astard has people feeding him and housing him now. So without him, we just do what we've always done. I'd give you more details, but you've have to be a member to get those."
Don't be jealous. lol Is it Spirit?! =3
I've got Colt's profile tucked away somewhere on this stinkin' laptop. xD Maka is so delirious that she's talking in the third person. Garxena likes this very much. :D
Does this surprise involve a wand, broom, lightning bolt scar, and glasses? =D
Hermione made me cry right away at the beginning! D'= I couldn't even imagine having to do that myself. She's so strong to do that.