I second that (except for the ADD thing). I totally think I've got it, but no official diagnosis yet. >>
I'm so proud of you!! =')
Soul moved Zoey from his shoulder to rest against his chest, to protect her from getting hurt further, and landed on his back. He grunted as he hit the ground. Maka had thought quickly and reacted better than he would have; what a lucky partner he was. Soul sat up, moving Zoey to sit next to him, and rubbed his head. It was dark and Soul couldn't see much. "Are we all in one piece?" Soul spoke to the blackness. For a moment, he was worried that they'd been separated. Kirby made progress with Black☆Star's help. The vine's around Merlie were either cut or retreated. It only dimly crossed Kirby's mind to wonder why they'd back off when they'd seemed so intent only seconds earlier. But Kirby was more concerned over Merlie. His purpose for living had almost been taking from him twice within the same hour. Merlie opened both eyes once she'd felt the vines slither off her. Answering Kirby's unasked question she said, "I'm okay." "You are not," Kirby's arm returned to flesh and blood, and he placed his hand on Merlie's neck. Something from the vines, a thorn possibly, had cut her. It wasn't life-threatening, but seeing Merlie bleed churned Kirby's stomach. He looked around, paranoid that more vines would come from the shadows; vines bigger or more dangerous could be 'watching' them now, waiting for them to let their gaurd down. Merlie removed Kirby's hand from her neck and looked to Black☆Star. He was full of himself, that was for sure, but she liked his determination and strength. "Thanks, you two." She said to Black☆Star and Tsubaki. __________________ Colt looked to the soul that had formed from his former gang member's body. He'd never done anything like what Sekira had spoken of. It sounded disturbing. But if that was what it took to join this new 'gang', then he didn't have a choice. He'd made his gang member do some pretty rediculous stuff to get in too. He took the glowing soul in his hand and stared at his for a moment. It was a curious thing, a soul. Not thinking much of it, for fear of growing squemish, Colt popped the soul into his mouth and swallowed. It wasn't bad tasting, and the feeling he got when it hit his stomach was quite enjoyable. Colt smirked wickedly. "Anything else?"
I've had senioritis since the beginning of the school year. Can't I just not go to school? xD
Pick me for Spirit!! :woohoo: He's like Tamaki, and I've done him before, so I think I could do a fair job at him.
That's for you to decide. xD lulzyluz
Soul nodded to Maka. Zoey wasn't heavy to him, so he figured they'd made a quick trip of getting back to Melrie, Kirby, Black☆Star, and Tsubaki. He knew Maka could carry Koji just fine, so he started walking. As his feet moved one in front of the other, he thought, Professor Stein can handle himself. Whatever is down there making those crying sounds, he can take care of it. It's got to be the missing kids. Nothing to worry about. "Black☆Star!" Kirby stood to go after Black☆Star, but something wrapped around his ankle and knocked him on his stomach. Kirby grunted and pushed himself onto his hands and knees; he looked over his shoulder and laid eyes on a dark green-ish vine from the cracks in the ground constricting around his ankle. Worse than that, he saw more of the vines coiling around Merlie's torso. Kirby couldn't tell why but Merlie had her eyes tightly squeezed shut, and she looked... scared? Kirby had never seen her like this. Acting quickly, Kirby's right forearm, from his elbow to his fingertips, changed into a silver blade. He cut the vine on his ankle and scrambled over to Merlie. "Hey, come on, Merlie; snap out of it!" "Tell me it's not a snake," Merlie said quietly, her voice trembling. She could feel herself being pulled backwards, and then Kirby's hand taking hold of her shoulders. Then the sound of snapping -- something trying to cut the vines around her. She opened her eyes and saw Kirby's half-changed arm working it's way through the thick vines. Kirby worked as fast and as hard as he could, but the vines didn't want to give up their grip on his partner. He swore under his breath. It seemed useless, but he kept cutting away at the vines, hoping that no others would come out of the shadows and pull him away from Merlie. ______________ Colt knelt down next to his fellow gang member, looking into his terrified eyes. "You were only holding us back anyway," Colt smirked, enjoying the look of horror on the boy's face as Colt raised his trusty knife. He lowered his voice and added, "Don't worry, I'll send Kirby to meet you." Without giving the boy the chance at even a last breath, Colt plunged his knife into the kid's back; and for good measure, gave it a twist that sent a popping sound echoing against the cave walls. It must have been the snapping of his spinal cord. Colt stood and looked at Sekira as he wiped his knife clean on his pants. "Good enough for you?"
Not sure. I guess both of us could -- if we know what we want to do. Or you could have a blasty blast smashing and attacking things. xD That works.
Soul hoisted Zoey onto his shoulder, slinging her over like a sack of potatoes. What she'd said about children had piked his interest, but Stein had told them that he'd take care of it. If he wasn't allowed to follow, Soul would at least make sure that he and Maka got Koji and Zoey back to the others. Regrouping was the best they could do right now. They had their orders from Stein, all they had to do was follow them now; though Soul wasn't at all happy about it. Kirby thanked Black☆Star, although he did think it was a bit much. He had a feeling that Black☆Star was always like this. He seemed to be the complete opposite of Soul. Kirby liked that. He didn't like Soul's constant scowl and cool-guy aura. It reminded him of Colt -- his gang's leader back in the day. Those were times he didn't want to think of. Merlie relaxed, glad that Black☆Star had taken care of the clown. She was starting to feel like maybe they could go help the others and get back to the point of this mission when she heard what sounded like the ground crackling. "Am I the only one that hears that?" she asked nervously. After the clown, she wans't up for a surprise attack from anything, especially if it came from underground. Kirby glanced around, listening for whatever it was that Merlie was hearing. And then he heard it too; it sounded like something traveling under the ground, slowly but surely making its way towards them. He looked for the source and found that cracks were splitting the ground and getting closer to them. "Moles?" Kirby guessed, trying to ease Merlie's nerves. She couldn't fight very well in this state. If it was something worse than rodents, Kirby would have to fight without her. He was confident he could protect her if the enemy wasn't another clown.
Okay, I got it! I'll let Black☆Star have a response before the plants make their appearance.
I'm glad we haven't gone ahead without me! =D So... now, what to do? >> ...... *puts on thinking cap* Hmm....
Hahaha! I'm totally gonna screw Merlie over even more now. >XD You're crazy to wake up that early. I'm super grumpy in the morning so I get up earlier than the rest of the house so that I can have alone time to wake myself up. Not to mention that Ben 10 is on at 7 and I have to watch that! It gets me happy before the torture of high school sets in. lol I've just got three weeks until 16 days for Christmas break! Woohoo!
I totally should huh? lol I've got about an hour before I head off to bed. I need to get some decent sleep before I go to school tomorrow (I've got to wake up at 6:00). ..... Except I totally don't know what to post! ><
I love the snow; unless it's getting thrown in my face and that happened a lot. lol But we made some pretty decent sledding tracks in the backyard...
I think we all got each other sick somehow. O.O In the last week, we've all be sick (on some scale). Someone put an end to it! xD Well, we're all back now and able to chat once more!
Disney's Tangled Awesome. Amazing. Fantastic. Epic. Touching. Beautiful. Adventurous. Melodic. Funny. Sweet. Great love story.
I'm doing well. Getting over being a little sick. Work sucked Friday and Saturday. People are insane! D= But the rest of the break has been...
Sorry about not really being online, everyone! Who knew I'd actually spend time with my family? xD Anyway, I'll post ASAP!
Then start a new combo! =3
Went on Friday and I'm going again tomorrow. =D I'm the freak in the theatre who's dressed up (complete with a wand!) and has the box of tissues. lol