Four is the most detailed -- but super nice. All of them will just be black though -- no color. I was thinking of getting my tattoo on the back of my right shoulder.
I've got all kinds of ideas! 1) The kanji for "imagination" with a fairy silhouette 2) Omnitrix symbol with "It's hero time!" curving above it 3) Flamel crest (symbol on back of Edward Elric's coat/Izumi Curtis' tattoo) 4) Curse seal (from Naruto)
Terra sat up abruptly, bound legs folding underneath her. If looks could kill, Icicle would be dead ten times over. Not only had she just been called "blondey," but she also had an unmistakable feeling that Icicle was the one who'd separated and captured her and her friends. He looked frail and powerful at the same time. If she was able, she probably could have shattered him with a bolder. "You're lucky I can't use my powers," She growled, pushing against her arms' restraints to no avail. Now was her chance to get some information about the others. She demanded, "Where are my friends?!"
Terra raised her eyes upwards, trying to find some sort of intercom or speaker where the voice was coming from but she couldn't see anything. The voice seemed to be threatening them -- as if they hadn't had enough taunting and torture. She rolled onto her back and kicked and pulled her legs in an attempt to break the shackles on them. As they did all the other times she'd tried, the shackles remained intact. If I just had one little bit of dirt, I could probably get the lock undone -- if there is a lock on these things. Terra hadn't given up completely yet. If anything, she was more determined to get out. The voice had addressed more than one person, that meant she wasn't alone. Her friends were still there, even if they weren't in the same room as she was. "Coward!!" Terra shouted to the darkness, anger building up inside her. "Fight me! I'll take you down in one hit!"
Add "get tattoo" to my birthday list.
OOC: Sorry guys! My work schedule sucked this weekend. >< And then there's school and blahblahblah. I'm posting now! (Oh, and I love your Black☆Star posts, Maka!) BIC: Soul looked down to the girl who'd spoken to him. "Yeah, we'll get you out of here." His teeth flashed in the moonlight. His words were confident, but he didn't really see a way out. Unless they literally busted themselves out of the place, they were as stuck as the children. Kirby hit the ground with a thud; the tongue slid off his wrists, leaving open wounds. His right arm changed from blade to human arm and he pushed himself to his feet. He figured the stars he was seeing were just from hitting the ground so hard. From Black☆Star's words, Kirby clearly had a lot to learn. "You're insane, you know that?" Kirby stared at Black☆Star. Unexpectedly, he smiled at Black☆Star, and then hurried off to Merlie. "What were you thinking?" Merlie took Kirby's hand and rushed with him to find cover. "Don't you know anything about what we're doing? We have to stick together." "I know; sorry," Kirby ducked behind a still-standing game booth with Merlie. "I just... didn't want to lose you." Merlie understood that she was practically all Kirby had. But that was still no reaosn to go throwing himself at a demon plant. Sighing, Merlie shook her head. "We're damn lucky Black☆Star is here." OOC: My brain has no idea what to do with Colt or Spirit. So that's all for now!
xD I was just about to message you the same thing. lol Glad we agree on it.
Let's see... The former Teen Titans know who Terra is; but I see her as the type of person to not tell anyone else that kind of info. Yeah, Terra does have it bad! But she is pretty dangerous so it makes sense.
Terra was exhausted, hungry, and certainly frustrated. For what seemed like the millionth time, she tried using her powers on any kind of dirt she could find in her prison -- but there was nothing. Like all the other times she'd tried, a painful shock passed through her body. She pushed against her shackles, once again getting no result. Panting from hours of effort, Terra finally laid down on her side; with no clip to hold it back, her light blond hair formed a curtain over her face. She felt horrible, not only physically but emotionally as well. She hadn't been back with her friends for very long and now they were separated again with what looked like no chance of being reunited. "Beast Boy," Terra murmured her good friend's name. She could only hope that he and the others had gotten out, that they weren't in the same predicament as she was. Without warning, or any cause, another excruciating shock-wave wracked her frail body. Like other times before, her captors seemed to be toying with her. Terra glared through her hair; though there was no one in sight to glare at.
Christmas break plans: ... sleep. Lots and lots of sleep. Maybe some sledding. Plans for birthday before Christmas: .... Go to school, audition for Pride and Prejudice (why are there auditions for director??), come home, do homework, shower, eat, presents (?), sleep. And stop abusing the poor ipod, tummer!
I saw that name, but I didn't think it was legit. lol We'll use it though.
Haven't found her real name, but this is another outfit she has. It could be her "normal" clothes. Then this could be her costume:
How's this? Username: Garxena Name: Terra (Tara Markov) Rank: Young Justice Age: 16 Gender: Female Appearance: Costume: Bio: Gifted with amazing earth-moving abilities, Terra made rocks fly, mountains crumble, and the ground tremble beneath her feet. At first, it seemed like this hip, funny, young hero might make a great addition to the team. Upon meeting Terra, the Titans quickly welcomed her into their ranks. But Terra had a secret. Unable to control her awesome powers, she felt betrayed when it appeared Beast Boy shared her secret with the team. Angry and alone, Terra sought out Slade, who helped her control her abilities. Terra returned to the Titans and joined the team - but was secretly working with Slade to destroy the Titans from within. Despite her mission, Terra began to doubt her loyalties; Just as romance with Beast Boy blossomed, Terra was exposed as a traitor. She worked with Slade to destroy the Titans and take over the city. Despite her victory, Terra still felt lost and alone. And by the time she decided to leave Slade, it was too late; Events were set in motion leaving the city in danger from an erupting volcano. Never losing faith in Terra, Beast Boy did finally see her realize the error of her ways - before she ultimately sacrificed herself to save the city. Now merged with the earth she once controlled, The Titans searched for a way to restore her. Mysteriously, Terra emerged from the stone prison. After some time, she regained her memory of who she was and where she belonged. She searched for the Teen Titans, but could not find them at Titan’s Tower. Aided by leads from civilians and occasional thugs she took down along the way, Terra found her way to the Titans. They, of course, were now member of the Young Justice; Terra herself was accepted to join and now fights alongside her friends once more. Personality: Funny, timid, strong, brave, bull-headed, delicate, determined, etc. Powers: Can control earth/rocks/ground Equipment: She has pouches on her belt, but no one has seen what’s in them. Other: She’s pretty awesome.
Enjoy yourself.
I do! But I want to see my shows more.
Get over it. xD
I'm watching Young Justice and then my shows on CN. So just watch Wallflower without me.
I'm doing okay. I finally get to do one of my favorite monologues (for theatre class). I'm excited about that!
Soul wished he had a light, but he still turned to look at Zoey. Dimly he could see her silhouette and another next to her. This other was small enough to be... "A kid," Soul said quietly. "We found what we were looking for." A grin spread across his shadowed face. Going through what they had, it would have been more than disappointing to have come back empty handed. Kirby was about to say he had no clue what the vines had been or where they'd come from, when a pink vine shot out from the shadows of a half-standing game booth. Kirby crossed his arms in an X in front of himself to block the impact. The pink vine was slimy and covered in spikes. It wrapped around Kirby's wrists and raised him into the air, pulling him back towards something even more frightening. Kirby looked down the length of the pink vine and discovered it was a tongue. A tongue, leading to what looked like a mutated venus fly trap. But it looked more interested in Kirby than flies. The spikes on the tongue dug into his bare forearms; and when Kirby looked up at his wrists, he saw his red blood dripping from the cuts and something else, a dark purple-green liquid dripping from spikes. Merlie got to her feet, steadying herself until the ground stopped wobbling beneath her. She focused on Kirby; he was the one in danger now. These things were plants, not snakes -- she had nothing to be afraid of. She took a brief second to analyze Kirby's position and think of a way to help him. She had no weapon to cut the vines -- or tongue-- and she still wasn't back at one-hundred percent. What can I do?! Merlie thought desperately. If she just charged in there, chances were she would get grabbed by the plant too. If she stayed put, Kirby would surely get eaten. Kirby transformed his right forearm once again, hoping to cut the tongue that bound his wrists. Instead, his blade rubbed dangerously against his left arm. He couldn't think about that little pain now; Merlie was more important than a slight cut. "Black☆Star! Get Merlie away from here!" Kirby yelled. "I can handle this overgrown flower!" _________________ Like anyone could say no to me. I'd be the best they'd have. Colt thought arrogantly. He followed Sekira, musing over what they could possibly do at an amusement park when someone mentioned more souls being there. This sounded good enough for Colt. After one soul, Colt was already ready for more. They caused a new kind of hunger that was different from a hunger for food. Colt's eyes shined impiously. OOC: Will post Spirit when I've read what's going on with him. xD Yeah... haven't been paying that close attention.
I'm doing homework! Dx I'll reply once I'm done (maybe).