Soul listened to and watched Maka closely, as well as Fae. He, like Maka, was listening for any kind of clue that the odd girl would drop. He paid attention to the words she said and her body language. Soul wasn't as perceptive as Maka, but he still gave it his best shot. Why's she so fidgety? And what's up with these people she keeps talking about? And who in their right mind would actually want to sit through orientation?! Kirby stayed close to Merlie. He felt comfortable around Kid, Patty, Liz, and Merlie, but that was about it. All these other people had him on edge. He couldn't think of a reason though. As they walked, he shifted his attention from one to the next to the next, taking in details of each of them. He still paid more attention to Soul than the others. When he heard Zoey speak to Kid, he looked to see what they were talking about. Kid was easy to get along with, Patty even more so. Merlie looked down to her hand in Kirby's; his tenseness had caused a change in his grip. She gazed back up to see his expression and saw no sign of fear or tension. He was very good at hiding his emotions. Must've had a lot of practice after what he's been through, she thought; though she didn't even know herself the full details of Kirby's story. She hoped they'd get to the Death Room soon so that Kirby would have something to focus on.
Sorry about that! Busy weekend. >>
Sorry about the postless weekend guys!! Work killed me. And then I had school stuff to do too! >< Sometimes being a senior can really stink. lol
Then that's all the more fun!! =D
Maybe.... xD
If the grammar is bad, then I might have to shoot myself. I CAN NOT stand bad grammar. My sister and I are like grammar-Nazis. lol
That is true. We were talking on the Soul Eater thread in the Manga/Anime section. I could ask if they want to join the RP.
That's when you use stilts. =D