I visualise everything I read...While readying Harry potter I pictured Sirius...Quite similar to the actor 'cept with longer more dog-like hair.
I like this fic it's really good and is true to the story...I was a bit surprised when you said Beat and Rhyme were late...With their speed you'dve expected them to be a tad bit early...I like the cliff-hanger at the end...No end to Neku's possible responses. In all I like this fic it's going great and am looking forward to the rest.
Alot of my friends have their last day of school tomorrow...I'm going to miss most of them (if i dont its because their going for higher education...
xD im full of em
it is warmer than usual WE HAVE HEAT! other than that...same old same old...im about to lose about 10 friends (theyre all going to college) and i...
your on khv so you must b e nerdy to some extent right?
ah the life of nerds
Juggling khv, facebook and msn while drinking milkshake ^^ how bout you?
all the little things make you sad to leave behind...youll make a new though
Seth heard the crashing of tiles and glanced back "What happened to you J-j-j-je...?" Seth sighed "First things first get past the fence" Seth grabbed a cross and bent the rails enough to slip through "Hey! Com on down! I have a proposition to make!" Seth shouted
major friends are figuring everything out...its the little people and daily routine theyre gonna miss
Seth was winded but got up The rest of the light 5...Our primary objective is to eliminate the dark...If I find them...I can teach...I can't bear her name...HER not to backstab Seth thought...
Ah this is a tough one...Have you told them how you feel? Explained that you think they're going a bit back overf the top
"Liar...Ithought you said some darkness was good" Seth murmered looking frantically for some form of way to break his fall but saw nothing. He slammed into the grass.
"Yeah? Well maybe you should be the one getting out of my sight!" Seth shouted at her...Just a natural reaction in truth she'd hurt him.
"W-what?" Seth asked...Then laughed "Good one I thought yo were serious for a second there"
"Yeah...I'm actually feeling quite good" Seth laughed "Most fun I've had in the air" He laughed again and hadn't noticed Obscurus fire.
you say that now...but thats what the year elevens (eleventh graders i beleive) said...today was their last proper day and most were crying...
"take it off" by kesha (chipmunked)
Seth felt a burning sensation on his chest where the light mark had appeared the previous night It's probably nothing...Then again if another of darkness is here...There' still nothing I can do about it Seth thought casting a few glances around