well i get talking to this girl online we talk for a few weeks and she asks me out (yesterday) now as fine as that'd be...im getting some people...
I'm pretty fine thankyou...feeling a bit...awkward but im fine...how bout you?
Well i think its obvious...we reverse time and that way the oil will have never been spilt...that or we burn the oil
Seth just stood there watching getting drowsier by the moment..He slowly difted into a sleep...Yet another long day...Wait it's still only lunch time
Seth slowly realised he hadn't been hit. He quickly got up prepared to keep going but then he noticed her on the floor. "Jet!" He near screamed yanking out everything. She tricked me...She tried to kill me...I don't care she's still my friend. Seth thought and grabbed a cross and carried her to his house and lay her down on his bed. He grabbed some plasters and covered up all the wounds he could, and cleared some of the blood. He grabbed a glass of water and put it next to her. Now I just wait for her to wake up and hopefully she'll be too weak to try and kill me again. Seth thought and leaned against his wall.
Seth felt the anger again She's coming...Must be from above...So... Seth jumped backwards but tripped over. As a final attempt he threw all the pens, pencils and compasses into the sky, and braced for Jets impact.
the truth is obviously a lemon meringue ants or spiders
"Damn!" Seth shouted realising he'd hit her but the shout indicated she'd taken to the skies "Just remember, if you kill me I can't suffer!" Seth shouted up At least that should keep me alive
we barely get deer they're very rare 'round here (god damned hunters)
That sounds so cool!
Seth felt the extra anger and jumped back directing the sharp tools in many directions Well this is hard I can't see her and her mind is nothing but anger and hatred...and I dont want to hurt her...This is just impossible...Looks like I'll be in a lot of pain later.
antler droppings? if i stop replying it's not cuz im ignoring...im just so tired...ive been getting ALOt of sleep lately...and its only 20 to 7...
its going great thanks how bout you?
Great thanks! how bout you?
She never mentioned invisibility Seth thought I still have her thoughts any ideas she has I'll know where she's attacking from! "Think very carefully before you attack!" Seth called
...This...Is gonna end badly Seth thought with a gulp But considering this is a school...Pens, Pencils, Compasses, Science knives...Theres alot that can help...If I can find them Seth grinned "The first move is all yours...If you can land a hit" He said throwing a rock for distaction then ran inside and caught sight of a maths room. He picked up a few boxes of pens pencils and compasses and jumped out the window "On second thought...Just come at me" Seth said and opened the boxes and threw the contents in the air, and grabbing a cross held them in place "I'm ready when you are" I won't kill her...If I can keep her pinned down...It should count as a win
Sketchy dudes - Mike Phirman
Seth grabbed a cross and dragged her down with his mind "You and me...We're gonna fight...If I win You're gonna leave people alone...If you win...You can cause me any deal of pain or suffering but still leaving innocents out of this...You up for it or do I just have to beat you?" Seth asked
lol we havent done anything today...most of of the school was guarding fire bells so noone could disturb the people who were leaving school(their...
lol this is a funny conversation...IM IN SCHOOOOOL D: still got like 4 hours left