that's...either the longest or second longest word if memory serves. And do the words have to be inside the word (e.g. hippo) or can they be anythig (e.g. Orbit)? assuming they have to be inside this is all i got for the min, Hip Hippo To Monstro Equip Phobia
^ this it was epic like a few years back
FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- I haven't got school either...for the next 8 days...noy 80 but 8
Well the UK may have sucked...but out commentator was absolutely amazing loved what he was saying about iceland
a game? youj mean the one we lost?
I hear the guy can't even sing...Apparently they chipmunk him
My fave song changes weekly...Right now it's pprobably "the great escape" by boys like girls
Retired badgers? Is there at least a walrus?
Seth thought for a second "Me pinning you down...Not helping...You Stopped shaking right?" Seth asked starting to let go.
Seth lowered his voice "Jet if you can hear me you need to calm down before something bad happens...I don't want you to get hurt" Seth murmered
Seth woke up groggily My bed's alive! Was his first thought before realising Jet was still in it. He kneeled on her legs and held her arms down "Jet! Jet wake up!" Seth shouted struggling with the thrashing.
all 3 starters are on there...what are you doing on rule34 anyway?
Jet's groan didn't stir Seth...He's a heavy sleeper
only on thursdays who were we talking about?
It was...wiork again today tho
Just a question...This is on mission mode right? If not...If I remember correctly you're already uber powerfull anyway...Heres what I did...I attacked without my limit untill he goes beserk then use limit all you can...If this is mission mode...Well I beat him with Lexaeus at level 23 xD Just try and find a character/gear combo that works for your specific fighting style
May I have sealand? Sealand is cool...and not even a nation yet so how 'bout it?
thats quite a ways...I live about that distance from my own father D: and...even further to my current gf/potential pedo
Don't hold your breath...if it's anything like the english government forget about them doing anything right...
miss him? how longs it been since you saw him last?