What power level is that Vegeta?
Sounds like an ass. My friend has told me a much funnier tale about cops. She went on holiday to Italy a cop help out a red sign...Her dad not knowing what this meant drove around it. The cop catches up and starts screaming at her dad "WHERE IS YOUR CHRISTMAS CARD?" of course her family bursts out laughing which p***es off this cop...He is really small so he grabs her dad by the scrff of the neck and reaches as high as he can screaming "WHERE IS YOUR CHRISTMAS CARD?!" Turns out he was asking for his drivers liscence and the red sign meant he'd been speeding slightly...so for 3 hours theres an italian cop asking my friends dad for his christmas card...Must've been one hell of a holiday
"If people were as nice...We wouldn't have to take part in a war" Seth murmered "Anyway...How are you feeling now? Do you want anything? Anyone at your house worrying?" Seth asked
Well...Its difficult to explain...Well I'll be having a normal dream...and then suddenly I'm in this room with lots of cluttered shelves...And this little person comes along and...I automatically know I'm dreaming...And she starts talking I end up asking who she is...she shakes her head and continues talking...Then tells me she knows whats wrong and...that's where I forget.
"Trying to kill me or not...I couldn't just leave you to bleed...Could anyone just leave someone to bleed?" Seth asked "I just did what was right"
Seth laughed "Amazing? Nah...I'm just out of my head."
anything huh? wonderfull weather we're having huh?
Wow...they're all so beautifull...I personally favour tree and focus...Speaking of tree whats that shiny thing in the bottom right corner? is it just wet grass or is it something else?
I cannot think of anything to cause it...My life has bee rather the same...I just one day got random pieces of stress...Every time I think I have a reason the reason goes and leaves me rather the same state...There...Have been instances...I'll remember something...It makes me so so sad...And I...Force myself to forget...I only figured it out while I was a sleep...there was a rather small person who told me what it was in that dream that I keep forcing out of my head...but i can't remember I can never remember. EDIT: that's not a joke by the way...there used to be a tiny person I'd see while I was asleep...Never made sense but I beleive it was some sort of state of mind...
"Well...For now forget about it the last thing you need is worry...Honestly I haven't a problem with you...I could've left you to bleed you know...I know you better than the angry mess you were...What's important is not how sorry you are...But that you get better." Seth smiled
(false im much much olde-i mean younger than 40) Hmmmmmm...True My jumper is more than one colour.
False I am a 40 year old peadophile
"You tried to kill me, for a moment you lead me to beleive that darkness is bad...But I guess I'm helping you...Because no matter what you do to me...I guess I just can't stop caring..." Seth explained
"Just...Just forget it...You need rest...Just forget about it...Do you need anything? You're welcome to stay here as long as you need to...I know it's not exactly...The coolest place in the world...But I'm...Low on money..." Seth paused and sighed "A-anyway...I'm going to be here by your side unless you want me to go into the next room over, you want anything you just ask alright?" Seth smiled
"Look...Are you feeling okay? I tried reading yor mind all I picked up...Was rage...Such hot anger...Not towards me particularly...But towards everything...Yo weren't thinking...So I'm sorry...I thought you were gonna kill me...I pancked and...I stbbed you...I'm the one who should be sorry here...So shall we call it even?" Seth asked
Seth helped her sit up "Don't do anything reckless." Seth whispered annd help the glass of water to her "Do you need a drink?" Seth asked "Yo've been asleep for quite a while and...Well I sorta accidentally stabbed you...You need the rest" Seth said
HAng on change of heart...High school musical...I detest it.
off the top of my head...Leroy and Stitch...I love the movie I've seen it a thousand times...It'ss just the worst in my opinion...I adore disney ^^
"Can't what? What's wrong? You need something?" Seth asked frantically
facebooks amazing for stuff like that...I mean ut's my only contact with one of ym sisters (Never met her) and it's what triggered me to meet my dad after nrearly 15 years...Facebook works wonders