that was good
where can i read it?
i know,and the during the show is just as good
nothing,wait how the hell did get here?
whats it called we all know lol
chris..nuff said
fraid not,my dads been looking for work for awhile now,anyway hope he gets the job
huh,that's cool i didn't know about that
that was pretty cool
she needs to be re educated *cracks knuckles*
that was awesome,cant wait
not once but twice,lol perfect
finally its been a while
this sounds cool,im torn between 1 and 8
they might give riku one in the later games robert your sig is awesome
a two headed turtle does sound kinda cool
judging by what deathsight said i guess not
i'd **** em both
i found the script if anyone needs it Final Fantasy VII - Disc One Final Fantasy VII - Disc 2 & 3 Final Fantasy VII - Optional Quests