i cant get anywhere with out beating it
lol,whats ur time zone?
*sigh* nothing unfortunately,u?
i guess im in as well
youre preaching to the chour
oh,i dont know what they are but im sorry to hear that
nothing much im getting a haircut tomorrow new pillows and electric razor as well u?
a lot of those are gonna be close(i think) Jesse James vs AL Capone, dude AL Capone will kick his ass
should i be concerned about this?
this just proves how much of a evil master mind Nomura is.
you're gonna go far kid-the offspring
what do mean "slightly changed"?
ha ha,good point
well as it turns out it for voice acting lessons,not a job must have herd wrong thank you here's the full pic...
i forget what is skype?
i will .....................
i wasnt being sarcastic i was really saying thanks
i know,thanks
it dose,but every time i think about it my anxiety kicks me in the stomach