so? are you going to change it?
i see.. can i see her sketch? and the main character is i right?
The user Name "Axel" is not yet taken..
haha! green hair? Cool, so who's the Girl main character?
Really..? owh that's too bad.. hmm, but it's worth trying..
Cliff? you mean the tough guy at Star ocean.. uhh..what is it again..? the end of time!?
hooh, you can change your name when your posts is 300. at the forum assistance of course.
Thanks ^^ it's Z-E-X-I-O-N got it memorized?
heya!!! i missed you all, and now i'm back! Reborn as A new brand Hero!!! lol
Yeah, and you said he's a Heroic type full of comedy person just Like Claude Kenny damn he's cool
hey you have a Cool avatar! can we be friends?
hooh, a new member huh? welcome. and from now on you'll be called THE FLURRY OF THE DANCING FLAMES.
Dammiy, he's COOL nice one vexie!!!!
uhh never mind.. i can install it again lol
is he in the ekichi games website? well i mean the sketches or something? uhh..i dunno why but my flash player is gone..i've installed it...
well kh2 reflega is the best ever, and more useful than aero... that's all
Happy new year guys! and you too Mike. hahahah i've think of it and 2008 is the best year ever.. i hope 2009 is more..Cooler than 2008.
Thanks vexie!!! *_*
another OC ! Cool!, Sweet!, CUte!,Sexy! Smexy! lol. Keep it up.
hmm.. winners proof is epic and boosts your magic. but it makes your EXP 0.