you have been to japan? cool.
There's no way that Xion is Zexion's sister.. XION IS KAIRI + NAMINE. That will settle this thing...
Daijyoubu desu yo, Anata wa dou? Means: I'm fine, how about you?
Welcome to Kh-vids, my name is Zexion, it's a pleasure to meet you.
Yo.. always bored as usual.. *Doze oFF..*ZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzZZZZ
that's a cool one. well..actually i'm scared of tatoo thingie.. or something like that..
hey, my name is Zexion can we be friends ^^ it's a pleasure to meet you Namine
hey, can we be friends, My name is Zexion, it's a pleasure to meet you.
Well i just played the 4th one... APOLLO JUSTICE! HAHAHAH! OBJECTION! nah, i prefer Klavier Gavin than Apollo..
it's a pleasure to meet you zakman, my name is Zexion the cloaked schemer of the Organization XIII. Welcome to Kh-Vids
Fufufufufufufu.. This is getting cooler and cooler! So Roxas Meets Zexion At the Memory of Destiny islands huh? So this happens before Riku got to the paopu tree.. i see this is getting intresting.. fufufufufufu..ahahahahahhh! Nice Job MIKE!
Oh, i see.. well gotta off.. see ya!:D
NO? lol. let's OL at saturday, will ya OL?
Jya ne~~ Julia-Chan
Ohohoho.. you're burning his pants and give him a skirt on mianus?
hmph, Zexion of course. with his Lexicon. Plus Lexaeus and Vexen They're partners
Where? Japan,Korea,China or something?
Burn his pants sounds cool
Spanish, i'm no good at that.. i see so your older than me.. i'm Jyuuyon and you Jyuuroku..
huh? what's that? i'm 14 and you?