hey, i really want to know about KH 2 FM's game ID.. can you tell me it's game ID?
Glad to hear ^^ i see you have improved on your drawings, great job.
OO!!! this is gonna be cool!!! 1.Zexion cuz he's my favorite Character at Kingdom hearts, and i'd like to see him fight with his books (tough he does not like to dirty his own hands) 2.demyx i'd like to see him fight with his water against Axel i wonder if he can win this battle. 3.Axel i'd like to see him fight demyx and marly, cuz he haven't finished battling marly at Castle oblivion 13th floor. 4.Marluxia i really want to know if he can beat Zexion, if Zexion wins Zexion will be the next Castle Oblivion Lord^^ 5.Lexaeus I'd like to see him fight with his best friend Zexion. HAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! i'm sure ZEXION WILL WIN THIS BATTLE.
HI, Ven... my name is Zexion. or Minato Arisato, from persona 3, i see you have a PERSONA 4 avatar,can we be friends? maybe we can share our...
Hi, Owner of KHV, i'm Zexion, it is a pleasure to meet you.
hey, can i be your friend? you and i are a comrades remember, i'm Zexion the number 6 of the organization XIII
i'm good, hahaha and you?
hey can i join this Group? i wanna be a Defense attorney lol ^^ can i, can i?
Welcome to KHV, My name is Zexion. It is a pleasure to meet you Selene. happy post.. if you need someone to talk, just come to me... lol; if you need one.
if i'm going to die..in one hour. well, first i have to say goodbye to my family, and then PLay KH and persona For the last time...
Can you create a Zexion avatar for me? i don't have any images of Zexion (i guess you have to search it yourself) well just make it Cool Okay ^^ i'm counting on you.
Hey it's been a while
It's simple.. Use fire magic on him.. Especially FIRAGA. But first you have to destroy his shield and transform into Final form if you have it.. and then if he uses his Desperate moves.. just fly away from him. and then use reflect if he comes to you. hahahah! it's easy to kick vexen's butt.
hahaha hearing Lazy afternoons remind me of the first time i played KH 2
If sora's gonna be the optional boss, i will kick his butt off kingdom hearts with using ZEXION!!! ahahahahahahah!!!
hey yp, how ya doin'?
gh! damn! Crap! gotta buy NDS! uhh..it's almost released isn't it?
Dude! i wanna be Zexion.. if i can lol.. well i'll send you some of my voice later i guess.. ahahaha
i'm fine. hey you looked like my best friend Peter. hahaha
hey, Mike you always do a great job for Kh-vids. it's a pleasure to meet you.. can we be friends. i know you're busy.