PARROT SALAD! Like a parrot!
A Fish on a dish with a side order of Macademia Fruit Salad! And we'll start you off with... SOUP! Like a parrot!
I wonder where that fish did go! A fish! A fish! A Fishy! Oh! Like a parrot...
Over 9000!? That's Not Possible!!!
Then you must use magic! And combos!
Google is stalking you... Like some character from an old RPG... YOU MUST TEAM UP AND VANQUISH THE FINAL BOSS!
Google thinks I'm a horrible disease... *Cry*
Google knows all...
Well, it was round, and covered in green stuff!
But fruits are like life, and if you eat too much, you'll soon be barfing life all over theplace. And who do you think has to clean up all that life?
No! Not a hug! I wanna eat fruits...
*Give in to emo urges* Like a parrot...
I'm not a hobo... *Cry*
That makes me sad... *Hides in the trash*
I know you are, but what am I? Like a parrot!
*Hides behind Wacky*
Rewind! !torrap a ekiL
*Trembling with fear*
Food! Glorious Food! Like a Parrot!