Where is DALK!? I made him a Banana out of TOOTHPIX!!!!
Don't leave, Dalk!
....I'm gonna kill you... WAIT! I mean-
Hm, I never did a Disney play... The greatest one we ever got to perform, was Moulin rouge. We had to do it off campus, but we got an approved field trip for the whole school to come watch! Now we're doing a Gender Swap version of "The Rose of Versailles."
It's not that lonely... With all this space, there's sure to be a baseball bat, and some unsuspecting strangers...
Something like this happened to me once... I had to sing the parts to some song backstage... Maybe it was for that play about that orphan... The one with that Orphanage? Anyway, it sucked. I got three lines, and I had to sing all of the songs...
I feel bad for you... Would you like a hug?
Thank you, very much!
... I missed him again...
I'd like one! Just some image of a Cyborg, or a Doll will work... "?" for attack and defense, three star level, Doll/Effect, and Darkness Attribute! Desc: When this Monster is played, you can summon Edward 0, Edward 1, and Edward 2.5 from your deck to the field. When all three cards are in play, send this card to the graveyard to special summon darkrequiem0 to the field.
Nothin' Much, Roxas!
Banned to the 9th Dimesnion!
Banned eight times!
Banned for not realizing it's me!
Banned for not knowing what ecchi is!
Just sendin' a note to say... MY ANUS IS BLEEDING!!!
Oh! Thank you! Now I ruv you RONG TIME!
I am disguised as a sheet.... Like a ghost parrot...
And I am your sidekick! Shopping Cart Kid! Like a parrot!
....Phoenix Down! Like a parrot!