*Flies over catis, and divebombs for a hug*
Fine, you shall stay Amber, Supreme Cookie Overlord... And Pyrɸ shall be Stephany.... With an I...
Yes Have you ever been proposed to?
I vote for Gwen, Rosey, and keybladeofdarkness4 to stay!
Has stayed alive under water by breathing farts.
*Hugs Rawr*
i give you corn!
I dunno..... Tiffanee......Eeeeeeeeee........ ... ... ... Ee....
Well, your a stupid Hectopascal!
...I'm gonna call you Tiffany... With an EE...
YES! Have you ever kicked a puppy?
It's nice to meet you, Supreme Cookie Overlord!
.... An hour! SOHCAHTOA
No. Have you ever taken a picture of yourself naked?
Hug me catis!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Hugs Amber* Hi there...
1I k98n0000000000oow
20 Prease?
No, I'm afraid I'll get cut on the way down, and it's a long way down, and I'm a hemaphiliac! Have you ever... Kissed someone of the same gender?