hiya, you ok?
for asking how i am
hiya, ok. you check me out me on mine :)
5: no its ok *drags 6* 8: *looks in the direction you left in and says to myself* they've gone
got to go :crybaby: bye <3
hiya, ok thnx, sorry but i g2g :( ill talk to you tomorrow bye
5: *helps 2 drag 6* 8: *hums to self*
lol ok, you got ur stuff for catering?
sorry, been on facebook xD
Ouch! what was that for mum?
*rolls over and knocks vase onto floor and it smashes*oh no! *jumps up* MUM! Bart broke a vase!
*thumps bart*
same here, its hurting to type
hiya, no i felt sick lol
*pinches barts arm and whispers* Thats for throwing a shoe at me
8: im sure, now go!
i think maybe Len should give her the kiss of life *laughs*
*pulls vodka from bag* heaar youu goo *hands vodka*