:cryinganime: thats crap
:crybaby: cant someone else look after him??
:OOOOO why cant you come??
5: for gods sake calm down! There is beasts after us and all you can do is fight each other!
hiya! :lolface:
its out now, not sure its different in different places, you will have to see xD
no its a 15 :lolface:
its about this girl whos body gets posessed and she eats guys and this lass trys to stop her. Im not totally into Twilight stuff but oh well xD....
cool im going to see that for my mates birthday, and seeing Jennifers Body for my birthday :D
*laughs* Barts Gay!
glad your better, oh no:( im fine thnx for asking
lol, hows you?
hiya :lolface: you ok?
i dont have a boyfriend unlike you!
5: *points and laughs*
5: *turns round* 8 stayed behind to attack any beasts, 6 wont stop drawing so we got to drag him.... 8: *runs in the direction where the beast came from*
good, great thnx
thank you :) you to.
lol whats this group about?
*storms out the door with a book and reads in the front garden*