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  1. TerraxLover89
  2. TerraxLover89
  3. TerraxLover89
    SO what is the number? is there a grand total of how many posts? i did one once in another forum group, and they had the first one to 10,000th post (something like that anyway) and they won a prize, i was so close to winning that! XD BON-BON is the only french word i know and can spell!
    Post by: TerraxLover89, Nov 26, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. TerraxLover89
    Hi there! How are ya doing?
    Profile Post by TerraxLover89 for ClankDaxter, Nov 26, 2010
  5. TerraxLover89
    i would love to see Toy Story 3, 2, or 1 even! And Up was so cute! i loved that movie, but i would have to agree with ClankDaxter on the fact that it prob wouldn't go with the whole KH feel. But other movies... HAHAH! what if they put Totoro in there! just as a side world, instead of Winnie the Pooh, im sorry but that got kinda annoying! i mean i love winnie the pooh... but it just needed to stop. XD
  6. TerraxLover89
  7. TerraxLover89
  8. TerraxLover89
    L'Cie and Other Form [{(Ignore Location of Brand, Magic Type, and Eidolon for other)]}
    Username: TerraxLover89
    Name: Red Valentine
    Age: 25
    Gender: Female
    Appearance: 5'8 girl with blood red hair, with green eyes and a tan completion.
    Personality: Head strong, she loves to have fun, but takes serious very seriously! she loves her friends and would do anything to protect them. She is quiet at first, but then she warms up and gets crazy!
    Biography: She grew up on Coccon, and always idoled Lighting, which inspired her to become a Sanctum when she got older, but she loved to see Lightning. Of course the Sanctum days were short when she got into them... because she would have to fight Lightning, so she choose not to and left. Then the fall of Coccon, and she was sent to Grand Pulse, where she lives now like the rest of Coccon.
    Weapon: two twin swords, all black
    Location of Brand: {For later on}
    Magic Type: Fire
    Eidolon: {Leave blank if you don't have an idea yet}
    Other: She is a Pyromaniac! Literally... her body is flame resistent (sp), as is her clothes. A bit of a burt... oh! and she is... part cyborg... yah... XD
    Post by: TerraxLover89, Nov 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. TerraxLover89
    Hahaha! im haveing fun! who wants to start a war? well we'll have two sides... team edward and team jacob! NOW CHOOSE! YOU WANNA BE A POKEMON MASTER DONT YOU!?

    Team Edward:

    Team Jacob:

    I'll post updates!
    Thread by: TerraxLover89, Nov 26, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  10. TerraxLover89
    Kairi_ SOra! *glomps*
    Post by: TerraxLover89, Nov 26, 2010 in forum: Social Groups