yay! a dare... ok would you liked to get raped by another girl?
that helps a lot! what is it with yaoi and yuri??? T^T again... i suck....
yah right your just saying that... *looks out the window...sees a moggle* OMG a MOOGLE!
so wait... does this mean you kinda agree with me?
Oh brother! V___V
I see ice cream... it has legs... its running down the street... now im hungry... is there something wrong with me?
Congrats! now you wont feel bored anymore! XD
oh no its fine... really. its kinda the same thing... just with girls??? these arguments are feeling one sided... >.>
maybe... i just dont see the point... you cant have kids.... and its kinda weird...
Hope my ****
Speak ENGLISH! :yelling:
yep sure is Captain Justice Dark. ;)
Hi Nathan! XD
thats fine, i understand! XD
trust me... u dont want to know.... XD and really i could careless... i was jw.
HAHAHH! Candy party! * throws candy in the air* so your fav color is gray? and you havent played Chain of memories, or Days yet!? are you nuts??? and isnt 12 awesome???
Sorry... did i make you mad? T^T
OMG! i HATE yaoi! if there are any other ppl out there in this world that also hate yaoi and you would like to be part of this random rant thread... please be my guest and rant to your heart gives way or you turn blue in the face! I know i have had my shares of rants on this stupid subject... now i know there are going to be ppl on this that like yaoi and they will defend it, and please go ahead... i like a good challenge... now im not doing this to get back at ppl or make someone fell bad... crappy... etc. I just want to see if im the not :why?::ranting::fight::nerve::sideways::bangbang::nonono:only one out there that hates his subject... and that goes for yuri too! cant you ppl just be straight?!
Ouch! thats great, im glad no one attacked you, but my goodness... its nothing over the top serious... is it? your heart problem??? i mean i know heart problems are serious, duh! but i mean is it so bad that this happens all the time? or just on a rare occasion? cause that would SUCK! major SUCK! (sorry im going to stop using that word! XP)
Oh that would make sense! DUH! *hits self on the head* they have some awesome guns.... <3