TIME TO HAVE A VOTE! Frosty Fred: Chilly Chad: *copy and paste your ballot!
oh! that ones good too!
Ok, with this statement, Xion doesn't go to Roxas! she goes straight to sora! and its not her body that goes to sora, because she a puppet made my vexen, due to Saix's request, its her memories of sora that are sent back to him, on request of Namine, which is how they got there in the first place. So to wrap that up, Xion went to Sora, but only the memories. Her body was basically destroyed. Roxas has nothing to do with it.
LAWL! i like that idea! Frosty Fred!
Kairi- Axel what wrong with terra?
Fred! 8D or Fluffy! or even.... Frosty! :stupid:
SNOW! ... I hate snow...V___V:cryinganime::/8D::sweatdrop:
>> was that suppose to be to me?
Hey there Dani >dont mind if i call ya that do ya?< Welcome... back! XD
im good! so whats new?
hahaha! i love when that happends! XD thats too funny!
Kairi- Bye Ven! HEy terra! Hey AXel! wanna cookie?
oh, are you sick? what wrong?
you want a cookie??? well here ya go boy! *throws cookie at finalform32* now lets play nice! ;3 >3
wow... didnt know there were ppl that felt the same way i do...:)
your welcome! SO whats new?
oh now way is that?
the cat face? :3 its a kitty...
awww! i see! well its good to have you back ventus!
take a short break ven?