hey im xeonort ergus- aqua STOP HIM arghahghahhagh
master erugs- old man ! i kill you now american ( uses the force to choke him uncouncies (hey i cant find the wiki?)
xemnas- SORA PLEase hel-p ME ( has a broken leg form aqua VANITAS- WELL AQUA YOU NEVER DID SAY YES OR NO TO being my girlfreind and ven i already gave that stuff out to eveyone a while back and we never doing it again master erugus- (uses jedi mind trick to make her say yes
yeah sure vanitas- woah dident think terra was a drama queen vanitas s laughs peter- was that stewi all well xemnas ssaid he like aqua ra-- (gets cloberd by xemnas) xemnas - ugh terra said it
xemnas- w t fudge , oh fudge go and eats it, and aqua WTF im your freind teconily with no heart
YEAH go right ahead
xemnas- i am not and ill have peter griffin here to prove it peter- x-e-m-n-a-s i-s n-o-t s-t-a-i-r-i-n-g a-t a-q-u-a r-a-c-k
xemnas- ur way to concede and not as much as me and im you.
vanitas- TO CoOl oh its NOW BEOTCH ( jumps and tackels him and punchs him repeatly
really havent thorught of one yet, but im thinking all the lines of a eveil knight
vanitas- no i said that ven freind was and yes you are losers vanitas- a a a i would be carfeul if i were you the negitivy your giving off gives me power so then lets dance
nothing im making my own origenal charter
xeonort- so who exactullay is this guy vanitas- hmh just another one of ven loser freinds
xeonort-one dayfor what jessie mcharphy
vanitas -while you were out hunting my my oh my precus chuldren how could you kill trinity armer and the symethy master!
vanitas- well lets see i killed pricees auroa, snow white and the rest of the pricess of hearts but sora had to bring them back and i almost killed aqua
vanitas- all right axel maybe next you cn acually kill some one like i have luxord- i belive im the best organixation member i mean come on i can freeze time
vanitas- well i gave up for a while to get aqua but now roxas is her boyfreind but ill just kill him in his sleep and then get her rmber you even tried getting her before
vanitas- well if it isent ven time to merge (mergeS) general sheperd yay the ugly kid is back mike vick- does he have a dog