vanitas- dyde stabs terra nocking him out
gtg see ya......
vanitas xeonort in what left of the keyblade graveyard
vanitas clone- damaged and then explodes into darkness vanitas- not bad (slashs repeadly at them both and then telports to end of the worlds xeonort- you two better leave this worlds abut to be consumed of darkness (teloports to end of the world
vanitas- bocks all ) you cant defeat me im invinsible now ( darkness poors out of the ground and a dark clone of vanitas appears) attack them vanitas clone- attacks terra
vanitas- you think that will help shots dark beam at them both makeing then blind from darkness and then rushs them repeadtly
by xeonort- vanitas of you please vanitas- with pleasure (steps on the ground and makes the other heatless attack again while he sumens a black version of the x blade ) now you will know true pain runs and swings at terra and aqua leaving only one hp left
xeonort ( now were the no heart armer steps on the ground and a gight eco sounds and all the heartless frezze) terraaqua and lover boy surrender now and i shall let you live
vanitas- to late (shoots a dark beam that blides eveyone for a sec and then the whole world is pooring with darkness and darksides appear by the thosands
a loud bang come from behide the door of kingdom hearts and xeonort comes out with his old armer on and vanitas with pure black armer with a complte x blade
vanitas- what eves xeonort van i thnk today is a good day to take kh again van-k xeonort- pulls out keyblad eand frezzes ven terra aqua frozen soild and then goes into kingdom hearts with van
vanitas- i think he said vanitas i want to make the x blade with you. yay lets go with that
vanitas- what??
vanitas- u cant prove i did any thing and hey terra you can add to your list al of the stuff i said to you
vanitas- wanna se my degrees (pulls out a masters docturne and all other types of degrees) what did you think i was doing when i wasent filming for bbs
vanitas- woah dude i have to say you have be heart - i majiored in phcyeoligy want to talk about it
Nice man this will surely get us some new people
ergus- no sense im a high tanking master i can take them away when you dont be a good master and no she acant summen it back
ergus- i thought i taught you better sese your not lisening i am reclaiming ur keyblade (takes her keyblade) and until you litsen again you wont have it
xigbar- you no what im going to join those lil dudes over there (while smoking pot) whao when i grow up im goin gt to be a diseny princess ergus- yes but IM MISSING AN ARM AND IM losing to much blood