Sure and can I be van in Urs too
hey terra would it be all right for some one else to play as riku
vanitas- so whats going on
van- (poienses ven drink)
vanitas- (in a food tester outfit) yay im here to test food and my compaiuanoh rockass is my cousain
vantias- ihey axel i need you to pose as a cheif and distrat ven while slip this forgetness tmedice in his drink and roxas you will distrake aqua
vanitas- that huirt and okey first we need a demolitons expert no a guy
vanitas- well you canstill ehlp me and plus you can rid yourself tof your look alike
vanitas- hey roxas why dont we sabotage their date sense we both like her
xeonort- prove it
xenort- no you imbesole i wanted it to reshape the world in myu likeing by that i want to balnce light and dark . but if you want to stop me than i have no choice but to deafeat you
vanitas- all right im back and as i said before (warps eveyone to the beging of end of ther world) you must retake what you have lost xeonort- no kingdom hearts shall be mine (sends beams of dark energy into kingdom hearts causing it to shoot darkness eveywere)
dude that is so cool thanks
van- wel im acualy part of kingdom hearts right now and now you will watch as i send your freinds to obliven
vanitas- sits there and just watchs) really no wone cares that we have kingdom hearts again and that xeonort going to take terra body again oh well i do my self merges with ven
vanitas- right here (snaps fingers and darkness pours all over TT darksides and noe shadows appear by the dozen) you were saying xeonort- (gaining more power) in end of the world GTG b on tommorow
vanitas !@%& you your a rock and dont care about anyone (jumps off the alter of naught
vanitas- i dont know but you will when i do it to winni the poohs world hahah
vanitas- well you will cae once TT town vainshs
vanitas- did you goget that all the world s just sucrumbed to dakness!