vanitas- so aqua roxas terra what have i missed doring my absence
so who ready for another 22 pg long battle vanitas- u i am i am (pulls out keyblade and shoots beams at eveyone
anyone on now
anone on............................................
xigbar- (walks up to roxas) wacha doing their kiddo
vanitas- well see about that in my new movie kh3 normura- you mean mine vanitas- (hides behide ven) ven make the mean man go away
vanitas- hey guys!! and terra i decided to talk to nomura and where going to start filming for kh3 (making a new section for the filming of kh3)
sheper- dont cry roxas its only a flesh wound (pulls bullet out of his chest)
vanitas- so are you a villean or something
vanitas- well now that roxas is down only aqua ven and terra left, hmth this is to easy
sheperd- does anyone not care that i just shot roxas let alnoe him not careing he has a bullet in his chest
vanitas- no that not it general sheperd please give your mw2 speatch sheperd- gladly (cough lights please) five years agao i lost five thousand men in a blick of the eye and the world just f,ing watched (grabs ven nockes him down and shuves a thrwoing nife in his chet) today their will be no casitlies of men no traiters, (loads his gun) i no you understand) attepts to shoot roxas only to be hit by a throwing nife in the eye by soap soap- pay pack b!tc
vanitas- all right if you wont tell me then i shall kill you (beats the $hit out of ven) how you like them apples mr light side of are heart
vanita- i have no clue whats going on
sorry i wsnet on all week but ill be on this week vanitas- what about me
vanitas- wait roxas cried (takes picture of him)now i use this as black mail
nothing really just got a girl
van- so whats happing van s- that death note wont stop me (Attacks zexion fullon)
Vanitas-ya my iPod corrects everything,I no maybe me you and ven can go there a steal as many iPods from apple as possible
Van so what's happing inbesuls